Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
admonished ^ Act_27_09 Now <1161> when much <2425> time <5550> was spent <1230> (5637), and <2532> when sailing <4144> was <5607> (5752) now <2235> dangerous <2>, because <1223> the fast <3521> was <3928> <0> now <2532> already <2235> past <3928> (5755), Paul <3972> {admonished} <3867> (5707) them,

admonished ^ Heb_08_05 Who <3748> serve <3> (5719) unto the example <5262> and <2532> shadow <4639> of heavenly things <2032>, as <2531> Moses <3475> was {admonished} of God <5537> (5769) when he was about <3195> (5723) to make <2005> (5721) the tabernacle <4633>: for <1063>, See <3708> (5720), saith he <5346> (5748), that thou make <4160> (5661) all things <3956> according to <2596> the pattern <5179> shewed <1166> (5685) to thee <4671> in <1722> the mount <3735>.