worms 007 005 Job /^{worms /and clods of dust ;
my skin is broken , and become loathsome .

worms 012 023 Act /${worms /and gave up the
ghost .

worms 016 020 Exo /^{worms /and stank : and
Moses was wroth with them.

worms 014 011 Isa /^{worms /cover thee.

worms 019 026 Job /^{worms /destroy this body,
yet in my flesh shall I see God :

worms 007 017 Mic /^{worms /of the earth :
they shall be afraid of the LORD our God , and shall fear
because of thee.

worms 021 026 Job /^{worms /shall cover them.

worms 028 039 Deu /^{worms /shall eat them.
