wormwood 009 015 Jer /^{wormwood /and give them
water of gall to drink .

wormwood 005 007 Amo /^{wormwood /and leave off
righteousness in the earth ,

wormwood 023 015 Jer /^{wormwood /and make them
drink the water of gall : for from the prophets of Jerusalem is
profaneness gone forth into all the land .

wormwood 008 011 Rev /${wormwood /and many men
died of the waters , because they were made bitter .

wormwood 003 019 Lam /^{wormwood /and the gall .

Wormwood 008 011 Rev /${Wormwood /and the third
part of the waters became wormwood ; and many men died of the
waters , because they were made bitter .

wormwood 005 004 Pro /^{wormwood /sharp as a
twoedged sword .
