Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

1922 + to knowledge + in knowledge + the knowledge + to the knowledge + is the knowledge + in the knowledge + unto the knowledge + in their knowledge + with the knowledge + by the acknowledging + to the acknowledging + and of the knowledge + ye have acknowledged + and the acknowledging + to the acknowledgement +/ . epignosis {ep-ig'-no-sis}; from 1921 + knew + Know + known + knowest + knowing + knoweth + and know + they knew + knowledge + perceived + I am known + acknowledge + and yet well + shall I know + ye shall know + Ye shall know + when she knew + after he knew + and they took + and they knew + And they knew + had knowledge + of it and knew + And when she knew + that he might know + But when they knew + let him acknowledge + ye shall acknowledge + after they have known + mayest take knowledge + And as soon as he knew + That thou mightest know + that they should not know + for them not to have known + unto them and they perceived +/ ; recognition, i .e . (by implication) full discernment, acknowledgement: --(ac-)knowledge(-ing, -ment) .