Ziph 2128 ## Ziyph {zeef}; from the same as 2203; flowing; Ziph,
the name of a place in Palestine; also of an Israelite: --
{Ziph}. [ql

Ziphah 2129 ## Ziyphah {zee-faw'}; feminine of 2128; a flowing;
Ziphah, an Israelite: -- {Ziphah}. [ql

Ziphim 2130 ## Ziyphiy {zee-fee'}; patrial from 2128; a Ziphite
or inhabitant of Ziph: -- {Ziphim}, Ziphite. [ql

Ziphion 6837 ## Tsiphyown {tsif-yone'}; from 6822; watch-tower;
Tsiphjon, an Israelite: -- {Ziphion}. Compare 6827.[ql

Ziphite 2130 ## Ziyphiy {zee-fee'}; patrial from 2128; a Ziphite
or inhabitant of Ziph: -- Ziphim, {Ziphite}. [ql

Ziphron 2202 ## Ziphron {zi-frone'}; from an unused root
(meaning to be fragrant); Ziphron, a place in Palestine: --
{Ziphron}. [ql
