accusation Luk_06_07 /${accusation /against him . accusation Ezr_04_06 /^{accusation /against the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem . accusation 2Pe_02_11 /${accusation /against them before the Lord . accusation Joh_18_29 /${accusation /bring ye against this man ? accusation 1Ti_05_19 /${accusation /but before two or three witnesses . accusation 001 009 Jud /${accusation /but said , The Lord rebuke thee . accusation Luk_19_08 /${accusation /I restore him fourfold . accusation Act_25_18 /${accusation /of such things as I supposed : accusation Mar_15_26 /${accusation /was written over , THE KING OF THE JEWS . accusation Mat_27_37 /${accusation /written , THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS .