Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
act ^ Joh_08_04 They say <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Master <1320>, this <3778> woman <1135> was taken <2638> (5681) in adultery <3431> (5746), in the very {act} <1888>.

benefactors ^ Luk_22_25 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, The kings <0935> of the Gentiles <1484> exercise lordship over <2961> (5719) them <0846>; and <2532> they that exercise authority upon <1850> (5723) them <0846> are called <2564> (5743) {benefactors} <2110>.

compacted ^ Eph_04_16 From <1537> whom <3739> the whole <3956> body <4983> fitly joined together <4883> (5746) and <2532> {compacted} <4822> (5746) by <1223> that which every <3956> joint <0860> supplieth <2024>, according <2596> to the effectual working <1753> in <1722> the measure <3358> of every <1538> part <1520> <3313>, maketh <4160> (5731) increase <0838> of the body <4983> unto <1519> the edifying <3619> of itself <1438> in <1722> love <0026>.

distraction ^ 1Co_07_35 And <1161> this <5124> I speak <3004> (5719) for <4314> your <5216> own <0846> profit <4851> (5723); not <3756> that <2443> I may cast <1911> (5632) a snare <1029> upon you <5213>, but <0235> for that which <4314> is comely <2158>, and <2532> that ye may attend upon <2145> the Lord <2962> without {distraction} <0563>.

Exact ^ Luk_03_13 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, {Exact} <4238> (5719) no <3367> more <4119> than <3844> that which is appointed <1299> (5772) you <5213>.

malefactor ^ Joh_18_30 They answered <0611> (5662) and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, If <1508> <0> he <3778> were <2258> (5713) not <1508> a {malefactor} <2555>, we would <0302> not <3756> have delivered <3860> <0> him <0846> up <3860> (5656) unto thee <4671>.

malefactors ^ Luk_23_32 And <1161> there were also <2532> two <1417> other <2087>, {malefactors} <2557>, led <0071> (5712) with <4862> him <0846> to be put to death <0337> (5683).

malefactors ^ Luk_23_33 And <2532> when <3753> they were come <0565> (5627) to <1909> the place <5117>, which <3588> is called <2564> (5746) Calvary <2898>, there <1563> they crucified <4717> (5656) him <0846>, and <2532> the {malefactors} <2557>, one <3739> <3303> on <1537> the right hand <1188>, and <1161> the other <3739> on <1537> the left <0710>.

malefactors ^ Luk_23_39 And <1161> one <1520> of the {malefactors} <2557> which were hanged <2910> (5685) railed <0987> (5707) on him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), If <1487> thou <4771> be <1488> (5748) Christ <5547>, save <4982> (5657) thyself <4572> and <2532> us <2248>.

phylacteries ^ Mat_23_05 But <1161> all <3956> their <0846> works <2041> they do <4160> (5719) for <4314> to be seen <2300> (5683) of men <0444>: <1161> they make broad <4115> (5719) their <0846> {phylacteries} <5440>, and <2532> enlarge <3170> (5719) the borders <2899> of their <0846> garments <2440>,

practices ^ 2Pe_02_14 Having <2192> (5723) eyes <3788> full <3324> of adultery <3428>, and <2532> that cannot cease from <0180> sin <0266>; beguiling <1185> (5723) unstable <0793> souls <5590>: an heart <2588> they have <2192> (5723) exercised <1128> (5772) with covetous {practices} <4124>; cursed <2671> children <5043>: