wronged , 2CO , 7:2

wronged , PHM , 1:18



wronged Interlinear Index Study

wronged 2CO 007 002 Receive <5562 -choreo -> us ; we have
{wronged} <0091 -adikeo -> no <3762 -oudeis -> man <3762 -oudeis
-> , we have corrupted <5351 -phtheiro -> no <3762 -oudeis ->
man <3762 -oudeis -> , we have defrauded <4122 -pleonekteo -> no
<3762 -oudeis -> man <3762 -oudeis -> .

wronged PHM 001 018 If <1487 -ei -> he hath {wronged} <0091 -
adikeo -> thee , or <2228 -e -> oweth <3784 -opheilo -> [ thee ]
ought <5100 -tis -> , put <1677 -ellogeo -> that on <1677 -
ellogeo -> mine <1699 -emos -> account <1677 -ellogeo -> ;


if he hath wronged thee

we have wronged no man <2CO7 -:2 >

* wronged , 0091 ,

* wronged , 0091 adikeo ,


wronged -0091 did, do, doeth, done, hurt, injured, offender,
unjust, wrong, {wronged},




wronged ......... he hath wronged 0091 -adikeo->

wronged ......... us ; we have wronged 0091 -adikeo->




wronged 007 002 IICo /${wronged /no man , we
have corrupted no man , we have defrauded no man .

wronged 001 018 Phm /${wronged /thee , or oweth
thee ought , put that on mine account ;


wronged 2 -


wronged <2CO7 -2> Receive us; we have {wronged} no man, we have
corrupted no man, we have defrauded no man.

wronged If he hath {wronged} thee, or oweth thee]
ought, put that on mine account;
