Abihu Exo_24_09 /^{Abihu /and seventy of the elders of Israel : Abihu Exo_24_01 /^{Abihu /and seventy of the elders of Israel ; and worship ye afar off . Abihu Num_26_61 /^{Abihu /died , when they offered strange fire before the LORD . Abihu Num_03_04 /^{Abihu /died before the LORD , when they offered strange fire before the LORD , in the wilderness of Sinai , and they had no children : and Eleazar and Ithamar ministered in the priest's office in the sight of Aaron their father . Abihu 1Ch_24_02 /^{Abihu /died before their father , and had no children : therefore Eleazar and Ithamar executed the priest's office . Abihu 1Ch_06_03 /^{Abihu /Eleazar , and Ithamar . Abihu Num_03_02 /^{Abihu /Eleazar , and Ithamar . Abihu 1Ch_24_01 /^{Abihu /Eleazar , and Ithamar . Abihu Exo_06_23 /^{Abihu /Eleazar , and Ithamar . Abihu Num_26_60 /^{Abihu /Eleazar , and Ithamar . Abihu Exo_28_01 /^{Abihu /Eleazar and Ithamar , Aaron's sons . Abihu Lev_10_01 /^{Abihu /the sons of Aaron , took either of them his censer , and put fire therein , and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the LORD , which he commanded them not.