Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

admonish 02094 ## zahar {zaw-har'} ; a primitive root ; to gleam ; figuratively , to enlighten (by caution) : -- {admonish} , shine , teach , (give) warn (- ing) .

admonish 05749 ## ` uwd {ood} ; a primitive root ; to duplicate or repeat ; by implication , to protest , testify (as by reiteration) ; intensively , to encompass , restore (as a sort of reduplication) : -- {admonish} , charge , earnestly , lift up , protest , call (take) to record , relieve , rob , solemnly , stand upright , testify , give warning , (bear , call to , give , take to) witness .

admonish 1651 - elegcho {el-eng'-kho}; of uncertain affinity; to confute, {admonish}: -- convict, convince, tell a fault, rebuke, reprove.

admonish 2008 - epitimao {ep-ee-tee-mah'-o}; from 1909 and 5091; to tax upon, i.e. censure or {admonish}; by implication, forbid: -- (straitly) charge, rebuke.

admonish 3560 - noutheteo {noo-thet-eh'-o}; from the same as 3559; to put in mind, i.e. (by implication) to caution or reprove gently: -- {admonish}, warn.

admonish 3867 - paraineo {par-ahee-neh'-o}; from 3844 and 0134; to mispraise, i.e. recommend or advise (a different course): -- {admonish}, exhort.

admonish 5263 - hupodeiknumi {hoop-od-ike'-noo-mee}; from 5259 and 1166; to exhibit under the eyes, i.e. (figuratively) to exemplify (instruct, {admonish}): -- show, (fore-)warn.

admonished 02095 ## z@har (Aramaic) {zeh-har'} ; corresponding to 02094 ; (passively) be {admonished} : -- take heed .

admonished 5537 - chrematizo {khray-mat-id'-zo}; from 5536; to utter an oracle (compare the original sense of 5530), i.e. divinely intimate; by implication (compare the secular sense of 5532) to constitute a firm for business, i.e. (generally) bear as a title: -- be called, be {admonished} (warned) of God, reveal, speak.