affection Col_03_05 /${affection /evil concupiscence , and covetousness , which is idolatry : affection Rom_01_31 /${affection /implacable , unmerciful : affection 2Co_07_15 /${affection /is more abundant toward you , whilst he remembereth the obedience of you all , how with fear and trembling ye received him . affection Col_03_02 /${affection /on things above , not on things on the earth . affection 1Ch_29_03 /^{affection /to the house of my God , I have of mine own proper good , of gold and silver , which I have given to the house of my God , over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house , affection 2Ti_03_03 /${affection /trucebreakers , false accusers , incontinent , fierce , despisers of those that are good , affectionately 1Th_02_08 /${affectionately /desirous of you , we were willing to have imparted unto you , not the gospel of God only , but also our own souls , because ye were dear unto us . affectioned Rom_12_10 /${affectioned /one to another with brotherly love ; in honour preferring one another ; affections Gal_05_24 /${affections /and lusts . affections Rom_01_26 /${affections /for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature :