Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
again ^ 1Co_03_20 And <2532> {again} <3825>, The Lord <2962> knoweth <1097> (5719) the thoughts <1261> of the wise <4680>, that <3754> they are <1526> (5748) vain <3152>.

again ^ 1Co_07_05 Defraud ye <0650> (5720) not <3361> one the other <0240>, except <1509> <0302> it be <5100> with <1537> consent <4859> for <4314> a time <2540>, that <2443> ye may give yourselves <4980> (5725) to fasting <3521> and <2532> prayer <4335>; and <2532> come <4905> (5741) together <1909> <0846> {again} <3825>, that <3363> <0> Satan <4567> tempt <3985> (5725) you <5209> not <3363> for <1223> your <5216> incontinency <0192>.

again ^ 1Co_12_21 And <1161> the eye <3788> cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) say <2036> (5629) unto the hand <5495>, I have <2192> (5719) no <3756> need <5532> of thee <4675>: nor <2228> {again} <3825> the head <2776> to the feet <4228>, I have <2192> (5719) no <3756> need <5532> of you <5216>.

again ^ 1Co_15_04 And <2532> that <3754> he was buried <2290> (5648), and <2532> that <3754> he rose {again} <1453> (5769) the third <5154> day <2250> according <2596> to the scriptures <1124>:

Again ^ 1Jo_02_08 {Again} <3825>, a new <2537> commandment <1785> I write <1125> (5719) unto you <5213>, which thing <3739> is <2076> (5748) true <0227> in <1722> him <0846> and <2532> in <1722> you <5213>: because <3754> the darkness <4653> is past <3855> (5731), and <2532> the true <0228> light <5457> now <2235> shineth <5316> (5719).

again ^ 1Pe_01_03 Blessed <2128> be the God <2316> and <2532> Father <3962> of our <2257> Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, which <3588> according to <2596> his <0846> abundant <4183> mercy <1656> hath begotten <0313> <0> us <2248> {again} <0313> (5660) unto <1519> a lively <2198> (5723) hope <1680> by <1223> the resurrection <0386> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> from <1537> the dead <3498>,

again ^ 1Pe_01_23 Being born {again} <0313> (5746), not <3756> of <1537> corruptible <5349> seed <4701>, but <0235> of incorruptible <0862>, by <1223> the word <3056> of God <2316>, which liveth <2198> (5723) and <2532> abideth <3306> (5723) for <1519> ever <0165>.

again ^ 1Pe_02_23 Who <3739>, when he was reviled <3058> (5746), reviled <0486> <0> not <3756> {again} <0486> (5707); when he suffered <3958> (5723), he threatened <0546> (5707) not <3756>; but <1161> committed <3860> (5707) himself to him that judgeth <2919> (5723) righteously <1346>:

again ^ 1Th_04_14 For <1063> if <1487> we believe <4100> (5719) that <3754> Jesus <2424> died <0599> (5627) and <2532> rose {again} <0450> (5627), even so <3779> them also <2532> which sleep <2837> (5685) in <1223> Jesus <2424> will <0071> <0> God <2316> bring <0071> (5692) with <4862> him <0846>.

again ^ 1Th_03_09 For <1063> what <5101> thanks <2169> can we <1410> (5736) render <0467> <0> to God <2316> {again} <0467> (5629) for <4012> you <5216>, for <1909> all <3956> the joy <5479> wherewith <3739> we joy <5463> (5719) for <1223> your sakes <5209> before <1715> our <2257> God <2316>;

again ^ 1Th_02_18 Wherefore <1352> we would <2309> (5656) have come <2064> (5629) unto <4314> you <5209>, even <3303> I <1473> Paul <3972>, once <2532> <0530> and <2532> {again} <1364>; but <2532> Satan <4567> hindered <1465> (5656) us <2248>.

Again ^ 2Co_12_19 {Again} <3825>, think ye <1380> (5719) that <3754> we excuse ourselves <0626> (5736) unto you <5213>? we speak <2980> (5719) before <2714> God <2316> in <1722> Christ <5547>: but <1161> we do all things <3956>, dearly beloved <0027>, for <5228> your <5216> edifying <3619>.

again ^ 2Co_11_16 I say <3004> (5719) {again} <3825>, Let <1380> <0> no <3361> man <5100> think <1380> (5661) me <1511> (5750) <3165> a fool <0878>; if otherwise <1490>, yet <2579> as <5613> a fool <0878> receive <1209> (5663) me <3165>, that <2443> I <2504> may boast myself <2744> (5667) a <5100> little <3397>.

again ^ 2Co_12_21 And lest <3361>, when I come <2064> (5631) {again} <3825>, my <3450> God <2316> will humble <5013> (5661) me <3165> among <4314> you <5209>, and <2532> that I shall bewail <3996> (5692) many <4183> which <3588> have sinned already <4258> (5761), and <2532> have <3340> <0> not <3361> repented <3340> (5660) of <1909> the uncleanness <0167> and <2532> fornication <4202> and <2532> lasciviousness <0766> which <3739> they have committed <4238> (5656).

again ^ 2Co_10_07 Do ye look on <0991> (5719) things after <2596> the outward appearance <4383>? If any man <1536> trust <3982> (5754) to himself <1438> that he is <1511> (5750) Christ's <5547>, let him <3049> <0> of <0575> himself <1438> think <3049> (5737) this <5124> {again} <3825>, that <3754>, as <2531> he <0846> is Christ's <5547>, even <2532> so <3779> are we <2249> Christ's <5547>.

again ^ 2Co_05_12 For <1063> we commend <4921> (5719) not <3756> ourselves <1438> {again} <3825> unto you <5213>, but <0235> give <1325> (5723) you <5213> occasion <0874> to glory <2745> on <5228> <0> our <2257> behalf <5228>, that <2443> ye may have <2192> (5725) somewhat to <4314> answer them which glory <2744> (5740) in <1722> appearance <4383>, and <2532> not <3756> in heart <2588>.

again ^ 2Co_05_15 And <2532> that he died <0599> (5627) for <5228> all <3956>, that <2443> they which live <2198> (5723) should <2198> <0> not henceforth <3371> live <2198> (5725) unto themselves <1438>, but <0235> unto him which died <0599> (5631) for <5228> them <0846>, and <2532> rose {again} <1453> (5685).

again ^ 2Co_03_01 Do we begin <0756> (5731) {again} <3825> to commend <4921> (5721) ourselves <1438>? or <1508> need we <5535> (5719), as <5613> some <5100> others, epistles <1992> of commendation <4956> to <4314> you <5209>, or <2228> letters of commendation <4956> from <1537> you <5216>?

again ^ 2Co_13_02 I told you before <4280> (5758), and <2532> foretell you <4302> (5719), as if <5613> I were present <3918> (5752), the second <1208> time; and <2532> being absent <0548> (5752) now <3568> I write <1125> (5719) to them which heretofore have sinned <4258> (5761), and <2532> to all <3956> other <3062>, that <3754>, if <1437> I come <2064> (5632) {again} <1519> <3825>, I will <5339> <0> not <3756> spare <5339> (5695):

again ^ 2Co_01_16 And <2532> to pass <1330> (5629) by <1223> you <5216> into <1519> Macedonia <3109>, and <2532> to come <2064> (5629) {again} <3825> out of <0575> Macedonia <3109> unto <4314> you <5209>, and <2532> of <5259> you <5216> to be brought on my way <4311> (5683) toward <1519> Judaea <2449>.

again ^ 2Co_02_01 But <1161> I determined <2919> (5656) this <5124> with myself <1683>, that I would <2064> <0> not <3361> come <2064> (5629) {again} <3825> to <4314> you <5209> in <1722> heaviness <3077>.

again ^ 2Pe_02_20 For <1063> if <1487> after they have escaped <0668> (5631) the pollutions <3393> of the world <2889> through <1722> the knowledge <1922> of the Lord <2962> and <2532> Saviour <4990> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, they are <1707> <0> {again} <3825> entangled <1707> (5651) therein <5125>, and <1161> overcome <1096> (5754) <2274> (5736), the latter end <2078> is worse <5501> with them <0846> than the beginning <4413>.

again ^ 2Pe_02_22 But <1161> it is happened <4819> (5758) unto them <0846> according to <3588> the true <0227> proverb <3942>, The dog <2965> is turned <1994> <0> to <1909> his own <2398> vomit <1829> {again} <1994> (5660); and <2532> the sow <5300> that was washed <3068> (5671) to <1519> her wallowing <2946> in the mire <1004>.

again ^ Act_13_37 But <1161> he, whom <3739> God <2316> raised {again} <1453> (5656), saw <1492> (5627) no <3756> corruption <1312>.

again ^ Act_15_36 And <1161> some <5100> days <2250> after <3326> Paul <3972> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> Barnabas <0921>, <1211> Let us go {again} <1994> (5660) and visit <1980> (5667) our <2257> brethren <0080> in <2596> every <3956> city <4172> where <1722> <3739> we have preached <2605> (5656) the word <3056> of the Lord <2962>, and see how <4459> they do <2192> (5719).

again ^ Act_10_16 <1161> This <5124> was done <1096> (5633) thrice <1909> <5151>: and <2532> the vessel <4632> was received up <0353> (5681) {again} <3825> into <1519> heaven <3772>.

again ^ Act_11_09 But <1161> the voice <5456> answered <0611> (5662) me <3427> {again} <1537> <1208> from <1537> heaven <3772>, What <3739> God <2316> hath cleansed <2511> (5656), that call <2840> <0> not <3361> thou <4771> common <2840> (5720).

again ^ Act_11_10 And <1161> this <5124> was done <1096> (5633) <1909> three times <5151>: and <2532> all <0537> were drawn up <0385> (5681) {again} <3825> into <1519> heaven <3772>.

again ^ Act_13_33 God <2316> hath fulfilled <1603> (5758) the same <5026> unto us <2254> their <0846> children <5043>, in that he hath raised up <0450> <0> Jesus <2424> {again} <0450> (5660); as <5613> it is <1125> <0> also <2532> written <1125> (5769) in <1722> the second <1208> psalm <5568>, Thou <4771> art <1488> (5748) my <3450> Son <5207>, this day <4594> have I <1473> begotten <1080> (5758) thee <4571>.

again ^ Act_10_15 And <2532> the voice <5456> spake unto <4314> him <0846> {again} <3825> <1537> the second time <1208>, What <3739> God <2316> hath cleansed <2511> (5656), that call <2840> <0> not <3361> thou <4771> common <2840> (5720).

again ^ Act_07_39 To whom <3739> our <2257> fathers <3962> would <2309> (5656) not <3756> obey <1096> (5635) <5255>, but <0235> thrust him from them <0683> (5662), and <2532> in their <0846> hearts <2588> turned back {again} <4762> (5648) into <1519> Egypt <0125>,

again ^ Act_14_21 And <5037> when they had preached the gospel <2097> (5671) to that <1565> city <4172>, and <2532> had taught <3100> (5660) many <2425>, they returned {again} <5290> (5656) to <1519> Lystra <3082>, and <2532> to Iconium <2430>, and <2532> Antioch <0490>,

again ^ Act_15_16 After <3326> this <5023> I will return <0390> (5692), and <2532> will build again <0456> (5692) the tabernacle <4633> of David <1138>, which <3588> is fallen down <4098> (5761); and <2532> I will build {again} <0456> (5692) the ruins <2679> (5772) thereof <0846>, and <2532> I will set <0461> <0> it <0846> up <0461> (5692):

again ^ Act_15_16 After <3326> this <5023> I will return <0390> (5692), and <2532> will build {again} <0456> (5692) the tabernacle <4633> of David <1138>, which <3588> is fallen down <4098> (5761); and <2532> I will build again <0456> (5692) the ruins <2679> (5772) thereof <0846>, and <2532> I will set <0461> <0> it <0846> up <0461> (5692):

again ^ Act_07_26 And <5037> the next <1966> (5752) day <2250> he shewed himself <3700> (5681) unto them <0846> as they strove <3164> (5736), and <2532> would have set <4900> (5656) them <0846> at <1519> one {again} <1515>, saying <2036> (5631), Sirs <0435>, ye <5210> are <2075> (5748) brethren <0080>; why <2444> do ye wrong <0091> (5719) one to another <0240>?

again ^ Act_01_06 When <3303> they therefore <3767> were come together <4905> (5631), they asked <1905> (5707) of him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), Lord <2962>, <1487> wilt thou <0600> <0> at <1722> this <5129> time <5550> restore {again} <0600> (5719) the kingdom <0932> to Israel <2474>?

again ^ Act_17_03 Opening <1272> (5723) and <2532> alleging <3908> (5734), that <3754> Christ <5547> must needs <1163> (5713) have suffered <3958> (5629), and <2532> risen {again} <0450> (5629) from <1537> the dead <3498>; and <2532> that <3754> this <3778> Jesus <2424>, whom <3739> I <1473> preach <2605> (5719) unto you <5213>, is <2076> (5748) Christ <5547>.

again ^ Act_17_32 And <1161> when they heard <0191> (5660) of the resurrection <0386> of the dead <3498>, some <3303> mocked <5512> (5707): and <1161> others said <2036> (5627), We will hear <0191> (5695) thee <4675> {again} <3825> of <4012> this <5127> matter.

again ^ Act_18_21 But <0235> bade <0657> <0> them <0846> farewell <0657> (5662), saying <2036> (5631), I <3165> must <1163> (5748) by all means <3843> keep <4160> (5658) this feast <1859> that cometh <2064> (5740) in <1519> Jerusalem <2414>: but <1161> I will return <0344> (5692) {again} <3825> unto <4314> you <5209>, if God <2316> will <2309> (5723). And <2532> he sailed <0321> (5681) from <0575> Ephesus <2181>.

again ^ Act_20_11 When <1161> he <0305> <0> therefore was come up {again} <0305> (5631), and <2532> had broken <2806> (5660) bread <0740>, and <2532> eaten <1089> (5666), and <5037> talked <3656> (5660) <1909> a long while <2425>, even till <0891> break of day <0827>, so <3779> he departed <1831> (5627).

again ^ Act_27_28 And <2532> sounded <1001> (5660), and found <2147> (5627) it twenty <1501> fathoms <3712>: and <1161> when they had gone <1339> (5660) a little further <1024>, they sounded <1001> (5660) {again} <3825>, and <2532> found <2147> (5627) it fifteen <1178> fathoms <3712>.

again ^ Act_21_06 And <2532> when we had taken our leave <0782> (5666) one of another <0240>, we took <1910> (5627) <1519> ship <4143>; and <1161> they <1565> returned <5290> <0> <1519> home <2398> {again} <5290> (5656).

again ^ Act_22_17 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that, when I <3427> was come {again} <5290> (5660) to <1519> Jerusalem <2419>, even <2532> while I <3450> prayed <4336> (5740) in <1722> the temple <2411>, I <3165> was <1096> (5635) in <1722> a trance <1611>;

again ^ Gal_01_09 As <5613> we said before <4280> (5758), so <2532> say I <3004> (5719) now <0737> {again} <3825>, If any <1536> man preach <2097> <0> any other <3844> <0> gospel <2097> (5731) unto you <5209> than <3844> that <3739> ye have received <3880> (5627), let him be <2077> (5749) accursed <0331>.

again ^ Gal_01_17 Neither <3761> went I up <0424> (5627) to <1519> Jerusalem <2414> to <4314> them which were apostles <0652> before <4253> me <1700>; but <0235> I went <0565> (5627) into <1519> Arabia <0688>, and <2532> returned <5290> (5656) {again} <3825> unto <1519> Damascus <1154>.

again ^ Gal_02_01 Then <1899> fourteen <1180> years <2094> after <1223> I went up <0305> (5627) {again} <3825> to <1519> Jerusalem <2414> with <3326> Barnabas <0921>, and took <4838> <0> Titus <5103> with me <4838> (5631) also <2532>.

again ^ Gal_02_18 For <1063> if <1487> I build <3618> (5719) {again} <3825> the things <5023> which <3739> I destroyed <2647> (5656), I make <4921> (5719) myself <1683> a transgressor <3848>.

again ^ Gal_04_09 But <1161> now <3568>, after that ye have known <1097> (5631) God <2316>, or <1161> rather <3123> are known <1097> (5685) of <5259> God <2316>, how <4459> turn ye <1994> (5719) again <3825> to <1909> the weak <0772> and <2532> beggarly <4434> elements <4747>, whereunto <3739> ye desire <2309> (5719) {again} <3825> <0509> to be in bondage <1398> (5721)?

again ^ Gal_04_19 My <3450> little children <5040>, of whom <3739> I travail in birth <5605> (5719) {again} <3825> until <0891> <3739> Christ <5547> be formed <3445> (5686) in <1722> you <5213>,

again ^ Gal_04_09 But <1161> now <3568>, after that ye have known <1097> (5631) God <2316>, or <1161> rather <3123> are known <1097> (5685) of <5259> God <2316>, how <4459> turn ye <1994> (5719) {again} <3825> to <1909> the weak <0772> and <2532> beggarly <4434> elements <4747>, whereunto <3739> ye desire <2309> (5719) again <3825> <0509> to be in bondage <1398> (5721)?

again ^ Gal_05_01 Stand fast <4739> (5720) therefore <3767> in the liberty <1657> wherewith <3739> Christ <5547> hath made <1659> <0> us <2248> free <1659> (5656), and <2532> be <1758> <0> not <3361> entangled <1758> (5744) {again} <3825> with the yoke <2218> of bondage <1397>.

again ^ Gal_05_03 For <1161> I testify <3143> (5736) {again} <3825> to every <3956> man <0444> that is circumcised <4059> (5746), that <3754> he is <2076> (5748) a debtor <3781> to do <4160> (5658) the whole <3650> law <3551>.

Again ^ Heb_04_07 {Again} <3825>, he limiteth <3724> (5719) a certain <5100> day <2250>, saying <3004> (5723) in <1722> David <1138>, To day <4594>, after <3326> so long <5118> a time <5550>; as <2531> it is said <2046> (5769), To day <4594> if <1437> ye will hear <0191> (5661) his <0846> voice <5456>, harden <4645> (5725) not <3361> your <5216> hearts <2588>.

again ^ Heb_06_06 If <2532> they shall fall away <3895> (5631), to renew them <0340> (5721) {again} <3825> unto <1519> repentance <3341>; seeing they crucify <0388> <0> to themselves <1438> the Son <5207> of God <2316> afresh <0388> (5723), and <2532> put him to an open shame <3856> (5723).

again ^ Heb_02_13 And <2532> {again} <3825>, I <1473> will <2071> (5704) put my trust <3982> (5756) in <1909> him <0846>. And <2532> again <3825>, Behold <2400> (5628) I <1473> and <2532> the children <3813> which <3739> God <2316> hath given <1325> (5656) me <3427>.

again ^ Heb_04_05 And <2532> in <1722> this <5129> place {again} <3825>, If <1487> they shall enter <1525> (5695) into <1519> my <3450> rest <2663>.

again ^ Heb_05_12 For <2532> <1063> when for <1223> the time <5550> ye ought <3784> (5723) to be <1511> (5750) teachers <1320>, ye have <2192> (5719) need <5532> that one teach <1321> (5721) you <5209> {again} <3825> which <5101> be the first <0746> principles <4747> of the oracles <3051> of God <2316>; and <2532> are become such as <1096> (5754) have <2192> (5723) need <5532> of milk <1051>, and <2532> not <3756> of strong <4731> meat <5160>.

again ^ Heb_06_01 Therefore <1352> leaving <0863> (5631) the principles <0746> of the doctrine <3056> of Christ <5547>, let us go on <5342> (5747) unto <1909> perfection <5047>; not <3361> laying <2598> (5734) {again} <3825> the foundation <2310> of repentance <3341> from <0575> dead <3498> works <2041>, and <2532> of faith <4102> toward <1909> God <2316>,

again ^ Heb_10_03 But <0235> in <1722> those <0846> sacrifices there is a remembrance {again} <0364> made of sins <0266> every <2596> year <1763>.

again ^ Heb_10_30 For <1063> we know <1492> (5758) him that hath said <2036> (5631), Vengeance <1557> belongeth unto me <1698>, I <1473> will recompense <0467> (5692), saith <3004> (5719) the Lord <2962>. And <2532> {again} <3825>, The Lord <2962> shall judge <2919> (5692) (5719) his <0846> people <2992>.

again ^ Heb_11_35 Women <1135> received <2983> (5627) their <0846> dead <3498> raised to life {again} <1537> <0386>: and <1161> others <0243> were tortured <5178> (5681), not <3756> accepting <4327> (5666) deliverance <0629>; that <2443> they might obtain <5177> (5632) a better <2909> resurrection <0386>:

again ^ Heb_01_05 For <1063> unto which <5101> of the angels <0032> said he <2036> (5627) at any time <4218>, Thou <4771> art <1488> (5748) my <3450> Son <5207>, this day <4594> have <1080> <0> I <1473> begotten <1080> (5758) thee <4571>? And <2532> {again} <3825>, I <1473> will be <2071> (5704) to <1519> him <0846> a Father <3962>, and <2532> he <0846> shall be <2071> (5704) to <1519> me <3427> a Son <5207>?

again ^ Heb_02_13 And <2532> again <3825>, I <1473> will <2071> (5704) put my trust <3982> (5756) in <1909> him <0846>. And <2532> {again} <3825>, Behold <2400> (5628) I <1473> and <2532> the children <3813> which <3739> God <2316> hath given <1325> (5656) me <3427>.

again ^ Heb_13_20 Now <1161> the God <2316> of peace <1515>, that brought {again} <0321> (5631) from <1537> the dead <3498> our <2257> Lord <2962> Jesus <2424>, that great <3173> shepherd <4166> of the sheep <4263>, through <1722> the blood <0129> of the everlasting <0166> covenant <1242>,

again ^ Heb_01_06 And <1161> {again} <3825>, when <3752> he bringeth in <1521> (5632) the firstbegotten <4416> into <1519> the world <3625>, he saith <3004> (5719), And <2532> let <4352> <0> all <3956> the angels <0032> of God <2316> worship <4352> (5657) him <0846>.

again ^ Jam_05_18 And <2532> he prayed <4336> (5662) {again} <3825>, and <2532> the heaven <3772> gave <1325> (5656) rain <5205>, and <2532> the earth <1093> brought forth <0985> (5656) her <0846> fruit <2590>.

Again ^ Joh_01_35 {Again} <3825> the next day after <1887> John <2491> stood <2476> (5715), and <2532> two <1417> of <1537> his <0846> disciples <3101>;

again ^ Joh_04_03 He left <0863> (5656) Judaea <2449>, and <2532> departed <0565> (5627) {again} <3825> into <1519> Galilee <1056>.

again ^ Joh_04_13 Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5662) and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto her <0846>, Whosoever <3956> drinketh <4095> (5723) of <1537> this <5127> water <5204> shall thirst <1372> (5692) {again} <3825>:

again ^ Joh_09_15 Then <3767> {again} <3825> the Pharisees <5330> also <2532> asked <2065> (5707) him <0846> how <4459> he had received his sight <0308> (5656). <1161> He said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, He put <2007> (5656) clay <4081> upon <1909> mine <3450> eyes <3788>, and <2532> I washed <3538> (5668), and <2532> do see <0991> (5719).

again ^ Joh_09_26 Then <1161> said they <2036> (5627) to him <0846> {again} <3825>, What <5101> did he <4160> (5656) to thee <4671>? how <4459> opened he <0455> (5656) thine <4675> eyes <3788>?

again ^ Joh_04_46 So <3767> Jesus <2424> came <2064> (5627) {again} <3825> into <1519> Cana <2580> of Galilee <1056>, where <3699> he made <4160> (5656) the water <5204> wine <3631>. And <2532> there was <2258> (5713) a certain <5100> nobleman <0937>, whose <3739> son <5207> was sick <0770> (5707) at <1722> Capernaum <2584>.

again ^ Joh_04_54 This <5124> is {again} <3825> the second <1208> miracle <4592> that Jesus <2424> did <4160> (5656), when he was come out <2064> (5631) of <1537> Judaea <2449> into <1519> Galilee <1056>.

again ^ Joh_08_21 Then <3767> said <2036> (5627) Jesus <2424> {again} <3825> unto them <0846>, I <1473> go my way <5217> (5719), and <2532> ye shall seek <2212> (5692) me <3165>, and <2532> shall die <0599> (5695) in <1722> your <5216> sins <0266>: whither <3699> I <1473> go <5217> (5719), ye <5210> cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) come <2064> (5629).

again ^ Joh_09_17 They say <3004> (5719) unto the blind man <5185> {again} <3825>, What <5101> sayest <3004> (5719) thou <4771> of <4012> him <0846>, that <3754> he hath opened <0455> (5656) thine <4675> eyes <3788>? He said <2036> (5627), <3754> <1161> He is <2076> (5748) a prophet <4396>.

again ^ Joh_10_07 Then <3767> said <2036> (5627) Jesus <2424> unto them <0846> {again} <3825>, Verily <0281>, verily <0281>, I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, <3754> I <1473> am <1510> (5748) the door <2374> of the sheep <4263>.

again ^ Joh_03_03 Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5662) and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Verily <0281>, verily <0281>, I say <3004> (5719) unto thee <4671>, Except <3362> a man <5100> be born <1080> (5686) {again} <0509>, he cannot <1410> (5736) <3756> see <1492> (5629) the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>.

again ^ Joh_03_07 Marvel <2296> (5661) not <3361> that <3754> I said <2036> (5627) unto thee <4671>, Ye <5209> must <1163> (5748) be born <1080> (5683) {again} <0509>.

again ^ Joh_08_12 Then <3767> spake <2980> (5656) Jesus <2424> {again} <3825> unto them <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), I <1473> am <1510> (5748) the light <5457> of the world <2889>: he that followeth <0190> (5723) me <1698> shall <4043> <0> not <3364> walk <4043> (5692) in <1722> darkness <4653>, but <0235> shall have <2192> (5692) the light <5457> of life <2222>.

again ^ Joh_10_17 Therefore <5124> <1223> doth <0025> <0> my Father <3962> love <0025> (5719) me <3165>, because <3754> I <1473> lay down <5087> (5719) my <3450> life <5590>, that <2443> I might take <2983> (5632) it <0846> {again} <3825>.

again ^ Joh_10_19 There was <1096> (5633) a division <4978> therefore <3767> {again} <3825> among <1722> the Jews <2453> for <1223> these <5128> sayings <3056>.

again ^ Joh_10_31 Then <3767> the Jews <2453> took up <0941> (5656) stones <3037> {again} <3825> to <2443> stone <3034> (5661) him <0846>.

again ^ Joh_10_39 Therefore <3767> they sought <2212> (5707) {again} <3825> to take <4084> (5658) him <0846>: but <2532> he escaped <1831> (5627) out of <1537> their <0846> hand <5495>,

again ^ Joh_10_40 And <2532> went away <0565> (5627) {again} <3825> beyond <4008> Jordan <2446> into <1519> the place <5117> where <3699> John <2491> at first <4412> baptized <0907> (5723) <2258> (5713); and <2532> there <1563> he abode <3306> (5656).

again ^ Joh_06_15 When Jesus <2424> therefore <3767> perceived <1097> (5631) that <3754> they would <3195> (5719) come <2064> (5738) and <2532> take <0726> <0> him <0846> by force <0726> (5721), to <2443> make <4160> (5661) him <0846> a king <0935>, he departed <0402> (5656) {again} <3825> into <1519> a mountain <3735> himself <0846> alone <3441>.

again ^ Joh_09_24 Then <3767> {again} <1208> <1537> called they <5455> (5656) the man <0444> that <3739> was <2258> (5713) blind <5185>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Give <1325> (5628) God <2316> the praise <1391>: we <2249> know <1492> (5758) that <3754> this <3778> man <0444> is <2076> (5748) a sinner <0268>.

again ^ Joh_06_39 And <1161> this <5124> is <2076> (5748) the Father's <3962> will <2307> which <3588> hath sent <3992> (5660) me <3165>, that <2443> of all <3956> which <3739> he hath given <1325> (5758) me <3427> I should lose <0622> (5661) nothing <3361> <1537> <0846>, but <0235> should raise <0450> <0> it <0846> up {again} <0450> (5692) at <1722> the last <2078> day <2250>.

again ^ Joh_08_02 And <1161> early in the morning <3722> he came <3854> (5633) {again} <3825> into <1519> the temple <2411>, and <2532> all <3956> the people <2992> came <2064> (5711) unto <4314> him <0846>; and <2532> he sat down <2523> (5660), and taught <1321> (5707) them <0846>.

again ^ Joh_08_08 And <2532> {again} <3825> he stooped <2955> (5660) down <2736>, and wrote <1125> (5707) on <1519> the ground <1093>.

again ^ Joh_09_27 He answered <0611> (5662) them <0846>, I have told <2036> (5627) you <5213> already <2235>, and <2532> ye did <0191> <0> not <3756> hear <0191> (5656): wherefore <5101> would <2309> (5719) ye hear <0191> (5721) it {again} <3825>? will <3361> <2309> (5719) ye <5210> also <2532> be <1096> (5635) his <0846> disciples <3101>?

again ^ Joh_10_18 No man <3762> taketh <0142> (5719) it <0846> from <0575> me <1700>, but <0235> I <1473> lay <5087> <0> it <0846> down <5087> (5719) of <0575> myself <1683>. I have <2192> (5719) power <1849> to lay <5087> <0> it <0846> down <5087> (5629), and <2532> I have <2192> (5719) power <1849> to take <2983> (5629) it <0846> {again} <3825>. This <5026> commandment <1785> have I received <2983> (5627) of <3844> my <3450> Father <3962>.

again ^ Joh_11_07 Then <1899> after <3326> that <5124> saith he <3004> (5719) to his disciples <3101>, Let us go <0071> (5725) into <1519> Judaea <2449> {again} <3825>.

again ^ Joh_11_08 His disciples <3101> say <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Master <4461>, the Jews <2453> of late <3568> sought <2212> (5707) to stone <3034> (5658) thee <4571>; and <2532> goest thou <5217> (5719) thither <1563> {again} <3825>?

again ^ Joh_21_01 After <3326> these things <5023> Jesus <2424> shewed <5319> (5656) himself <1438> {again} <3825> to the disciples <3101> at <1909> the sea <2281> of Tiberias <5085>; and <1161> on this wise <3779> shewed <5319> (5656) he himself.

again ^ Joh_11_23 Jesus <2424> saith <3004> (5719) unto her <0846>, Thy <4675> brother <0080> shall rise {again} <0450> (5698).

again ^ Joh_11_24 Martha <3136> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, I know <1492> (5758) that <3754> he shall rise {again} <0450> (5698) in <1722> the resurrection <0386> at <1722> the last <2078> day <2250>.

again ^ Joh_11_38 Jesus <2424> therefore <3767> {again} <3825> groaning <1690> (5740) in <1722> himself <1438> cometh <2064> (5736) to <1519> the grave <3419>. <1161> It was <2258> (5713) a cave <4693>, and <2532> a stone <3037> lay <1945> (5711) upon <1909> it <0846>.

again ^ Joh_12_22 Philip <5376> cometh <2064> (5736) and <2532> telleth <3004> (5719) Andrew <0406>: and <2532> {again} <3825> Andrew <0406> and <2532> Philip <5376> tell <3004> (5719) Jesus <2424>.

again ^ Joh_12_28 Father <3962>, glorify <1392> (5657) thy <4675> name <3686>. Then <3767> came there <2064> (5627) a voice <5456> from <1537> heaven <3772>, saying, I have <1392> <0> both <2532> glorified <1392> (5656) it, and <2532> will glorify <1392> (5692) it {again} <3825>.

again ^ Joh_19_04 Pilate <4091> therefore <3767> went <1831> (5627) forth <1854> {again} <3825>, and <2532> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Behold <2396>, I bring <0071> (5719) him <0846> forth <1854> to you <5213>, that <2443> ye may know <1097> (5632) that <3754> I find <2147> (5719) no <3762> fault <0156> in <1722> him <0846>.

again ^ Joh_19_09 And <2532> went <1525> (5627) {again} <3825> into <1519> the judgment hall <4232>, and <2532> saith <3004> (5719) unto Jesus <2424>, Whence <4159> art <1488> (5748) thou <4771>? But <1161> Jesus <2424> gave <1325> (5656) him <0846> no <3756> answer <0612>.

again ^ Joh_19_37 And <2532> {again} <3825> another <2087> scripture <1124> saith <3004> (5719), They shall look <3700> (5695) on <1519> him whom <3739> they pierced <1574> (5656).

again ^ Joh_20_09 For <1063> as yet <3764> <0> they knew <1492> (5715) not <3764> the scripture <1124>, that <3754> he <0846> must <1163> (5748) rise {again} <0450> (5629) from <1537> the dead <3498>.

again ^ Joh_21_16 He saith <3004> (5719) to him <0846> {again} <3825> the second time <1208>, Simon <4613>, son of Jonas <2495>, lovest thou <0025> (5719) me <3165>? He saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Yea <3483>, Lord <2962>; thou <4771> knowest <1492> (5758) that <3754> I love <5368> (5719) thee <4571>. He saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Feed <4165> (5720) my <3450> sheep <4263>.

again ^ Joh_12_39 Therefore <5124> <1223> they could <1410> (5711) not <3756> believe <4100> (5721), because <3754> that Esaias <2268> said <2036> (5627) {again} <3825>,

again ^ Joh_14_28 Ye have heard <0191> (5656) how <3754> I <1473> said <2036> (5627) unto you <5213>, I go away <5217> (5719), and <2532> come <2064> (5736) {again} unto <4314> you <5209>. If <1487> ye loved <0025> (5707) me <3165>, <0302> ye would rejoice <5463> (5644), because <3754> I said <2036> (5627), I go <4198> (5736) unto <4314> the Father <3962>: for <3754> my <3450> Father <3962> is <2076> (5748) greater than <3187> I <3450>.

again ^ Joh_13_12 So <3767> after <3753> he had washed <3538> (5656) their <0846> feet <4228>, and <2532> had taken <2983> (5627) his <0846> garments <2440>, and was set down <0377> (5631) {again} <3825>, he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Know ye <1097> (5719) (5720) what <5101> I have done <4160> (5758) to you <5213>?

again ^ Joh_14_03 And <2532> if <1437> I go <4198> (5680) and <2532> prepare <2090> (5661) a place <5117> for you <5213>, I will come <2064> (5736) {again} <3825>, and <2532> receive <3880> (5695) you <5209> unto <4314> myself <1683>; that <2443> where <3699> I <1473> am <1510> (5748), there ye <5210> may be <5600> (5753) also <2532>.

again ^ Joh_16_16 A little while <3397>, and <2532> ye shall <2334> <0> not <3756> see <2334> (5719) me <3165>: and <2532> {again} <3825>, a little while <3397>, and <2532> ye shall see <3700> (5695) me <3165>, because <3754> I <1473> go <5217> (5719) to <4314> the Father <3962>.

again ^ Joh_16_19 Now <3767> Jesus <2424> knew <1097> (5627) that <3754> they were desirous <2309> (5707) to ask <2065> (5721) him <0846>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Do ye enquire <2212> (5719) among <3326> yourselves <0240> of <4012> that <5127> <3754> I said <2036> (5627), A little while <3397>, and <2532> ye shall <2334> <0> not <3756> see <2334> (5719) me <3165>: and <2532> {again} <3825>, a little while <3397>, and <2532> ye shall see <3700> (5695) me <3165>?

again ^ Joh_16_17 Then <3767> said <2036> (5627) some of <1537> his <0846> disciples <3101> among <4314> themselves <0240>, What <5101> is <2076> (5748) this <5124> that <3739> he saith <3004> (5719) unto us <2254>, A little while <3397>, and <2532> ye shall <2334> <0> not <3756> see <2334> (5719) me <3165>: and <2532> {again} <3825>, a little while <3397>, and <2532> ye shall see <3700> (5695) me <3165>: and <2532>, Because <3754> I <1473> go <5217> (5719) to <4314> the Father <3962>?

again ^ Joh_20_21 Then <3767> said <2036> (5627) Jesus <2424> to them <0846> {again} <3825>, Peace <1515> be unto you <5213>: as <2531> my Father <3962> hath sent <0649> (5758) me <3165>, even so <2504> <0> send <3992> (5719) I <2504> you <5209>.

again ^ Joh_16_22 And <2532> ye <5210> <3303> now <3568> therefore <3767> have <2192> (5719) sorrow <3077>: but <1161> I will see <3700> (5695) you <5209> {again} <3825>, and <2532> your <5216> heart <2588> shall rejoice <5463> (5690), and <2532> your <5216> joy <5479> no man <3762> taketh <0142> (5719) from <0575> you <5216>.

again ^ Joh_20_10 Then <3767> the disciples <3101> went away <0565> (5627) {again} <3825> unto <4314> their own home <1438>.

again ^ Joh_16_28 I came forth <1831> (5627) from <3844> the Father <3962>, and <2532> am come <2064> (5754) into <1519> the world <2889>: {again} <3825>, I leave <0863> (5719) the world <2889>, and <2532> go <4198> (5736) to <4314> the Father <3962>.

again ^ Joh_18_40 Then <3767> cried they <2905> (5656) all <3956> {again} <3825>, saying <3004> (5723), Not <3361> this man <5126>, but <0235> Barabbas <0912>. Now <1161> Barabbas <0912> was <2258> (5713) a robber <3027>.

again ^ Joh_20_26 And <2532> after <3326> eight <3638> days <2250> {again} <3825> his <0846> disciples <3101> were <2258> (5713) within <2080>, and <2532> Thomas <2381> with <3326> them <0846>: then came <2064> (5736) Jesus <2424>, the doors <2374> being shut <2808> (5772), and <2532> stood <2476> (5627) in <1519> the midst <3319>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627), Peace <1515> be unto you <5213>.

again ^ Joh_18_27 Peter <4074> then <3767> denied <0720> (5662) {again} <3825>: and <2532> immediately <2112> the cock <0220> crew <5455> (5656).

again ^ Joh_18_07 Then <3767> asked he <1905> (5656) them <0846> {again} <3825>, Whom <5101> seek ye <2212> (5719)? And <1161> they said <2036> (5627), Jesus <2424> of Nazareth <3480>.

again ^ Joh_18_38 Pilate <4091> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, What <5101> is <2076> (5748) truth <0225>? And <2532> when he had said <2036> (5631) this <5124>, he went out <1831> (5627) {again} <3825> unto <4314> the Jews <2453>, and <2532> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, I <1473> find <2147> (5719) in <1722> him <0846> no <3762> fault <0156> at all.

again ^ Joh_18_33 Then <3767> Pilate <4091> entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> the judgment hall <4232> {again} <3825>, and <2532> called <5455> (5656) Jesus <2424>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Art <1488> (5748) thou <4771> the King <0935> of the Jews <2453>?

again ^ Luk_06_30 <1161> Give <1325> (5720) to every man <3956> that asketh <0154> (5723) of thee <4571>; and <2532> of <0575> him that taketh away <0142> (5723) thy goods <4674> ask <0523> <0> them not <3361> {again} <0523> (5720).

again ^ Luk_06_34 And <2532> if <1437> ye lend <1155> (5725) to them of <3844> whom <3739> ye hope <1679> (5719) (5625) <1679> (5725) to receive <0618> (5629), what <4169> thank <5485> have <2076> (5748) ye <5213>? for <1063> sinners <0268> also <2532> lend <1155> (5719) to sinners <0268>, to <2443> receive <0618> <0> as much <2470> {again} <0618> (5632).

again ^ Luk_06_35 But <4133> love ye <0025> (5720) your <5216> enemies <2190>, and <2532> do good <0015> (5720), and <2532> lend <1155> (5720), hoping <0560> <0> for nothing <3367> {again} <0560> (5723); and <2532> your <5216> reward <3408> shall be <2071> (5704) great <4183>, and <2532> ye shall be <2071> (5704) the children <5207> of the Highest <5310>: for <3754> he <0846> is <2076> (5748) kind <5543> unto <1909> the unthankful <0884> and <2532> to the evil <4190>.

again ^ Luk_06_38 Give <1325> (5720), and <2532> it shall be given <1325> (5701) unto you <5213>; good <2570> measure <3358>, pressed down <4085> (5772), and <2532> shaken together <4531> (5772), and <2532> running over <5240> (5746), shall men give <1325> (5692) into <1519> your <5216> bosom <2859>. For <1063> with the same <0846> measure <3358> that <3739> ye mete withal <3354> (5719) it shall be measured <0488> <0> to you <5213> {again} <0488> (5701).

again ^ Luk_02_34 And <2532> Simeon <4826> blessed <2127> (5656) them <0846>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> Mary <3137> his <0846> mother <3384>, Behold <2400> (5628), this <3778> child is set <2749> (5736) for <1519> the fall <4431> and <2532> rising {again} <0386> of many <4183> in <1722> Israel <2474>; and <2532> for <1519> a sign <4592> which shall be spoken against <0483> (5746);

again ^ Luk_02_45 And <2532> when they found <2147> (5631) him <0846> not <3361>, they turned back {again} <5290> (5656) to <1519> Jerusalem <2419>, seeking <2212> (5723) him <0846>.

again ^ Luk_04_20 And <2532> he closed <4428> (5660) the book <0975>, and he gave it {again} <0591> (5631) to the minister <5257>, and sat down <2523> (5656). And <2532> the eyes <3788> of all them <3956> that were <2258> (5713) in <1722> the synagogue <4864> were fastened <0816> (5723) on him <0846>.

again ^ Luk_10_06 And <2532> if <1437> <3303> the son <5207> of peace <1515> be <5600> (5753) there <1563>, your <5216> peace <1515> shall rest <1879> (5695) upon <1909> it <0846>: if not <1490>, it shall turn <0344> <0> to <1909> you <5209> {again} <0344> (5692).

again ^ Luk_17_04 And <2532> if <1437> he trespass <0264> (5632) against <1519> thee <4571> seven times <2034> in a day <2250>, and <2532> seven times <2034> in a day <2250> turn {again} <1994> (5661) to <1909> thee <4571>, saying <3004> (5723), I repent <3340> (5719); thou shalt forgive <0863> (5692) him <0846>.

again ^ Luk_10_17 And <1161> the seventy <1440> returned {again} <5290> (5656) with <3326> joy <5479>, saying <3004> (5723), Lord <2962>, even <2532> the devils <1140> are subject <5293> (5743) unto us <2254> through <1722> thy <4675> name <3686>.

again ^ Luk_10_35 And <2532> on <1909> the morrow <0839> when he departed <1831> (5631), he took out <1544> (5631) two <1417> pence <1220>, and gave <1325> (5656) them to the host <3830>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Take care <1959> (5682) of him <0846>; and <2532> whatsoever <3748> <0302> thou spendest more <4325> (5661), when I <3165> come {again} <1722> <1880> (5738), I <1473> will repay <0591> (5692) thee <4671>.

again ^ Luk_13_20 And <2532> {again} <3825> he said <2036> (5627), Whereunto <5101> shall I liken <3666> (5692) the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>?

again ^ Luk_20_11 And <2532> {again} <4369> (5639) he sent <3992> (5658) another <2087> servant <1401>: and <1161> they beat <1194> (5660) him also <2548>, and <2532> entreated him shamefully <0818> (5660), and sent him away <1821> (5656) empty <2756>.

again ^ Luk_24_07 Saying <3004> (5723), <3754> The Son <5207> of man <0444> must <1163> (5748) be delivered <3860> (5683) into <1519> the hands <5495> of sinful <0268> men <0444>, and <2532> be crucified <4717> (5683), and <2532> the third <5154> day <2250> rise {again} <0450> (5629).

again ^ Luk_09_39 And <2532>, lo <2400> (5628), a spirit <4151> taketh <2983> (5719) him <0846>, and <2532> he suddenly <1810> crieth out <2896> (5719); and <2532> it teareth <4682> (5719) him <0846> that he foameth <0876> {again} <3326>, and <2532> bruising <4937> (5723) him <0846> hardly <3425> departeth <0672> (5719) from <0575> him <0846>.

again ^ Luk_08_55 And <2532> her <0846> spirit <4151> came {again} <1994> (5656), and <2532> she arose <0450> (5627) straightway <3916>: and <2532> he commanded <1299> (5656) to give <1325> (5683) her <0846> meat <5315> (5629).

again ^ Luk_18_33 And <2532> they shall scourge <3146> (5660) him, and put <0615> <0> him <0846> to death <0615> (5692): and <2532> the third <5154> day <2250> he shall rise {again} <0450> (5698).

again ^ Luk_23_20 Pilate <4091> therefore <3767>, willing <2309> (5723) to release <0630> (5658) Jesus <2424>, spake <4377> <0> {again} <3825> to them <4377> (5656).

again ^ Luk_09_19 They <1161> answering <0611> (5679) said <2036> (5627), John <2491> the Baptist <0910>; but <1161> some <0243> say, Elias <2243>; and <1161> others <0243> say, that <3754> one <5100> of the old <0744> prophets <4396> is risen {again} <0450> (5627).

again ^ Luk_09_42 And <1161> as he <0846> was <4334> <0> yet <2089> a coming <4334> (5740), the devil <1140> threw <4486> <0> him <0846> down <4486> (5656), and <2532> tare <4952> (5656) him. And <1161> Jesus <2424> rebuked <2008> (5656) the unclean <0169> spirit <4151>, and <2532> healed <2390> (5662) the child <3816>, and <2532> delivered <0591> <0> him <0846> {again} <0591> (5656) to his <0846> father <3962>.

again ^ Luk_08_37 Then <2532> the whole <0537> multitude <4128> of the country <4066> <0> of the Gadarenes <1046> round about <4066> besought <2065> (5656) him <0846> to depart <0565> (5629) from <0575> them <0846>; for <3754> they were taken <4912> (5712) with great <3173> fear <5401>: and <1161> he <0846> went up <1684> (5631) into <1519> the ship <4143>, and returned back {again} <5290> (5656).

again ^ Luk_09_08 And <1161> of <5259> some <5100>, that <3754> Elias <2243> had appeared <5316> (5648); and <1161> of others <0243>, that <3754> one <1520> of the old <0744> prophets <4396> was risen {again} <0450> (5627).

again ^ Luk_14_06 And <2532> they could <2480> (5656) not <3756> answer <0470> <0> him <0846> {again} <0470> (5677) to <4314> these things <5023>.

again ^ Luk_14_12 Then <1161> said he <3004> (5707) also <2532> to him that bade <2564> (5761) him <0846>, When <3752> thou makest <4160> (5725) a dinner <0712> or <2228> a supper <1173>, call <5455> (5720) not <3361> thy <4675> friends <5384>, nor <3366> thy <4675> brethren <0080>, neither <3366> thy <4675> kinsmen <4773>, nor <3366> thy rich <4145> neighbours <1069>; lest <3379> they <0846> also <2532> bid <0479> <0> thee <4571> {again} <0479> (5661), and <2532> a recompence <0468> be made <1096> (5638) thee <4671>.

again ^ Luk_15_24 For <3754> this <3778> my <3450> son <5207> was <2258> (5713) dead <3498>, and <2532> is alive {again} <0326> (5656); <2532> he was <2258> (5713) lost <0622> (5756), and <2532> is found <2147> (5681). And <2532> they began <0756> (5662) to be merry <2165> (5745).

again ^ Luk_15_32 It was <1161> meet <1163> (5713) that we should make merry <2165> (5683), and <2532> be glad <5463> (5646): for <3754> this <3778> thy <4675> brother <0080> was <2258> (5713) dead <3498>, and <2532> is alive {again} <0326> (5656); and <2532> was <2258> (5713) lost <0622> (5756), and <2532> is found <2147> (5681).

again ^ Luk_23_11 And <1161> Herod <2264> with <4862> his <0846> men of war <4753> set <1848> <0> him <0846> at nought <1848> (5660), and <2532> mocked <1702> (5660) him, and arrayed <4016> (5631) him <0846> in a gorgeous <2986> robe <2066>, and sent <0375> <0> him <0846> {again} <0375> (5656) to Pilate <4091>.

again ^ Luk_20_12 And <2532> {again} <4369> (5639) he sent <3992> (5658) a third <5154>: and <1161> they wounded <5135> (5660) him <5126> also <2532>, and cast him out <1544> (5627).

Again ^ Mat_18_19 {Again} <3825> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, That <3754> if <1437> two <1417> of you <5216> shall agree <4856> (5661) on <1909> earth <1093> as touching <4012> any <3956> thing <4229> that <3739> <1437> they shall ask <0154> (5672), it shall be done <1096> (5695) for them <0846> of <3844> my <3450> Father <3962> which <3588> is in <1722> heaven <3772>.

Again ^ Mat_20_05 {Again} <3825> he went out <1831> (5631) about <4012> the sixth <1623> and <2532> ninth <1766> hour <5610>, and did <4160> (5656) likewise <5615>.

Again ^ Mar_14_61 But <1161> he held his peace <4623> (5707), and <2532> answered <0611> (5662) nothing <3762>. {Again} <3825> the high priest <0749> asked <1905> (5707) him <0846>, and <2532> said <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Art <1488> (5748) thou <4771> the Christ <5547>, the Son <5207> of the Blessed <2128>?

Again ^ Mat_13_45 {Again} <3825>, the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772> is <2076> (5748) like <3664> unto a merchant <1713> man <0444>, seeking <2212> (5723) goodly <2570> pearls <3135>:

Again ^ Mat_13_44 {Again} <3825>, the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772> is <2076> (5748) like <3664> unto treasure <2344> hid <2928> (5772) in <1722> a field <0068>; the which <3739> when a man <0444> hath found <2147> (5631), he hideth <2928> (5656), and <2532> for <0575> joy <5479> thereof <0846> goeth <5217> (5719) and <2532> selleth <4453> (5719) all <3956> that <3745> he hath <2192> (5719), and <2532> buyeth <0059> (5719) that <1565> field <0068>.

Again ^ Mat_05_33 {Again} <3825>, ye have heard <0191> (5656) that <3754> it hath been said <4483> (5681) by them of old time <0744>, Thou shalt <1964> <0> not <3756> forswear thyself <1964> (5692), but <1161> shalt perform <0591> (5692) unto the Lord <2962> thine <4675> oaths <3727>:

Again ^ Mat_13_47 {Again} <3825>, the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772> is <2076> (5748) like <3664> unto a net <4522>, that was cast <0906> (5685) into <1519> the sea <2281>, and <2532> gathered <4863> (5631) of <1537> every <3956> kind <1085>:

Again ^ Mat_21_36 {Again} <3825>, he sent <0649> (5656) other <0243> servants <1401> more <4119> than the first <4413>: and <2532> they did <4160> (5656) unto them <0846> likewise <5615>.

Again ^ Mat_04_08 {Again} <3825>, the devil <1228> taketh <3880> <0> him <0846> up <3880> (5719) into <1519> an exceeding <3029> high <5308> mountain <3735>, and <2532> sheweth <1166> (5719) him <0846> all <3956> the kingdoms <0932> of the world <2889>, and <2532> the glory <1391> of them <0846>;

Again ^ Mat_22_04 {Again} <3825>, he sent forth <0649> (5656) other <0243> servants <1401>, saying <3004> (5723), Tell <2036> (5628) them which are bidden <2564> (5772), Behold <2400> (5628), I have prepared <2090> (5656) my <3450> dinner <0712>: my <3450> oxen <5022> and <2532> my fatlings <4619> are killed <2380> (5772), and <2532> all things <3956> are ready <2092>: come <1205> (5773) unto <1519> the marriage <1062>.

again ^ Mat_11_04 Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5679) and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Go <4198> (5679) and shew <0518> <0> John <2491> {again} <0518> (5657) those things which <3739> ye do hear <0191> (5719) and <2532> see <0991> (5719):

again ^ Mar_10_32 And <1161> they were <2258> (5713) in <1722> the way <3598> going up <0305> (5723) to <1519> Jerusalem <2414>; and <2532> Jesus <2424> went <2258> (5713) before <4254> (5723) them <0846>: and <2532> they were amazed <2284> (5712); and <2532> as they followed <0190> (5723), they were afraid <5399> (5711). And <2532> he took <3880> (5631) {again} <3825> the twelve <1427>, and began <0756> (5662) to tell <3004> (5721) them <0846> what things should <3195> (5723) happen <4819> (5721) unto him <0846>,

again ^ Mar_10_34 And <2532> they shall mock <1702> (5692) him <0846>, and <2532> shall scourge <3146> (5692) him <0846>, and <2532> shall spit upon <1716> (5692) him <0846>, and <2532> shall kill <0615> (5692) him <0846>: and <2532> the third <5154> day <2250> he shall rise {again} <0450> (5698).

again ^ Mar_11_27 And <2532> they come <2064> (5736) {again} <3825> to <1519> Jerusalem <2414>: and <2532> as he <0846> was walking <4043> (5723) in <1722> the temple <2411>, there come <2064> (5736) to <4314> him <0846> the chief priests <0749>, and <2532> the scribes <1122>, and <2532> the elders <4245>,

again ^ Mar_12_04 And <2532> {again} <3825> he sent <0649> (5656) unto <4314> them <0846> another <0243> servant <1401>; and at him <2548> they cast stones <3036> (5660), and wounded him in the head <2775> (5656), and <2532> sent him away <0649> (5656) shamefully handled <0821> (5772).

again ^ Mar_12_05 And <2532> {again} <3825> he sent <0649> (5656) another <0243>; and him <2548> they killed <0615> (5656), and <2532> many <4183> others <0243>; <3303> beating some <1194> (5723), and <1161> killing some <0615> (5723).

again ^ Mar_13_16 And <2532> let <1994> <0> him that is <5607> (5752) in <1519> the field <0068> not <3361> turn <1519> <1994> <0> back <3694> {again} <1994> (5657) for to take up <0142> (5658) his <0846> garment <2440>.

again ^ Mar_14_39 And <2532> {again} <3825> he went away <0565> (5631), and prayed <4336> (5662), and spake <2036> (5631) the same <0846> words <3056>.

again ^ Mar_14_40 And <2532> when he returned <5290> (5660), he found <2147> (5627) them <0846> asleep <2518> (5723) {again} <3825>, (for <1063> their <0846> eyes <3788> were <2258> (5713) heavy <0916> (5772),) neither <2532> <3756> wist they <1492> (5715) what <5101> to answer <0611> (5680) him <0846>.

again ^ Mat_02_08 And <2532> he sent <3992> (5660) them <0846> to <1519> Bethlehem <0965>, and said <2036> (5627), Go <4198> (5679) and search <1833> (5657) diligently <0199> for <4012> the young child <3813>; and <1161> when <1875> ye have found <2147> (5632) him, bring <0518> <0> me <3427> word {again} <0518> (5657), that <3704> I may come <2064> (5631) and worship <4352> (5661) him <0846> also <2504>.

again ^ Mat_04_07 Jesus <2424> said <5346> (5713) unto him <0846>, It is written <1125> (5769) {again} <3825>, Thou shalt <1598> <0> not <3756> tempt <1598> (5692) the Lord <2962> thy <4675> God <2316>.

again ^ Mat_07_02 For <1722> with <3739> what <1063> judgment <2917> ye judge <2919> (5719), ye shall be judged <2919> (5701): and <2532> with <1722> what <3739> measure <3358> ye mete <3354> (5719), it shall be measured <0488> <0> to you <5213> {again} <0488> (5701).

again ^ Mar_14_69 And <2532> a maid <3814> saw <1492> (5631) him <0846> {again} <3825>, and began <0756> (5662) to say <3004> (5721) to them that stood by <3936> (5761), This <3754> <3778> is <2076> (5748) one of <1537> them <0846>.

again ^ Mar_14_70 And <1161> he denied it <0720> (5711) again <3825>. And <2532> a little <3397> after <3326>, they that stood by <3936> (5761) said <3004> (5707) {again} <3825> to Peter <4074>, Surely <0230> thou art <1488> (5748) one of <1537> them <0846>: for <2532> <1063> thou art <1488> (5748) a Galilaean <1057>, and <2532> thy <4675> speech <2981> agreeth <3662> (5719) thereto.

again ^ Mar_15_12 And <1161> Pilate <4091> answered <0611> (5679) and said <2036> (5627) {again} <3825> unto them <0846>, What <5101> will ye <2309> (5719) then <3767> that I shall do <4160> (5661) unto him whom <3739> ye call <3004> (5719) the King <0935> of the Jews <2453>?

again ^ Mar_15_13 And <1161> they cried out <2896> (5656) {again} <3825>, Crucify <4717> (5657) him <0846>.

again ^ Mar_15_04 And <1161> Pilate <4091> asked <1905> (5656) him <0846> {again} <3825>, saying <3004> (5723), Answerest thou <0611> (5736) nothing <3756> <3762>? behold <2396> how many things <4214> they witness <2649> (5719) against thee <4675>.

again ^ Mar_14_70 And <1161> he denied it <0720> (5711) {again} <3825>. And <2532> a little <3397> after <3326>, they that stood by <3936> (5761) said <3004> (5707) again <3825> to Peter <4074>, Surely <0230> thou art <1488> (5748) one of <1537> them <0846>: for <2532> <1063> thou art <1488> (5748) a Galilaean <1057>, and <2532> thy <4675> speech <2981> agreeth <3662> (5719) thereto.

again ^ Mar_02_13 And <2532> he went forth <1831> (5627) {again} <3825> by <3844> the sea side <2281>; and <2532> all <3956> the multitude <3793> resorted <2064> (5711) unto <4314> him <0846>, and <2532> he taught <1321> (5707) them <0846>.

again ^ Mar_03_01 And <2532> he entered <1525> (5627) {again} <3825> into <1519> the synagogue <4864>; and <2532> there was <2258> (5713) a man <0444> there <1563> which had <2192> (5723) a withered <3583> (5772) hand <5495>.

again ^ Mar_03_20 And <2532> the multitude <3793> cometh together <4905> (5736) {again} <3825>, so that <5620> they <0846> could <1410> (5738) not <3361> so much as <3383> eat <5315> (5629) bread <0740>.

again ^ Mar_07_31 And <2532> {again} <3825>, departing <1831> (5631) from <1537> the coasts <3725> of Tyre <5184> and <2532> Sidon <4605>, he came <2064> (5627) unto <4314> the sea <2281> of Galilee <1056>, through <0303> the midst <3319> of the coasts <3725> of Decapolis <1179>.

again ^ Mar_08_13 And <2532> he left <0863> (5631) them <0846>, and entering <1684> (5631) into <1519> the ship <4143> {again} <3825> departed <0565> (5627) to <1519> the other side <4008>.

again ^ Mat_07_06 Give <1325> (5632) not <3361> that which <3588> is holy <0040> unto the dogs <2965>, neither <3366> cast <0906> (5632) ye your <5216> pearls <3135> before <1715> swine <5519>, lest <3379> they trample <2662> (5661) them <0846> under <1722> their <0846> feet <4228>, and <2532> turn {again} <4762> (5651) and rend <4486> (5661) you <5209>.

again ^ Mar_02_01 And <2532> {again} <3825> he entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> Capernaum <2584> after <1223> some days <2250>; and <2532> it was noised <0191> (5681) that <3754> he was <2076> (5748) in <1519> the house <3624>.

again ^ Mar_04_01 And <2532> he began <0756> (5662) {again} <3825> to teach <1321> (5721) by <3844> the sea side <2281>: and <2532> there was gathered <4863> (5681) unto <4314> him <0846> a great <4183> multitude <3793>, so that <5620> he <0846> entered <1684> (5631) into <1519> a ship <4143>, and sat <2521> (5738) in <1722> the sea <2281>; and <2532> the whole <3956> multitude <3793> was <2258> (5713) by <4314> the sea <2281> on <1909> the land <1093>.

again ^ Mar_05_21 And <2532> when Jesus <2424> was passed over <1276> (5660) {again} <3825> by <1722> ship <4143> unto <1519> the other side <4008>, much <4183> people <3793> gathered <4863> (5681) unto <1909> him <0846>: and <2532> he was <2258> (5713) nigh <3844> unto the sea <2281>.

again ^ Mar_08_25 After <1534> that he put <2007> (5656) his hands <5495> {again} <3825> upon <1909> his <0846> eyes <3788>, and <2532> made <4160> (5656) him <0846> look up <0308> (5658): and <2532> he was restored <0600> (5681), and <2532> saw <1689> (5656) every man <0537> clearly <5081>.

again ^ Mar_08_31 And <2532> he began <0756> (5662) to teach <1321> (5721) them <0846>, that <3754> the Son <5207> of man <0444> must <1163> (5748) suffer <3958> (5629) many things <4183>, and <2532> be rejected <0593> (5683) of <0575> the elders <4245>, and <2532> of the chief priests <0749>, and <2532> scribes <1122>, and <2532> be killed <0615> (5683), and <2532> after <3326> three <5140> days <2250> rise {again} <0450> (5629).

again ^ Mar_10_01 And <2547> <0> he arose <0450> (5631) from thence <2547>, and cometh <2064> (5736) into <1519> the coasts <3725> of Judaea <2449> by <1223> the farther side <4008> of Jordan <2446>: and <2532> the people <3793> resort <4848> (5736) unto <4314> him <0846> again <3825>; and <2532>, as <5613> he was wont <1486> (5715), he taught <1321> (5707) them <0846> {again} <3825>.

again ^ Mar_10_01 And <2547> <0> he arose <0450> (5631) from thence <2547>, and cometh <2064> (5736) into <1519> the coasts <3725> of Judaea <2449> by <1223> the farther side <4008> of Jordan <2446>: and <2532> the people <3793> resort <4848> (5736) unto <4314> him <0846> {again} <3825>; and <2532>, as <5613> he was wont <1486> (5715), he taught <1321> (5707) them <0846> again <3825>.

again ^ Mar_10_10 And <2532> in <1722> the house <3614> his <0846> disciples <3101> asked <1905> (5656) him <0846> {again} <3825> of <4012> the same <0846> matter.

again ^ Mar_10_24 And <1161> the disciples <3101> were astonished <2284> (5712) at <1909> his <0846> words <3056>. But <1161> Jesus <2424> answereth <0611> (5679) {again} <3825>, and saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Children <5043>, how <4459> hard <1422> is it <2076> (5748) for them that trust <3982> (5756) in <1909> riches <5536> to enter <1525> (5629) into <1519> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>!

again ^ Mat_26_32 But <1161> after <3326> I <3165> am risen {again} <1453> (5683), I will go before <4254> (5692) you <5209> into <1519> Galilee <1056>.

again ^ Mat_22_01 And <2532> Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5679) and spake <2036> (5627) unto them <0846> {again} <3825> by <1722> parables <3850>, and said <3004> (5723),

again ^ Mat_20_19 And <2532> shall deliver <3860> (5692) him <0846> to the Gentiles <1484> to <1519> mock <1702> (5658), and <2532> to scourge <3146> (5658), and <2532> to crucify <4717> (5658) him: and <2532> the third <5154> day <2250> he shall rise {again} <0450> (5698).

again ^ Mat_19_24 And <1161> {again} <3825> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, It is <2076> (5748) easier <2123> for a camel <2574> to go <1330> (5629) through <1223> the eye <5169> of a needle <4476>, than <2228> for a rich man <4145> to enter <1525> (5629) into <1519> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>.

again ^ Mat_26_42 He went away <0565> (5631) {again} <3825> the <1537> second time <1208>, and prayed <4336> (5662), saying <3004> (5723), O my <3450> Father <3962>, if <1487> this <5124> cup <4221> may <1410> (5736) not <3756> pass away <3928> (5629) from <0575> me <1700>, except <3362> I drink <4095> (5632) it <0846>, thy <4675> will <2307> be done <1096> (5676).

again ^ Mat_17_23 And <2532> they shall kill <0615> (5692) him <0846>, and <2532> the third <5154> day <2250> he shall be raised {again} <1453> (5701). And <2532> they were exceeding <4970> sorry <3076> (5681).

again ^ Mat_26_43 And <2532> he came <2064> (5631) and found <2147> (5719) them <0846> asleep <2518> (5723) {again} <3825>: for <1063> their <0846> eyes <3788> were <2258> (5713) heavy <0916> (5772).

again ^ Mat_17_09 And <2532> as they <0846> came down <2597> (5723) from <0575> the mountain <3735>, Jesus <2424> charged <1781> (5662) them <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), Tell <2036> (5632) the vision <3705> to no man <3367>, until <2193> <3739> the Son <5207> of man <0444> be risen {again} <0450> (5632) from <1537> the dead <3498>.

again ^ Mat_16_21 From <0575> that time forth <5119> began <0756> (5662) Jesus <2424> to shew <1166> (5721) unto his <0846> disciples <3101>, how that <3754> he <0846> must <1163> (5748) go <0565> (5629) unto <1519> Jerusalem <2414>, and <2532> suffer <3958> (5629) many things <4183> of <0575> the elders <4245> and <2532> chief priests <0749> and <2532> scribes <1122>, and <2532> be killed <0615> (5683), and <2532> be raised {again} <1453> (5683) the third <5154> day <2250>.

again ^ Mat_26_44 And <2532> he left <0863> (5631) them <0846>, and went away <0565> (5631) {again} <3825>, and prayed <4336> (5662) <1537> the third time <5154>, saying <2036> (5631) the same <0846> words <3056>.

again ^ Mat_27_63 Saying <3004> (5723), Sir <2962>, we remember <3415> (5681) that <3754> that <1565> deceiver <4108> said <2036> (5627), while he was yet <2089> alive <2198> (5723), After <3326> three <5140> days <2250> I will rise {again} <1453> (5743).

again ^ Mat_26_52 Then <5119> said <3004> (5719) Jesus <2424> unto him <0846>, Put up {again} <0654> (5657) thy <4675> sword <3162> into <1519> his <0846> place <5117>: for <1063> all they <3956> that take <2983> (5631) the sword <3162> shall perish <0622> (5698) with <1722> the sword <3162>.

again ^ Mat_27_03 Then <5119> Judas <2455>, which <3588> had betrayed <3860> (5723) him <0846>, when he saw <1492> (5631) that <3754> he was condemned <2632> (5681), repented himself <3338> (5679), and brought {again} <0654> (5656) the thirty <5144> pieces of silver <0694> to the chief priests <0749> and <2532> elders <4245>,

again ^ Mat_27_50 <1161> Jesus <2424>, when he had cried <2896> (5660) {again} <3825> with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, yielded up <0863> (5656) the ghost <4151>.

again ^ Mat_26_72 And <2532> {again} <3825> he denied <0720> (5662) with <3326> an oath <3727>, <3754> I do <1492> <0> not <3756> know <1492> (5758) the man <0444>.

again ^ Php_02_28 I sent <3992> (5656) him <0846> therefore <3767> the more carefully <4708>, that <2443>, when ye see <1492> (5631) him <0846> {again} <3825>, ye may rejoice <5463> (5647), and that I <2504> may be <5600> (5753) the less sorrowful <0253>.

again ^ Php_01_26 That <2443> your <5216> rejoicing <2745> may be more abundant <4052> (5725) in <1722> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> for <1722> me <1698> by <1223> my <1699> coming <3952> to <4314> you <5209> {again} <3825>.

again ^ Phm_01_12 Whom <3739> I have sent {again} <0375> (5656): thou <4771> therefore <1161> receive <4355> (5640) him <0846>, that is <5123> (5748), mine own <1699> bowels <4698>:

again ^ Php_04_04 Rejoice <5463> (5720) in <1722> the Lord <2962> alway <3842>: and {again} <3825> I say <2046> (5692), Rejoice <5463> (5720).

again ^ Php_04_10 But <1161> I rejoiced <5463> (5644) in <1722> the Lord <2962> greatly <3171>, that <3754> now <2235> at the last <4218> your care <5426> (5721) <0330> <0> of <5228> me <1700> hath flourished {again} <0330> (5627); wherein <1909> <3739> ye were <5426> <0> also <2532> careful <5426> (5707), but <1161> ye lacked opportunity <0170> (5711).

again ^ Php_04_16 For <3754> even <2532> in <1722> Thessalonica <2332> ye sent <3992> (5656) once <2532> <0530> and <2532> {again} <1364> unto <1519> my <3427> necessity <5532>.

again ^ Rev_20_05 But <1161> the rest <3062> of the dead <3498> lived <0326> <0> not <3756> {again} <0326> (5656) until <2193> the thousand <5507> years <2094> were finished <5055> (5686). This <3778> is the first <4413> resurrection <0386>.

again ^ Rev_19_03 And <2532> {again} <1208> they said <2046> (5758), Alleluia <0239>. And <2532> her <0846> smoke <2586> rose up <0305> (5719) for <1519> ever <0165> and ever <0165>.

again ^ Rev_10_11 And <2532> he said <3004> (5719) unto me <3427>, Thou <4571> must <1163> (5748) prophesy <4395> (5658) {again} <3825> before <1909> many <4183> peoples <2992>, and <2532> nations <1484>, and <2532> tongues <1100>, and <2532> kings <0935>.

again ^ Rev_10_08 And <2532> the voice <5456> which <3739> I heard <0191> (5656) from <1537> heaven <3772> spake <2980> (5723) unto <3326> me <1700> {again} <3825>, and <2532> said <3004> (5723), Go <5217> (5720) and take <2983> (5628) the little book <0974> which <3588> is open <0455> (5772) in <1722> the hand <5495> of the angel <0032> which <3588> standeth <2476> (5761) upon <1909> the sea <2281> and <2532> upon <1909> the earth <1093>.

again ^ Rom_11_23 And <1161> they <1565> also <2532>, if <3362> <0> they abide <1961> (5661) not <3362> still in unbelief <0570>, shall be graffed in <1461> (5701): for <1063> God <2316> is <2076> (5748) able <1415> to graff <1461> <0> them <0846> in <1461> (5658) {again} <3825>.

again ^ Rom_11_35 Or <2228> who <5101> hath first given <4272> (5656) to him <0846>, and <2532> it shall be recompensed <0467> <0> unto him <0846> {again} <0467> (5701)?

again ^ Rom_10_07 Or <2228>, Who <5101> shall descend <2597> (5695) into <1519> the deep <0012>? (that is <5123> (5748), to bring up <0321> <0> Christ <5547> {again} <0321> (5629) from <1537> the dead <3498>.)

again ^ Rom_08_15 For <1063> ye have <2983> <0> not <3756> received <2983> (5627) the spirit <4151> of bondage <1397> {again} <3825> to <1519> fear <5401>; but <0235> ye have received <2983> (5627) the Spirit <4151> of adoption <5206>, whereby <1722> <3739> we cry <2896> (5719), Abba <5>, Father <3962>.

again ^ Rom_08_34 Who <5101> is he that condemneth <2632> (5723) (5694)? It is Christ <5547> that died <0599> (5631), yea <1161> rather <3123> <2532>, that is risen {again} <1453> (5685), who <3739> is <2076> (5748) even <2532> at <1722> the right hand <1188> of God <2316>, who <3739> also <2532> maketh intercession <1793> (5719) for <5228> us <2257>.

again ^ Rom_15_11 And <2532> {again} <3825>, Praise <0134> <0> the Lord <2962>, all <3956> ye <0134> (5720) Gentiles <1484>; and <2532> laud <1867> (5657) him <0846>, all ye <3956> people <2992>.

again ^ Rom_15_10 And <2532> {again} <3825> he saith <3004> (5719), Rejoice, ye <2165> (5682) Gentiles <1484>, with <3326> his <0846> people <2992>.

again ^ Rom_04_25 Who <3739> was delivered <3860> (5681) for <1223> our <2257> offences <3900>, and <2532> was raised {again} <1453> (5681) for <1223> our <2257> justification <1347>.

again ^ Rom_15_12 And <2532> {again} <3825>, Esaias <2268> saith <3004> (5719), There shall be <2071> (5704) a root <4491> of Jesse <2421>, and <2532> he that shall rise <0450> (5734) to reign over <0757> (5721) the Gentiles <1484>; in <1909> him <0846> shall <1679> <0> the Gentiles <1484> trust <1679> (5692).

again ^ Tit_02_09 Exhort servants <1401> to be obedient <5293> (5733) unto their own <2398> masters <1203>, and to <1511> (5750) please them well <2101> in <1722> all <3956> things; not <3361> answering {again} <0483> (5723);

Against ^ Act_25_18 {Against} <4012> whom <3739> when the accusers <2725> stood up <2476> (5685), they brought <2018> (5707) none <3762> accusation <0156> of such things as <3739> I <1473> supposed <5282> (5707):

Against ^ 1Ti_05_19 {Against} <2596> an elder <4245> receive <3858> (5737) not <3361> an accusation <2724>, but <1508> <1622> before <1909> two <1417> or <2228> three <5140> witnesses <3144>.

against ^ Act_06_11 Then <5119> they suborned <5260> (5627) men <0435>, which said <3004> (5723), <3754> We have heard <0191> (5754) him <0846> speak <2980> (5723) blasphemous <0989> words <4487> {against} <1519> Moses <3475>, and <2532> against God <2316>.

against ^ Joh_18_29 Pilate <4091> then <3767> went out <1831> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627), What <5101> accusation <2724> bring ye <5342> (5719) {against} <2596> this <5127> man <0444>?

against ^ Act_08_01 And <1161> Saul <4569> was <2258> (5713) consenting <4909> (5723) unto his <0846> death <0336>. And <1161> at <1722> that <1565> time <2250> there was <1096> (5633) a great <3173> persecution <1375> {against} <1909> the church <1577> which <3588> was at <1722> Jerusalem <2414>; and <5037> they were <1289> <0> all <3956> scattered abroad <1289> (5681) throughout <2596> the regions <5561> of Judaea <2449> and <2532> Samaria <4540>, except <4133> the apostles <0652>.

against ^ Rom_07_23 But <1161> I see <0991> (5719) another <2087> law <3551> in <1722> my <3450> members <3196>, warring {against} <0497> (5740) the law <3551> of my <3450> mind <3563>, and <2532> bringing <0163> <0> me <3165> into captivity <0163> (5723) to the law <3551> of sin <0266> which <3588> is <5607> (5752) in <1722> my <3450> members <3196>.

against ^ Act_13_45 But <1161> when the Jews <2453> saw <1492> (5631) the multitudes <3793>, they were filled <4130> (5681) with envy <2205>, and <2532> spake {against} <0483> (5707) those things which were spoken <3004> (5746) by <5259> Paul <3972>, contradicting <0483> (5723) and <2532> blaspheming <0987> (5723).

against ^ Act_06_13 And <5037> set up <2476> (5627) false <5571> witnesses <3144>, which said <3004> (5723), This <5127> man <0444> ceaseth <3973> (5731) not <3756> to speak <2980> (5723) blasphemous <0989> words <4487> {against} <2596> this <3778> holy <0040> place <5117>, and <2532> the law <3551>:

against ^ Act_09_01 And <1161> Saul <4569>, yet <2089> breathing out <1709> (5723) threatenings <0547> and <2532> slaughter <5408> {against} <1519> the disciples <3101> of the Lord <2962>, went <4334> (5631) unto the high priest <0749>,

against ^ Act_09_29 And <2532> he spake <2980> (5707) boldly <3955> (5740) in <1722> the name <3686> of the Lord <2962> Jesus <2424>, and <5037> <2532> disputed <4802> (5707) {against} <4314> the Grecians <1675>: but <1161> they went about <2021> (5707) to slay <0337> (5629) him <0846>.

against ^ Act_23_30 And <1161> when it was told <3377> (5685) me <3427> how that <5259> the Jews <2453> laid wait <1917> <3195> (5721) <1510> (5705) for <1519> the man <0435>, I sent <3992> (5656) straightway <1824> to <4314> thee <4571>, and gave commandment <3853> (5660) to his accusers <2725> also <2532> to say <3004> (5721) before <1909> thee <4675> what they had {against} <4314> him <0846>. Farewell <4517> (5770).

against ^ Joh_19_12 And from <1537> thenceforth <5127> Pilate <4091> sought <2212> (5707) to release <0630> (5658) him <0846>: but <1161> the Jews <2453> cried out <2896> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), If <1437> thou let <0630> <0> this man <5126> go <0630> (5661), thou art <1488> (5748) not <3756> Caesar's <2541> friend <5384>: whosoever <3956> maketh <4160> (5723) himself <0846> a king <0935> speaketh {against} <0483> (5719) Caesar <2541>.

against ^ Act_24_01 And <1161> after <3326> five <4002> days <2250> Ananias <0367> the high priest <0749> descended <2597> (5627) with <3326> the elders <4245>, and <2532> with a certain <5100> orator <4489> named Tertullus <5061>, who <3748> informed <1718> (5656) the governor <2232> {against} <2596> Paul <3972>.

against ^ Act_19_36 Seeing <5607> (5752) then <3767> that these things <5130> cannot be spoken {against} <0368>, ye <5209> ought <1163> (5752) <2076> (5748) to be <5225> (5721) quiet <2687> (5772), and <2532> to do <4238> (5721) nothing <3367> rashly <4312>.

against ^ Act_25_16 To <4314> whom <3739> I answered <0611> (5662), <3754> It is <2076> (5748) not <3756> the manner <1485> of the Romans <4514> to deliver <5483> (5738) any <5100> man <0444> to <1519> die <0684>, before <4250> that <2228> he which is accused <2723> (5746) have <2192> (5722) the accusers <2725> face to face <2596> <4383>, <5037> and have <2983> (5630) licence <5117> to answer for himself <0627> concerning <4012> the crime laid {against} him <1462>.

against ^ Act_25_19 But <1161> had <2192> (5707) certain <5100> questions <2213> {against} <4314> him <0846> of <4012> their own <2398> superstition <1175>, and <2532> of <4012> one <5100> Jesus <2424>, which was dead <2348> (5761), whom <3739> Paul <3972> affirmed <5335> (5707) to be alive <2198> (5721).

against ^ Act_27_07 And <1161> when we had sailed slowly <1020> (5723) <1722> many <2425> days <2250>, and <2532> scarce <3433> were come <1096> (5637) over against <2596> Cnidus <2834>, the wind <0417> not <3361> suffering <4330> (5723) us <2248>, we sailed under <5284> (5656) Crete <2914>, over {against} <2596> Salmone <4534>;

against ^ Act_27_07 And <1161> when we had sailed slowly <1020> (5723) <1722> many <2425> days <2250>, and <2532> scarce <3433> were come <1096> (5637) over {against} <2596> Cnidus <2834>, the wind <0417> not <3361> suffering <4330> (5723) us <2248>, we sailed under <5284> (5656) Crete <2914>, over against <2596> Salmone <4534>;

against ^ Col_02_14 Blotting out <1813> (5660) the handwriting <5498> of ordinances <1378> that was {against} <2596> us <2257>, which <3739> was <2258> (5713) contrary <5227> to us <2254>, and <2532> took <0142> (5758) it <0846> out of <1537> the way <3319>, nailing <4338> (5660) it <0846> to his cross <4716>;

against ^ Col_03_13 Forbearing <0430> (5740) one another <0240>, and <2532> forgiving <5483> (5740) one another <1438>, if <1437> any man <5100> have <2192> (5725) a quarrel <3437> {against} <4314> any <5100>: even as <2531> <2532> Christ <5547> forgave <5483> (5662) you <5213>, so <3779> also <2532> do ye <5210>.

against ^ Col_03_19 Husbands <0435>, love <0025> (5720) your wives <1135>, and <2532> be <4087> <0> not <3361> bitter <4087> (5744) {against} <4314> them <0846>.

against ^ Luk_02_34 And <2532> Simeon <4826> blessed <2127> (5656) them <0846>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> Mary <3137> his <0846> mother <3384>, Behold <2400> (5628), this <3778> child is set <2749> (5736) for <1519> the fall <4431> and <2532> rising again <0386> of many <4183> in <1722> Israel <2474>; and <2532> for <1519> a sign <4592> which shall be spoken {against} <0483> (5746);

against ^ Luk_04_11 And <2532> <3754> in <1909> their hands <5495> they shall bear <0142> <0> thee <4571> up <0142> (5692), lest at any time <3379> thou dash <4350> (5661) thy <4675> foot <4228> {against} <4314> a stone <3037>.

against ^ Rom_01_26 For <1223> this <5124> cause God <2316> gave <3860> <0> them <0846> up <3860> (5656) unto <1519> vile <0819> affections <3806>: for <1063> even <5037> their <0846> women <2338> did change <3337> (5656) the natural <5446> use <5540> into <1519> that which is {against} <3844> nature <5449>:

against ^ Rom_02_02 But <1161> we are sure <1492> (5758) that <3754> the judgment <2917> of God <2316> is <2076> (5748) according <2596> to truth <0225> {against} <1909> them which commit <4238> (5723) such things <5108>.

against ^ Rom_02_05 But <1161> after <2596> thy <4675> hardness <4643> and <2532> impenitent <0279> heart <2588> treasurest up <2343> (5719) unto thyself <4572> wrath <3709> {against} <1722> the day <2250> of wrath <3709> and <2532> revelation <0602> of the righteous judgment <1341> of God <2316>;

against ^ Rom_04_18 Who <3739> {against} <3844> hope <1680> believed <4100> (5656) in <1909> hope <1680>, that <1519> he <0846> might become <1096> (5635) the father <3962> of many <4183> nations <1484>, according <2596> to that which was spoken <2046> (5772), So <3779> shall <2071> <0> thy <4675> seed <4690> be <2071> (5704).

against ^ Rom_08_07 Because <1360> the carnal <4561> mind <5427> is enmity <2189> {against} <1519> God <2316>: for <1063> it is <5293> <0> not <3756> subject <5293> (5743) to the law <3551> of God <2316>, neither <3761> indeed <1063> can be <1410> (5736).

against ^ Rom_08_31 What <5101> shall we <2046> <0> then <3767> say <2046> (5692) to <4314> these things <5023>? If <1487> God <2316> be for <5228> us <2257>, who <5101> can be {against} <2596> us <2257>?

against ^ Rom_11_18 Boast <2620> <0> not <3361> {against} <2620> (5737) the branches <2798>. But <1161> if <1487> thou boast <2620> (5736), thou <4771> bearest <0941> (5719) not <3756> the root <4491>, but <0235> the root <4491> thee <4571>.

against ^ Mat_05_23 Therefore <3767> if <1437> thou bring <4374> (5725) thy <4675> gift <1435> to <1909> the altar <2379>, and there <2546> rememberest <3415> (5686) that <3754> thy <4675> brother <0080> hath <2192> (5719) ought <5100> {against} <2596> thee <4675>;

against ^ Act_19_38 Wherefore <3303> <3767> if <1487> Demetrius <1216>, and <2532> the craftsmen <5079> which are with <4862> him <0846>, have <2192> (5719) a matter <3056> {against} <4314> any man <5100>, the law <0060> is open <0071> (5743), and <2532> there are <1526> (5748) deputies <0446>: let them implead <1458> (5720) one another <0240>.

against ^ Mat_05_11 Blessed <3107> are ye <2075> (5748), when <3752> men shall revile <3679> (5661) you <5209>, and <2532> persecute <1377> (5661) you, and <2532> shall say <2036> (5632) all manner <3956> of evil <4190> <4487> {against} <2596> you <5216> falsely <5574> (5730), for my sake <1752> <1700>.

against ^ Mat_04_06 And <2532> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, If <1487> thou be <1488> (5748) the Son <5207> of God <2316>, cast <0906> (5628) thyself <4572> down <2736>: for <1063> it is written <1125> (5769), <3754> He shall give <1781> <0> his <0846> angels <0032> charge <1781> (5699) concerning <4012> thee <4675>: and <2532> in <1909> their hands <5495> they shall bear <0142> <0> thee <4571> up <0142> (5692), lest at any time <3379> thou dash <4350> (5661) thy <4675> foot <4228> {against} <4314> a stone <3037>.

against ^ 1Ti_06_19 Laying up in store <0597> (5723) for themselves <1438> a good <2570> foundation <2310> {against} <1519> the time to come <3195> (5723), that <2443> they may lay hold on <1949> (5638) eternal <0166> life <2222>.

against ^ 2Co_10_02 But <1161> I beseech <1189> (5736) you, that I may not <3361> be bold <2292> (5658) when I am present <3918> (5752) with that confidence <4006>, wherewith <3739> I think <3049> (5736) to be bold <5111> (5658) {against} <1909> some <5100>, which <3588> think <3049> (5740) of us <2248> as <5613> if we walked <4043> (5723) according <2596> to the flesh <4561>.

against ^ Act_05_39 But <1161> if <1487> it be <2076> (5748) of <1537> God <2316>, ye cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) overthrow <2647> (5658) it <0846>; lest haply <3379> ye be found <2147> (5686) even <2532> to fight {against} God <2314>.

against ^ Act_06_01 And <1161> in <1722> those <5025> days <2250>, when the number <4129> <0> of the disciples <3101> was multiplied <4129> (5723), there arose <1096> (5633) a murmuring <1112> of the Grecians <1675> {against} <4314> the Hebrews <1445>, because <3754> their <0846> widows <5503> were neglected <3865> (5712) in <1722> the daily <2522> ministration <1248>.

against ^ Act_06_11 Then <5119> they suborned <5260> (5627) men <0435>, which said <3004> (5723), <3754> We have heard <0191> (5754) him <0846> speak <2980> (5723) blasphemous <0989> words <4487> against <1519> Moses <3475>, and <2532> {against} God <2316>.

against ^ Act_09_05 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627), Who <5101> art thou <1488> (5748), Lord <2962>? And <1161> the Lord <2962> said <2036> (5627), I <1473> am <1510> (5748) Jesus <2424> whom <3739> thou <4771> persecutest <1377> (5719): it is hard <4642> for thee <4671> to kick <2979> (5721) {against} <4314> the pricks <2759>.

against ^ Act_13_51 But <1161> they shook off <1621> (5671) the dust <2868> of their <0846> feet <4228> {against} <1909> them <0846>, and came <2064> (5627) unto <1519> Iconium <2430>.

against ^ Act_14_02 But <1161> the unbelieving <0544> (5723) Jews <2453> stirred up <1892> (5656) the Gentiles <1484>, and <2532> made <2559> <0> their minds <5590> evil affected <2559> (5656) {against} <2596> the brethren <0080>.

against ^ Act_19_16 And <2532> the man <0444> in <1722> whom <3739> the evil <4190> spirit <4151> was <2258> (5713) leaped <2177> (5740) on <1909> them <0846>, and <2532> overcame <2634> (5660) them <0846>, and prevailed <2480> (5656) {against} <2596> them <0846>, so <5620> that they fled <1628> (5629) out of <1537> that <1565> house <3624> naked <1131> and <2532> wounded <5135> (5772).

against ^ Act_20_15 And <2547> <0> we sailed <0636> (5660) thence <2547>, and came <2658> (5656) the next <1966> (5752) day over {against} <0481> Chios <5508>; and <1161> the next <2087> day we arrived <3846> (5627) at <1519> Samos <4544>, and <2532> tarried <3306> (5660) at <1722> Trogyllium <5175>; and the next <2192> (5746) day we came <2064> (5627) to <1519> Miletus <3399>.

against ^ Act_21_28 Crying out <2896> (5723), Men <0435> of Israel <2475>, help <0997> (5720): This <3778> is <2076> (5748) the man <0444>, that teacheth <1321> (5723) all <3956> men every where <3837> {against} <2596> the people <2992>, and <2532> the law <3551>, and <2532> this <5126> place <5117>: and <5037> further <2089> brought <1521> (5627) Greeks <1672> also <2532> into <1519> the temple <2411>, and <2532> hath polluted <2840> (5758) this <5127> holy <0040> place <5117>.

against ^ Act_23_09 And <1161> there arose <1096> (5633) a great <3173> cry <2906>: and <2532> the scribes <1122> that were of the Pharisees <5330>' part <3313> arose <0450> (5631), and strove <1264> (5711), saying <3004> (5723), We find <2147> (5719) no <3762> evil <2556> in <1722> this <5129> man <0444>: but <1161> if <1487> a spirit <4151> or <2228> an angel <0032> hath spoken <2980> (5656) to him <0846>, let us <2313> <0> not <3361> fight <2313> (5725) {against} God.

against ^ Act_24_19 Who <3739> ought <1163> (5748) (5625) <1163> (5713) to have been here <3918> (5750) before <1909> thee <4675>, and <2532> object <2723> (5721), if <1536> <0> they had <2192> (5722) ought <1536> {against} <4314> me <3165>.

against ^ Act_25_08 While he answered <0626> (5740) for himself <0846>, Neither <3754> <3777> {against} <1519> the law <3551> of the Jews <2453>, neither <3777> against <1519> the temple <2411>, nor yet <3777> against <1519> Caesar <2541>, have I offended <0264> (5627) any thing at all <5100>.

against ^ Act_25_15 About <4012> whom <3739>, when <1096> <0> I <3450> was <1096> (5637) at <1519> Jerusalem <2414>, the chief priests <0749> and <2532> the elders <4245> of the Jews <2453> informed <1718> (5656) me, desiring <0154> (5734) to have judgment <1349> {against} <2596> him <0846>.

against ^ Act_25_27 For <1063> it seemeth <1380> (5719) to me <3427> unreasonable <0249> to send <3992> (5723) a prisoner <1198>, and <2532> not withal <3361> to signify <4591> (5658) the crimes <0156> laid {against} <2596> him <0846>.

against ^ Act_28_19 But <1161> when the Jews <2453> spake {against} <0483> (5723) it, I was constrained <0315> (5681) to appeal <1941> (5670) unto Caesar <2541>; not <3756> that <5613> I had <2192> (5723) ought <5100> to accuse <2723> <0> my <3450> nation <1484> of <2723> (5658).

against ^ Gal_03_21 Is the law <3551> then <3767> {against} <2596> the promises <1860> of God <2316>? God forbid <3361> <1096> (5636): for <1063> if <1487> there had been <1325> <0> a law <3551> given <1325> (5681) which <3588> could <1410> (5740) have given life <2227> (5658), verily <3689> righteousness <1343> should <0302> have been <2258> (5713) by <1537> the law <3551>.

against ^ Gal_05_17 For <1063> the flesh <4561> lusteth <1937> (5719) against <2596> the Spirit <4151>, and <1161> the Spirit <4151> {against} <2596> the flesh <4561>: and <1161> these <5023> are contrary <0480> (5736) the one to the other <0240>: so that <2443> ye cannot <3363> do <4160> (5725) the things <5023> that <3739> <0302> ye would <2309> (5725).

against ^ Eph_06_12 For <3754> we <2254> wrestle <3823> not <3756> against <2076> (5748) <4314> flesh <4561> and <2532> blood <0129>, but <0235> {against} <4314> principalities <0746>, against <4314> powers <1849>, against <4314> the rulers <2888> of the darkness <4655> of this <5127> world <0165>, against <4314> spiritual <4152> wickedness <4189> in <1722> high <2032> places.

against ^ Gal_05_23 Meekness <4236>, temperance <1466>: {against} <2596> such <5108> there is <2076> (5748) no <3756> law <3551>.

against ^ Heb_12_03 For <1063> consider <0357> (5663) him that endured <5278> (5761) such <5108> contradiction <0485> of <5259> sinners <0268> {against} <1519> himself <0846>, lest <3363> ye be wearied <2577> (5632) and faint <1590> (5746) in your <5216> minds <5590>.

against ^ Heb_12_04 Ye have <0478> <0> not yet <3768> resisted <0478> (5627) unto <3360> blood <0129>, striving <0464> (5740) {against} <4314> sin <0266>.

against ^ Jam_02_13 For <1063> he shall have judgment <2920> without mercy <0448>, that hath shewed <4160> (5660) no <3361> mercy <1656>; and <2532> mercy <1656> rejoiceth {against} <2620> (5736) judgment <2920>.

against ^ Jam_03_14 But <1161> if <1487> ye have <2192> (5719) bitter <4089> envying <2205> and <2532> strife <2052> in <1722> your <5216> hearts <2588>, glory <2620> (5737) not <3361>, and <2532> lie not <5574> (5732) {against} <2596> the truth <0225>.

against ^ Jam_05_03 Your <5216> gold <5557> and <2532> silver <0696> is cankered <2728> (5769); and <2532> the rust <2447> of them <0846> shall be <2071> (5704) a witness <3142> {against} <1519> you <5213>, and <2532> shall eat <5315> (5695) your <5216> flesh <4561> as it were <5613> fire <4442>. Ye have heaped treasure together <2343> (5656) for <1722> the last <2078> days <2250>.

against ^ Joh_12_07 Then <3767> said <2036> (5627) Jesus <2424>, Let <0863> <0> her <0846> alone <0863> (5628): {against} <1519> the day <2250> of my <3450> burying <1780> hath she kept <5083> (5758) this <0846>.

against ^ Joh_13_18 I speak <3004> (5719) not <3756> of <4012> you <5216> all <3956>: I <1473> know <1492> (5758) whom <3739> I have chosen <1586> (5668): but <0235> that <2443> the scripture <1124> may be fulfilled <4137> (5686), He that eateth <5176> (5723) bread <0740> with <3326> me <1700> hath lifted up <1869> (5656) his <0846> heel <4418> {against} <1909> me <1691>.

against ^ Joh_13_29 For <1063> some <5100> of them thought <1380> (5707), because <1893> Judas <2455> had <2192> (5707) the bag <1101>, that <3754> Jesus <2424> had said <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Buy <0059> (5657) those things that <3739> we have <2192> (5719) need of <5532> {against} <1519> the feast <1859>; or <2228>, that <2443> he should give <1325> (5632) something <5100> to the poor <4434>.

against ^ Jde_01_09 Yet <1161> Michael <3413> the archangel <0743>, when <3753> contending <1252> (5734) with the devil <1228> he disputed <1256> (5711) about <4012> the body <4983> of Moses <3475>, durst <5111> (5656) not <3756> bring {against} him <2018> (5629) a railing <0988> accusation <2920>, but <0235> said <2036> (5627), The Lord <2962> rebuke <2008> (5659) thee <4671>.

against ^ Jde_01_15 To execute <4160> (5658) judgment <2920> upon <2596> all <3956>, and <2532> to convince <1827> (5658) all <3956> that are ungodly <0765> among them <0846> of <4012> all <3956> their <0846> ungodly <0763> deeds <2041> which <3739> they have ungodly committed <0764> (5656), and <2532> of <4012> all <3956> their hard <4642> speeches which <3739> ungodly <0765> sinners <0268> have spoken <2980> (5656) {against} <2596> him <0846>.

against ^ Luk_05_30 But <2532> their <0846> scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330> murmured <1111> (5707) {against} <4314> his <0846> disciples <3101>, saying <3004> (5723), Why <1302> do ye eat <2068> (5719) and <2532> drink <4095> (5719) with <3326> publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268>?

against ^ Luk_06_07 And <1161> the scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330> watched <3906> (5707) him <0846>, whether <1487> he would heal <2323> (5692) on <1722> the sabbath day <4521>; that <2443> they might find <2147> (5632) an accusation <2724> {against} him <0846>.

against ^ Mar_11_02 And <2532> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Go your way <5217> (5720) into <1519> the village <2968> over {against} <2713> you <5216>: and <2532> as soon as <2112> ye be entered <1531> (5740) into <1519> it <0846>, ye shall find <2147> (5692) a colt <4454> tied <1210> (5772), whereon <1909> <3739> never <3762> man <0444> sat <2523> (5758); loose <3089> (5660) him <0846>, and bring <0071> (5628) him.

against ^ Mar_11_25 And <2532> when <3752> ye stand <4739> (5725) praying <4336> (5740), forgive <0863> (5720), if <1536> <0> ye have <2192> (5719) ought <1536> {against} <2596> any <5100>: that <2443> your <5216> Father <3962> also <2532> which <3588> is in <1722> heaven <3772> may forgive <0863> (5632) you <5213> your <5216> trespasses <3900>.

against ^ Mar_15_04 And <1161> Pilate <4091> asked <1905> (5656) him <0846> again <3825>, saying <3004> (5723), Answerest thou <0611> (5736) nothing <3756> <3762>? behold <2396> how many things <4214> they witness <2649> (5719) {against} thee <4675>.

against ^ Mar_15_39 And <1161> when the centurion <2760>, which <3588> stood <3936> (5761) over <1537> {against} <1727> him <0846>, saw <1492> (5631) that <3754> he so <3779> cried out <2896> (5660), and gave up the ghost <1606> (5656), he said <2036> (5627), Truly <0230> this <3778> man <0444> was <2258> (5713) the Son <5207> of God <2316>.

against ^ Mat_27_13 Then <5119> said <3004> (5719) Pilate <4091> unto him <0846>, Hearest thou <0191> (5719) not <3756> how many things <4214> they witness {against} <2649> (5719) thee <4675>?

against ^ Mat_27_61 And <1161> there <1563> was <2258> (5713) Mary <3137> Magdalene <3094>, and <2532> the other <0243> Mary <3137>, sitting <2521> (5740) over {against} <0561> the sepulchre <5028>.

against ^ Rev_02_04 Nevertheless <0235> I have <2192> (5719) somewhat {against} <2596> thee <4675>, because <3754> thou hast left <0863> (5656) thy <4675> first <4413> love <0026>.

against ^ Rev_02_14 But <0235> I have <2192> (5719) a few things <3641> {against} <2596> thee <4675>, because <3754> thou hast <2192> (5719) there <1563> them that hold <2902> (5723) the doctrine <1322> of Balaam <0903>, who <3739> taught <1722> <1321> (5707) Balac <0904> to cast <0906> (5629) a stumblingblock <4625> before <1799> the children <5207> of Israel <2474>, to eat <5315> (5629) things sacrificed unto idols <1494>, and <2532> to commit fornication <4203> (5658).

against ^ Rev_11_07 And <2532> when <3752> they shall have finished <5055> (5661) their <0846> testimony <3141>, the beast <2342> that ascendeth <0305> (5723) out of <1537> the bottomless pit <0012> shall make <4160> (5692) war <4171> {against} <3326> them <0846>, and <2532> shall overcome <3528> (5692) them <0846>, and <2532> kill <0615> (5692) them <0846>.

against ^ Rev_13_06 And <2532> he opened <0455> (5656) his <0846> mouth <4750> in <1519> blasphemy <0988> {against} <4314> God <2316>, to blaspheme <0987> (5658) his <0846> name <3686>, and <2532> his <0846> tabernacle <4633>, and <2532> them that dwell <4637> (5723) in <1722> heaven <3772>.

against ^ Rev_19_19 And <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) the beast <2342>, and <2532> the kings <0935> of the earth <1093>, and <2532> their <0846> armies <4753>, gathered together <4863> (5772) to make <4160> (5658) war <4171> against <3326> him that sat <2521> (5740) on <1909> the horse <2462>, and <2532> {against} <3326> his <0846> army <4753>.

against ^ Rev_19_19 And <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) the beast <2342>, and <2532> the kings <0935> of the earth <1093>, and <2532> their <0846> armies <4753>, gathered together <4863> (5772) to make <4160> (5658) war <4171> {against} <3326> him that sat <2521> (5740) on <1909> the horse <2462>, and <2532> against <3326> his <0846> army <4753>.

against ^ Rom_01_18 For <1063> the wrath <3709> of God <2316> is revealed <0601> (5743) from <0575> heaven <3772> {against} <1909> all <3956> ungodliness <0763> and <2532> unrighteousness <0093> of men <0444>, who hold <2722> (5723) the truth <0225> in <1722> unrighteousness <0093>;

against ^ Rom_09_20 Nay but <3304>, O <5599> man <0444>, who <5101> art <1488> (5748) thou <4771> that repliest {against} <0470> (5740) God <2316>? <3361> Shall <2046> <0> the thing formed <4110> say <2046> (5692) to him that formed <4111> (5660) it, Why <5101> hast thou made <4160> (5656) me <3165> thus <3779>?

against ^ Rom_11_02 God <2316> hath <0683> <0> not <3756> cast away <0683> (5662) his <0846> people <2992> which <3739> he foreknew <4267> (5656). <2228> Wot ye <1492> (5758) not <3756> what <5101> the scripture <1124> saith <3004> (5719) of <1722> Elias <2243>? how <5613> he maketh intercession <1793> (5719) to God <2316> {against} <2596> Israel <2474>, saying <3004> (5723),

against ^ 2Pe_02_11 Whereas <3699> angels <0032>, which are <5607> (5752) greater in <3187> power <2479> and <2532> might <1411>, bring <5342> (5719) not <3756> railing <0989> accusation <2920> {against} <2596> them <0846> before <3844> the Lord <2962>.

against ^ Act_28_22 But <1161> we desire <0515> (5719) to hear <0191> (5658) of <3844> thee <4675> what <3739> thou thinkest <5426> (5719): for <1063> as concerning <4012> <3303> this <5026> sect <0139>, we <2254> know <2076> (5748) <1110> that <3754> every where <3837> it is spoken {against} <0483> (5743).

against ^ Eph_06_11 Put on <1746> (5669) the whole armour <3833> of God <2316>, that <4314> ye <5209> may be able <1410> (5738) to stand <2476> (5629) {against} <4314> the wiles <3180> of the devil <1228>.

against ^ Eph_06_12 For <3754> we <2254> wrestle <3823> not <3756> against <2076> (5748) <4314> flesh <4561> and <2532> blood <0129>, but <0235> against <4314> principalities <0746>, against <4314> powers <1849>, against <4314> the rulers <2888> of the darkness <4655> of this <5127> world <0165>, {against} <4314> spiritual <4152> wickedness <4189> in <1722> high <2032> places.

against ^ Mar_10_11 And <2532> he saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Whosoever <3739> <1437> shall put away <0630> (5661) his <0846> wife <1135>, and <2532> marry <1060> (5661) another <0243>, committeth adultery <3429> (5736) {against} <1909> her <0846>.

against ^ Mar_14_60 And <2532> the high priest <0749> stood up <0450> (5631) in <1519> the midst <3319>, and asked <1905> (5656) Jesus <2424>, saying <3004> (5723), Answerest <3756> thou <0611> (5736) nothing <3762>? what <5101> is it which these <3778> witness <2649> (5719) {against} thee <4675>?

against ^ 1Ti_05_11 But <1161> the younger <3501> widows <5503> refuse <3868> (5737): for <1063> when <3752> they have begun to wax wanton {against} <2691> (5661) Christ <5547>, they will <2309> (5719) marry <1060> (5721);

against ^ Act_18_12 And <1161> when Gallio <1058> was the deputy <0445> (5723) of Achaia <0882>, the Jews <2453> made insurrection <2721> (5627) with one accord {against} <3661> Paul <3972>, and <2532> brought <0071> (5627) him <0846> to <1909> the judgment seat <0968>,

against ^ Act_13_50 But <1161> the Jews <2453> stirred up <3951> (5656) the devout <4576> (5740) and <2532> honourable <2158> women <1135>, and <2532> the chief men <4413> of the city <4172>, and <2532> raised <1892> (5656) persecution <1375> {against} <1909> Paul <3972> and <2532> Barnabas <0921>, and <2532> expelled <1544> (5627) them <0846> out of <0575> their <0846> coasts <3725>.

against ^ Act_22_24 The chief captain <5506> commanded <2753> (5656) him <0846> to be brought <0071> (5745) into <1519> the castle <3925>, and bade <2036> (5631) that he <0846> should be examined <0426> (5745) by scourging <3148>; that <2443> he might know <1921> (5632) wherefore <1223> <3739> <0156> they cried <2019> <0> so <3779> {against} <2019> (5707) him <0846>.

against ^ Act_25_02 Then <1161> the high priest <0749> and <2532> the chief <4413> of the Jews <2453> informed <1718> (5656) him <0846> {against} <2596> Paul <3972>, and <2532> besought <3870> (5707) him <0846>,

against ^ Act_25_03 And desired <0154> (5734) favour <5485> {against} <2596> him <0846>, that <3704> he would send for <3343> (5667) him <0846> to <1519> Jerusalem <2419>, laying <4160> (5723) wait <1747> in <2596> the way <3598> to kill <0337> (5629) him <0846>.

against ^ Act_25_07 And <1161> when he <0846> was come <3854> (5637), the Jews <2453> which came down <2597> (5761) from <0575> Jerusalem <2414> stood round about <4026> (5627), and <2532> laid <5342> (5723) many <4183> and grievous <0926> complaints <0157> {against} <2596> Paul <3972>, which <3739> they could <2480> (5707) not <3756> prove <0584> (5658).

against ^ Act_25_08 While he answered <0626> (5740) for himself <0846>, Neither <3754> <3777> against <1519> the law <3551> of the Jews <2453>, neither <3777> against <1519> the temple <2411>, nor yet <3777> {against} <1519> Caesar <2541>, have I offended <0264> (5627) any thing at all <5100>.

against ^ Act_25_08 While he answered <0626> (5740) for himself <0846>, Neither <3754> <3777> against <1519> the law <3551> of the Jews <2453>, neither <3777> {against} <1519> the temple <2411>, nor yet <3777> against <1519> Caesar <2541>, have I offended <0264> (5627) any thing at all <5100>.

against ^ Eph_06_12 For <3754> we <2254> wrestle <3823> not <3756> against <2076> (5748) <4314> flesh <4561> and <2532> blood <0129>, but <0235> against <4314> principalities <0746>, against <4314> powers <1849>, {against} <4314> the rulers <2888> of the darkness <4655> of this <5127> world <0165>, against <4314> spiritual <4152> wickedness <4189> in <1722> high <2032> places.

against ^ Eph_06_12 For <3754> we <2254> wrestle <3823> not <3756> against <2076> (5748) <4314> flesh <4561> and <2532> blood <0129>, but <0235> against <4314> principalities <0746>, {against} <4314> powers <1849>, against <4314> the rulers <2888> of the darkness <4655> of this <5127> world <0165>, against <4314> spiritual <4152> wickedness <4189> in <1722> high <2032> places.

against ^ Eph_06_12 For <3754> we <2254> wrestle <3823> not <3756> {against} <2076> (5748) <4314> flesh <4561> and <2532> blood <0129>, but <0235> against <4314> principalities <0746>, against <4314> powers <1849>, against <4314> the rulers <2888> of the darkness <4655> of this <5127> world <0165>, against <4314> spiritual <4152> wickedness <4189> in <1722> high <2032> places.

against ^ Joh_19_11 Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5662), Thou couldest have <2192> (5707) no <3756> power <1849> at all {against} <3762> <2596> me <1700>, except <1508> it were <2258> (5713) given <1325> (5772) thee <4671> from above <0509>: therefore <5124> <1223> he that delivered <3860> (5723) me <3165> unto thee <4671> hath <2192> (5719) the greater <3187> sin <0266>.

against ^ Luk_12_10 And <2532> whosoever <3956> <3739> shall speak <2046> (5692) a word <3056> {against} <1519> the Son <5207> of man <0444>, it shall be forgiven <0863> (5701) him <0846>: but <1161> unto him that blasphemeth <0987> (5660) against <1519> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151> it shall <0863> <0> not <3756> be forgiven <0863> (5701).

against ^ Luk_12_52 For <1063> from <0575> henceforth <3568> there shall be <2071> (5704) five <4002> in <1722> one <1520> house <3624> divided <1266> (5772), three <5140> against <1909> two <1417>, and <2532> two <1417> {against} <1909> three <5140>.

against ^ Luk_12_53 The father <3962> shall be divided <1266> (5701) against <1909> the son <5207>, and <2532> the son <5207> against <1909> the father <3962>; the mother <3384> against <1909> the daughter <2364>, and <2532> the daughter <2364> against <1909> the mother <3384>; the mother in law <3994> {against} <1909> her <0846> daughter in law <3565>, and <2532> the daughter in law <3565> against <1909> her <0846> mother in law <3994>.

against ^ Mar_14_05 For <1063> it <5124> might <1410> (5711) have been sold <4097> (5683) for more than <1883> three hundred <5145> pence <1220>, and <2532> have been given <1325> (5683) to the poor <4434>. And <2532> they murmured {against} <1690> (5711) her <0846>.

against ^ Mar_14_55 And <1161> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> all <3650> the council <4892> sought <2212> (5707) for witness <3141> {against} <2596> Jesus <2424> to <1519> put <2289> <0> him <0846> to death <2289> (5658); and <2532> found <2147> (5707) none <3756>.

against ^ Mar_14_57 And <2532> there arose <0450> (5631) certain <5100>, and bare false witness <5576> (5707) {against} <2596> him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723),

against ^ Mat_12_25 And <1161> Jesus <2424> knew <1492> (5761) their <0846> thoughts <1761>, and said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Every <3956> kingdom <0932> divided <3307> (5685) against <2596> itself <1438> is brought to desolation <2049> (5743); and <2532> every <3956> city <4172> or <2228> house <3614> divided <3307> (5685) {against} <2596> itself <1438> shall <2476> <0> not <3756> stand <2476> (5701):

against ^ Mat_12_25 And <1161> Jesus <2424> knew <1492> (5761) their <0846> thoughts <1761>, and said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Every <3956> kingdom <0932> divided <3307> (5685) {against} <2596> itself <1438> is brought to desolation <2049> (5743); and <2532> every <3956> city <4172> or <2228> house <3614> divided <3307> (5685) against <2596> itself <1438> shall <2476> <0> not <3756> stand <2476> (5701):

against ^ Mat_12_26 And <2532> if <1487> Satan <4567> cast out <1544> (5719) Satan <4567>, he is divided <3307> (5681) {against} <1909> himself <1438>; how <4459> shall <2476> <0> then <3767> his <0846> kingdom <0932> stand <2476> (5701)?

against ^ Mat_12_30 He that is <5607> (5752) not <3361> with <3326> me <1700> is <2076> (5748) {against} <2596> me <1700>; and <2532> he that gathereth <4863> (5723) not <3361> with <3326> me <1700> scattereth abroad <4650> (5719).

against ^ Mat_12_31 Wherefore <1223> <5124> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, All manner of <3956> sin <0266> and <2532> blasphemy <0988> shall be forgiven <0863> (5701) unto men <0444>: but <1161> the blasphemy <0988> {against} the Holy Ghost <4151> shall <0863> <0> not <3756> be forgiven <0863> (5701) unto men <0444>.

against ^ Rev_02_16 Repent <3340> (5657); or else <1490> I will come <2064> (5736) unto thee <4671> quickly <5035>, and <2532> will fight <4170> (5692) {against} <3326> them <0846> with <1722> the sword <4501> of my <3450> mouth <4750>.

against ^ Rev_02_20 Notwithstanding <0235> I have <2192> (5719) a few things <3641> {against} <2596> thee <4675>, because <3754> thou sufferest <1439> (5719) that woman <1135> Jezebel <2403>, which <3588> calleth <3004> (5723) herself <1438> a prophetess <4398>, to teach <1321> (5721) and <2532> to seduce <4105> (5745) my <1699> servants <1401> to commit fornication <4203> (5658), and <2532> to eat <5315> (5629) things sacrificed unto idols <1494>.

against ^ Rev_12_07 And <2532> there was <1096> (5633) war <4171> in <1722> heaven <3772>: Michael <3413> and <2532> his <0846> angels <0032> fought <4170> (5656) {against} <2596> the dragon <1404>; and <2532> the dragon <1404> fought <4170> (5656) and <2532> his <0846> angels <0032>,

against ^ Act_16_22 And <2532> the multitude <3793> rose up together <4911> (5627) {against} <2596> them <0846>: and <2532> the magistrates <4755> rent off <4048> (5660) their <0846> clothes <2440>, and commanded <2753> (5707) to beat <4463> (5721) them.

against ^ Luk_11_23 He that is <5607> (5752) not <3361> with <3326> me <1700> is <2076> (5748) {against} <2596> me <1700>: and <2532> he that gathereth <4863> (5723) not <3361> with <3326> me <1700> scattereth <4650> (5719).

against ^ Luk_12_53 The father <3962> shall be divided <1266> (5701) against <1909> the son <5207>, and <2532> the son <5207> against <1909> the father <3962>; the mother <3384> against <1909> the daughter <2364>, and <2532> the daughter <2364> against <1909> the mother <3384>; the mother in law <3994> against <1909> her <0846> daughter in law <3565>, and <2532> the daughter in law <3565> {against} <1909> her <0846> mother in law <3994>.

against ^ Luk_12_53 The father <3962> shall be divided <1266> (5701) against <1909> the son <5207>, and <2532> the son <5207> against <1909> the father <3962>; the mother <3384> against <1909> the daughter <2364>, and <2532> the daughter <2364> {against} <1909> the mother <3384>; the mother in law <3994> against <1909> her <0846> daughter in law <3565>, and <2532> the daughter in law <3565> against <1909> her <0846> mother in law <3994>.

against ^ Luk_12_53 The father <3962> shall be divided <1266> (5701) against <1909> the son <5207>, and <2532> the son <5207> against <1909> the father <3962>; the mother <3384> {against} <1909> the daughter <2364>, and <2532> the daughter <2364> against <1909> the mother <3384>; the mother in law <3994> against <1909> her <0846> daughter in law <3565>, and <2532> the daughter in law <3565> against <1909> her <0846> mother in law <3994>.

against ^ Luk_12_53 The father <3962> shall be divided <1266> (5701) against <1909> the son <5207>, and <2532> the son <5207> {against} <1909> the father <3962>; the mother <3384> against <1909> the daughter <2364>, and <2532> the daughter <2364> against <1909> the mother <3384>; the mother in law <3994> against <1909> her <0846> daughter in law <3565>, and <2532> the daughter in law <3565> against <1909> her <0846> mother in law <3994>.

against ^ Mar_13_12 Now <1161> the brother <0080> shall betray <3860> (5692) the brother <0080> to <1519> death <2288>, and <2532> the father <3962> the son <5043>; and <2532> children <5043> shall rise up <1881> (5695) {against} <1909> their parents <1118>, and <2532> shall cause <2289> <0> them <0846> to be put to death <2289> (5692).

against ^ Mar_14_48 And <2532> Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5679) and said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Are ye come out <1831> (5627), as <5613> {against} <1909> a thief <3027>, with <3326> swords <3162> and <2532> with staves <3586> to take <4815> (5629) me <3165>?

against ^ Mar_14_56 For <1063> many <4183> bare false witness <5576> (5707) {against} <2596> him <0846>, but <2532> their witness <3141> agreed <2258> <0> not <2470> <3756> together <2258> (5713).

against ^ Mat_10_01 And <2532> when he had called <4341> (5666) unto him his <0846> twelve <1427> disciples <3101>, he gave <1325> (5656) them <0846> power <1849> {against} unclean <0169> spirits <4151>, to <5620> cast <1544> <0> them <0846> out <1544> (5721), and <2532> to heal <2323> (5721) all manner <3956> of sickness <3554> and <2532> all manner <3956> of disease <3119>.

against ^ Mat_10_18 And <2532> ye shall be brought <0071> (5701) before <1909> governors <2232> and <2532> <1161> kings <0935> for my <1752> sake <1700>, for <1519> a testimony <3142> {against} them <0846> and <2532> the Gentiles <1484>.

against ^ Mat_12_32 And <2532> whosoever <3739> <0302> speaketh <2036> (5632) a word <3056> against <2596> the Son <5207> of man <0444>, it shall be forgiven <0863> (5701) him <0846>: but <3739> whosoever <1161> <0302> speaketh <2036> (5632) {against} <2596> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>, it shall <0863> <0> not <3756> be forgiven <0863> (5701) him <0846>, neither <3777> in <1722> this <5129> world <0165>, neither <3777> in <1722> the world to come <3195> (5723).

against ^ Mat_24_07 For <1063> nation <1484> shall rise <1453> (5701) {against} <1909> nation <1484>, and <2532> kingdom <0932> against <1909> kingdom <0932>: and <2532> there shall be <2071> (5704) famines <3042>, and <2532> pestilences <3061>, and <2532> earthquakes <4578>, in divers <2596> places <5117>.

against ^ Mat_26_55 In <1722> that same <1565> hour <5610> said <2036> (5627) Jesus <2424> to the multitudes <3793>, Are ye come out <1831> (5627) as <5613> {against} <1909> a thief <3027> with <3326> swords <3162> and <2532> staves <3586> for to take <4815> (5629) me <3165>? I sat <2516> (5711) daily <2250> <2596> with <4314> you <5209> teaching <1321> (5723) in <1722> the temple <2411>, and <2532> ye laid <2902> <0> no <3756> hold <2902> (5656) on me <3165>.

against ^ 1Pe_03_12 For <3754> the eyes <3788> of the Lord <2962> are over <1909> the righteous <1342>, and <2532> his <0846> ears <3775> are open unto <1519> their <0846> prayers <1162>: but <1161> the face <4383> of the Lord <2962> is {against} <1909> them that do <4160> (5723) evil <2556>.

against ^ 1Co_08_12 But <1161> when ye sin <0264> (5723) so <3779> {against} <1519> the brethren <0080>, and <2532> wound <5180> (5723) their <0846> weak <0770> (5723) conscience <4893>, ye sin <0264> (5719) against <1519> Christ <5547>.

against ^ 1Co_09_17 For <1063> if <1487> I do <4238> (5719) this thing <5124> willingly <1635>, I have <2192> (5719) a reward <3408>: but <1161> if <1487> {against} my will <0210>, a dispensation <3622> of the gospel is committed unto me <4100> (5769).

against ^ 2Co_13_08 For <1063> we can do <1410> (5736) nothing <3756> <5100> {against} <2596> the truth <0225>, but <0235> for <5228> the truth <0225>.

against ^ 2Pe_03_07 But <1161> the heavens <3772> and <2532> the earth <1093>, which are now <3568>, by the same <0846> word <3056> are <1526> (5748) kept in store <2343> (5772), reserved <5083> (5746) unto fire <4442> {against} <1519> the day <2250> of judgment <2920> and <2532> perdition <0684> of ungodly <0765> men <0444>.

against ^ 2Ti_01_12 For <1223> the which <3739> cause <0156> I <3958> <0> also <2532> suffer <3958> (5719) these things <5023>: nevertheless <0235> I am <1870> <0> not <3756> ashamed <1870> (5736): for <1063> I know <1492> (5758) whom <3739> I have believed <4100> (5758), and <2532> am persuaded <3982> (5769) that <3754> he is <2076> (5748) able <1415> to keep <5442> (5658) that which I <3450> have committed unto him <3866> {against} <1519> that <1565> day <2250>.

against ^ Act_04_14 And <1161> beholding <0991> (5723) the man <0444> which was healed <2323> (5772) standing <2476> (5761) with <4862> them <0846>, they could <2192> (5707) say <0471> <0> nothing <3762> {against} it <0471> (5629).

against ^ Act_04_26 The kings <0935> of the earth <1093> stood up <3936> (5656), and <2532> the rulers <0758> were gathered <4863> (5681) together <1909> <0846> against <2596> the Lord <2962>, and <2532> {against} <2596> his <0846> Christ <5547>.

against ^ Act_04_26 The kings <0935> of the earth <1093> stood up <3936> (5656), and <2532> the rulers <0758> were gathered <4863> (5681) together <1909> <0846> {against} <2596> the Lord <2962>, and <2532> against <2596> his <0846> Christ <5547>.

against ^ Act_04_27 For <1063> of <1909> a truth <0225> {against} <1909> thy <4675> holy <0040> child <3816> Jesus <2424>, whom <3739> thou hast anointed <5548> (5656), both <5037> Herod <2264>, and <2532> Pontius <4194> Pilate <4091>, with <4862> the Gentiles <1484>, and <2532> the people <2992> of Israel <2474>, were gathered together <4863> (5681),

against ^ Act_26_10 Which thing <3739> I <4160> <0> also <2532> did <4160> (5656) in <1722> Jerusalem <2414>: and <2532> many <4183> of the saints <0040> did <2623> <0> I <1473> shut up <2623> (5656) in prison <5438>, having received <2983> (5631) authority <1849> from <3844> the chief priests <0749>; and <5037> when they <0846> were put to death <0337> (5746), I gave <2702> (5656) my voice <5586> {against} them.

against ^ Act_26_14 And <1161> when we <2257> were <2667> <0> all <3956> fallen <2667> (5631) to <1519> the earth <1093>, I heard <0191> (5656) a voice <5456> speaking <2980> (5723) unto <4314> me <3165>, and <2532> saying <3004> (5723) in the Hebrew <1446> tongue <1258>, Saul <4549>, Saul <4549>, why <5101> persecutest thou <1377> (5719) me <3165>? it is hard <4642> for thee <4671> to kick <2979> (5721) {against} <4314> the pricks <2759>.

against ^ Act_27_14 But <1161> not <3756> long <4183> after <3326> there arose <0906> (5627) {against} <2596> it <0846> a tempestuous <5189> wind <0417>, called <2564> (5746) Euroclydon <2148>.

against ^ Act_28_17 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that after <3326> three <5140> days <2250> Paul <3972> called <4779> <0> the chief <4413> <5607> (5752) of the Jews <2453> together <4779> (5670): and <1161> when they <0846> were come together <4905> (5631), he said <3004> (5707) unto <4314> them <0846>, Men <0435> and brethren <0080>, though I <1473> have committed <4160> (5660) nothing <3762> {against} <1727> the people <2992>, or <2228> customs <1485> of our fathers <3971>, yet was I delivered <3860> (5681) prisoner <1198> from <1537> Jerusalem <2414> into <1519> the hands <5495> of the Romans <4514>.

against ^ Gal_05_17 For <1063> the flesh <4561> lusteth <1937> (5719) {against} <2596> the Spirit <4151>, and <1161> the Spirit <4151> against <2596> the flesh <4561>: and <1161> these <5023> are contrary <0480> (5736) the one to the other <0240>: so that <2443> ye cannot <3363> do <4160> (5725) the things <5023> that <3739> <0302> ye would <2309> (5725).

against ^ Jam_05_09 Grudge <4727> (5720) not <3361> one {against} another <2596> <0240>, brethren <0080>, lest <3363> ye be condemned <2632> (5686): behold <2400> (5628), the judge <2923> standeth <2476> (5707) before <4253> the door <2374>.

against ^ Luk_06_49 But <1161> he that heareth <0191> (5660), and <2532> doeth <4160> (5660) not <3361>, is <2076> (5748) like <3664> a man <0444> that without <5565> a foundation <2310> built <3618> (5660) an house <3614> upon <1909> the earth <1093>; {against} <4366> <0> which <3739> the stream <4215> did beat vehemently <4366> (5656), and <2532> immediately <2112> it fell <4098> (5627); and <2532> the ruin <4485> of that <1565> house <3614> was <1096> (5633) great <3173>.

against ^ Luk_07_30 But <1161> the Pharisees <5330> and <2532> lawyers <3544> rejected <0114> (5656) the counsel <1012> of God <2316> {against} <1519> themselves <1438>, being <0907> <0> not <3361> baptized <0907> (5685) of <5259> him <0846>.

against ^ Luk_08_26 And <2532> they arrived <2668> (5656) at <1519> the country <5561> of the Gadarenes <1046>, which <3748> is <2076> (5748) over {against} <0495> Galilee <1056>.

against ^ Luk_09_50 And <2532> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> him <0846>, Forbid <2967> (5720) him not <3361>: for <1063> he <3739> that is <2076> (5748) not <3756> {against} <2596> us <2257> is <2076> (5748) for <5228> us <2257>.

against ^ Luk_11_17 But <1161> he <0846>, knowing <1492> (5761) their <0846> thoughts <1270>, said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Every <3956> kingdom <0932> divided <1266> (5685) {against} <1909> itself <1438> is brought to desolation <2049> (5743); and <2532> a house <3624> divided against <1909> a house <3624> falleth <4098> (5719).

against ^ Luk_11_18 If <1161> <1499> <0> Satan <4567> also <1499> be divided <1266> (5681) {against} <1909> himself <1438>, how <4459> shall <2476> <0> his <0846> kingdom <0932> stand <2476> (5701)? because <3754> ye say <3004> (5719) that I <3165> cast out <1544> (5721) devils <1140> through <1722> Beelzebub <0954>.

against ^ Luk_12_10 And <2532> whosoever <3956> <3739> shall speak <2046> (5692) a word <3056> against <1519> the Son <5207> of man <0444>, it shall be forgiven <0863> (5701) him <0846>: but <1161> unto him that blasphemeth <0987> (5660) {against} <1519> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151> it shall <0863> <0> not <3756> be forgiven <0863> (5701).

against ^ Luk_12_52 For <1063> from <0575> henceforth <3568> there shall be <2071> (5704) five <4002> in <1722> one <1520> house <3624> divided <1266> (5772), three <5140> {against} <1909> two <1417>, and <2532> two <1417> against <1909> three <5140>.

against ^ Luk_15_21 And <1161> the son <5207> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Father <3962>, I have sinned <0264> (5627) {against} <1519> heaven <3772>, and <2532> in <1799> <0> thy <4675> sight <1799>, and <2532> am <1510> (5748) no more <3765> worthy <0514> to be called <2564> (5683) thy <4675> son <5207>.

against ^ Luk_19_30 Saying <2036> (5631), Go ye <5217> (5720) into <1519> the village <2968> over {against} <2713> you; in <1722> the which <3739> at your entering <1531> (5740) ye shall find <2147> (5692) a colt <4454> tied <1210> (5772), whereon <1909> <3739> yet never <3762> man <0444> sat <2523> (5656) <4455>: loose <3089> (5660) him <0846>, and bring <0071> (5628) him hither.

against ^ Luk_20_19 And <2532> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> the scribes <1122> the same <1722> <0846> hour <5610> sought <2212> (5656) to lay <1911> (5629) hands <5495> on <1909> him <0846>; and <2532> they feared <5399> (5675) the people <2992>: for <1063> they perceived <1097> (5627) that <3754> he had spoken <2036> (5627) this <5026> parable <3850> {against} <4314> them <0846>.

against ^ Luk_21_10 Then <5119> said he <3004> (5707) unto them <0846>, Nation <1484> shall rise <1453> (5701) against <1909> nation <1484>, and <2532> kingdom <0932> {against} <1909> kingdom <0932>:

against ^ Luk_21_10 Then <5119> said he <3004> (5707) unto them <0846>, Nation <1484> shall rise <1453> (5701) {against} <1909> nation <1484>, and <2532> kingdom <0932> against <1909> kingdom <0932>:

against ^ Mar_06_19 Therefore <1161> Herodias <2266> had a quarrel <1758> (5707) {against} him <0846>, and <2532> would <2309> (5707) have killed <0615> (5658) him <0846>; but <2532> she could <1410> (5711) not <3756>:

against ^ Mar_09_40 For <1063> he that <3739> is <2076> (5748) not <3756> {against} <2596> us <2257> is <2076> (5748) on <5228> <0> our <2257> part <5228>.

against ^ Mar_12_12 And <2532> they sought <2212> (5707) to lay hold <2902> (5658) on him <0846>, but <2532> feared <5399> (5675) the people <3793>: for <1063> they knew <1097> (5627) that <3754> he had spoken <2036> (5627) the parable <3850> {against} <4314> them <0846>: and <2532> they left <0863> (5631) him <0846>, and went their way <0565> (5627).

against ^ Mar_12_41 And <2532> Jesus <2424> sat <2523> (5660) over {against} <2713> the treasury <1049>, and beheld <2334> (5707) how <4459> the people <3793> cast <0906> (5719) money <5475> into <1519> the treasury <1049>: and <2532> many <4183> that were rich <4145> cast in <0906> (5707) much <4183>.

against ^ Mar_13_03 And <2532> as he <0846> sat <2521> (5740) upon <1519> the mount <3735> of Olives <1636> over {against} <2713> the temple <2411>, Peter <4074> and <2532> James <2385> and <2532> John <2491> and <2532> Andrew <0406> asked <1905> (5707) him <0846> privately <2596> <2398>,

against ^ Mar_13_08 For <1063> nation <1484> shall rise <1453> (5701) against <1909> nation <1484>, and <2532> kingdom <0932> {against} <1909> kingdom <0932>: and <2532> there shall be <2071> (5704) earthquakes <4578> in divers <2596> places <5117>, and <2532> there shall be <2071> (5704) famines <3042> and <2532> troubles <5016>: these <5023> are the beginnings <0746> of sorrows <5604>.

against ^ Mat_10_21 And <1161> the brother <0080> shall deliver up <3860> (5692) the brother <0080> to <1519> death <2288>, and <2532> the father <3962> the child <5043>: and <2532> the children <5043> shall rise up <1881> (5695) {against} <1909> their parents <1118>, and <2532> cause <2289> <0> them <0846> to be put to death <2289> (5692).

against ^ Mat_10_35 For <1063> I am come <2064> (5627) to set <1369> <0> a man <0444> at variance <1369> (5658) against <2596> his <0846> father <3962>, and <2532> the daughter <2364> against <2596> her <0846> mother <3384>, and <2532> the daughter in law <3565> {against} <2596> her <0846> mother in law <3994>.

against ^ Mat_10_35 For <1063> I am come <2064> (5627) to set <1369> <0> a man <0444> at variance <1369> (5658) against <2596> his <0846> father <3962>, and <2532> the daughter <2364> {against} <2596> her <0846> mother <3384>, and <2532> the daughter in law <3565> against <2596> her <0846> mother in law <3994>.

against ^ Mat_10_35 For <1063> I am come <2064> (5627) to set <1369> <0> a man <0444> at variance <1369> (5658) {against} <2596> his <0846> father <3962>, and <2532> the daughter <2364> against <2596> her <0846> mother <3384>, and <2532> the daughter in law <3565> against <2596> her <0846> mother in law <3994>.

against ^ Mat_12_14 Then <1161> the Pharisees <5330> went out <1831> (5631), and held <2983> (5627) a council <4824> {against} <2596> him <0846>, how <3704> they might destroy <0622> (5661) him <0846>.

against ^ Mat_21_02 Saying <3004> (5723) unto them <0846>, Go <4198> (5680) into <1519> the village <2968> over {against} <0561> you <5216>, and <2532> straightway <2112> ye shall find <2147> (5692) an ass <3688> tied <1210> (5772), and <2532> a colt <4454> with <3326> her <0846>: loose <3089> (5660) them, and bring <0071> (5628) them unto me <3427>.

against ^ Mat_23_13 But <1161> woe <3759> unto you <5213>, scribes <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye shut up <2808> (5719) the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772> {against} <1715> men <0444>: for <1063> ye <5210> neither <3761> go in <1525> (5736) yourselves, neither <3756> suffer ye <0863> (5719) them that are entering <1525> (5740) to go in <1525> (5629).

against ^ Mat_26_59 Now <1161> the chief priests <0749>, and <2532> elders <4245>, and <2532> all <3650> the council <4892>, sought <2212> (5707) false witness <5577> {against} <2596> Jesus <2424>, to <3704> put <2289> <0> him <0846> to death <2289> (5661);

against ^ Mat_26_62 And <2532> the high priest <0749> arose <0450> (5631), and said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Answerest thou <0611> (5736) nothing <3762>? what <5101> is it which these <3778> witness {against} <2649> (5719) thee <4675>?

against ^ Mat_27_01 When <1161> the morning <4405> was come <1096> (5637), all <3956> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> elders <4245> of the people <2992> took <2983> (5627) counsel <4824> {against} <2596> Jesus <2424> to <5620> put <2289> <0> him <0846> to death <2289> (5658):

against ^ Luk_15_18 I will arise <0450> (5631) and go <4198> (5695) to <4314> my <3450> father <3962>, and <2532> will say <2046> (5692) unto him <0846>, Father <3962>, I have sinned <0264> (5627) {against} <1519> heaven <3772>, and <2532> before <1799> thee <4675>,

against ^ Mar_13_08 For <1063> nation <1484> shall rise <1453> (5701) {against} <1909> nation <1484>, and <2532> kingdom <0932> against <1909> kingdom <0932>: and <2532> there shall be <2071> (5704) earthquakes <4578> in divers <2596> places <5117>, and <2532> there shall be <2071> (5704) famines <3042> and <2532> troubles <5016>: these <5023> are the beginnings <0746> of sorrows <5604>.

against ^ Mar_13_09 But <1161> take heed <5210> <0991> (5720) to yourselves <1438>: for <1063> they shall deliver <3860> <0> you <5209> up <3860> (5692) to <1519> councils <4892>; and <2532> in <1519> the synagogues <4864> ye shall be beaten <1194> (5691): and <2532> ye shall be brought <2476> (5701) (5625) <0071> (5701) before <1909> rulers <2232> and <2532> kings <0935> for my <1700> sake <1752>, for <1519> a testimony <3142> {against} them <0846>.

against ^ Luk_11_17 But <1161> he <0846>, knowing <1492> (5761) their <0846> thoughts <1270>, said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Every <3956> kingdom <0932> divided <1266> (5685) against <1909> itself <1438> is brought to desolation <2049> (5743); and <2532> a house <3624> divided {against} <1909> a house <3624> falleth <4098> (5719).

against ^ 1Co_08_12 But <1161> when ye sin <0264> (5723) so <3779> against <1519> the brethren <0080>, and <2532> wound <5180> (5723) their <0846> weak <0770> (5723) conscience <4893>, ye sin <0264> (5719) {against} <1519> Christ <5547>.

against ^ 1Pe_02_11 Dearly beloved <0027>, I beseech <3870> (5719) you as <5613> strangers <3941> and <2532> pilgrims <3927>, abstain from <0567> (5733) fleshly <4559> lusts <1939>, which <3748> war <4754> (5731) {against} <2596> the soul <5590>;

against ^ 1Pe_02_12 Having <2192> (5723) your <5216> conversation <0391> honest <2570> among <1722> the Gentiles <1484>: that <2443>, whereas <1722> <3739> they speak {against} <2635> (5719) you <5216> as <5613> evildoers <2555>, they may <1392> <0> by <1537> your good <2570> works <2041>, which they shall behold <2029> (5660), glorify <1392> (5661) God <2316> in <1722> the day <2250> of visitation <1984>.

against ^ 2Co_10_05 Casting down <2507> (5723) imaginations <3053>, and <2532> every <3956> high thing <5313> that exalteth itself <1869> (5734) {against} <2596> the knowledge <1108> of God <2316>, and <2532> bringing into captivity <0163> (5723) every <3956> thought <3540> to <1519> the obedience <5218> of Christ <5547>;

against ^ Act_26_11 And <2532> I punished <5097> (5723) them <0846> oft <4178> in <2596> every <3956> synagogue <4864>, and compelled <0315> (5707) them to blaspheme <0987> (5721); and <5037> being <1693> <0> exceedingly <4057> mad {against} <1693> (5740) them <0846>, I persecuted <1377> (5707) them even <2532> unto <1519> <2193> strange <1854> cities <4172>.

against ^ Luk_10_11 Even <2532> the very dust <2868> of <1537> your <5216> city <4172>, which <3588> cleaveth <2853> (5685) on us <2254>, we do wipe off <0631> (5731) {against} you <5213>: notwithstanding <4133> be ye sure <1097> (5720) of this <5124>, that <3754> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316> is come nigh <1448> (5758) unto <1909> you <5209>.

against ^ Luk_12_53 The father <3962> shall be divided <1266> (5701) {against} <1909> the son <5207>, and <2532> the son <5207> against <1909> the father <3962>; the mother <3384> against <1909> the daughter <2364>, and <2532> the daughter <2364> against <1909> the mother <3384>; the mother in law <3994> against <1909> her <0846> daughter in law <3565>, and <2532> the daughter in law <3565> against <1909> her <0846> mother in law <3994>.

against ^ Luk_17_04 And <2532> if <1437> he trespass <0264> (5632) {against} <1519> thee <4571> seven times <2034> in a day <2250>, and <2532> seven times <2034> in a day <2250> turn again <1994> (5661) to <1909> thee <4571>, saying <3004> (5723), I repent <3340> (5719); thou shalt forgive <0863> (5692) him <0846>.

against ^ Luk_22_52 Then <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> the chief priests <0749>, and <2532> captains <4755> of the temple <2411>, and <2532> the elders <4245>, which were come <3854> (5637) to <1909> him <0846>, Be ye come out <1831> (5758), as <5613> {against} <1909> a thief <3027>, with <3326> swords <3162> and <2532> staves <3586>?

against ^ Mat_18_21 Then <5119> came <4334> (5631) Peter <4074> to him <0846>, and said <2036> (5627), Lord <2962>, how oft <4212> shall my <3450> brother <0080> sin <0264> (5692) {against} <1519> me <1691>, and <2532> I forgive <0863> (5692) him <0846>? till <2193> seven times <2034>?

against ^ Mat_20_24 And <2532> when the ten <1176> heard <0191> (5660) it, they were moved with indignation <0023> (5656) {against} <4012> the two <1417> brethren <0080>.

against ^ Mat_24_07 For <1063> nation <1484> shall rise <1453> (5701) against <1909> nation <1484>, and <2532> kingdom <0932> {against} <1909> kingdom <0932>: and <2532> there shall be <2071> (5704) famines <3042>, and <2532> pestilences <3061>, and <2532> earthquakes <4578>, in divers <2596> places <5117>.

against ^ Mar_03_25 And <2532> if <1437> a house <3614> be divided <3307> (5686) {against} <1909> itself <1438>, that <1565> house <3614> cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) stand <2476> (5683).

against ^ Luk_09_05 And <2532> whosoever <3745> <0302> will <1209> <0> not <3361> receive <1209> (5667) you <5209>, when ye go <1831> (5740) out of <0575> that <1565> city <4172>, shake off <0660> (5657) the very <2532> dust <2868> from <0575> your <5216> feet <4228> for <1519> a testimony <3142> {against} <1909> them <0846>.

against ^ Luk_14_31 Or <2228> what <5101> king <0935>, going <4198> (5740) to make <4820> (5629) war <4171> against <1519> another <2087> king <0935>, sitteth <2523> <0> not <3780> down <2523> (5660) first <4412>, and consulteth <1011> (5736) whether <1487> he be <2076> (5748) able <1415> with <1722> ten <1176> thousand <5505> to meet <0528> (5658) him that cometh <2064> (5740) {against} <1909> him <0846> with <3326> twenty <1501> thousand <5505>?

against ^ Luk_17_03 Take heed <4337> (5720) to yourselves <1438>: If <1161> <1437> thy <4675> brother <0080> trespass <0264> (5632) {against} <1519> thee <4571>, rebuke <2008> (5657) him <0846>; and <2532> if <1437> he repent <3340> (5661), forgive <0863> (5628) him <0846>.

against ^ Mar_03_24 And <2532> if <1437> a kingdom <0932> be divided <3307> (5686) {against} <1909> itself <1438>, that <1565> kingdom <0932> cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) stand <2476> (5683).

against ^ Mat_12_32 And <2532> whosoever <3739> <0302> speaketh <2036> (5632) a word <3056> {against} <2596> the Son <5207> of man <0444>, it shall be forgiven <0863> (5701) him <0846>: but <3739> whosoever <1161> <0302> speaketh <2036> (5632) against <2596> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>, it shall <0863> <0> not <3756> be forgiven <0863> (5701) him <0846>, neither <3777> in <1722> this <5129> world <0165>, neither <3777> in <1722> the world to come <3195> (5723).

against ^ Mat_16_18 And <1161> I say <3004> (5719) also <2504> unto thee <4671>, That <3754> thou <4771> art <1488> (5748) Peter <4074>, and <2532> upon <1909> this <5026> rock <4073> I will build <3618> (5692) my <3450> church <1577>; and <2532> the gates <4439> of hell <0086> shall <2729> <0> not <3756> prevail {against} <2729> (5692) it <0846>.

against ^ Mat_18_15 Moreover <1161> if <1437> thy <4675> brother <0080> shall trespass <0264> (5661) {against} <1519> thee <4571>, go <5217> (5720) and <2532> tell <1651> <0> him <0846> his fault <1651> (5657) between <3342> thee <4675> and <2532> him <0846> alone <3441>: if <1437> he shall hear <0191> (5661) thee <4675>, thou hast gained <2770> (5656) thy <4675> brother <0080>.

against ^ Mat_20_11 And <1161> when they had received <2983> (5631) it, they murmured <1111> (5707) {against} <2596> the goodman of the house <3617>,

against ^ Luk_22_65 And <2532> many <4183> other things <2087> blasphemously <0987> (5723) spake they <3004> (5707) {against} <1519> him <0846>.

against ^ 1Co_06_18 Flee <5343> (5720) fornication <4202>. Every <3956> sin <0265> that <3739> <1437> a man <0444> doeth <4160> (5661) is <2076> (5748) without <1622> the body <4983>; but <1161> he that committeth fornication <4203> (5723) sinneth <0264> (5719) {against} <1519> his own <2398> body <4983>.

against ^ Luk_14_31 Or <2228> what <5101> king <0935>, going <4198> (5740) to make <4820> (5629) war <4171> {against} <1519> another <2087> king <0935>, sitteth <2523> <0> not <3780> down <2523> (5660) first <4412>, and consulteth <1011> (5736) whether <1487> he be <2076> (5748) able <1415> with <1722> ten <1176> thousand <5505> to meet <0528> (5658) him that cometh <2064> (5740) against <1909> him <0846> with <3326> twenty <1501> thousand <5505>?

against ^ Mar_03_06 And <2532> the Pharisees <5330> went forth <1831> (5631), and straightway <2112> took <4160> (5707) counsel <4824> with <3326> the Herodians <2265> {against} <2596> him <0846>, how <3704> they might destroy <0622> (5661) him <0846>.

against ^ Mar_03_26 And <2532> if <1487> Satan <4567> rise up <0450> (5627) {against} <1909> himself <1438>, and <2532> be divided <3307> (5769), he cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) stand <2476> (5683), but <0235> hath <2192> (5719) an end <5056>.

against ^ 1Co_04_06 And <1161> these things <5023>, brethren <0080>, I have in a figure transferred <3345> (5656) to <1519> myself <1683> and <2532> to Apollos <0625> for <1223> your sakes <5209>; that <2443> ye might learn <3129> (5632) in <1722> us <2254> not <3361> to think <5426> (5721) of men above <5228> that <2443> which <3739> is written <1125> (5769), that no <3363> one <1520> of you be puffed up <5448> (5747) for <5228> one <1520> {against} <2596> another <2087>.

against ^ 3Jo_01_10 Wherefore <1223> <5124>, if <1437> I come <2064> (5632), I will remember <5279> (5692) his <0846> deeds <2041> which <3739> he doeth <4160> (5719), prating {against} <5396> (5723) us <2248> with malicious <4190> words <3056>: and <2532> not <3361> content <0714> (5746) therewith <1909> <5125>, neither <3777> doth <1926> <0> he himself <0846> receive <1926> (5736) the brethren <0080>, and <2532> forbiddeth <2967> (5719) them that would <1014> (5740), and <2532> casteth <1544> (5719) them out of <1537> the church <1577>.

against ^ Mar_03_29 But <1161> he <3739> that <0302> shall blaspheme <0987> (5661) {against} <1519> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151> hath <2192> (5719) never <3756> <1519> <0165> forgiveness <0859>, but <0235> is <2076> (5748) in danger <1777> of eternal <0166> damnation <2920>:

against ^ Mar_06_11 And <2532> whosoever <3745> <0302> shall <1209> <0> not <3361> receive <1209> (5667) you <5209>, nor <3366> hear <0191> (5661) you <5216>, when ye depart <1607> (5740) thence <1564>, shake off <1621> (5657) the dust <5522> under <5270> your <5216> feet <4228> for <1519> a testimony <3142> {against} them <0846>. Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, It shall be <2071> (5704) more tolerable <0414> for Sodom <4670> and <2228> Gomorrha <1116> in <1722> the day <2250> of judgment <2920>, than <2228> for that <1565> city <4172>.

against ^ Luk_22_53 When <5607> <0> I <3450> was <5607> (5752) daily <2250> <2596> with <3326> you <5216> in <1722> the temple <2411>, ye stretched forth <1614> (5656) no <3756> hands <5495> {against} <1909> me <1691>: but <0235> this <3778> is <2076> (5748) your <5216> hour <5610>, and <2532> the power <1849> of darkness <4655>.

against ^ 1Co_06_01 Dare <5111> (5719) any <5100> of you <5216>, having <2192> (5723) a matter <4229> {against} <4314> another <2087>, go to law <2919> (5745) before <1909> the unjust <0094>, and <2532> not <3780> before <1909> the saints <0040>?