acre , Concordance Study acre , 1SA , 14:14 acres , ISA , 5:10 acre Interlinear Index Study acre 1SA 014 014 And that first <07223 +ri>shown > slaughter <04347 +makkah > , which <00834 +>aher > Jonathan <03129 +Yownathan > and his armourbearer <03627 +k@liy > made <05221 +nakah > , was about twenty <06242 + men <00376 +>iysh > , within as it were an half <02677 +chetsiy > {acre} <04618 +ma of land <07704 +sadeh > , [ which ] a yoke <06776 +tsemed > [ of oxen might plow ] . within as it were an half acre <1SA14 -:14 > - acre , 4618 , acre -4618 {acre} , furrows , hole , acres -6776 {acres} , couple , together , yoke , acre 4618 -- ma\anah -- + {acre}, furrow. acre 6776 -- tsemed -- {acre}, couple, X together, two [donkeys], yoke (of oxen). acre 4618 ## ma And that first slaughter, which Jonathan and his armourbearer made, was about twenty men, within as it were an half {acre} of land, [which] a yoke [of oxen might plow].