Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0783 + abusers + greetings + salutation + of salutation + and greetings + And greetings + The salutation + the salutation + of thy salutation + and love salutations +/ . aspasmos {as-pas-mos'}; from 0782 + greet 0782- greet 0782- Greet + greet + salute + Salute + greeteth + saluteth + to salute + our leave + ye salute + and salute + and saluted + thee . Greet + There salute + and embraced + to him saluted + up and saluted + for us . 26 Greet + with you saluteth + of them and embraced + And when we had taken + that are with me salute + which are with me greet + And when he had saluted +/ ; a greeting (in person or by letter): --greeting, salutation .