Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

added 01769 ## Diybown {dee-bome'} ; or (shortened) Diybon {dee-bone'} ; from 01727 ; pining :-Dibon , the name of three places in Palestine : -- Dibon . [Also , with 01410 {added} , Dibon-gad . ]

added 04994 ## na'{naw} ; a primitive particle of incitement and entreaty , which may usually be rendered : " I pray , " " now , " or " then " ; {added} mostly to verbs (in the Imperative or Future) , or to interjections , occasionally to an adverb or conjunction : -- I beseech (pray) thee (you) , go to , now , oh .

added 1490 - ei de me(ge) {i deh may'-(gheh)}; from 1487, 1161, and 3361 (sometimes with 1065 {added}); but if not: -- (or) else, if (not, otherwise), otherwise.