stability 0530 ## >emuwnah {em-oo-naw'); or (shortened) >emunah {em-oo-naw'}; feminine of 529; literally firmness; figuratively security; morally fidelity: -- faith(-ful, -ly, -ness, [man]), set office, {stability}, steady, truly, truth, verily. [ql ability 1767 ## day {dahee}; of uncertain derivation; enough (as noun or adverb), used chiefly with preposition in phrases: -- able, according to, after ({ability}), among, as (oft as), (more than) enough, from, in, since, (much as is) sufficient(-ly), too much, very, when. [ql ability 3581 ## koach {ko'-akh}; or (Dan. 11:6) kowach {ko'-akh}; from an unused root meaning to be firm; vigor, literally (force, in a good or a bad sense) or figuratively (capacity, means, produce); also (from its hardiness) a large lizard: -- {ability}, able, chameleon, force, fruits, might, power(-ful), strength, substance, wealth. [ql ability 5381 ## nasag {naw-sag'}; a primitive root; to reach (literally or figuratively): -- {ability}, be able, attain (unto), (be able to, can) get, lay at, put, reach, remove, wax rich, X surely, (over-)take (hold of, on, upon).[ql ability 1411 # dunamis {doo'-nam-is}; from 1410; force (literally or figuratively); specially, miraculous power (usually by implication, a miracle itself): -- {ability}, abundance, meaning, might(-ily, -y, -y deed), (worker of) miracle(-s), power, strength,violence, mighty (wonderful) work. [ql ability 2141 # euporeo {yoo-por-eh'-o}; from a compound of 2090 and the base of 4197; (intransitively) to be good for passing through, i.e. (figuratively) have pecuniary means: -- {ability}. [ql ability 2479 # ischus {is-khoos'}; from a derivative of is (force; compare eschon, a form of 2192); forcefulness (literally or figuratively): -- {ability}, might([-ily]), power, strength. [ql