windows 009 021 Jer /^{windows /and is entered
into our palaces , to cut off the children from without , and
the young men from the streets .

windows 022 014 Jer /^{windows /and it is cieled
with cedar , and painted with vermilion .

windows 007 005 IKi /^{windows /and light was
against light in three ranks .

windows 041 026 Eze /^{windows /and palm trees
on the one side and on the other side, on the sides of the porch
, and upon the side chambers of the house , and thick planks .

windows 041 016 Eze /^{windows /and the
galleries round about on their three stories , over against the
door , cieled with wood round about , and from the ground up to
the windows , and the windows were covered ;

windows 041 016 Eze /^{windows /and the windows
were covered ;

windows 040 022 Eze /^{windows /and their arches
, and their palm trees , were after the measure of the gate that
looketh toward the east ; and they went up unto it by seven
steps ; and the arches thereof were before them.

windows 012 003 Ecc /^{windows /be darkened ,

windows 006 010 Dan /^{windows /being open in
his chamber toward Jerusalem , he kneeled upon his knees three
times a day , and prayed , and gave thanks before his God , as
he did aforetime .

windows 002 014 Zep /^{windows /desolation shall
be in the thresholds : for he shall uncover the cedar work .

windows 024 018 Isa /^{windows /from on high are
open , and the foundations of the earth do shake .

windows 007 019 IIKi /^{windows /in heaven ,
might such a thing be? And he said , Behold, thou shalt see it
with thine eyes , but shalt not eat thereof.

windows 007 002 IIKi /^{windows /in heaven ,
might this thing be? And he said , Behold, thou shalt see it
with thine eyes , but shalt not eat thereof.

windows 040 025 Eze /^{windows /in it and in the
arches thereof round about , like those windows : the length was
fifty cubits , and the breadth five and twenty cubits .

windows 040 029 Eze /^{windows /in it and in the
arches thereof round about : it was fifty cubits long , and five
and twenty cubits broad .

windows 007 004 IKi /^{windows /in three rows ,
and light was against light in three ranks .

windows 002 009 Joe /^{windows /like a thief .

windows 054 012 Isa /^{windows /of agates , and
thy gates of carbuncles , and all thy borders of pleasant stones

windows 003 010 Mal /^{windows /of heaven , and
pour you out a blessing , that there shall not be room enough to
receive it.

windows 007 011 Gen /^{windows /of heaven were
opened .

windows 008 002 Gen /^{windows /of heaven were
stopped , and the rain from heaven was restrained ;

windows 006 004 IKi /^{windows /of narrow lights

windows 002 009 Son /^{windows /shewing himself
through the lattice .

windows 040 025 Eze /^{windows /the length was
fifty cubits , and the breadth five and twenty cubits .

windows 040 033 Eze /^{windows /therein and in
the arches thereof round about : it was fifty cubits long , and
five and twenty cubits broad .

windows 040 036 Eze /^{windows /to it round
about : the length was fifty cubits , and the breadth five and
twenty cubits .

windows 040 016 Eze /^{windows /to the little
chambers , and to their posts within the gate round about , and
likewise to the arches : and windows were round about inward :
and upon each post were palm trees .

windows 041 016 Eze /^{windows /were covered ;

windows 040 016 Eze /^{windows /were round about
inward : and upon each post were palm trees .
