Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
accursed ^ 1Co_12_03 Wherefore <1352> I give <1107> <0> you <5213> to understand <1107> (5719), that <3754> no man <3762> speaking <2980> (5723) by <1722> the Spirit <4151> of God <2316> calleth <3004> (5719) Jesus <2424> {accursed} <0331>: and <2532> that no man <3762> can <1410> (5736) say <2036> (5629) that Jesus <2424> is the Lord <2962>, but <1508> by <1722> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>.

accursed ^ Rom_09_03 For <1063> I <1473> could wish <2172> (5711) that myself <0846> were <1511> (5750) {accursed} <0331> from <0575> Christ <5547> for <5228> my <3450> brethren <0080>, my <3450> kinsmen <4773> according <2596> to the flesh <4561>:

accursed ^ Gal_01_08 But <0235> though <2532> <1437> we <2249>, or <2228> an angel <0032> from <1537> heaven <3772>, preach any other gospel <2097> (5735) unto you <5213> than <3844> that which <3739> we have preached <2097> (5668) unto you <5213>, let him be <2077> (5749) {accursed} <0331>.

accursed ^ Gal_01_09 As <5613> we said before <4280> (5758), so <2532> say I <3004> (5719) now <0737> again <3825>, If any <1536> man preach <2097> <0> any other <3844> <0> gospel <2097> (5731) unto you <5209> than <3844> that <3739> ye have received <3880> (5627), let him be <2077> (5749) {accursed} <0331>.