Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
admonition ^ Eph_06_04 And <2532>, ye fathers <3962>, provoke <3949> <0> not <3361> your <5216> children <5043> to wrath <3949> (5720): but <0235> bring <1625> <0> them <0846> up <1625> (5720) in <1722> the nurture <3809> and <2532> {admonition} <3559> of the Lord <2962>.

admonition ^ 1Co_10_11 Now <1161> all <3956> these things <5023> happened <4819> (5707) unto them <1565> for ensamples <5179>: and <1161> they are written <1125> (5648) for <4314> our <2257> {admonition} <3559>, upon <1519> whom <3739> the ends <5056> of the world <0165> are come <2658> (5656).

admonition ^ Tit_03_10 A man <0444> that is an heretick <0141> after <3326> the first <3391> and <2532> second <1208> {admonition} <3559> reject <3868> (5737);