* abstinence , 0776 asitia , abstinence -0776 {abstinence}, abstinence 0776 ** asitia ** {abstinence}. abstinence ......... abstinence 0776 -asitia-> abstinence 0776 # asitia {as-ee-tee'-ah}; from 777; fasting (the state): -- {abstinence}.[ql abstinence 027 021 Act /${abstinence /Paul stood forth in the midst of them , and said , Sirs , ye should have hearkened unto me , and not have loosed from Crete , and to have gained this harm and loss . abstinence , Concordance Study abstinence , AC , 27:21 abstinence 0776 # asitia {as-ee-tee'-ah}; from 777; fasting (the state): -- {abstinence}.[ql fast 3521 # nesteia {nace-ti'-ah}; from 3522; abstinence (from lack of food, or voluntary and religious); specifically, the fast of the Day of Atonement: -- {fast}(-ing.).[ql abstinence Interlinear Index Study abstinence ACT 027 021 . But after <5225 -huparcho -> long <4183 -polus -> {abstinence} <0776 -asitia -> Paul <3972 -Paulos -> stood <2476 -histemi -> forth in the midst <3319 -mesos -> of them , and said <2036 -epo -> , Sirs <0435 -aner -> , ye should <1163 -dei -> have hearkened <3980 -peitharcheo -> unto me , and not have loosed <0321 -anago -> from Crete <2914 -Krete -> , and to have gained <2770 -kerdaino -> this <5026 -taute -> harm <5196 -hubris -> and loss <2209 -zemia -> . but after long abstinence paul stood forth abstinence But after long {abstinence} Paul stood forth in the midst of them, and said, Sirs, ye should have hearkened unto me, and not have loosed from Crete, and to have gained this harm and loss.