abram' Concordance Study abram's , GE , 11:29 , GE , 11:31 , GE , 12:17 , GE , 13:7 , GE , 14:12 , GE , 16:1 , GE , 16:3 Interlinear Index Study abram's brother's son abram's cattle abram's wife his son abram's wife now sarai abram's wife bare him no children sarai abram's wife sarai abram's wife took hagar her maid Abram's 014 012 Gen /^{Abram's /brother's son , who dwelt in Sodom , and his goods , and departed . Abram's 013 007 Gen /^{Abram's /cattle and the herdmen of Lot's cattle : and the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelled then in the land . Abram's 012 017 Gen /^{Abram's /wife . Abram's 011 031 Gen /^{Abram's /wife ; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees , to go into the land of Canaan ; and they came unto Haran , and dwelt there. Abram's 016 001 Gen /^{Abram's /wife bare him no children : and she had an handmaid , an Egyptian , whose name was Hagar . Abram's 016 003 Gen /^{Abram's /wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian , after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan , and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife . Abram's 011 029 Gen /^{Abram's /wife was Sarai ; and the name of Nahor's wife , Milcah , the daughter of Haran , the father of Milcah , and the father of Iscah .