Adonikam Interlinear Index Study Adonikam EZR 002 013 The children <01121 +ben > of {Adonikam} <00140 +>Adoniyqam > , six <08337 +shesh > hundred <03967 +me>ah > sixty <08346 +shishshiym > and six <08337 +shesh > . Adonikam EZR 008 013 And of the last <00314 +>acharown > sons <01121 +ben > of {Adonikam} <00140 +>Adoniyqam > , whose names <08034 +shem > [ are ] these <00428 +>el - leh > , Eliphelet <00467 +>Eliyphelet > , Jeiel <03273 +Y@el > , and Shemaiah <08098 +Sh@ma , and with them threescore <08346 +shishshiym > males <02145 +zakar > . Adonikam NEH 007 018 The children <01121 +ben > of {Adonikam} <00140 +>Adoniyqam > , six <08337 +shesh > hundred <03967 +me>ah > threescore <08346 +shishshiym > and seven <07651 +sheba< > . - adonikam , 0140 , adonikam -0140 {adonikam} , Adonikam 0140 -- /Adoniyqam -- {Adonikam}. Adonikam 0140 ## >Adoniyqam {ad-o-nee-kawm'}; from 113 and 6965; lord of rising (i.e. high); Adonikam, the name of one or two Israelites: -- {Adonikam}. [ql Adonikam 002 013 Ezr /^{Adonikam /six hundred sixty and six . Adonikam 007 018 Neh /^{Adonikam /six hundred threescore and seven . Adonikam 008 013 Ezr /^{Adonikam /whose names are these, Eliphelet , Jeiel , and Shemaiah , and with them threescore males . adonikam The children of {Adonikam}, six hundred sixty and six. adonikam And of the last sons of {Adonikam}, whose names [are] these, Eliphelet, Jeiel, and Shemaiah, and with them threescore males. adonikam The children of {Adonikam}, six hundred threescore and seven.