abideth Interlinear Index Study abideth NUM 031 023 Every <03605 +kol > thing <01697 +dabar > that may abide <00935 +bow> > the fire <00784 +>esh > , ye shall make <05674 + [ it ] go <05674 + through the fire <00784 +>esh > , and it shall be clean <02891 +taher > : nevertheless <00389 +>ak > it shall be purified <02398 +chata> > with the water <04325 +mayim > of separation <05079 +niddah > : and all <03605 +kol > that {abideth} <00935 +bow> > not the fire <00784 +>esh > ye shall make <05674 + go <05674 + through the water <04325 +mayim > . abideth 2SA 016 003 And the king <04428 +melek > said <00559 +>amar > , And where <00346 +>ayeh > [ is ] thy master s <00113 +>adown > son <01121 +ben > ? And Ziba <06717 +Tsiyba> > said <00559 +>amar > unto the king <04428 +melek > , Behold <02009 +hinneh > , he {abideth} <03427 +yashab > at Jerusalem <03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > : for he said <00559 +>amar > , To day shall the house <01004 +bayith > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > restore <07725 +shuwb > me the kingdom <04468 +mamlakuwth > of my father <1> . abideth JOB 039 028 She dwelleth <07931 +shakan > and {abideth} <03885 +luwn > on the rock <5553cela< > , upon the crag <08127 +shen > of the rock <05553 +cela< > , and the strong <04686 +matsuwd > place . abideth PSA 049 012 Nevertheless man <00120 +>adam > [ being ] in honour <03366 +y@qar > {abideth} <03885 +luwn > not : he is like <04911 +mashal > the beasts <00929 +b@hemah > [ that ] perish <01820 +damah > . abideth PSA 055 019 God <00410 +>el > shall hear <08085 +shama< > , and afflict <06031 + them , even he that {abideth} <03427 +yashab > of old <06924 +qedem > . Selah <05542 +celah > . Because <00834 +>aher > they have no <00369 +>ayin > changes <02487 +chaliyphah > , therefore they fear <03372 +yare> > not God <00430 +>elohiym > . abideth PSA 119 090 Thy faithfulness <00530 +>emuwnah > [ is ] unto all generations <01755 +dowr > : thou hast established <03559 +kuwn > the earth <00776 +>erets > , and it {abideth} <05975 + . abideth PSA 125 001 . A Song <07892 +shiyr > of degrees <04609 +ma . They that trust <00982 +batach > in the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > [ shall be ] as mount <02022 +har > Zion <06726 +Tsiyown > , [ which ] cannot <03808 +lo> > be removed <04131 +mowt > , [ but ] {abideth} <03427 +yashab > for ever <05769 + . abideth PRO 015 031 . The ear <00241 +>ozen > that heareth <08085 +shama< > the reproof <08433 +towkechah > of life <02416 +chay > {abideth} <03885 +luwn > among <07130 +qereb > the wise <02450 +chakam > . abideth ECC 001 004 . [ One ] generation passeth <01980 +halak > away , and [ another ] generation <01755 +dowr > cometh <00935 +bow> > : but the earth <00776 +>erets > {abideth} <05975 + for ever <05769 + . abideth JER 021 009 He that {abideth} <03427 +yashab > in this <02063 +zo>th > city <05892 + shall die <04191 +muwth > by the sword <02719 +chereb > , and by the famine <07458 +ra , and by the pestilence <01698 +deber > : but he that goeth <03318 +yatsa> > out , and falleth <05307 +naphal > to the Chaldeans <03778 +Kasdiy > that besiege <06696 +tsuwr > you , he shall live <02421 +chayah > , and his life <05315 +nephesh > shall be unto him for a prey <07998 +shalal > . abideth JOH 003 036 He that believeth <4100 -pisteuo -> on <1519 -eis -> the Son <5207 -huios -> hath <2192 -echo -> everlasting <0166 -aionios -> life <2222 -zoe -> : and he that believeth <0544 -apeitheo -> not the Son <5207 -huios -> shall not see <3700 -optanomai -> life <2222 -zoe -> ; but the wrath <3709 - orge -> of God <2316 -theos -> {abideth} <3306 -meno -> on <1909 -epi -> him . abideth JOH 008 035 And the servant <1401 -doulos -> abideth <3306 -meno -> not in the house <3614 -oikia -> for ever <0165 - aion -> : [ but ] the Son <5207 -huios -> {abideth} <3306 -meno -> ever <0165 -aion -> . abideth JOH 008 035 And the servant <1401 -doulos -> {abideth} <3306 -meno -> not in the house <3614 -oikia -> for ever <0165 - aion -> : [ but ] the Son <5207 -huios -> abideth <3306 -meno - > ever <0165 -aion -> . abideth JOH 012 024 Verily <0281 -amen -> , verily <0281 -amen - > , I say <3004 -lego -> unto you , Except <3362 -ean me -> a corn <2848 -kokkos -> of wheat <4621 -sitos -> fall <4098 -pipto -> into <1519 -eis -> the ground <1093 -ge -> and die <0599 - apothnesko -> , it {abideth} <3306 -meno -> alone <3441 -monos - > : but if <1437 -ean -> it die <0599 -apothnesko -> , it bringeth <5342 -phero -> forth much <4183 -polus -> fruit <2590 - karpos -> . abideth JOH 012 034 The people <3793 -ochlos -> answered <0611 - apokrinomai -> him , We have heard <0191 -akouo -> out of the law <3551 -nomos -> that Christ <5547 -Christos -> {abideth} <3306 -meno -> for ever <0165 -aion -> : and how <4459 -pos -> sayest <3004 -lego -> thou , The Son <5207 -huios -> of man <0444 -anthropos -> must <1163 -dei -> be lifted <5312 -hupsoo - > up ? who <5101 -tis -> is this <3778 -houtos -> Son <5207 - huios -> of man <0444 -anthropos -> ? abideth JOH 015 005 I am <1510 -eimi -> the vine <0288 -ampelos - > , ye [ are ] the branches <2814 -klema -> : He that {abideth} <3306 -meno -> in me , and I in him , the same <3778 -houtos -> bringeth <5342 -phero -> forth much <4183 -polus -> fruit <2590 - karpos -> : for without <5565 -choris -> me ye can <1410 - dunamai -> do <4160 -poieo -> nothing <3762 -oudeis -> . abideth 1CO 013 013 And now <3570 -nuni -> {abideth} <3306 -meno -> faith <4102 -pistis -> , hope <1680 -elpis -> , charity <0026 -agape -> , these <5023 -tauta -> three <5140 -treis -> ; but the greatest <3187 -meizon -> of these <5130 -touton -> [ is ] charity <0026 -agape -> . abideth 2TI 002 013 If <1487 -ei -> we believe <0569 -apisteo -> not , [ yet ] he {abideth} <3306 -meno -> faithful <4103 - pistos -> : he cannot <1410 -dunamai -> deny <0720 -arneomai -> himself <1438 -heautou -> . abideth HEB 007 003 Without <0540 -apator -> father <0540 - apator -> , without <0282 -ametor -> mother <0282 -ametor -> , without <0035 -agenealogetos -> descent <0035 -agenealogetos -> , having <2192 -echo -> neither <3383 -mete -> beginning <0746 - arche -> of days <2250 -hemera -> , nor <3383 -mete -> end <5056 -telos -> of life <2222 -zoe -> ; but made <0871 -aphomoioo -> like <0871 -aphomoioo -> unto the Son <5207 -huios -> of God <2316 -theos -> ; {abideth} <3306 -meno -> a priest <2409 - hiereus -> continually <1336 -dienekes -> . abideth 1PE 001 023 Being born <0313 -anagennao -> again <0313 - anagennao -> , not of corruptible <5349 -phthartos -> seed <4701 -spora -> , but of incorruptible <0862 -aphthartos -> , by the word <3056 -logos -> of God <2316 -theos -> , which liveth <2198 -zao -> and {abideth} <3306 -meno -> for ever <0165 -aion -> . abideth 1JO 002 006 He that saith <3004 -lego -> he {abideth} <3306 -meno -> in him ought <3784 -opheilo -> himself <0846 - autos -> also <2532 -kai -> so <3779 -houto -> to walk <4043 - peripateo -> , even <2531 -kathos -> as he walked <4043 - peripateo -> . abideth 1JO 002 010 He that loveth <0025 -agapao -> his brother <0080 -adephos -> {abideth} <3306 -meno -> in the light <5457 - phos -> , and there is none <3756 -ou -> occasion <4625 - skandalon -> of stumbling <4625 -skandalon -> in him . abideth 1JO 002 014 I have written <1125 -grapho -> unto you , fathers <3962 -pater -> , because <3754 -hoti -> ye have known <1097 -ginosko -> him [ that is ] from the beginning <0746 - arche -> . I have written <1125 -grapho -> unto you , young <3495 -neaniskos -> men <3495 -neaniskos -> , because <3754 - hoti -> ye are strong <2478 -ischuros -> , and the word <3056 - logos -> of God <2316 -theos -> {abideth} <3306 -meno -> in you , and ye have overcome <3528 -nikao -> the wicked <4190 -poneros - > one . abideth 1JO 002 017 And the world <2889 -kosmos -> passeth <3855 -parago -> away , and the lust <1939 -epithumia -> thereof <0846 -autos -> : but he that doeth <4160 -poieo -> the will <2307 - thelema -> of God <2316 -theos -> {abideth} <3306 -meno -> for ever <0165 -aion -> . abideth 1JO 002 027 But the anointing <5545 -chrisma -> which <3739 -hos -> ye have received <2983 -lambano -> of him {abideth} <3306 -meno -> in you , and ye need <5532 -chreia -> not that any <5100 -tis -> man teach <1321 -didasko -> you : but as the same <0846 -autos -> anointing <5545 -chrisma -> teacheth <1321 -didasko -> you of all <3956 -pas -> things , and is truth <0227 -alethes -> , and is no <3756 -ou -> lie <5579 -pseudos -> , and even <2531 -kathos -> as it hath taught <1321 -didasko -> you , ye shall abide <3306 -meno -> in him . abideth 1JO 003 006 Whosoever <3588 -ho -> {abideth} <3306 -meno -> in him sinneth <0264 -hamartano -> not : whosoever <3588 -ho - > sinneth <0264 -hamartano -> hath not seen <3708 -horao -> him , neither <3761 -oude -> known <1097 -ginosko -> him . abideth 1JO 003 014 . We know <1492 -eido -> that we have passed <3327 -metabaino -> from death <2288 -thanatos -> unto life <2222 -zoe -> , because <3754 -hoti -> we love <0025 -agapao -> the brethren <0080 -adephos -> . He that loveth <0025 -agapao -> not [ his ] brother <0080 -adephos -> {abideth} <3306 -meno -> in death <2288 -thanatos -> . abideth 1JO 003 024 And he that keepeth <5083 -tereo -> his commandments <1785 -entole -> dwelleth <3306 -meno -> in him , and he in him . And hereby <5129 -toutoi -> we know <1097 - ginosko -> that he {abideth} <3306 -meno -> in us , by the Spirit <4151 -pneuma -> which <3739 -hos -> he hath given <1325 - didomi -> us . abideth 001 009 Whosoever <3588 - ho - > transgresseth <3845 - parabaino - > , and abideth <3306 - meno - > not in the doctrine <1322 - didache - > of Christ <5547 - Christos - > , hath <2192 - echo - > not God <2316 - theos - > . He that {abideth} <3306 - meno - > in the doctrine <1322 - didache - > of Christ <5547 - Christos - > , he hath <2192 - echo - > both <2532 - kai - > the Father <3962 - pater - > and the Son <5207 - huios - > . abideth 001 009 Whosoever <3588 - ho - > transgresseth <3845 - parabaino - > , and {abideth} <3306 - meno - > not in the doctrine <1322 - didache - > of Christ <5547 - Christos - > , hath <2192 - echo - > not God <2316 - theos - > . He that abideth <3306 - meno - > in the doctrine <1322 - didache - > of Christ <5547 - Christos - > , he hath <2192 - echo - > both <2532 - kai - > the Father <3962 - pater - > and the Son <5207 - huios - > .