Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
contrariwise ^ 60_1PE_03_09 Not <3361> rendering <0591> (5723) evil <2556> for <0473> evil <2556>, or <2228> railing <3059> for <0473> railing <3059>: but <1161> {contrariwise} <5121> blessing <2129>; knowing <1492> (5761) that <3754> ye are <2564> <0> thereunto <1519> <5124> called <2564> (5681), that <2443> ye should inherit <2816> (5661) a blessing <2127> (5723).

contrariwise ^ 47_2CO_02_07 So <5620> that {contrariwise} <5121> ye <5209> ought rather <3123> to forgive <5483> (5664) him, and <2532> comfort <3870> (5658) him, lest <3381> perhaps <4458> such a one <5108> should be swallowed up <2666> (5686) with overmuch <4055> sorrow <3077>.

contrariwise ^ 48_GAL_02_07 But <0235> {contrariwise} <5121>, when they saw <1492> (5631) that <3754> the gospel <2098> of the uncircumcision <0203> was committed unto me <4100> (5769), as <2531> the gospel of the circumcision <4061> was unto Peter <4074>;

Likewise ^ 60_1PE_05_05 {Likewise} <3668>, ye younger <3501>, submit yourselves <5293> (5649) unto the elder <4245>. Yea <1161>, all <3956> of you be subject <5293> (5746) one to another <0240>, and be clothed <1463> (5663) with humility <5012>: for <3754> God <2316> resisteth <0498> (5731) the proud <5244>, and <1161> giveth <1325> (5719) grace <5485> to the humble <5011>.

Likewise ^ 60_1PE_03_07 {Likewise} <3668>, ye husbands <0435>, dwell with <4924> (5723) them according to <2596> knowledge <1108>, giving <0632> (5723) honour <5092> unto the wife <1134>, as <5613> unto the weaker <0772> vessel <4632>, and <2532> as <5613> being heirs together <4789> of the grace <5485> of life <2222>; that <1519> your <5216> prayers <4335> be <1581> <0> not <3361> hindered <1581> (5745).

Likewise ^ 60_1PE_03_01 {Likewise} <3668>, ye wives <1135>, be in subjection <5293> (5746) to your own <2398> husbands <0435>; that <2443>, if any <1536> obey not <0544> (5719) the word <3056>, they <2770> <0> also <2532> may <2770> <0> without <0427> the word <3056> be won <2770> (5686) by <1223> the conversation <0391> of the wives <1135>;

Likewise ^ 54_1TI_03_08 {Likewise} <5615> must the deacons <1249> be grave <4586>, not <3361> doubletongued <1351>, not <3361> given <4337> (5723) to much <4183> wine <3631>, not <3361> greedy of filthy lucre <0146>;

Likewise ^ 59_JAM_02_25 {Likewise} <3668> <1161> also <2532> was <1344> <0> not <3756> Rahab <4460> the harlot <4204> justified <1344> (5681) by <1537> works <2041>, when she had received <5264> (5666) the messengers <0032>, and <2532> had sent them out <1544> (5631) another <2087> way <3598>?

Likewise ^ 45_ROM_08_26 <1161> {Likewise} <5615> the Spirit <4151> also <2532> helpeth <4878> (5736) our <2257> infirmities <0769>: for <1063> we know <1492> (5758) not <3756> what <5101> we should pray for <4336> (5667) as <2526> we ought <1163> (5748): but <0235> the Spirit <4151> itself <0846> maketh intercession <5241> (5719) for <5228> us <2257> with groanings <4726> which cannot be uttered <0215>.

Likewise ^ 54_1TI_05_25 {Likewise} <5615> also <2532> the good <2570> works <2041> of some are <2076> (5748) manifest beforehand <4271>; and <2532> they that are <2192> (5723) otherwise <0247> cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) be hid <2928> (5650).

Likewise ^ 65_JDE_01_08 {Likewise} <3668> <3305> also <2532> these <3778> filthy dreamers <1797> (5740) defile <3392> (5719) the flesh <3303> <4561>, <1161> despise <0114> (5719) dominion <2963>, and <1161> speak evil <0987> (5719) of dignities <1391>.

Likewise ^ 42_LUK_15_10 {Likewise} <3779>, I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, there is <1096> (5736) joy <5479> in the presence <1799> of the angels <0032> of God <2316> over <1909> one <1520> sinner <0268> that repenteth <3340> (5723).

Likewise ^ 42_LUK_22_20 {Likewise} <5615> also <2532> the cup <4221> after <3326> supper <1172> (5658), saying <3004> (5723), This <5124> cup <4221> is the new <2537> testament <1242> in <1722> my <3450> blood <0129>, which <3588> is shed <1632> (5746) for <5228> you <5216>.

Likewise ^ 40_MAT_22_26 {Likewise} <3668> the second <1208> also <2532>, and <2532> the third <5154>, unto <2193> the seventh <2033>.

Likewise ^ 45_ROM_06_11 {Likewise} <3779> reckon <3049> (5737) ye <5210> also <2532> yourselves <1438> to be <1511> (5750) dead <3498> indeed <3303> unto sin <0266>, but <1161> alive <2198> (5723) unto God <2316> through <1722> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> our <2257> Lord <2962>.

Likewise ^ 42_LUK_17_28 {Likewise} <3668> also <2532> as <5613> it was <1096> (5633) in <1722> the days <2250> of Lot <3091>; they did eat <2068> (5707), they drank <4095> (5707), they bought <0059> (5707), they sold <4453> (5707), they planted <5452> (5707), they builded <3618> (5707);

Likewise ^ 40_MAT_17_12 But <1161> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, That <3754> Elias <2243> is come <2064> (5627) already <2235>, and <2532> they knew <1921> (5627) him <0846> not <3756>, but <0235> have done <4160> (5656) unto <1722> him <0846> whatsoever <3745> they listed <2309> (5656). {Likewise} <3779> shall <3195> (5719) also <2532> the Son <5207> of man <0444> suffer <3958> (5721) of <5259> them <0846>.

Likewise ^ 40_MAT_27_41 <1161> {Likewise} <3668> also <2532> the chief priests <0749> mocking <1702> (5723) him, with <3326> the scribes <1122> and <2532> elders <4245>, said <3004> (5707),

Likewise ^ 41_MAR_14_31 But <1161> he spake <3004> (5707) the more <3123> vehemently <1537> <4053>, If <1437> I <3165> should <1163> (5753) die with <4880> (5629) thee <4671>, I will not <3364> <0> deny <0533> (5695) thee <4571> in any wise <3364>. {Likewise} <5615> also <1161> <2532> said they <3004> (5707) all <3956>.

Likewise ^ 41_MAR_15_31 {Likewise} <1161> <3668> also <2532> the chief priests <0749> mocking <1702> (5723) said <3004> (5707) among <4314> themselves <0240> with <3326> the scribes <1122>, He saved <4982> (5656) others <0243>; himself <1438> he cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) save <4982> (5658).

Likewise ^ 40_MAT_26_35 Peter <4074> said <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Though <2579> I <3165> should <1163> (5753) die <0599> (5629) with <4862> thee <4671>, yet <3364> <0> will I <0533> <0> not <3364> deny <0533> (5695) thee <4571>. {Likewise} <3668> also <2532> said <2036> (5627) all <3956> the disciples <3101>.

Likewise ^ 45_ROM_16_05 {Likewise} <2532> greet the church <1577> that is in <2596> their <0846> house <3624>. Salute <0782> (5663) my <3450> wellbeloved <0027> Epaenetus <1866>, who <3739> is <2076> (5748) the firstfruits <0536> of Achaia <0882> unto <1519> Christ <5547>.

likewise ^ 46_1CO_07_22 For <1063> he that is called <2564> (5685) in <1722> the Lord <2962>, being a servant <1401>, is <2076> (5748) the Lord's <2962> freeman <0558>: {likewise} <3668> also <2532> he that is called <2564> (5685), being free <1658>, is <2076> (5748) Christ's <5547> servant <1401>.

likewise ^ 44_ACT_03_24 Yea <2532>, and <1161> all <3956> the prophets <4396> from <0575> Samuel <4545> and <2532> those that follow after <2517>, as many as <3745> have spoken <2980> (5656), have <4293> <0> {likewise} <2532> foretold <4293> (5656) of these <5025> days <2250>.

likewise ^ 46_1CO_07_03 Let <0591> <0> the husband <0435> render <0591> (5720) unto the wife <1135> due <3784> (5746) benevolence <2133>: and <1161> {likewise} <3668> also <2532> the wife <1135> unto the husband <0435>.

likewise ^ 46_1CO_14_09 So <3779> {likewise} <2532> ye <5210>, except <3362> ye utter <1325> (5632) by <1223> the tongue <1100> words <3056> easy to be understood <2154>, how <4459> shall it be known <1097> (5701) what is spoken <2980> (5746)? for <1063> ye shall <2071> (5704) speak <2980> (5723) into <1519> the air <0109>.

likewise ^ 46_1CO_07_04 The wife <1135> hath <1850> <0> not <3756> power <1850> (5719) of her own <2398> body <4983>, but <0235> the husband <0435>: and <1161> {likewise} <3668> also <2532> the husband <0435> hath <1850> <0> not <3756> power <1850> (5719) of his own <2398> body <4983>, but <0235> the wife <1135>.

likewise ^ 60_1PE_04_01 Forasmuch then as <3767> Christ <5547> hath suffered <3958> (5631) for <5228> us <2257> in the flesh <4561>, arm <3695> (5669) yourselves <5210> {likewise} <2532> with the same <0846> mind <1771>: for <3754> he that hath suffered <3958> (5631) in <1722> the flesh <4561> hath ceased <3973> (5769) from sin <0266>;

likewise ^ 48_GAL_02_13 And <2532> the other <3062> Jews <2453> dissembled <4942> (5681) {likewise} <2532> with him <0846>; insomuch <5620> that Barnabas <0921> also <2532> was carried away <4879> (5681) with their <0846> dissimulation <5272>.

likewise ^ 51_COL_04_16 And <2532> when <3752> this epistle <1992> is read <0314> (5686) among <3844> you <5213>, cause <4160> (5657) that <2443> it be read <0314> (5686) also <2532> in <1722> the church <1577> of the Laodiceans <2994>; and <2532> that <2443> ye <5210> <0314> <0> {likewise} <2532> read <0314> (5632) the epistle from <1537> Laodicea <2993>.

likewise ^ 58_HEB_02_14 Forasmuch <1893> then <3767> as the children <3813> are partakers <2841> (5758) of flesh <4561> and <2532> blood <0129>, he <3348> <0> also <2532> himself <0846> {likewise} <3898> took part <3348> (5627) of the same <0846>; that <2443> through <1223> death <2288> he might destroy <2673> (5661) him that had <2192> (5723) the power <2904> of death <2288>, that is <5123> (5748), the devil <1228>;

likewise ^ 42_LUK_03_11 He answereth <0611> (5679) and <1161> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, He that hath <2192> (5723) two <1417> coats <5509>, let him impart <3330> (5628) to him that hath <2192> (5723) none <3361>; and <2532> he that hath <2192> (5723) meat <1033>, let him do <4160> (5720) {likewise} <3668>.

likewise ^ 43_JOH_05_19 Then <3767> answered <0611> (5662) Jesus <2424> and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Verily <0281>, verily <0281>, I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, The Son <5207> can <1410> (5736) <3756> do <4160> (5721) nothing <3762> of <0575> himself <1438>, but <3362> what <5100> he seeth <0991> (5725) the Father <3962> do <4160> (5723): for <1063> what things soever <3739> <0302> he <1565> doeth <4160> (5725), these <5023> also <2532> doeth <4160> (5719) the Son <5207> {likewise} <3668>.

likewise ^ 42_LUK_05_33 And <1161> they said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> him <0846>, Why <1302> do <3522> <0> the disciples <3101> of John <2491> fast <3522> (5719) often <4437>, and <2532> make <4160> (5731) prayers <1162>, and <2532> {likewise} <3668> the disciples <3588> of the Pharisees <5330>; but <1161> thine <4674> eat <2068> (5719) and <2532> drink <4095> (5719)?

likewise ^ 43_JOH_06_11 And <1161> Jesus <2424> took <2983> (5627) the loaves <0740>; and <2532> when he had given thanks <2168> (5660), he distributed <1239> (5656) to the disciples <3101>, and <1161> the disciples <3101> to them that were set down <0345> (5740); and <2532> {likewise} <3668> of <1537> the fishes <3795> as much as <3745> they would <2309> (5707).

likewise ^ 42_LUK_03_14 And <1161> the soldiers <4754> (5734) {likewise} <2532> demanded <1905> (5707) of him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), And <2532> what <5101> shall we <2249> do <4160> (5692)? And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, Do violence <1286> (5661) to no man <3367>, neither <3366> accuse any falsely <4811> (5661); and <2532> be content <0714> (5744) with your <5216> wages <3800>.

likewise ^ 42_LUK_10_32 And <1161> {likewise} <3668> <2532> a Levite <3019>, when he was <1096> (5637) at <2596> the place <5117>, came <2064> (5631) and <2532> looked <1492> (5631) on him, and passed by on the other side <0492> (5627).

likewise ^ 42_LUK_02_38 And <2532> she <3778> (5625) <0846> coming in <2186> (5631) that <0846> instant <5610> gave thanks {likewise} <0437> (5711) unto the Lord <2962>, and <2532> spake <2980> (5707) of <4012> him <0846> to all <3956> them that looked <4327> (5740) for redemption <3085> in <1722> Jerusalem <2419>.

likewise ^ 42_LUK_06_31 And <2532> as <2531> ye would <2309> (5719) that <2443> men <0444> should do <4160> (5725) to you <5213>, do <4160> (5720) ye <5210> also <2532> to them <0846> {likewise} <3668>.

likewise ^ 42_LUK_10_37 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627), He that shewed <4160> (5660) mercy <1656> on <3326> him <0846>. Then <3767> said <2036> (5627) Jesus <2424> unto him <0846>, Go <4198> (5737), and <2532> do <4160> (5720) thou <4771> {likewise} <3668>.

likewise ^ 42_LUK_13_05 I tell <3004> (5719) you <5213>, Nay <3780>: but <0235>, except <3362> ye repent <3340> (5725), ye shall <0622> <0> all <3956> {likewise} <3668> perish <0622> (5698).

likewise ^ 40_MAT_24_33 So <3779> {likewise} <2532> ye <5210>, when <3752> ye shall see <1492> (5632) all <3956> these things <5023>, know <1097> (5719) that <3754> it is <2076> (5748) near <1451>, even at <1909> the doors <2374>.

likewise ^ 40_MAT_25_17 And <2532> {likewise} <5615> he that had received <3588> two <1417>, he <0846> also <2532> gained <2770> (5656) other <0243> two <1417>.

likewise ^ 43_JOH_21_13 Jesus <2424> then <3767> cometh <2064> (5736), and <2532> taketh <2983> (5719) bread <0740>, and <2532> giveth <1325> (5719) them <0846>, and <2532> fish <3795> {likewise} <3668>.

likewise ^ 42_LUK_13_03 I tell <3004> (5719) you <5213>, Nay <3780>: but <0235>, except <3362> ye repent <3340> (5725), ye shall <0622> <0> all <3956> {likewise} <5615> perish <0622> (5698).

likewise ^ 42_LUK_14_33 So <3779> {likewise} <3767>, whosoever <3956> he be of <1537> you <5216> that <3739> forsaketh <0657> (5731) not <3756> all <3956> that he hath <5224> (5723) <1438>, he cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) be <1511> (5750) my <3450> disciple <3101>.

likewise ^ 41_MAR_12_21 And <2532> the second <1208> took <2983> (5627) her <0846>, and <2532> died <0599> (5627), <2532> neither <3761> left <0863> (5656) he <0846> any seed <4690>: and <2532> the third <5154> {likewise} <5615>.

likewise ^ 40_MAT_21_30 And <2532> he came <4334> (5631) to the second <1208>, and said <2036> (5627) {likewise} <5615>. And <1161> he answered <0611> (5679) and said <2036> (5627), I <1473> go, sir <2962>: and <2532> went <0565> (5627) not <3756>.

likewise ^ 45_ROM_01_27 And <5037> {likewise} <3668> also <2532> the men <0730>, leaving <0863> (5631) the natural <5446> use <5540> of the woman <2338>, burned <1572> (5681) in <1722> their <0846> lust <3715> one toward another <1519> <0240>; men <0730> with <1722> men <0730> working <2716> (5740) that which is unseemly <0808>, and <2532> receiving <0618> (5723) in <1722> themselves <1438> that recompence <0489> of their <0846> error <4106> which <3739> was meet <1163> (5713).

likewise ^ 56_TIT_02_03 The aged women <4247> {likewise} <5615>, that they be in <1722> behaviour <2688> as becometh holiness <2412>, not <3361> false accusers <1228>, not <3361> given <1402> (5772) to much <4183> wine <3631>, teachers of good things <2567>;

likewise ^ 56_TIT_02_06 Young men <3501> {likewise} <5615> exhort <3870> (5720) to be sober minded <4993> (5721).

likewise ^ 40_MAT_20_05 Again <3825> he went out <1831> (5631) about <4012> the sixth <1623> and <2532> ninth <1766> hour <5610>, and did <4160> (5656) {likewise} <5615>.

likewise ^ 40_MAT_18_35 So <3779> {likewise} shall my <3450> heavenly <2032> Father <3962> do <4160> (5692) also <2532> unto you <5213>, if <3362> <0> ye from <0575> your <5216> hearts <2588> forgive <0863> (5632) not <3362> every one <1538> his <0846> brother <0080> their <0846> trespasses <3900>.

likewise ^ 40_MAT_21_36 Again <3825>, he sent <0649> (5656) other <0243> servants <1401> more <4119> than the first <4413>: and <2532> they did <4160> (5656) unto them <0846> {likewise} <5615>.

likewise ^ 66_REV_08_12 And <2532> the fourth <5067> angel <0032> sounded <4537> (5656), and <2532> the third part <5154> of the sun <2246> was smitten <4141> (5648), and <2532> the third part <5154> of the moon <4582>, and <2532> the third part <5154> of the stars <0792>; so as <2443> the third part <5154> of them <0846> was darkened <4654> (5686), and <2532> the day <2250> shone <5316> (5725) not <3361> for a third part <5154> of it <0846>, and <2532> the night <3571> {likewise} <3668>.

likewise ^ 40_MAT_20_10 But <1161> when the first <4413> came <2064> (5631), they supposed <3543> (5656) that <3754> they should have received <2983> (5695) more <4119>; and <2532> they {likewise} <2532> received <2983> (5627) every man <0846> <0303> a penny <1220>.

likewise ^ 41_MAR_04_16 And <2532> these <3778> are they <1526> (5748) {likewise} <3668> which are sown <4687> (5746) on <1909> stony ground <4075>; who <3739>, when <3752> they have heard <0191> (5661) the word <3056>, immediately <2112> receive <2983> (5719) it <0846> with <3326> gladness <5479>;

likewise ^ 42_LUK_15_07 I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, that <3754> {likewise} <3779> joy <5479> shall be <2071> (5704) in <1722> heaven <3772> over <1909> one <1520> sinner <0268> that repenteth <3340> (5723), more than <2228> over <1909> ninety and nine <1768> just persons <1342>, which <3748> need <2192> (5719) <5532> no <3756> repentance <3341>.

likewise ^ 42_LUK_17_10 So <3779> {likewise} <2532> ye <5210>, when <3752> ye shall have done <4160> (5661) all <3956> those things which are commanded <1299> (5685) you <5213>, say <3004> (5720), <3754> We are <2070> (5748) unprofitable <0888> servants <1401>: <3754> we have done <4160> (5658) that which <3739> was our duty <3784> (5707) to do <4160> (5758).

likewise ^ 42_LUK_16_25 But <1161> Abraham <0011> said <2036> (5627), Son <5043>, remember <3415> (5682) that <3754> thou <4771> in <1722> thy <4675> lifetime <2222> receivedst <0618> (5627) thy <4675> good things <0018>, and <2532> {likewise} <3668> Lazarus <2976> evil things <2556>: but <1161> now <3568> <3592> he is comforted <3870> (5743), and <1161> thou <4771> art tormented <3600> (5743).

likewise ^ 42_LUK_21_31 So <3779> {likewise} <2532> ye <5210>, when <3752> ye see <1492> (5632) these things <5023> come to pass <1096> (5740), know ye <1097> (5720) that <3754> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316> is <2076> (5748) nigh at hand <1451>.

likewise ^ 42_LUK_22_36 Then <3767> said he <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, But <0235> now <3568>, he that hath <2192> (5723) a purse <0905>, let him take <0142> (5657) it, and <2532> {likewise} <3668> his scrip <4082>: and <2532> he that hath <2192> (5723) no <3361> sword <3162>, let him sell <4453> (5657) his <0846> garment <2440>, and <2532> buy <0059> (5692) one.

likewise ^ 42_LUK_19_19 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627) {likewise} <2532> to him <5129>, Be <1096> (5737) thou <4771> also <2532> over <1883> five <4002> cities <4172>.

likewise ^ 42_LUK_17_31 In <1722> that <1565> day <2250>, he which <3739> shall be <2071> (5704) upon <1909> the housetop <1430>, and <2532> his <0846> stuff <4632> in <1722> the house <3614>, let <2597> <0> him not <3361> come down <2597> (5628) to take <0142> <0> it <0846> away <0142> (5658): and <2532> he that is in <1722> the field <0068>, let him <1994> <0> {likewise} <3668> not <3361> return <1994> (5657) back <1519> <3694>.

otherwise ^ 45_ROM_11_06 And <1161> if <1487> by grace <5485>, then is it no more <2089> <3765> of <1537> works <2041>: otherwise <1893> grace <5485> is <1096> (5736) no more <2089> <3765> grace <5485>. But <1161> if <1487> it be of <1537> works <2041>, then is it <2076> (5748) no more <2089> <3765> grace <5485>: {otherwise} <1893> work <2041> is <2076> (5748) no more <2089> <3765> work <2041>.

otherwise ^ 58_HEB_09_17 For <1063> a testament <1242> is of force <0949> after <1909> men are dead <3498>: {otherwise} <1893> it is of <2480> <0> no <3379> <0> strength <2480> (5719) at all <3379> while <3753> the testator <1303> (5642) liveth <2198> (5719).

otherwise ^ 50_PHP_03_15 Let <5426> <0> us therefore <3767>, as many as <3745> be perfect <5046>, be <5426> <0> thus <5124> minded <5426> (5725): and <2532> if in any thing <1536> ye be <5426> <0> {otherwise} <2088> minded <5426> (5719), God <2316> shall reveal <0601> (5692) even <2532> this <5124> unto you <5213>.

otherwise ^ 45_ROM_11_22 Behold <1492> (5657) therefore <3767> the goodness <5544> and <2532> severity <0663> of God <2316>: on <1909> them which fell <4098> (5631) <3303>, severity <0663>; but <1161> toward <1909> thee <4571>, goodness <5544>, if <1437> thou continue <1961> (5661) in his goodness <5544>: {otherwise} <1893> thou <4771> also <2532> shalt be cut off <1581> (5691).

otherwise ^ 47_2CO_11_16 I say <3004> (5719) again <3825>, Let <1380> <0> no <3361> man <5100> think <1380> (5661) me <1511> (5750) <3165> a fool <0878>; if {otherwise} <1490>, yet <2579> as <5613> a fool <0878> receive <1209> (5663) me <3165>, that <2443> I <2504> may boast myself <2744> (5667) a <5100> little <3397>.

otherwise ^ 40_MAT_06_01 Take heed <4337> (5720) that ye do <4160> (5721) not <3361> your <5216> alms <1654> before <1715> men <0444>, to be seen <4314> <2300> (5683) of them <0846>: {otherwise} <1490> ye have <2192> (5719) no <3756> reward <3408> of <3844> your <5216> Father <3962> which <3588> is in <1722> heaven <3772>.

otherwise ^ 54_1TI_06_03 If any man <1536> teach {otherwise} <2085> (5719), and <2532> consent <4334> (5736) not <3361> to wholesome <5198> (5723) words <3056>, even the words of our <2257> Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, and <2532> to the doctrine <1319> which is according <2596> to godliness <2150>;

otherwise ^ 48_GAL_05_10 I <1473> have confidence <3982> (5754) in <1519> you <5209> through <1722> the Lord <2962>, that <3754> ye will be <5426> <0> none <3762> {otherwise} <0243> minded <5426> (5692): but <1161> he that troubleth <5015> (5723) you <5209> shall bear <0941> (5692) his judgment <2917>, whosoever <3748> he be <0302> <5600> (5753).

otherwise ^ 42_LUK_05_36 And <1161> he spake <3004> (5707) also <2532> a parable <3850> unto <4314> them <0846>; <3754> No man <3762> putteth <1911> (5719) a piece <1915> of a new <2537> garment <2440> upon <1909> an old <2440> <3820>; if {otherwise}, then <1490> both <2532> the new <2537> maketh a rent <4977> (5719), and <2532> the piece <1915> that was taken out of <0575> the new <2537> agreeth <4856> (5719) not <3756> with the old <3820>.

otherwise ^ 45_ROM_11_06 And <1161> if <1487> by grace <5485>, then is it no more <2089> <3765> of <1537> works <2041>: {otherwise} <1893> grace <5485> is <1096> (5736) no more <2089> <3765> grace <5485>. But <1161> if <1487> it be of <1537> works <2041>, then is it <2076> (5748) no more <2089> <3765> grace <5485>: otherwise <1893> work <2041> is <2076> (5748) no more <2089> <3765> work <2041>.

otherwise ^ 54_1TI_05_25 Likewise <5615> also <2532> the good <2570> works <2041> of some are <2076> (5748) manifest beforehand <4271>; and <2532> they that are <2192> (5723) {otherwise} <0247> cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) be hid <2928> (5650).

unwise ^ 49_EPH_05_17 Wherefore <1223> <5124> be ye <1096> (5737) not <3361> {unwise} <0878>, but <0235> understanding <4920> (5723) what <5101> the will <2307> of the Lord <2962> is.

unwise ^ 45_ROM_01_14 I am <1510> (5748) debtor <3781> both <5037> to the Greeks <1672>, and <2532> to the Barbarians <0915>; both <5037> to the wise <4680>, and <2532> to the {unwise} <0453>.

wise ^ 46_1CO_01_19 For <1063> it is written <1125> (5769), I will destroy <0622> (5692) the wisdom <4678> of the {wise} <4680>, and <2532> will bring to nothing <0114> (5692) the understanding <4907> of the prudent <4908>.

wise ^ 46_1CO_01_26 For <1063> ye see <0991> (5719) your <5216> calling <2821>, brethren <0080>, how that <3754> not <3756> many <4183> {wise} men <4680> after <2596> the flesh <4561>, not <3756> many <4183> mighty <1415>, not <3756> many <4183> noble <2104>, are called:

wise ^ 46_1CO_01_27 But <0235> God <2316> hath chosen <1586> (5668) the foolish things <3474> of the world <2889> to <2443> confound <2617> (5725) the {wise} <4680>; and <2532> God <2316> hath chosen <1586> (5668) the weak things <0772> of the world <2889> to <2443> confound <2617> (5725) the things which are mighty <2478>;

wise ^ 46_1CO_03_10 According <2596> to the grace <5485> of God <2316> which <3588> is given <1325> (5685) unto me <3427>, as <5613> a {wise} <4680> masterbuilder <0753>, I have laid <5087> (5758) the foundation <2310>, and <1161> another <0243> buildeth <2026> (5719) thereon. But <1161> let <0991> <0> every man <1538> take heed <0991> (5720) how <4459> he buildeth <2026> (5719) thereupon.

wise ^ 46_1CO_03_18 Let <1818> <0> no man <3367> deceive <1818> (5720) himself <1438>. If any man <1536> among <1722> you <5213> seemeth <1380> (5719) to be <1511> (5750) {wise} <4680> in <1722> this <5129> world <0165>, let him become <1096> (5634) a fool <3474>, that <2443> he may be <1096> (5638) wise <4680>.

wise ^ 46_1CO_03_19 For <1063> the wisdom <4678> of this <5127> world <2889> is <2076> (5748) foolishness <3472> with <3844> God <2316>. For <1063> it is written <1125> (5769), He taketh <1405> (5740) the {wise} <4680> in <1722> their own <0846> craftiness <3834>.

wise ^ 46_1CO_03_20 And <2532> again <3825>, The Lord <2962> knoweth <1097> (5719) the thoughts <1261> of the {wise} <4680>, that <3754> they are <1526> (5748) vain <3152>.

wise ^ 46_1CO_04_10 We <2249> are fools <3474> for <1223> <0> Christ's <5547> sake <1223>, but <1161> ye <5210> are {wise} <5429> in <1722> Christ <5547>; we <2249> are weak <0772>, but <1161> ye <5210> are strong <2478>; ye <5210> are honourable <1741>, but <1161> we <2249> are despised <0820>.

wise ^ 46_1CO_10_15 I speak <3004> (5719) as <5613> to {wise} men <5429>; judge <2919> (5657) ye <5210> what <3739> I say <5346> (5748).

wise ^ 46_1CO_01_20 Where <4226> is the {wise} <4680>? where <4226> is the scribe <1122>? where <4226> is the disputer <4804> of this <5127> world <0165>? hath <3471> <0> not <3780> God <2316> made foolish <3471> (5656) the wisdom <4678> of this <5127> world <2889>?

wise ^ 46_1CO_03_18 Let <1818> <0> no man <3367> deceive <1818> (5720) himself <1438>. If any man <1536> among <1722> you <5213> seemeth <1380> (5719) to be <1511> (5750) wise <4680> in <1722> this <5129> world <0165>, let him become <1096> (5634) a fool <3474>, that <2443> he may be <1096> (5638) {wise} <4680>.

wise ^ 46_1CO_06_05 I speak <3004> (5719) to <4314> your <5213> shame <1791>. Is it so <3779>, that there <2076> (5748) is not <3756> a {wise} man <4680> among <1722> you <5213>? no, not <3761> one <1520> that <3739> shall be able <1410> (5695) to judge <1252> (5658) between <0303> <3319> his <0846> brethren <0080>?

wise ^ 54_1TI_01_17 Now <1161> unto the King <0935> eternal <0165>, immortal <0862>, invisible <0517>, the only <3441> {wise} <4680> God <2316>, be honour <5092> and <2532> glory <1391> for <1519> ever <0165> and ever <0165>. Amen <0281>.

wise ^ 47_2CO_10_12 For <1063> we dare <5111> (5719) not <3756> make <1469> <0> ourselves of the number <1469> (5658), or <2228> compare <4793> <0> ourselves <1438> with <4793> (5658) some <5100> that commend <4921> (5723) themselves <1438>: but <0235> they <0846> measuring <3354> (5723) themselves <1438> by <1722> themselves <1438>, and <2532> comparing <4793> <0> themselves <1438> among <4793> (5723) themselves <1438>, are <4920> <0> not <3756> {wise} <4920> (5719).

wise ^ 47_2CO_11_19 For <1063> ye suffer <0430> (5736) fools <0878> gladly <2234>, seeing ye yourselves are <5607> (5752) {wise} <5429>.

wise ^ 55_2TI_03_15 And <2532> that <3754> from <0575> a child <1025> thou hast known <1492> (5758) the holy <2413> scriptures <1121>, which <3588> are able <1410> (5740) to make <4679> <0> thee <4571> {wise} <4679> (5658) unto <1519> salvation <4991> through <1223> faith <4102> which <3588> is in <1722> Christ <5547> Jesus <2424>.

wise ^ 44_ACT_07_06 And <1161> God <2316> spake <2980> (5656) on this {wise} <3779>, That <3754> his <0846> seed <4690> should <2071> (5704) sojourn <3941> in <1722> a strange <0245> land <1093>; and <2532> that they should bring <1402> <0> them <0846> into bondage <1402> (5692), and <2532> entreat them evil <2559> (5692) four hundred <5071> years <2094>.

wise ^ 44_ACT_13_34 And <1161> as concerning that <3754> he raised <0450> <0> him <0846> up <0450> (5656) from <1537> the dead <3498>, now no more <3371> to <3195> (5723) return <5290> (5721) to <1519> corruption <1312>, he said <2046> (5758) on this {wise} <3779>, <3754> I will give <1325> (5692) you <5213> the sure <4103> mercies <3741> of David <1138>.

wise ^ 44_ACT_13_41 Behold <1492> (5628), ye despisers <2707>, and <2532> wonder <2296> (5657), and <2532> perish <0853> (5682): for <3754> I <1473> work <2038> (5736) a work <2041> in <1722> your <5216> days <2250>, a work <2041> which <3739> ye shall <4100> <0> in no {wise} <3364> believe <4100> (5661), though <1437> a man <5100> declare it <1555> (5741) unto you <5213>.

wise ^ 49_EPH_05_15 See <0991> (5720) then <3767> that <4459> ye walk <4043> (5719) circumspectly <0199>, not <3361> as <5613> fools <0781>, but <0235> as <5613> {wise} <4680>,

wise ^ 58_HEB_04_04 For <1063> he spake <2046> (5758) in a certain place <4225> of <4012> the seventh <1442> day on this {wise} <3779>, And <2532> God <2316> did rest <2664> (5656) the seventh <1722> <1442> day <2250> from <0575> all <3956> his <0846> works <2041>.

wise ^ 59_JAM_03_13 Who <5101> is a {wise} man <4680> and <2532> endued with knowledge <1990> among <1722> you <5213>? let him shew <1166> (5657) out of <1537> a good <2570> conversation <0391> his <0846> works <2041> with <1722> meekness <4240> of wisdom <4678>.

wise ^ 65_JDE_01_25 To the only <3441> {wise} <4680> God <2316>, our <2257> Saviour <4990>, be glory <1391> and <2532> majesty <3172>, dominion <2904> and <2532> power <1849>, both <2532> now <3568> and <2532> ever <1519> <3956> <0165>. Amen <0281>.

wise ^ 43_JOH_06_37 All <3956> that <3739> the Father <3962> giveth <1325> (5719) me <3427> shall come <2240> (5692) to <4314> me <1691>; and <2532> him that cometh <2064> (5740) to <4314> me <3165> I will <1544> <0> in no {wise} <3364> cast <1544> (5632) out <1854>.

wise ^ 43_JOH_21_01 After <3326> these things <5023> Jesus <2424> shewed <5319> (5656) himself <1438> again <3825> to the disciples <3101> at <1909> the sea <2281> of Tiberias <5085>; and <1161> on this {wise} <3779> shewed <5319> (5656) he himself.

wise ^ 42_LUK_10_21 In <1722> that <0846> hour <5610> Jesus <2424> rejoiced in <0021> (5662) spirit <4151>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627), I thank <1843> (5731) thee <4671>, O Father <3962>, Lord <2962> of heaven <3772> and <2532> earth <1093>, that <3754> thou hast hid <0613> (5656) these things <5023> from <0575> the {wise} <4680> and <2532> prudent <4908>, and <2532> hast revealed <0601> (5656) them <0846> unto babes <3516>: even so <3483>, Father <3962>; for <3754> so <3779> it seemed <1096> (5633) good <2107> in <1715> <0> thy <4675> sight <1715>.

wise ^ 42_LUK_12_42 And <1161> the Lord <2962> said <2036> (5627), Who <5101> then <0686> is <2076> (5748) that faithful <4103> and <2532> {wise} <5429> steward <3623>, whom <3739> his lord <2962> shall make ruler <2525> (5692) over <1909> his <0846> household <2322>, to give <1325> (5721) them their portion of meat <4620> in <1722> due season <2540>?

wise ^ 42_LUK_13_11 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), there was <2258> (5713) a woman <1135> which had <2192> (5723) a spirit <4151> of infirmity <0769> eighteen <1176> <2532> <3638> years <2094>, and <2532> was <2258> (5713) bowed together <4794> (5723), and <2532> could <1410> (5740) in <1519> no <3361> {wise} <3838> lift up <0352> (5658) herself.

wise ^ 42_LUK_18_17 Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Whosoever <3739> shall <1209> <0> not <3362> receive <1209> (5667) the kingdom <0932> of God <2316> as <5613> a little child <3813> shall <1525> <0> in no {wise} <3364> enter <1525> (5632) therein <1519> <0846>.

wise ^ 41_MAR_14_31 But <1161> he spake <3004> (5707) the more <3123> vehemently <1537> <4053>, If <1437> I <3165> should <1163> (5753) die with <4880> (5629) thee <4671>, I will not <3364> <0> deny <0533> (5695) thee <4571> in any {wise} <3364>. Likewise <5615> also <1161> <2532> said they <3004> (5707) all <3956>.

wise ^ 40_MAT_23_34 Wherefore <1223> <5124>, behold <2400> (5628), I <1473> send <0649> (5719) unto <4314> you <5209> prophets <4396>, and <2532> {wise} men <4680>, and <2532> scribes <1122>: and <2532> some of <1537> them <0846> ye shall kill <0615> (5692) and <2532> crucify <4717> (5692); and <2532> some of <1537> them <0846> shall ye scourge <3146> (5692) in <1722> your <5216> synagogues <4864>, and <2532> persecute <1377> (5692) them from <0575> city <4172> to <1519> city <4172>:

wise ^ 40_MAT_01_18 Now <1161> the birth <1083> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> was <2258> (5713) on this {wise} <3779>: When as <1063> his <0846> mother <3384> Mary <3137> was espoused <3423> (5685) to Joseph <2501>, before <4250> <2228> they <0846> came together <4905> (5629), she was found <2147> (5681) with child <1722> <1064> <2192> (5723) of <1537> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>.

wise ^ 40_MAT_02_01 Now <1161> when Jesus <2424> was born <1080> (5685) in <1722> Bethlehem <0965> of Judaea <2449> in <1722> the days <2250> of Herod <2264> the king <0935>, behold <2400> (5628), there came <3854> (5633) {wise} men <3097> from <0575> the east <0395> to <1519> Jerusalem <2414>,

wise ^ 40_MAT_02_07 Then <5119> Herod <2264>, when he had privily <2977> called <2564> (5660) the {wise} men <3097>, enquired <0198> <0> of <3844> them <0846> diligently <0198> (5656) what time <5550> the star <0792> appeared <5316> (5730).

wise ^ 40_MAT_02_16 Then <5119> Herod <2264>, when he saw <1492> (5631) that <3754> he was mocked <1702> (5681) of <5259> the wise men <3097>, was exceeding <3029> wroth <2373> (5681), and <2532> sent forth <0649> (5660), and slew <0337> (5627) all <3956> the children <3816> that were in <1722> Bethlehem <0965>, and <2532> in <1722> all <3956> the coasts <3725> thereof <0846>, from <0575> two years old <1332> and <2532> under <2736>, according <2596> to the time <5550> which <3739> he had diligently enquired <0198> (5656) of <3844> the {wise} men <3097>.

wise ^ 40_MAT_02_16 Then <5119> Herod <2264>, when he saw <1492> (5631) that <3754> he was mocked <1702> (5681) of <5259> the {wise} men <3097>, was exceeding <3029> wroth <2373> (5681), and <2532> sent forth <0649> (5660), and slew <0337> (5627) all <3956> the children <3816> that were in <1722> Bethlehem <0965>, and <2532> in <1722> all <3956> the coasts <3725> thereof <0846>, from <0575> two years old <1332> and <2532> under <2736>, according <2596> to the time <5550> which <3739> he had diligently enquired <0198> (5656) of <3844> the wise men <3097>.

wise ^ 40_MAT_05_18 For <1063> verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Till <2193> <0302> heaven <3772> and <2532> earth <1093> pass <3928> (5632), one <1520> jot <2503> or <2228> one <3391> tittle <2762> shall in no {wise} <3364> pass <3928> (5632) from <0575> the law <3551>, till <2193> <0302> all <3956> be fulfilled <1096> (5638).

wise ^ 40_MAT_07_24 Therefore <3767> whosoever <3956> <3748> heareth <0191> (5719) these <5128> sayings <3056> of mine <3450>, and <2532> doeth <4160> (5719) them <0846>, I will liken <3666> (5692) him <0846> unto a {wise} <5429> man <0435>, which <3748> built <3618> (5656) his <0846> house <3614> upon <1909> a rock <4073>:

wise ^ 40_MAT_10_16 Behold <2400> (5628), I <1473> send <0649> <0> you <5209> forth <0649> (5719) as <5613> sheep <4263> in <1722> the midst <3319> of wolves <3074>: be ye <1096> (5737) therefore <3767> {wise} <5429> as <5613> serpents <3789>, and <2532> harmless <0185> as <5613> doves <4058>.

wise ^ 40_MAT_10_42 And <2532> whosoever <3739> <1437> shall give to drink <4222> (5661) unto one <1520> of these <5130> little ones <3398> a cup <4221> of cold <5593> water only <3440> in <1519> the name <3686> of a disciple <3101>, verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, he shall in no {wise} <3364> lose <0622> (5661) his <0846> reward <3408>.

wise ^ 40_MAT_11_25 At <1722> that <1565> time <2540> Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5679) and said <2036> (5627), I thank <1843> (5731) thee <4671>, O Father <3962>, Lord <2962> of heaven <3772> and <2532> earth <1093>, because <3754> thou hast hid <0613> (5656) these things <5023> from <0575> the {wise} <4680> and <2532> prudent <4908>, and <2532> hast revealed <0601> (5656) them <0846> unto babes <3516>.

wise ^ 40_MAT_21_24 And <1161> Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5679) and said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, I also <2504> will ask <2065> (5692) you <5209> one <1520> thing <3056>, which <3739> if <1437> ye tell <2036> (5632) me <3427>, I in like {wise} <2504> will tell <2046> (5692) you <5213> by <1722> what <4169> authority <1849> I do <4160> (5719) these things <5023>.

wise ^ 40_MAT_24_45 Who <5101> then <0686> is <2076> (5748) a faithful <4103> and <2532> {wise} <5429> servant <1401>, whom <3739> his <0846> lord <2962> hath made ruler <2525> (5656) over <1909> his <0846> household <2322>, to give <1325> (5721) them <0846> meat <5160> in <1722> due season <2540>?

wise ^ 40_MAT_25_02 And <1161> five <4002> of <1537> them <0846> were <2258> (5713) {wise} <5429>, and <2532> five <4002> were foolish <3474>.

wise ^ 40_MAT_25_04 But <1161> the {wise} <5429> took <2983> (5627) oil <1637> in <1722> their <0846> vessels <0030> with <3326> their <0846> lamps <2985>.

wise ^ 40_MAT_25_08 And <1161> the foolish <3474> said <2036> (5627) unto the {wise} <5429>, Give <1325> (5628) us <2254> of <1537> your <5216> oil <1637>; for <3754> our <2257> lamps <2985> are gone out <4570> (5743).

wise ^ 40_MAT_25_09 But <1161> the {wise} <5429> answered <0611> (5662), saying <3004> (5723), Not so; lest <3379> there be <0714> <0> not <3756> enough <0714> (5661) for us <2254> and <2532> you <5213>: but <1161> go ye <4198> (5737) rather <3123> to them <4314> that sell <4453> (5723), and <2532> buy <0059> (5657) for yourselves <1438>.

wise ^ 66_REV_21_27 And <2532> there shall <1525> <0> in no {wise} <3364> enter <1525> (5632) into <1519> it <0846> any thing <3956> that defileth <2840> (5723), neither <2532> whatsoever worketh <4160> (5723) abomination <0946>, or <2532> maketh a lie <5579>: but <1508> they which are written <1125> (5772) in <1722> the Lamb's <0721> book <0975> of life <2222>.

wise ^ 45_ROM_03_09 What <5101> then <3767>? are we better <4284> (5736) than they? No <3756>, in no {wise} <3843>: for <1063> we have before proved <4256> (5662) both <5037> Jews <2453> and <2532> Gentiles <1672>, that they are <1511> (5750) all <3956> under <5259> sin <0266>;

wise ^ 45_ROM_10_06 But <1161> the righteousness <1343> which is of <1537> faith <4102> speaketh <3004> (5719) on this {wise} <3779>, Say <2036> (5632) not <3361> in <1722> thine <4675> heart <2588>, Who <5101> shall ascend <0305> (5695) into <1519> heaven <3772>? (that is <5123> (5748), to bring <2609> <0> Christ <5547> down <2609> (5629) from above:)

wise ^ 45_ROM_11_25 For <1063> I would <2309> (5719) not <3756>, brethren <0080>, that ye <5209> should be ignorant <0050> (5721) of this <5124> mystery <3466>, lest <3363> ye should be <5600> (5753) {wise} <5429> in <3844> your own conceits <1438>; that <3754> blindness <4457> in <0575> part <3313> is happened <1096> (5754) to Israel <2474>, until <0891> <3739> the fulness <4138> of the Gentiles <1484> be come in <1525> (5632).

wise ^ 45_ROM_12_16 Be of the same <0846> mind <5426> (5723) one toward another <1519> <0240>. Mind <5426> (5723) not <3361> high things <5308>, but <0235> condescend <4879> (5734) to men of low estate <5011>. Be <1096> (5737) not <3361> {wise} <5429> in <3844> your own conceits <1438>.

wise ^ 45_ROM_16_19 For <1063> your <5216> obedience <5218> is come abroad <0864> (5633) unto <1519> all <3956> men. I am glad <5463> (5719) therefore <3767> on <1909> <0> your <5213> behalf <1909>: but yet <1161> I would have <2309> (5719) you <5209> {wise} <4680> unto <1519> that which is <1511> (5750) good <3303> <0018>, and <1161> simple <0185> concerning <1519> evil <2556>.

wise ^ 45_ROM_16_27 To God <2316> only <3441> {wise} <4680>, be glory <1391> through <1223> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> for <1519> ever <0165>. Amen <0281>. < (5648) to <4314> the Romans <4514> from <0575> Corinthus <2882>, and sent by <1223> Phebe <5402> servant <1249> of the church <1577> at <1722> Cenchrea <2747>.>>

wise ^ 45_ROM_01_14 I am <1510> (5748) debtor <3781> both <5037> to the Greeks <1672>, and <2532> to the Barbarians <0915>; both <5037> to the {wise} <4680>, and <2532> to the unwise <0453>.

wise ^ 45_ROM_01_22 Professing themselves <5335> (5723) to be <1511> (5750) {wise} <4680>, they became fools <3471> (5681),

wisely ^ 42_LUK_16_08 And <2532> the lord <2962> commended <1867> (5656) the unjust <0093> steward <3623>, because <3754> he had done <4160> (5656) {wisely} <5430>: for <3754> the children <5207> of this <5127> world <0165> are <1526> (5748) in <1519> their <1438> generation <1074> wiser <5429> than <5228> the children <5207> of light <5457>.

wiser ^ 46_1CO_01_25 Because <3754> the foolishness <3474> of God <2316> is <2076> (5748) {wiser} than <4680> men <0444>; and <2532> the weakness <0772> of God <2316> is <2076> (5748) stronger than <2478> men <0444>.

wiser ^ 42_LUK_16_08 And <2532> the lord <2962> commended <1867> (5656) the unjust <0093> steward <3623>, because <3754> he had done <4160> (5656) wisely <5430>: for <3754> the children <5207> of this <5127> world <0165> are <1526> (5748) in <1519> their <1438> generation <1074> {wiser} <5429> than <5228> the children <5207> of light <5457>.