wont 010 001 Mar /${wont /he taught them
again .

wont 003 019 Dan /^{wont /to be heated .

wont 016 013 Act /${wont /to be made ; and we
sat down , and spake unto the women which resorted thither.

wont 022 030 Num /^{wont /to do so unto thee?
And he said , Nay.

wont 030 031 ISa /^{wont /to haunt .

wont 021 029 Exo /^{wont /to push with his
horn in time past , and it hath been testified to his owner ,
and he hath not kept him in, but that he hath killed a man or a
woman ; the ox shall be stoned , and his owner also shall be put
to death .

wont 027 015 Mat /${wont /to release unto the
people a prisoner , whom they would .

wont 020 018 IISa /^{wont /to speak in old
time , saying , They shall surely ask counsel at Abel : and so
they ended the matter.

wont 022 039 Luk /${wont /to the mount of
Olives ; and his disciples also followed him .
