Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
abolished ^ 2Co_03_13 And <2532> not <3756> as <2509> Moses <3475>, which put <5087> (5707) a vail <2571> over <1909> his <1438> face <4383>, that <4314> the children <5207> of Israel <2474> could <0816> <0> not <3361> stedfastly look <0816> (5658) to <1519> the end <5056> of that which is {abolished} <2673> (5746):

abolished ^ 2Ti_01_10 But <1161> is <5319> <0> now <3568> made manifest <5319> (5685) by <1223> the appearing <2015> of our <2257> Saviour <4990> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, who <3303> hath {abolished} <2673> (5660) death <2288>, and <1161> hath brought <5461> <0> life <2222> and <2532> immortality <0861> to light <5461> (5660) through <1223> the gospel <2098>:

abolished ^ Eph_02_15 Having {abolished} <2673> (5660) in <1722> his <0846> flesh <4561> the enmity <2189>, even the law <3551> of commandments <1785> contained in <1722> ordinances <1378>; for to <2443> make <2936> (5661) in <1722> himself <1438> of twain <1417> one <1519> <1520> new <2537> man <0444>, so making <4160> (5723) peace <1515>;