abaddon , RE , 9:11 abaddon , Concordance Study abaddon , RE , 9:11 Abaddon 0003 # Abaddon {ab-ad-dohn'}; of Hebrew origin [11]; a destroying angel: -- {Abaddon}.[ql Abaddon Interlinear Index Study Abaddon REV 009 011 And they had <2192 -echo -> a king <0935 - basileus -> over <1909 -epi -> them , [ which is ] the angel <0032 -aggelos -> of the bottomless <0012 -abussos -> pit , whose <0846 -autos -> name <3686 -onoma -> in the Hebrew <1447 - Hebraisti -> tongue <1447 -Hebraisti -> [ is ] {Abaddon} <0003 - Abaddon -> , but in the Greek <1673 -Hellenikos -> tongue hath <2192 -echo -> [ his ] name <3686 -onoma -> Apollyon <0623 - Apolluon -> . * abaddon , 0003 , abaddon And they had a king over them, which is] the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is] {Abaddon}, but in the Greek tongue hath his] name Apollyon.