Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

witnessing 44_ACT_26_22 Having therefore (3767 -oun -) obtained (5177 -tugchano -) help (1947 -epikouria -) of God (2316 -theos -) , I continue (2476 -histemi -) unto this (5026 -taute -) day (2250 -hemera -) , {witnessing} (3140 -martureo -) both (5037 -te -) to small (3398 -mikros -) and great (3173 -megas -) , saying (3004 -lego -) none (3762 -oudeis -) other (1622 -ektos -) things than those which (3739 -hos -) the prophets (4396 -prophetes -) and Moses (3475 -Moseus -) did say (2980 -laleo -) should (3195 -mello -) come (1096 -ginomai -) :

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