Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

2885 + adorn + adorned + and trimmed + and garnish + and garnished + it was adorned + were garnished + that they may adorn +/ . kosmeo {kos-meh'-o}; from 2889 + the world 2889- the world 2889- world + world s + a world + adorning + The world + the world + is the world + In the world + of the world + to the world + in the world + And the world + not the world + but the world + and the world + upon the world + with the world + from the world + unto the world + on in the world + are in the world + was in the world + not of the world + out of the world + not for the world + they of the world + were in the world + and that the world + but that the world + is it in the world + But that the world + but is of the world + He was in the world + while and the world + things of the world + me out of the world + in us that the world + that is in the world + by him and the world + ye were of the world + them out of the world + They are of the world + that are in the world + ye are not of the world + he that is in the world + unto you not as the world + they are not of the world + They are not of the world + for the things of the world + I was with them in the world + unto me and I unto the world + unto us and not unto the world + the things that are in the world + for the things that are of the world +/ ; to put in proper order, i .e . decorate (literally or figuratively); specially, to snuff (a wick): --adorn, garnish, trim .