added Luk_19_11 /${added /and spake a parable , because he was nigh to Jerusalem , and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear . added Gal_03_19 /${added /because of transgressions , till the seed should come to whom the promise was made ; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator . added Jer_36_32 /^{added /besides unto them many like words . added Jer_45_03 /^{added /grief to my sorrow ; I fainted in my sighing , and I find no rest . added Deu_05_22 /^{added /no more . And he wrote them in two tables of stone , and delivered them unto me. added Gal_02_06 /${added /nothing to me : added Act_02_47 /${added /to the church daily such as should be saved . added Act_05_14 /${added /to the Lord , multitudes both of men and women . added 1Sa_12_19 /^{added /unto all our sins this evil , to ask us a king . added Dan_04_36 /^{added /unto me. added Act_11_24 /${added /unto the Lord . added Act_02_41 /${added /unto them about three thousand souls . added Luk_12_31 /${added /unto you . added Mat_06_33 /${added /unto you . Added Luk_03_20 /${Added /yet this above all , that he shut up John in prison .