advanced <1SA12 -6> And Samuel said unto the people, [It is] the LORD that {advanced} Moses and Aaron, and that brought your fathers up out of the land of Egypt. advanced After these things did king Ahasuerus promote Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and {advanced} him, and set his seat above all the princes that [were] with him. advanced And Haman told them of the glory of his riches, and the multitude of his children, and all [the things] wherein the king had promoted him, and how he had {advanced} him above the princes and servants of the king. advanced And all the acts of his power and of his might, and the declaration of the greatness of Mordecai, whereunto the king {advanced} him, [are] they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Media and Persia?