wickedness GEN 006 005 And GOD <03068 +Y@hovah > saw <07200
+ra>ah > that the {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > of man <00120
+>adam > [ was ] great <07227 +rab > in the earth <00776
+>erets > , and [ that ] every <03605 +kol > imagination
<03336 +yetser > of the thoughts <04284 +machashabah > of his
heart <03820 +leb > [ was ] only <07535 +raq > evil <07451
+ra< > continually .

wickedness GEN 039 009 [ There is ] none <00369 +>ayin >
greater <01419 +gadowl > in this <02088 +zeh > house <01004
+bayith > than I ; neither <03808 +lo> > hath he kept <02820
+chasak > back <02820 +chasak > any <03972 +m@uwmah > thing
<03972 +m@uwmah > from me but thee , because <00834 +>aher >
thou [ art ] his wife <00802 +>ishshah > : how <00349 +>eyk
> then can I do <06213 + this <02063 +zo>th > great
<01419 +gadowl > {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > , and sin <02398
+chata> > against God <00430 +>elohiym > ?

wickedness LEV 018 017 Thou shalt not uncover <01540 +galah >
the nakedness <06172 + of a woman <00802 +>ishshah >
and her daughter <01323 +bath > , neither <03808 +lo> > shalt
thou take <03947 +laqach > her son s <01121 +ben > daughter
<01323 +bath > , or her daughter s <01323 +bath > daughter
<01323 +bath > , to uncover <01540 +galah > her nakedness
<06172 + ; [ for ] they [ are ] her near <07608
+sha>arah > kinswomen <07608 +sha>arah > : it [ is ]
{wickedness} <02154 +zimmah > .

wickedness LEV 019 029 Do not prostitute <02490 +chalal > thy
daughter <01323 +bath > , to cause herto be a whore <02181
+zanah > ; lest <03808 +lo> > the land <00776 +>erets > fall
to whoredom <02181 +zanah > , and the land <00776 +>erets >
become <04390 +male> > full <04390 +male> > of {wickedness}
<02154 +zimmah > .

wickedness LEV 020 014 And if <00834 +>aher > a man <00376
+>iysh > take <03947 +laqach > a wife <00802 +>ishshah > and
her mother <00517 +>em > , it [ is ] wickedness <02154
+zimmah > : they shall be burnt <08313 +saraph > with fire
<00784 +>esh > , both he and they ; that there be no <03808
+lo> > {wickedness} <02154 +zimmah > among <08432 +tavek > you

wickedness LEV 020 014 And if <00834 +>aher > a man <00376
+>iysh > take <03947 +laqach > a wife <00802 +>ishshah > and
her mother <00517 +>em > , it [ is ] {wickedness} <02154
+zimmah > : they shall be burnt <08313 +saraph > with fire
<00784 +>esh > , both he and they ; that there be no <03808
+lo> > wickedness <02154 +zimmah > among <08432 +tavek > you .

wickedness DEU 009 004 Speak <00559 +>amar > not thou in thine
heart <03824 +lebab > , after that the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
thy God <00430 +>elohiym > hath cast <01920 +Hadaph > them out
from before <06440 +paniym > thee , saying <00559 +>amar > ,
For my righteousness <06666 +ts@daqah > the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > hath brought <00935 +bow> > me in to possess <03423
+yarash > this <02088 +zeh > land <00776 +>erets > : but for
the {wickedness} <07564 +rish of these <00428 +>el - leh
> nations <01471 +gowy > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > doth drive
<03423 +yarash > them out from before <06440 +paniym > thee .

wickedness DEU 009 005 Not for thy righteousness <06666
+ts@daqah > , or for the uprightness <03476 +yosher > of thine
heart <03824 +lebab > , dost thou go <00935 +bow> > to
possess <03423 +yarash > their land <00776 +>erets > : but for
the {wickedness} <07564 +rish of these <00428 +>el - leh
> nations <01471 +gowy > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God
<00430 +>elohiym > doth drive <03423 +yarash > them out from
before <06440 +paniym > thee , and that he may perform <06965
+quwm > the word <01697 +dabar > which <00834 +>aher > the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > sware <07650 +shaba< > unto thy fathers
<1> , Abraham <85> , Isaac <03327 +Yitschaq > , and Jacob
<03290 +Ya .

wickedness DEU 009 027 Remember <02142 +zakar > thy servants
<05650 + , Abraham <85> , Isaac <03327 +Yitschaq > ,
and Jacob <03290 +Ya ; look <06437 +panah > not unto
the stubbornness <07190 +q@shiy > of this <02088 +zeh > people
<05971 + , nor to their {wickedness} <07562 +resha< > ,
nor to their sin <02403 +chatta>ah > :

wickedness DEU 013 011 And all <03605 +kol > Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > shall hear <08085 +shama< > , and fear <03372
+yare> > , and shall do <06213 + no <03808 +lo> > more
<03254 +yacaph > any <01697 +dabar > such {wickedness} <07451
+ra< > as this <02088 +zeh > is among <07130 +qereb > you .

wickedness DEU 017 002 If <03588 +kiy > there be found <04672
+matsa> > among <07130 +qereb > you , within any <00259
+>echad > of thy gates <08179 +sha which <00834 +>aher >
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > giveth
<05414 +nathan > thee , man <00376 +>iysh > or woman <00802
+>ishshah > , that hath wrought <06213 + {wickedness}
<07451 +ra< > in the sight <05869 + of the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > , in transgressing
<05674 + his covenant <01285 +b@riyth > ,

wickedness DEU 028 020 The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > shall send
<07971 +shalach > upon thee cursing <03994 +m@erah > ,
vexation <04103 +m@huwmah > , and rebuke <04045 +mig ,
in all <03605 +kol > that thou settest <04916 +mishlowach >
thine hand <03027 +yad > unto for to do <06213 + ,
until <05704 + thou be destroyed <08045 +shamad > , and
until <05704 + thou perish <6> quickly <04118 +maher > ;
because <06440 +paniym > of the {wickedness} <07455 +roa< > of
thy doings <04611 +ma , whereby <00834 +>aher > thou
hast forsaken <05800 + me .

* wickedness , 0824 atopos , 2549 kakia , 4189 poneria , 4190
poneros ,


wickedness -0824 harm, unreasonable, {wickedness},

wickedness -2549 evil, malice, maliciousness, naughtiness,

wickedness -4189 iniquities, {wickedness},

wickedness -4190 bad, evil, grievous, harm, lewd, malicious,
wicked, {wickedness},


wickedness -0205 affliction , evil , false , idol , iniquity ,
mischief , mourners , mourning , nought , sorrow , unjust ,
unrighteous , vain , vanity , wicked , {wickedness} ,

wickedness -1942 calamities , calamity , iniquity , mischiefs ,
mischievous , naughtiness , naughty , noisome , perverse ,
substance , very , {wickedness} ,

wickedness -2154 crime , devices , heinous , lewd , lewdly ,
lewdness , mischief , purposes , thought , wicked , {wickedness}

wickedness -5766 iniquities , iniquity , perverseness , unjust ,
unjustly , unrighteously , unrighteousness , wicked , wickedly ,
{wickedness} ,

wickedness -5999 grievance , grievousness , iniquity , labour ,
mischief , miserable , misery , pain , painful , perverseness ,
sorrow , toil , travail , trouble , wearisome , {wickedness} ,

wickedness -7451 adversities , adversity , affliction ,
afflictions , and , bad , calamities , cities , displeasure ,
distress , evil , evils , friend , great , grief , grievous ,
harm , heavy , hurt , hurtful , ill , mischief , mischiefs ,
mischievous , misery , naught , naughty , noisome , out , sad ,
sadly , sore , sorrow , temples , them , trouble , troubles ,
wicked , wickedly , {wickedness} , worse , worst , wretchedness ,
wrong ,

wickedness -7455 badness , evil , naughtiness , sadness , sorrow
, {wickedness} ,

wickedness -7561 committed , condemn , condemned , condemneth ,
condemning , trouble , vexed , wicked , wickedly , {wickedness} ,

wickedness -7562 iniquity , wicked , {wickedness} ,

wickedness -7564 fault , wickedly , {wickedness} ,


wickedness 1942 -- havvah -- calamity, iniquity, mischief,
mischievous (thing),naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse
thing, substance, very{wickedness}.

wickedness 5999 -- \amal -- grievance(-vousness), iniquity,
labour, mischief,miserable(-sery), pain(-ful), perverseness,
sorrow, toil, travail, trouble,wearisome, {wickedness}.

wickedness 7455 roa\ -- -- X be so bad, badness, (X be so) evil,
naughtiness,sadness, sorrow, {wickedness}.

wickedness 2549 ** kakia ** evil, malice(-iousness), naughtiness,

wickedness 4189 ** poneria ** iniquity, {wickedness}.


wickedness ......... and wickedness 4189 -poneria->

wickedness ......... in wickedness 4190 -poneros->

wickedness ......... their wickedness 4189 -poneria->

wickedness ......... thy wickedness 2549 -kakia->

wickedness ......... wickedness 0824 -atopos->

wickedness ......... wickedness 4189 -poneria->



wickedness 1942 ## havvah {hav-vaw'}; from 1933 (in the sense
of eagerly coveting and rushing upon; by implication, of
falling); desire; also ruin: -- calamity, iniquity, mischief,
mischievous (thing), naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse
thing, substance, very {wickedness}. [ql

wickedness 5999 ## wearing effort; hence, worry, wheth. of body or mind: --
grievance(-vousness), iniquity, labour, mischief, miserable(-
sery), pain(-ful), perverseness, sorrow, toil, travail, trouble,
wearisome, {wickedness}.[ql

wickedness 7455 ## roa< {ro'-ah}; from 7489; badness (as
marring), physically or morally: -- X be so bad, badness, (X be
so) evil, naughtiness, sadness, sorrow, {wickedness}.[ql

wickedness 2549 # kakia {kak-ee'-ah}; from 2556; badness, i.e.
(subjectively) depravity, or (actively) malignity, or
(passively) trouble: -- evil, malice(-iousness), naughtiness,

wickedness 4189 # poneria {pon-ay-ree'-ah}; from 4190; depravity,
i.e. (specifically) malice; plural (concretely) plots, sins: --
iniquity, {wickedness}.[ql


wickedness 089 022 Psa /^{wickedness /afflict him.

wickedness 007 010 IISa /^{wickedness /afflict them
any more , as beforetime ,

wickedness 011 011 Job /^{wickedness /also; will he
not then consider it?

wickedness 020 014 Lev /^{wickedness /among you.

wickedness 033 019 Eze /^{wickedness /and do that
which is lawful and right , he shall live thereby.

wickedness 004 017 Pro /^{wickedness /and drink the
wine of violence .

wickedness 034 010 Job /^{wickedness /and from the
Almighty , that he should commit iniquity .

wickedness 005 008 Zec /^{wickedness /And he cast
it into the midst of the ephah ; and he cast the weight of lead
upon the mouth thereof.

wickedness 008 022 Act /${wickedness /and pray God ,
if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee .

wickedness 022 018 Mat /${wickedness /and said ,
Why tempt ye me , ye hypocrites ?

wickedness 039 009 Gen /^{wickedness /and sin
against God ?

wickedness 014 020 Jer /^{wickedness /and the
iniquity of our fathers : for we have sinned against thee.

wickedness 007 003 Hos /^{wickedness /and the
princes with their lies .

wickedness 044 009 Jer /^{wickedness /and the
wickedness of your wives , which they have committed in the land
of Judah , and in the streets of Jerusalem ?

wickedness 001 004 Mal /^{wickedness /and, The
people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever .

wickedness 003 015 Mal /^{wickedness /are set up ;
yea, they that tempt God are even delivered .

wickedness 013 011 Deu /^{wickedness /as this is
among you.

wickedness 020 012 Job /^{wickedness /be sweet in
his mouth , though he hide it under his tongue ;

wickedness 004 018 Jer /^{wickedness /because it is
bitter , because it reacheth unto thine heart .

wickedness 009 018 Isa /^{wickedness /burneth as
the fire : it shall devour the briers and thorns , and shall
kindle in the thickets of the forest , and they shall mount up
like the lifting up of smoke .

wickedness 014 032 Pro /^{wickedness /but the
righteous hath hope in his death .

wickedness 012 003 Pro /^{wickedness /but the root
of the righteous shall not be moved .

wickedness 005 008 ICo /${wickedness /but with the
unleavened bread of sincerity and truth .

wickedness 001 022 Lam /^{wickedness /come before
thee; and do unto them, as thou hast done unto me for all my
transgressions : for my sighs are many , and my heart is faint .

wickedness 001 029 Rom /${wickedness /covetousness ,
maliciousness ; full of envy , murder , debate , deceit ,
malignity ; whisperers ,

wickedness 007 022 Mar /${wickedness /deceit ,
lasciviousness , an evil eye , blasphemy , pride , foolishness :

wickedness 008 008 Ecc /^{wickedness /deliver those
that are given to it.

wickedness 011 014 Job /^{wickedness /dwell in thy
tabernacles .

wickedness 016 012 Pro /^{wickedness /for the
throne is established by righteousness .

wickedness 022 005 Job /^{wickedness /great ? and
thine iniquities infinite ?

wickedness 033 005 Jer /^{wickedness /I have hid my
face from this city .

wickedness 010 015 Hos /^{wickedness /in a morning
shall the king of Israel utterly be cut off .

wickedness 006 012 Eph /${wickedness /in high

wickedness 025 005 Act /${wickedness /in him .

wickedness 006 010 Mic /^{wickedness /in the house
of the wicked , and the scant measure that is abominable ?

wickedness 021 006 IIKi /^{wickedness /in the sight
of the LORD , to provoke him to anger .

wickedness 021 025 IKi /^{wickedness /in the sight
of the LORD , whom Jezebel his wife stirred up .

wickedness 017 002 Deu /^{wickedness /in the sight
of the LORD thy God , in transgressing his covenant ,

wickedness 008 007 Pro /^{wickedness /is an
abomination to my lips .

wickedness 001 002 Jon /^{wickedness /is come up
before me.

wickedness 012 017 ISa /^{wickedness /is great ,
which ye have done in the sight of the LORD , in asking you a
king .

wickedness 003 013 Joe /^{wickedness /is great .

wickedness 009 015 Hos /^{wickedness /is in Gilgal :
for there I hated them: for the wickedness of their doings I
will drive them out of mine house , I will love them no more :
all their princes are revolters .

Wickedness 055 011 Psa /^{Wickedness /is in the
midst thereof: deceit and guile depart not from her streets .

wickedness 055 015 Psa /^{wickedness /is in their
dwellings , and among them.

wickedness 020 012 Jug /^{wickedness /is this that
is done among you?

wickedness 035 008 Job /^{wickedness /may hurt a
man as thou art; and thy righteousness may profit the son of man

wickedness 005 006 Eze /^{wickedness /more than the
nations , and my statutes more than the countries that are round
about her: for they have refused my judgments and my statutes ,
they have not walked in them.

wickedness 005 004 Psa /^{wickedness /neither shall
evil dwell with thee.

wickedness 033 012 Eze /^{wickedness /neither shall
the righteous be able to live for his righteousness in the day
that he sinneth .

wickedness 007 011 Eze /^{wickedness /none of them
shall remain, nor of their multitude , nor of any of theirs:
neither shall there be wailing for them.

wickedness 003 019 Eze /^{wickedness /nor from his
wicked way , he shall die in his iniquity ; but thou hast
delivered thy soul .

wickedness 027 004 Job /^{wickedness /nor my tongue
utter deceit .

wickedness 009 027 Deu /^{wickedness /nor to their
sin :

wickedness 007 002 Hos /^{wickedness /now their own
doings have beset them about ; they are before my face .

wickedness 009 056 Jug /^{wickedness /of Abimelech ,
which he did unto his father , in slaying his seventy brethren :

wickedness 007 025 Ecc /^{wickedness /of folly ,
even of foolishness and madness :

wickedness 006 005 Gen /^{wickedness /of man was
great in the earth , and that every imagination of the thoughts
of his heart was only evil continually .

wickedness 007 012 Jer /^{wickedness /of my people
Israel .

wickedness 025 039 ISa /^{wickedness /of Nabal upon
his own head . And David sent and communed with Abigail , to
take her to him to wife .

wickedness 007 001 Hos /^{wickedness /of Samaria :
for they commit falsehood ; and the thief cometh in , and the
troop of robbers spoileth without .

wickedness 044 009 Jer /^{wickedness /of the kings
of Judah , and the wickedness of their wives , and your own
wickedness , and the wickedness of your wives , which they have
committed in the land of Judah , and in the streets of Jerusalem

wickedness 033 012 Eze /^{wickedness /of the wicked
, he shall not fall thereby in the day that he turneth from his
wickedness ; neither shall the righteous be able to live for his
righteousness in the day that he sinneth .

wickedness 007 009 Psa /^{wickedness /of the wicked
come to an end ; but establish the just : for the righteous God
trieth the hearts and reins .

wickedness 018 020 Eze /^{wickedness /of the wicked
shall be upon him.

wickedness 009 015 Hos /^{wickedness /of their
doings I will drive them out of mine house , I will love them no
more : all their princes are revolters .

wickedness 028 004 Psa /^{wickedness /of their
endeavours : give them after the work of their hands ; render to
them their desert .

wickedness 044 009 Jer /^{wickedness /of their
wives , and your own wickedness , and the wickedness of your
wives , which they have committed in the land of Judah , and in
the streets of Jerusalem ?

wickedness 107 034 Psa /^{wickedness /of them that
dwell therein.

wickedness 012 004 Jer /^{wickedness /of them that
dwell therein? the beasts are consumed , and the birds ; because
they said , He shall not see our last end .

wickedness 009 004 Deu /^{wickedness /of these
nations the LORD doth drive them out from before thee.

wickedness 009 005 Deu /^{wickedness /of these
nations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee,
and that he may perform the word which the LORD sware unto thy
fathers , Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob .

wickedness 028 020 Deu /^{wickedness /of thy doings
, whereby thou hast forsaken me.

wickedness 044 009 Jer /^{wickedness /of your
fathers , and the wickedness of the kings of Judah , and the
wickedness of their wives , and your own wickedness , and the
wickedness of your wives , which they have committed in the land
of Judah , and in the streets of Jerusalem ?

wickedness 044 009 Jer /^{wickedness /of your wives
, which they have committed in the land of Judah , and in the
streets of Jerusalem ?

wickedness 013 006 Pro /^{wickedness /overthroweth
the sinner .

wickedness 003 019 Nah /^{wickedness /passed
continually ?

Wickedness 024 013 ISa /^{Wickedness /proceedeth
from the wicked : but mine hand shall not be upon thee.

wickedness 010 002 Pro /^{wickedness /profit
nothing: but righteousness delivereth from death .

wickedness 004 008 Job /^{wickedness /reap the same.

wickedness 023 011 Jer /^{wickedness /saith the

wickedness 008 006 Jer /^{wickedness /saying , What
have I done ? every one turned to his course , as the horse
rusheth into the battle .

wickedness 024 020 Job /^{wickedness /shall be
broken as a tree .

wickedness 001 052 IKi /^{wickedness /shall be
found in him, he shall die .

wickedness 026 026 Pro /^{wickedness /shall be
shewed before the whole congregation .

wickedness 002 019 Jer /^{wickedness /shall correct
thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore
and see that it is an evil thing and bitter , that thou hast
forsaken the LORD thy God , and that my fear is not in thee,
saith the Lord GOD of hosts .

wickedness 018 027 Eze /^{wickedness /that he hath
committed , and doeth that which is lawful and right , he shall
save his soul alive .

wickedness 004 014 Jer /^{wickedness /that thou
mayest be saved . How long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within

wickedness 016 023 Eze /^{wickedness /the Lord GOD ;

wickedness 005 009 Psa /^{wickedness /their throat
is an open sepulchre ; they flatter with their tongue .

wickedness 045 007 Psa /^{wickedness /therefore God
, thy God , hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above
thy fellows .

wickedness 023 014 Jer /^{wickedness /they are all
of them unto me as Sodom , and the inhabitants thereof as
Gomorrah .

wickedness 020 014 Lev /^{wickedness /they shall be
burnt with fire , both he and they; that there be no wickedness
among you.

wickedness 047 010 Isa /^{wickedness /thou hast
said , None seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge , it hath
perverted thee; and thou hast said in thine heart , I am, and
none else beside me.

wickedness 010 015 Psa /^{wickedness /till thou
find none .

wickedness 044 005 Jer /^{wickedness /to burn no
incense unto other gods .

wickedness 058 006 Isa /^{wickedness /to undo the
heavy burdens , and to let the oppressed go free , and that ye
break every yoke ?

wickedness 014 016 Jer /^{wickedness /upon them.

wickedness 002 044 IKi /^{wickedness /upon thine
own head ;

wickedness 006 007 Jer /^{wickedness /violence and
spoil is heard in her; before me continually is grief and wounds

wickedness 016 057 Eze /^{wickedness /was
discovered , as at the time of thy reproach of the daughters of
Syria , and all that are round about her, the daughters of the
Philistines , which despise thee round about .

wickedness 003 016 Ecc /^{wickedness /was there;
and the place of righteousness , that iniquity was there.

wickedness 017 009 ICh /^{wickedness /waste them
any more , as at the beginning ,

wickedness 044 003 Jer /^{wickedness /which they
have committed to provoke me to anger , in that they went to
burn incense , and to serve other gods , whom they knew not,
neither they, ye, nor your fathers .

wickedness 002 044 IKi /^{wickedness /which thine
heart is privy to , that thou didst to David my father :
therefore the LORD shall return thy wickedness upon thine own
head ;

wickedness 001 016 Jer /^{wickedness /who have
forsaken me, and have burned incense unto other gods , and
worshipped the works of their own hands .

wickedness 010 013 Hos /^{wickedness /ye have
reaped iniquity ; ye have eaten the fruit of lies : because thou
didst trust in thy way , in the multitude of thy mighty men .

wickedness 058 004 Isa /^{wickedness /ye shall not
fast as ye do this day , to make your voice to be heard on high .

wickedness 058 002 Psa /^{wickedness /ye weigh the
violence of your hands in the earth .

wickedness 094 023 Psa /^{wickedness /yea, the LORD
our God shall cut them off .

wickedness 012 020 ISa /^{wickedness /yet turn not
aside from following the LORD , but serve the LORD with all your
heart ;


wickedness 127 -


wickedness , 1CO , 5:8

wickedness , LA , 1:22

wickedness , MR , 7:22

wickedness , NA , 3:19

wickedness , JON , 1:2

wickedness , ZEC , 5:8

wickedness , RO , 1:29

wickedness , MIC , 6:10

wickedness , MT , 22:18

wickedness , EPH , 6:12

wickedness , JOE , 3:13

wickedness , 2KI , 21:6

wickedness , LU , 11:39

wickedness , 1CH , 17:9

wickedness , 1JO , 5:19

wickedness , GE , 6:5 , GE , 39:9

wickedness , AC , 8:22 , AC , 25:5

wickedness , MAL , 1:4 , MAL , 3:15

wickedness , 2SA , 3:39 , 2SA , 7:10

wickedness , JG , 9:56 , JG , 20:3 , JG , 20:12

wickedness , EC , 3:16 , EC , 7:15 , EC , 7:25 , EC , 8:8

wickedness , LE , 18:17 , LE , 19:29 , LE , 20:14 , LE , 20:14

wickedness , ISA , 9:18 , ISA , 47:10 , ISA , 58:4 , ISA , 58:

wickedness , 1SA , 12:17 , 1SA , 12:20 , 1SA , 24:13 , 1SA ,

wickedness , 1KI , 1:52 , 1KI , 2:44 , 1KI , 2:44 , 1KI , 8:
47 , 1KI , 21:25

wickedness , DE , 9:4 , DE , 9:5 , DE , 9:27 , DE , 13:11 ,
DE , 17:2 , DE , 28:20

wickedness , HO , 7:1 , HO , 7:2 , HO , 7:3 , HO , 9:15 , HO
, 9:15 , HO , 10:13 , HO , 10:15

wickedness , JOB , 4:8 , JOB , 11:11 , JOB , 11:14 , JOB , 20:
12 , JOB , 22:5 , JOB , 24:20 , JOB , 27:4 , JOB , 34:10 ,
JOB , 35:8

wickedness , PR , 4:17 , PR , 8:7 , PR , 10:2 , PR , 11:5 ,
PR , 12:3 , PR , 13:6 , PR , 14:32 , PR , 16:12 , PR , 21:12
, PR , 26:26 , PR , 30:20

wickedness , EZE , 3:19 , EZE , 5:6 , EZE , 7:11 , EZE , 16:
23 , EZE , 16:57 , EZE , 18:20 , EZE , 18:27 , EZE , 31:11 ,
EZE , 33:12 , EZE , 33:12 , EZE , 33:19

wickedness , PS , 5:4 , PS , 5:9 , PS , 7:9 , PS , 10:15 ,
PS , 28:4 , PS , 45:7 , PS , 52:7 , PS , 55:11 , PS , 55:15 ,
PS , 58:2 , PS , 84:10 , PS , 89:22 , PS , 94:23 , PS ,

wickedness , JER , 1:16 , JER , 2:19 , JER , 3:2 , JER , 4:14
, JER , 4:18 , JER , 6:7 , JER , 7:12 , JER , 8:6 , JER ,
12:4 , JER , 14:16 , JER , 14:20 , JER , 22:22 , JER , 23:11
, JER , 23:14 , JER , 33:5 , JER , 44:3 , JER , 44:5 , JER ,
44:9 , JER , 44:9 , JER , 44:9 , JER , 44:9 , JER , 44:9


wickedness 4189 # poneria {pon-ay-ree'-ah}; from 4190;
depravity, i.e. (specifically) malice; plural (concretely) plots,
sins: -- iniquity, {wickedness}.[ql

wickedness 2549 # kakia {kak-ee'-ah}; from 2556; badness, i.e.
(subjectively) depravity, or (actively) malignity, or
(passively) trouble: -- evil, malice(-iousness), naughtiness,


wickedness Interlinear Index Study

wickedness GEN 006 005 And GOD <03068 +Y@hovah > saw <07200
+ra>ah > that the {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > of man <00120
+>adam > [ was ] great <07227 +rab > in the earth <00776 +>erets
> , and [ that ] every <03605 +kol > imagination <03336 +yetser
> of the thoughts <04284 +machashabah > of his heart <03820 +leb
> [ was ] only <07535 +raq > evil <07451 +ra< > continually .

wickedness GEN 039 009 [ There is ] none <00369 +>ayin > greater
<01419 +gadowl > in this <02088 +zeh > house <01004 +bayith >
than I ; neither <03808 +lo> > hath he kept <02820 +chasak >
back <02820 +chasak > any <03972 +m@uwmah > thing <03972
+m@uwmah > from me but thee , because <00834 +>aher > thou [ art
] his wife <00802 +>ishshah > : how <00349 +>eyk > then can I do
<06213 + this <02063 +zo>th > great <01419 +gadowl >
{wickedness} <07451 +ra< > , and sin <02398 +chata> > against
God <00430 +>elohiym > ?

wickedness LEV 018 017 Thou shalt not uncover <01540 +galah >
the nakedness <06172 + of a woman <00802 +>ishshah > and
her daughter <01323 +bath > , neither <03808 +lo> > shalt thou
take <03947 +laqach > her son s <01121 +ben > daughter <01323
+bath > , or her daughter s <01323 +bath > daughter <01323 +bath
> , to uncover <01540 +galah > her nakedness <06172 + ;
[ for ] they [ are ] her near <07608 +sha>arah > kinswomen
<07608 +sha>arah > : it [ is ] {wickedness} <02154 +zimmah > .

wickedness LEV 019 029 Do not prostitute <02490 +chalal > thy
daughter <01323 +bath > , to cause herto be a whore <02181
+zanah > ; lest <03808 +lo> > the land <00776 +>erets > fall to
whoredom <02181 +zanah > , and the land <00776 +>erets > become
<04390 +male> > full <04390 +male> > of {wickedness} <02154
+zimmah > .

wickedness LEV 020 014 And if <00834 +>aher > a man <00376
+>iysh > take <03947 +laqach > a wife <00802 +>ishshah > and her
mother <00517 +>em > , it [ is ] wickedness <02154 +zimmah > :
they shall be burnt <08313 +saraph > with fire <00784 +>esh > ,
both he and they ; that there be no <03808 +lo> > {wickedness}
<02154 +zimmah > among <08432 +tavek > you .

wickedness LEV 020 014 And if <00834 +>aher > a man <00376
+>iysh > take <03947 +laqach > a wife <00802 +>ishshah > and her
mother <00517 +>em > , it [ is ] {wickedness} <02154 +zimmah > :
they shall be burnt <08313 +saraph > with fire <00784 +>esh > ,
both he and they ; that there be no <03808 +lo> > wickedness
<02154 +zimmah > among <08432 +tavek > you .

wickedness DEU 009 004 Speak <00559 +>amar > not thou in thine
heart <03824 +lebab > , after that the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
thy God <00430 +>elohiym > hath cast <01920 +Hadaph > them out
from before <06440 +paniym > thee , saying <00559 +>amar > , For
my righteousness <06666 +ts@daqah > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
hath brought <00935 +bow> > me in to possess <03423 +yarash >
this <02088 +zeh > land <00776 +>erets > : but for the
{wickedness} <07564 +rish of these <00428 +>el - leh >
nations <01471 +gowy > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > doth drive
<03423 +yarash > them out from before <06440 +paniym > thee .

wickedness DEU 009 005 Not for thy righteousness <06666
+ts@daqah > , or for the uprightness <03476 +yosher > of thine
heart <03824 +lebab > , dost thou go <00935 +bow> > to possess
<03423 +yarash > their land <00776 +>erets > : but for the
{wickedness} <07564 +rish of these <00428 +>el - leh >
nations <01471 +gowy > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430
+>elohiym > doth drive <03423 +yarash > them out from before
<06440 +paniym > thee , and that he may perform <06965 +quwm >
the word <01697 +dabar > which <00834 +>aher > the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > sware <07650 +shaba< > unto thy fathers <1> , Abraham
<85> , Isaac <03327 +Yitschaq > , and Jacob <03290 +Ya .

wickedness DEU 009 027 Remember <02142 +zakar > thy servants
<05650 + , Abraham <85> , Isaac <03327 +Yitschaq > , and
Jacob <03290 +Ya ; look <06437 +panah > not unto the
stubbornness <07190 +q@shiy > of this <02088 +zeh > people
<05971 + , nor to their {wickedness} <07562 +resha< > , nor
to their sin <02403 +chatta>ah > :

wickedness DEU 013 011 And all <03605 +kol > Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > shall hear <08085 +shama< > , and fear <03372 +yare>
> , and shall do <06213 + no <03808 +lo> > more <03254
+yacaph > any <01697 +dabar > such {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > as
this <02088 +zeh > is among <07130 +qereb > you .

wickedness DEU 017 002 If <03588 +kiy > there be found <04672
+matsa> > among <07130 +qereb > you , within any <00259 +>echad
> of thy gates <08179 +sha which <00834 +>aher > the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > giveth <05414
+nathan > thee , man <00376 +>iysh > or woman <00802 +>ishshah >
, that hath wrought <06213 + {wickedness} <07451 +ra< >
in the sight <05869 + of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy
God <00430 +>elohiym > , in transgressing <05674 + his
covenant <01285 +b@riyth > ,

wickedness DEU 028 020 The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > shall send
<07971 +shalach > upon thee cursing <03994 +m@erah > , vexation
<04103 +m@huwmah > , and rebuke <04045 +mig , in all
<03605 +kol > that thou settest <04916 +mishlowach > thine hand
<03027 +yad > unto for to do <06213 + , until <05704 + > thou be destroyed <08045 +shamad > , and until <05704 +
thou perish <6> quickly <04118 +maher > ; because <06440 +paniym
> of the {wickedness} <07455 +roa< > of thy doings <04611
+ma , whereby <00834 +>aher > thou hast forsaken <05800
+ me .

wickedness JUDG 009 056 Thus God <00430 +>elohiym > rendered
<07725 +shuwb > the {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > of Abimelech <40>
, which <00834 +>aher > he did <06213 + unto his father
<1> , in slaying <02026 +harag > his seventy <07657 +shib > brethren <00251 +>ach > :

wickedness JUDG 020 003 ( Now the children <01121 +ben > of
Benjamin <01144 +Binyamiyn > heard <08085 +shama< > that the
children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > were gone
<05927 + up to Mizpeh <04709 +Mitspah > . ) Then said
<00559 +>amar > the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > , Tell <01696 +dabar > [ us ] , how <00349 +>eyk >
was this <02063 +zo>th > {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > ?

wickedness JUDG 020 012 . And the tribes <07626 +shebet > of
Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > sent <07971 +shalach > men <00582
+>enowsh > through all <03605 +kol > the tribe <07626 +shebet >
of Benjamin <01144 +Binyamiyn > , saying <00559 +>amar > , What
<04100 +mah > {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > [ is ] this <02063
+zo>th > that is done <01961 +hayah > among you ?

wickedness 1SA 012 017 [ Is it ] not wheat <02406 +chittah >
harvest <07105 +qatsiyr > to day <03117 +yowm > ? I will call
<07121 +qara> > unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and he shall
send <05414 +nathan > thunder <06963 +qowl > and rain <04306
+matar > ; that ye may perceive <03045 +yada< > and see <07200
+ra>ah > that your {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > [ is ] great
<07227 +rab > , which <00834 +>aher > ye have done <06213 + > in the sight <05869 + of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ,
in asking <07592 +sha>al > you a king <04428 +melek > .

wickedness 1SA 012 020 And Samuel <08050 +Sh@muw>el > said
<00559 +>amar > unto the people <05971 + , Fear <03372
+yare> > not : ye have done <06213 + all <03605 +kol >
this <02063 +zo>th > {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > : yet <00389
+>ak > turn <05493 +cuwr > not aside from following <00310
+>achar > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , but serve <05647 +
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > with all <03605 +kol > your heart
<03824 +lebab > ;

Wickedness 1SA 024 013 As saith <00559 +>amar > the proverb
<04912 +mashal > of the ancients <06931 +qadmowniy > ,
{Wickedness} <07562 +resha< > proceedeth <03318 +yatsa> > from
the wicked <07563 +rasha< > : but mine hand <03027 +yad > shall
not be upon thee .

wickedness 1SA 025 039 And when David <01732 +David > heard
<08085 +shama< > that Nabal <05037 +Nabal > was dead <04191
+muwth > , he said <00559 +>amar > , Blessed <01288 +barak > [
be ] the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , that hath pleaded <07378 +riyb
> the cause <07379 +riyb > of my reproach <02781 +cherpah > from
the hand <03027 +yad > of Nabal <05037 +Nabal > , and hath kept
<02820 +chasak > his servant <05650 + from evil <07451
+ra< > : for the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > hath returned <07725
+shuwb > the {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > of Nabal <05037 +Nabal >
upon his own head <07218 +ro>sh > . And David <01732 +David >
sent <07971 +shalach > and communed <01696 +dabar > with Abigail
<26> , to take <03947 +laqach > her to him to wife <00802
+>ishshah > .

wickedness 2SA 003 039 And I [ am ] this day <03117 +yowm > weak
<07390 +rak > , though anointed <04886 +mashach > king <04428
+melek > ; and these <00428 +>el - leh > men <00582 +>enowsh >
the sons <01121 +ben > of Zeruiah <06870 +Ts@ruwyah > [ be ] too
hard <07186 +qasheh > for me : the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > shall
reward <07999 +shalam > the doer <06218 + of evil <07451
+ra< > according to his {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > .

wickedness 2SA 007 010 Moreover I will appoint <07760 +suwm > a
place <04725 +maqowm > for my people <05971 + Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > , and will plant <05193 +nata< > them , that they
may dwell <07931 +shakan > in a place <08478 +tachath > of their
own , and move <07264 +ragaz > no <03808 +lo> > more <05750
+ ; neither <03808 +lo> > shall the children <01121 +ben >
of {wickedness} <05766 + afflict <06031 + them any
more <03254 +yacaph > , as beforetime <07223 +ri>shown > ,

wickedness 1KI 001 052 And Solomon <08010 +Sh@lomoh > said
<00559 +>amar > , If <00518 +>im > he will shew himself a worthy
<02428 +chayil > man <01121 +ben > , there shall not an hair
<08185 +sa of him fall <05307 +naphal > to the earth
<00776 +>erets > : but if <00518 +>im > {wickedness} <07451 +ra<
> shall be found <04672 +matsa> > in him , he shall die <04191
+muwth > .

wickedness 1KI 002 044 The king <04428 +melek > said <00559
+>amar > moreover to Shimei <08096 +Shim , Thou knowest
<03045 +yada< > all <03605 +kol > the wickedness <07451 +ra< >
which <00834 +>aher > thine heart <03824 +lebab > is privy
<03045 +yada< > to , that thou didst <06213 + to David
<01732 +David > my father <1> : therefore the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > shall return <07725 +shuwb > thy {wickedness} <07451
+ra< > upon thine own head <07218 +ro>sh > ;

wickedness 1KI 002 044 The king <04428 +melek > said <00559
+>amar > moreover to Shimei <08096 +Shim , Thou knowest
<03045 +yada< > all <03605 +kol > the {wickedness} <07451 +ra< >
which <00834 +>aher > thine heart <03824 +lebab > is privy
<03045 +yada< > to , that thou didst <06213 + to David
<01732 +David > my father <1> : therefore the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > shall return <07725 +shuwb > thy wickedness <07451
+ra< > upon thine own head <07218 +ro>sh > ;

wickedness 1KI 008 047 [ Yet ] if they shall bethink themselves
in the land <00776 +>erets > whither they were carried <07617
+shabah > captives <07617 +shabah > , and repent <07725 +shuwb >
, and make supplication <02603 +chanan > unto thee in the land
<00776 +>erets > of them that carried <07617 +shabah > them
captives <07617 +shabah > , saying <00559 +>amar > , We have
sinned <02398 +chata> > , and have done perversely <05753 + > , we have committed <07561 +rasha< > {wickedness} <07561
+rasha< > ;

wickedness 1KI 021 025 But there was none <03808 +lo> > like
unto Ahab <00256 +>Ach>ab > , which <00834 +>aher > did sell
<04376 +makar > himself to work <06213 + {wickedness}
<07451 +ra< > in the sight <05869 + of the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > , whom <00834 +>aher > Jezebel <00348 +>Iyzebel > his
wife <00802 +>ishshah > stirred <05496 +cuwth > up .

wickedness 1CH 017 009 Also I will ordain <07760 +suwm > a place
<04725 +maqowm > for my people <05971 + Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > , and will plant <05193 +nata< > them , and they
shall dwell <07931 +shakan > in their place <08478 +tachath > ,
and shall be moved <07264 +ragaz > no <03808 +lo> > more <05750
+ ; neither <03808 +lo> > shall the children <01121 +ben >
of {wickedness} <05766 + waste <01086 +balah > them any
more <03254 +yacaph > , as at the beginning <07223 +ri>shown > ,

wickedness JOB 004 008 Even as I have seen <07200 +ra>ah > ,
they that plow <02790 +charash > iniquity <00205 +>aven > , and
sow <02232 +zara< > {wickedness} <05999 + , reap <07114
+qatsar > the same .

wickedness JOB 011 011 For he knoweth <03045 +yada< > vain
<07723 +shav> > men <04962 +math > : he seeth <07200 +ra>ah >
{wickedness} <00205 +>aven > also ; will he not then consider
<00995 +biyn > [ it ] ?

wickedness JOB 011 014 If <00518 +>im > iniquity <00205 +>aven >
[ be ] in thine hand <03027 +yad > , put it far <07350 +rachowq
> away , and let not {wickedness} <05766 + dwell <07931
+shakan > in thy tabernacles <00168 +>ohel > .

wickedness JOB 020 012 Though <00518 +>im > {wickedness} <07451
+ra< > be sweet <04985 +mathaq > in his mouth <06310 +peh > , [
though ] he hide <03582 +kachad > it under <08478 +tachath > his
tongue <03956 +lashown > ;

wickedness JOB 022 005 . [ Is ] not thy {wickedness} <07451 +ra<
> great <07227 +rab > ? and thine iniquities <05771 +
infinite ?

wickedness JOB 024 020 The womb <07358 +rechem > shall forget
<07911 +shakach > him ; the worm <07415 +rimmah > shall feed
sweetly <04988 +mathaq > on him ; he shall be no <03808 +lo> >
more <05750 + remembered <02142 +zakar > ; and
{wickedness} <05766 + shall be broken <07665 +shabar > as
a tree <06086 + .

wickedness JOB 027 004 My lips <08193 +saphah > shall not speak
<01696 +dabar > {wickedness} <05766 + , nor <00518 +>im >
my tongue <03956 +lashown > utter <01897 +hagah > deceit <07423
+r@miyah > .

wickedness JOB 034 010 . Therefore <03651 +ken > hearken <08085
+shama< > unto me , ye men <00582 +>enowsh > of understanding
<03824 +lebab > : far <02486 +chaliylah > be it from God <00410
+>el > , [ that he should do ] {wickedness} <07562 +resha< > ;
and [ from ] the Almighty <07706 +Shadday > , [ that he should
commit ] iniquity <05766 + .

wickedness JOB 035 008 Thy {wickedness} <07562 +resha< > [ may
hurt ] a man <00376 +>iysh > as thou [ art ] ; and thy
righteousness <06666 +ts@daqah > [ may profit ] the son <01121
+ben > of man <00120 +>adam > .

wickedness PSA 005 004 For thou [ art ] not a God <00410 +>el >
that hath pleasure <02655 +chaphets > in {wickedness} <07562
+resha< > : neither <03808 +lo> > shall evil <07451 +ra< > dwell
<01481 +guwr > with thee .

wickedness PSA 005 009 For [ there is ] no <00369 +>ayin >
faithfulness <03559 +kuwn > in their mouth <06310 +peh > ; their
inward <07130 +qereb > part [ is ] very <01942 +havvah >
{wickedness} <01942 +havvah > ; their throat <01627 +garown > [
is ] an open <06605 +pathach > sepulchre <06913 +qeber > ; they
flatter <02505 +chalaq > with their tongue <03956 +lashown > .

wickedness PSA 007 009 Oh <04994 +na> > let the {wickedness}
<07451 +ra< > of the wicked <07563 +rasha< > come to an end
<01584 +gamar > ; but establish <03559 +kuwn > the just <06662
+tsaddiyq > : for the righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq > God <00430
+>elohiym > trieth <00974 +bachan > the hearts <03826 +libbah >
and reins <03629 +kilyah > .

wickedness PSA 010 015 Break <07665 +shabar > thou the arm
<02220 +z@rowa< > of the wicked <07563 +rasha< > and the evil
<07451 +ra< > [ man ] : seek <01875 +darash > out his
{wickedness} <07562 +resha< > [ till ] thou find <04672 +matsa>
> none <01077 +bal > .

wickedness PSA 028 004 Give <05414 +nathan > them according to
their deeds <06467 +po , and according to the {wickedness}
<07455 +roa< > of their endeavours <04611 +ma : give
<05414 +nathan > them after the work <04639 +ma of their
hands <03027 +yad > ; render <07725 +shuwb > to them their
desert <01576 +g@muwl > .

wickedness PSA 045 007 Thou lovest <00157 +>ahab > righteousness
<06664 +tsedeq > , and hatest <08130 +sane> > {wickedness}
<07562 +resha< > : therefore God <00430 +>elohiym > , thy God
<00430 +>elohiym > , hath anointed <04886 +mashach > thee with
the oil <08081 +shemen > of gladness <08342 +sasown > above thy
fellows <02270 +chaber > .

wickedness PSA 052 007 Lo <02009 +hinneh > , [ this is ] the man
<01397 +geber > [ that ] made <07760 +suwm > not God <00430
+>elohiym > his strength <04581 +ma ; but trusted <00982
+batach > in the abundance <07230 +rob > of his riches <06239
+ , [ and ] strengthened <05810 + himself in his
{wickedness} <01942 +havvah > .

Wickedness PSA 055 011 {Wickedness} <01942 +havvah > [ is ] in
the midst <07130 +qereb > thereof : deceit <08496 +tok > and
guile <04820 +mirmah > depart <04185 +muwsh > not from her
streets <07339 +r@chob > .

wickedness PSA 055 015 Let death <04194 +maveth > seize <03451
+y@shiymah > upon them , [ and ] let them go <03381 +yarad >
down <03381 +yarad > quick <02416 +chay > into hell <07585
+sh@>owl > : for {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > [ is ] in their
dwellings <04033 +maguwr > , [ and ] among <07130 +qereb > them .

wickedness PSA 058 002 Yea <00637 +>aph > , in heart <03820 +leb
> ye work <06466 +pa {wickedness} <05766 + ; ye
weigh <06424 +palac > the violence <02555 +chamac > of your
hands <03027 +yad > in the earth <00776 +>erets > .

wickedness PSA 084 010 For a day <03117 +yowm > in thy courts
<02691 +chatser > [ is ] better <02896 +towb > than a thousand
<00505 +>eleph > . I had rather <00977 +bachar > be a doorkeeper
<05605 +caphaph > in the house <01004 +bayith > of my God <00430
+>elohiym > , than to dwell <01752 +duwr > in the tents <00168
+>ohel > of {wickedness} <07562 +resha< > .

wickedness PSA 089 022 The enemy <00341 +>oyeb > shall not exact
<05378 +nasha> > upon him ; nor <03808 +lo> > the son <01121
+ben > of {wickedness} <05766 + afflict <06031 +
him .

wickedness PSA 094 023 And he shall bring <07725 +shuwb > upon
them their own iniquity <00205 +>aven > , and shall cut <06789
+tsamath > them off in their own {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > ; [
yea ] , the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > our God <00430 +>elohiym >
shall cut <06789 +tsamath > them off .

wickedness PSA 107 034 A fruitful <06529 +p@riy > land <00776
+>erets > into barrenness <04420 +m@lechah > , for the
{wickedness} <07451 +ra< > of them that dwell <03427 +yashab >
therein .

wickedness PRO 004 017 For they eat <03898 +lacham > the bread
<03899 +lechem > of {wickedness} <07562 +resha< > , and drink
<08354 +shathah > the wine <03196 +yayin > of violence <02555
+chamac > .

wickedness PRO 008 007 For my mouth <02441 +chek > shall speak
<01897 +hagah > truth <00571 +>emeth > ; and {wickedness} <07562
+resha< > [ is ] an abomination <08441 +tow to my lips
<08193 +saphah > .

wickedness PRO 010 002 . Treasures <00214 +>owtsar > of
{wickedness} <07562 +resha< > profit <03276 +ya nothing
<03808 +lo> > : but righteousness <06666 +ts@daqah > delivereth
<05337 +natsal > from death <04194 +maveth > .

wickedness PRO 011 005 . The righteousness <06666 +ts@daqah > of
the perfect <08549 +tamiym > shall direct <03474 +yashar > his
way <01870 +derek > : but the wicked <07563 +rasha< > shall fall
<05307 +naphal > by his own {wickedness} <07564 +rish .

wickedness PRO 012 003 . A man <00120 +>adam > shall not be
established <03559 +kuwn > by {wickedness} <07562 +resha< > :
but the root <08328 +sheresh > of the righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq
> shall not be moved <04131 +mowt > .

wickedness PRO 013 006 . Righteousness <06666 +ts@daqah >
keepeth <05341 +natsar > [ him that is ] upright <08537 +tom >
in the way <01870 +derek > : but {wickedness} <07564 +rish
overthroweth <05557 +calaph > the sinner <02403 +chatta>ah > .

wickedness PRO 014 032 . The wicked <07563 +rasha< > is driven
<01760 +dachah > away in his {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > : but
the righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq > hath hope <02620 +chacah > in
his death <04194 +maveth > .

wickedness PRO 016 012 . [ It is ] an abomination <08441
+tow to kings <04428 +melek > to commit <06213 +
{wickedness} <07562 +resha< > : for the throne <03678 +kicce> >
is established <03559 +kuwn > by righteousness <06666 +ts@daqah
> .

wickedness PRO 021 012 . The righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq > [ man
] wisely <07919 +sakal > considereth <07919 +sakal > the house
<01004 +bayith > of the wicked <07563 +rasha< > : [ but God ]
overthroweth <05557 +calaph > the wicked <07563 +rasha< > for [
their ] {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > .

wickedness PRO 026 026 [ Whose ] hatred <08135 +sin>ah > is
covered <03680 +kacah > by deceit <04860 +mashsha>own > , his
{wickedness} <07451 +ra< > shall be shewed <01540 +galah >
before the [ whole ] congregation <06951 +qahal > .

wickedness PRO 030 020 Such <03651 +ken > [ is ] the way <01870
+derek > of an adulterous <05003 +na>aph > woman <00802
+>ishshah > ; she eateth <00398 +>akal > , and wipeth <04229
+machah > her mouth <06310 +peh > , and saith <00559 +>amar > ,
I have done <00466 +>Eliyph@lehuw > no <03808 +lo> >
{wickedness} <00205 +>aven > .

wickedness ECC 003 016 . And moreover <05750 + I saw
<07200 +ra>ah > under <08478 +tachath > thesun <08121 +shemesh >
the place <04725 +maqowm > of judgment <04941 +mishpat > , [
that ] {wickedness} <07562 +resha< > [ was ] there <08033 +sham
> ; and the place <04725 +maqowm > of righteousness <06664
+tsedeq > , [ that ] iniquity <07562 +resha< > [ was ] there
<08033 +sham > .

wickedness ECC 007 015 All <03605 +kol > [ things ] have I seen
<07200 +ra>ah > in the days <03117 +yowm > of my vanity <01892
+hebel > : there is a just <06662 +tsaddiyq > [ man ] that
perisheth <6> in his righteousness <06664 +tsedeq > , and there
is a wicked <07563 +rasha< > [ man ] that prolongeth <00748
+>arak > [ his life ] in his {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > .

wickedness ECC 007 025 I applied <05437 +cabab > mine heart
<03820 +leb > to know <03045 +yada< > , and to search <08446
+tuwr > , and to seek <01245 +baqash > out wisdom <02451
+chokmah > , and the reason <02808 +cheshbown > [ of things ] ,
and to know <03045 +yada< > the {wickedness} <07562 +resha< > of
folly <03689 +kecel > , even of foolishness <05531 +cikluwth > [
and ] madness <01947 +howlelah > :

wickedness ECC 008 008 [ There is ] no <00369 +>ayin > man
<00120 +>adam > that hath power <07989 +shalliyt > over the
spirit <07307 +ruwach > to retain <03607 +kala> > the spirit
<07307 +ruwach > ; neither <00369 +>ayin > [ hath he ] power
<07983 +shiltown > in the day <03117 +yowm > of death <04194
+maveth > : and [ there is ] no <00369 +>ayin > discharge <04917
+mishlachath > in [ that ] war <04421 +milchamah > ; neither
<03808 +lo> > shall {wickedness} <07562 +resha< > deliver <04422
+malat > those that are given <01167 +ba to it .

wickedness ISA 009 018 For {wickedness} <07564 +rish
burneth <01197 +ba as the fire <00784 +>esh > : it shall
devour <00398 +>akal > the briers <08068 +shamiyr > and thorns
<07898 +shayith > , and shall kindle <03341 +yatsath > in the
thickets <05442 +c@bak > of the forest <03293 +ya , and
they shall mount <55> up [ like ] the lifting <01348 +ge>uwth >
up of smoke <06227 + .

wickedness ISA 047 010 For thou hast trusted <00982 +batach > in
thy {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > : thouhast said <00559 +>amar > ,
None <00369 +>ayin > seeth <07200 +ra>ah > me . Thy wisdom
<02451 +chokmah > and thy knowledge <01847 +da , it hath
perverted <07725 +shuwb > thee ; and thou hast said <00559
+>amar > in thine heart <03820 +leb > , I [ am ] , and none
<00657 +>ephec > else <05750 + beside <00657 +>ephec > me .

wickedness ISA 058 004 Behold <02005 +hen > , ye fast <06684
+tsuwm > for strife <07379 +riyb > and debate <04683 +matstsah >
, and to smite <05221 +nakah > with the fist <00106 +>egroph >
of {wickedness} <07562 +resha< > : ye shall not fast <06684
+tsuwm > as [ ye do this ] day <03117 +yowm > , to make your
voice <06963 +qowl > to be heard <08085 +shama< > on high <04791
+marowm > .

wickedness ISA 058 006 [ Is ] not this <02088 +zeh > the fast
<06685 +tsowm > that I have chosen <00977 +bachar > ? to loose
<06605 +pathach > the bands <02784 +chartsubbah > of
{wickedness} <07562 +resha< > , to undo <05425 +nathar > the
heavy <04133 +mowtah > burdens <92> , and to let the oppressed
<07533 +ratsats > go <07971 +shalach > free <02670 +chophshiy > ,
and that ye break <05423 +nathaq > every <03605 +kol > yoke
<04133 +mowtah > ?

wickedness JER 001 016 And I will utter <01696 +dabar > my
judgments <04941 +mishpat > against <05921 + them touching
<05921 + all <03605 +kol > their {wickedness} <07451 +ra< >
, who have forsaken <05800 + me , and have burned <06999
+qatar > incense <06999 +qatar > unto other <00312 +>acher >
gods <00430 +>elohiym > , and worshipped <07812 +shachah > the
works <04639 +ma of their own <00249 +>ezrach > hands
<03027 +yad > .

wickedness JER 002 019 Thine own {wickedness} <07451 +ra< >
shall correct <03256 +yacar > thee , and thy backslidings <04878
+m@shuwbah > shall reprove <03198 +yakach > thee : know <03045
+yada< > therefore and see <07200 +ra>ah > that [ it is ] an
evil <07451 +ra< > [ thing ] and bitter <04751 +mar > , that
thou hast forsaken <05800 + the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
thy God <00430 +>elohiym > , and that my fear <06345 +pachdah >
[ is ] not in thee , saith <05002 +n@>um > the Lord <00136
+>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > .

wickedness JER 003 002 Lift <05375 +nasa> > up thine eyes <05869
+ unto the high <08205 +sh@phiy > places , and see <07200
+ra>ah > where <00375 +>eyphoh > thou hast not been lien <07693
+shagal > with . In the ways <01870 +derek > hast thou sat
<03427 +yashab > for them , as the Arabian <06163 + in
the wilderness <04057 +midbar > ; and thou hast polluted <02610
+chaneph > the land <00776 +>erets > with thy whoredoms <02184
+z@nuwth > and with thy {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > .

wickedness JER 004 014 O Jerusalem <03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > , wash
<03526 +kabac > thine heart <3820leb > from {wickedness} <07451
+ra< > , that thou mayest be saved <03467 +yasha< > . How <05704
+ long <05704 + shall thy vain <00205 +>aven >
thoughts <04284 +machashabah > lodge <03885 +luwn > within
<07130 +qereb > thee ?

wickedness JER 004 018 Thy way <01870 +derek > and thy doings
<04611 +ma have procured <06213 + these <00428
+>el - leh > [ things ] unto thee ; this <02063 +zo>th > [ is ]
thy {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > , because <03588 +kiy > it is
bitter <04751 +mar > , because <03588 +kiy > it reacheth <05060
+naga< > unto thine heart <03820 +leb > .

wickedness JER 006 007 As a fountain <00953 +bowr > casteth
<06979 +quwr > out her waters <04325 +mayim > , so <03651 +ken >
she casteth <06979 +quwr > out her {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > :
violence <02555 +chamac > and spoil <07701 +shod > is heard
<08085 +shama< > in her ; before me continually <08548 +tamiyd >
[ is ] grief <02483 +choliy > and wounds <04347 +makkah > .

wickedness JER 007 012 But go <03212 +yalak > ye now <04994 +na>
> unto my place <04725 +maqowm > which <00834 +>aher > [ was ]
in Shiloh <07887 +Shiyloh > , where I set <07931 +shakan > my
name <08034 +shem > at the first <07223 +ri>shown > , and see
<07200 +ra>ah > what I did <06213 + to it for the
{wickedness} <07451 +ra< > of my people <05971 + Israel
<03478 +Yisra>el > .

wickedness JER 008 006 I hearkened <08085 +shama< > and heard
<08085 +shama< > , [ but ] they spake <01696 +dabar > not aright
<03651 +ken > : no <00369 +>ayin > man <00376 +>iysh > repented
<05162 +nacham > him of his {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > , saying
<00559 +>amar > , What <04100 +mah > have I done <06213 +
? every <03605 +kol > one turned <07725 +shuwb > to his course
<04794 +m@ruwtsah > , as the horse <05483 +cuwc > rusheth <07857
+shataph > into the battle <04421 +milchamah > .

wickedness JER 012 004 How <05704 + long <05704 +
shall the land <00776 +>erets > mourn <56> , and the herbs
<06212 + of every <03605 +kol > field <07704 +sadeh >
wither <03001 +yabesh > , for the {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > of
them that dwell <03427 +yashab > therein ? the beasts <00929
+b@hemah > are consumed <05595 +caphah > , and the birds <05775
+ ; because <03588 +kiy > they said <00559 +>amar > , He
shall not see <07200 +ra>ah > our last <00319 +>achariyth > end .

wickedness JER 014 016 And the people <05971 + to whom they
prophesy <05012 +naba> > shall be cast <07993 +shalak > out in
the streets <02351 +chuwts > of Jerusalem <03389 +Y@ruwshalaim >
because <06440 +paniym > of the famine <07458 +ra and the
sword <02719 +chereb > ; and they shall have none <00369 +>ayin
> to bury <06912 +qabar > them , them , their wives <00802
+>ishshah > , nor their sons <01121 +ben > , nor their daughters
<01121 +ben > : for I will pour <08210 +shaphak > their
{wickedness} <07451 +ra< > upon them .

wickedness JER 014 020 We acknowledge <03045 +yada< > , O LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > , our {wickedness} <07562 +resha< > , [ and ]
the iniquity <05771 + of our fathers <1> : for we have
sinned <02398 +chata> > against thee .

wickedness JER 022 022 The wind <07307 +ruwach > shall eat
<07462 +ra up all <03605 +kol > thy pastors <07462 +ra
, and thy lovers <00157 +>ahab > shall go <03212 +yalak > into
captivity <07628 +sh@biy > : surely <03588 +kiy > then <00227
+>az > shalt thou be ashamed <00954 +buwsh > and confounded
<03637 +kalam > for all <03605 +kol > thy {wickedness} <07451
+ra< > .

wickedness JER 023 011 For both <01571 +gam > prophet <05030
+nabiy> > and priest <03548 +kohen > are profane <02610 +chaneph
> ; yea <01571 +gam > , in my house <01004 +bayith > have I
found <04672 +matsa> > their {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > , saith
<05002 +n@>um > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .

wickedness JER 023 014 I have seen <07200 +ra>ah > also in the
prophets <05030 +nabiy> > of Jerusalem <03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > an
horrible <08186 +sha thing : they commit <05003
+na>aph > adultery <05003 +na>aph > , and walk <01980 +halak >
in lies <08267 +sheqer > : they strengthen <02388 +chazaq > also
the hands <03027 +yad > of evildoers <07489 +ra , that none
<01115 +biltiy > doth return <07725 +shuwb > from his
{wickedness} <07451 +ra< > : they are all <03605 +kol > of them
unto me as Sodom <05467 +C@dom > , and the inhabitants <03427
+yashab > thereof as Gomorrah <06017 + .

wickedness JER 033 005 They come <00935 +bow> > to fight <03898
+lacham > with the Chaldeans <03778 +Kasdiy > , but [ it is ] to
fill <04390 +male> > them with the dead <06297 +peger > bodies
<06297 +peger > of men <00120 +>adam > , whom <00834 +>aher > I
have slain <05221 +nakah > in mine anger <00639 +>aph > and in
my fury <02534 +chemah > , and for all <03605 +kol > whose
<00834 +>aher > {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > I have hid <05641
+cathar > my face <06440 +paniym > from this <02063 +zo>th >
city <05892 + .

wickedness JER 044 003 Because <06440 +paniym > of their
{wickedness} <07451 +ra< > which <00834 +>aher > they have
committed <06213 + to provoke me to anger <03707 +ka
, in that they went <03212 +yalak > to burn <06999 +qatar >
incense <06999 +qatar > , [ and ] to serve <05647 + other
<00312 +>acher > gods <00430 +>elohiym > , whom <00834 +>aher >
they knew <03045 +yada< > not , [ neither ] they , ye , nor your
fathers <1> .

wickedness JER 044 005 But they hearkened <08085 +shama< > not ,
nor <03808 +lo> > inclined <05186 +natah > their ear <00241
+>ozen > to turn <07725 +shuwb > from their {wickedness} <07451
+ra< > , to burn <06999 +qatar > no <01115 +biltiy > incense
<06999 +qatar > unto other <00312 +>acher > gods <00430
+>elohiym > .

wickedness JER 044 009 Have ye forgotten <07911 +shakach > the
wickedness <07451 +ra< > of your fathers <1> , and the
wickedness <07451 +ra< > of the kings <04428 +melek > of Judah
<03063 +Y@huwdah > , and the wickedness <07451 +ra< > of their
wives <00802 +>ishshah > , and your own wickedness <07451 +ra< >
, and the {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > of your wives <00802
+>ishshah > , which <00834 +>aher > they have committed <06213
+ in the land <00776 +>erets > of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah
> , and in the streets <02351 +chuwts > of Jerusalem <03389
+Y@ruwshalaim > ?

wickedness JER 044 009 Have ye forgotten <07911 +shakach > the
wickedness <07451 +ra< > of your fathers <1> , and the
wickedness <07451 +ra< > of the kings <04428 +melek > of Judah
<03063 +Y@huwdah > , and the wickedness <07451 +ra< > of their
wives <00802 +>ishshah > , and your own {wickedness} <07451 +ra<
> , and the wickedness <07451 +ra< > of your wives <00802
+>ishshah > , which <00834 +>aher > they have committed <06213
+ in the land <00776 +>erets > of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah
> , and in the streets <02351 +chuwts > of Jerusalem <03389
+Y@ruwshalaim > ?

wickedness JER 044 009 Have ye forgotten <07911 +shakach > the
wickedness <07451 +ra< > of your fathers <1> , and the
wickedness <07451 +ra< > of the kings <04428 +melek > of Judah
<03063 +Y@huwdah > , and the {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > of their
wives <00802 +>ishshah > , and your own wickedness <07451 +ra< >
, and the wickedness <07451 +ra< > of your wives <00802
+>ishshah > , which <00834 +>aher > they have committed <06213
+ in the land <00776 +>erets > of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah
> , and in the streets <02351 +chuwts > of Jerusalem <03389
+Y@ruwshalaim > ?

wickedness JER 044 009 Have ye forgotten <07911 +shakach > the
wickedness <07451 +ra< > of your fathers <1> , and the
{wickedness} <07451 +ra< > of the kings <04428 +melek > of Judah
<03063 +Y@huwdah > , and the wickedness <07451 +ra< > of their
wives <00802 +>ishshah > , and your own wickedness <07451 +ra< >
, and the wickedness <07451 +ra< > of your wives <00802
+>ishshah > , which <00834 +>aher > they have committed <06213
+ in the land <00776 +>erets > of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah
> , and in the streets <02351 +chuwts > of Jerusalem <03389
+Y@ruwshalaim > ?

wickedness JER 044 009 Have ye forgotten <07911 +shakach > the
{wickedness} <07451 +ra< > of your fathers <1> , and the
wickedness <07451 +ra< > of the kings <04428 +melek > of Judah
<03063 +Y@huwdah > , and the wickedness <07451 +ra< > of their
wives <00802 +>ishshah > , and your own wickedness <07451 +ra< >
, and the wickedness <07451 +ra< > of your wives <00802
+>ishshah > , which <00834 +>aher > they have committed <06213
+ in the land <00776 +>erets > of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah
> , and in the streets <02351 +chuwts > of Jerusalem <03389
+Y@ruwshalaim > ?

wickedness LAM 001 022 Let all <03605 +kol > their {wickedness}
<07451 +ra< > come <00935 +bow> > before <06440 +paniym > thee ;
and do <05953 + unto them , as thou hast done <05953
+ unto me for all <03605 +kol > my transgressions <06588
+pesha< > : for my sighs <00585 +>anachah > [ are ] many <07227
+rab > , and my heart <03820 +leb > [ is ] faint <01742 +davvay
> .

wickedness EZE 003 019 Yet if <03588 +kiy > thou warn <02094
+zahar > the wicked <07563 +rasha< > , and he turn <07725 +shuwb
> not from his {wickedness} <07562 +resha< > , nor from his
wicked <07563 +rasha< > way <01870 +derek > , he shall die
<04191 +muwth > in his iniquity <05771 + ; but thou hast
delivered <05337 +natsal > thy soul <05315 +nephesh > .

wickedness EZE 005 006 And she hath changed <04171 +muwr > my
judgments <04941 +mishpat > into {wickedness} <07564 +rish
more <04480 +min > than <04480 +min > the nations <01471 +gowy >
, and my statutes <02708 +chuqqah > more <04480 +min > than
<04480 +min > the countries <00776 +>erets > that [ are ] round
<05439 +cabiyb > about her : for they have refused <03988 +ma>ac
> my judgments <04941 +mishpat > and my statutes <02708 +chuqqah
> , they have not walked <01980 +halak > in them .

wickedness EZE 007 011 Violence <02555 +chamac > is risen <06965
+quwm > up into a rod <04294 +matteh > of {wickedness} <07562
+resha< > : none <03808 +lo> > of them [ shall remain ] , nor
<03808 +lo> > of their multitude <01995 +hamown > , nor <03808
+lo> > of any <01991 +hem > of theirs <01992 +hem > : neither
<03808 +lo> > [ shall there be ] wailing <05089 +noahh > for
them .

wickedness EZE 016 023 And it came <01961 +hayah > to pass after
<00310 +>achar > all <03605 +kol > thy {wickedness} <07451 +ra<
> , ( woe , woe <00188 +>owy > unto thee ! saith <05002 +n@>um >
the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > ; )

wickedness EZE 016 057 Before <02962 +terem > thy {wickedness}
<07451 +ra< > was discovered <01540 +galah > , as at the time
<06256 + of [ thy ] reproach <02781 +cherpah > of the
daughters <01121 +ben > of Syria <00758 +>Aram > , and all
<03605 +kol > [ that are ] round <05439 +cabiyb > about her ,
the daughters <01121 +ben > of the Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy
> , which despise <07590 +sha>t > thee round <05439 +cabiyb >
about .

wickedness EZE 018 020 The soul <05315 +nephesh > that sinneth
<02398 +chata> > , it shall die <04191 +muwth > . The son <01121
+ben > shall not bear <05375 +nasa> > the iniquity <05771 + > of the father <1> , neither <03808 +lo> > shall the father <1>
bear <05375 +nasa> > the iniquity <05771 + of the son
<01121 +ben > : the righteousness <06666 +ts@daqah > of the
righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq > shall be upon him , and the
{wickedness} <07564 +rish of the wicked <07563 +rasha< >
shall be upon him .

wickedness EZE 018 027 Again , when the wicked <07563 +rasha< >
[ man ] turneth <07725 +shuwb > away from his {wickedness}
<07564 +rish that he hath committed <06213 + , and
doeth <06213 + that which is lawful <04941 +mishpat > and
right <06666 +ts@daqah > , he shall save <02421 +chayah > his
soul <05315 +nephesh > alive <02421 +chayah > .

wickedness EZE 031 011 I have therefore delivered <05414 +nathan
> him into the hand <03027 +yad > of the mighty <00410 +>el >
one of the heathen <01471 +gowy > ; he shall surely deal <06213
+ with him : I have driven <01644 +garash > him out for
his {wickedness} <07562 +resha< > .

wickedness EZE 033 012 Therefore , thou son <01121 +ben > of man
<00120 +>adam > , say <00559 +>amar >unto the children <01121
+ben > of thy people <05971 + , The righteousness <06666
+ts@daqah > of the righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq > shall not
deliver <05337 +natsal > him in the day <03117 +yowm > of his
transgression <06588 +pesha< > : as for the wickedness <07564
+rish of the wicked <07563 +rasha< > , he shall not fall
<03782 +kashal > thereby in the day <03117 +yowm > that he
turneth <07725 +shuwb > from his {wickedness} <07562 +resha< > ;
neither <03808 +lo> > shall the righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq > be
able <03201 +yakol > to live <02421 +chayah > for his [
righteousness ] in the day <03117 +yowm > that he sinneth <02398
+chata> > .

wickedness EZE 033 012 Therefore , thou son <01121 +ben > of man
<00120 +>adam > , say <00559 +>amar >unto the children <01121
+ben > of thy people <05971 + , The righteousness <06666
+ts@daqah > of the righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq > shall not
deliver <05337 +natsal > him in the day <03117 +yowm > of his
transgression <06588 +pesha< > : as for the {wickedness} <07564
+rish of the wicked <07563 +rasha< > , he shall not fall
<03782 +kashal > thereby in the day <03117 +yowm > that he
turneth <07725 +shuwb > from his wickedness <07562 +resha< > ;
neither <03808 +lo> > shall the righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq > be
able <03201 +yakol > to live <02421 +chayah > for his [
righteousness ] in the day <03117 +yowm > that he sinneth <02398
+chata> > .

wickedness EZE 033 019 But if the wicked <07563 +rasha< > turn
<07725 +shuwb > from his {wickedness} <07564 +rish , and do
<06213 + that which <00834 +>aher > is lawful <04941
+mishpat > and right <06666 +ts@daqah > , he shall live <02421
+chayah > thereby .

wickedness HOS 007 001 . When I would have healed <07495 +rapha>
> Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , then the iniquity <05771 +
of Ephraim <00669 +>Ephrayim > was discovered <01540 +galah > ,
and the {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > of Samaria <08111 +Shom@rown
> : for they commit <06466 +pa falsehood <08267 +sheqer > ;
and the thief <01590 +gannab > cometh <00935 +bow> > in , [ and
] the troop <01416 +g@duwd > of robbers spoileth <06584 +pashat
> without <02351 +chuwts > .

wickedness HOS 007 002 And they consider <00559 +>amar > not in
their hearts <03824 +lebab > [ that ] I remember <02142 +zakar >
all <03605 +kol > their {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > : now their
own doings <04611 +ma have beset <05437 +cabab > them
about <05437 +cabab > ; they are before <05048 +neged > my face
<06440 +paniym > .

wickedness HOS 007 003 They make the king <04428 +melek > glad
<08056 +sameach > with their {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > , and
the princes <08269 +sar > with their lies <03585 +kachash > .

wickedness HOS 009 015 All <03605 +kol > their wickedness <07451
+ra< > [ is ] in Gilgal <01537 +Gilgal > : for there <08033
+sham > I hated <08130 +sane> > them : for the {wickedness}
<07455 +roa< > of their doings <04611 +ma I will drive
<01644 +garash > them out of mine house <01004 +bayith > , I
will love <00160 +>ahabah > them no <03808 +lo> > more <03254
+yacaph > : all <03605 +kol > their princes <08269 +sar > [ are
] revolters <05637 +carar > .

wickedness HOS 009 015 All <03605 +kol > their {wickedness}
<07451 +ra< > [ is ] in Gilgal <01537 +Gilgal > : for there
<08033 +sham > I hated <08130 +sane> > them : for the wickedness
<07455 +roa< > of their doings <04611 +ma I will drive
<01644 +garash > them out of mine house <01004 +bayith > , I
will love <00160 +>ahabah > them no <03808 +lo> > more <03254
+yacaph > : all <03605 +kol > their princes <08269 +sar > [ are
] revolters <05637 +carar > .

wickedness HOS 010 013 Ye have plowed <02790 +charash >
{wickedness} <07562 +resha< > , ye have reaped <07114 +qatsar >
iniquity <05766 + ; ye have eaten <00398 +>akal > the
fruit <06529 +p@riy > of lies <03585 +kachash > : because <03588
+kiy > thou didst trust <00982 +batach > in thy way <01870
+derek > , in the multitude <07230 +rob > of thy mighty <01368
+gibbowr > men .

wickedness HOS 010 015 So <03602 +kakah > shall Bethel <01008
+Beyth - >El > do <06213 + unto you because <06440
+paniym > of your great <07451 +ra< > {wickedness} <07451 +ra< >
: in a morning <07837 +shachar > shall the king <04428 +melek >
of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > utterly be cut <01820 +damah > off .

wickedness JOE 003 013 Put <07971 +shalach > ye in the sickle
<04038 +maggal > , for the harvest <07105 +qatsiyr > is ripe
<01310 +bashal > : come <00935 +bow> > , get <03381 +yarad > you
down <03381 +yarad > ; for the press <01660 +gath > is full
<04390 +male> > , the fats <03342 +yeqeb > overflow <07783
+shuwq > ; for their {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > [ is ] great
<07227 +rab > .

wickedness JONAH 001 002 Arise <06965 +quwm > , go <03212 +yalak
> to Nineveh <05210 +Niyn@veh > , that great <01419 +gadowl >
city <05892 + , and cry <07121 +qara> > against <05921
+ it ; for their {wickedness} <07451 +ra< > is come <05927
+ up before <06440 +paniym > me .

wickedness MIC 006 010 Are there yet <05750 + the
treasures <00214 +>owtsar > of {wickedness} <07562 +resha< > in
the house <01004 +bayith > of the wicked <07563 +rasha< > , and
the scant <07332 +razown > measure <00374 +>eyphah > [ that is ]
abominable <02194 +za ?

wickedness NAH 003 019 [ There is ] no <00369 +>ayin > healing
<03545 +kehah > of thy bruise <07667 +sheber > ; thy wound
<04347 +makkah > is grievous <02470 +chalah > : all <03605 +kol
> that hear <08085 +shama< > the bruit <08088 +shema< > of thee
shall clap <08628 +taqa< > the hands <03709 +kaph > over <05921
+ thee : for upon whom <04310 +miy > hath not thy
{wickedness} <07451 +ra< > passed <05674 + continually
<08548 +tamiyd > ?

wickedness ZEC 005 008 And he said <00559 +>amar > , This <02063
+zo>th > [ is ] {wickedness} <07564 +rish . And he cast
<07993 +shalak > it into <00413 +>el > the midst <08432 +tavek >
of the ephah <00374 +>eyphah > ; and he cast <07993 +shalak >
the weight <68> of lead <05777 + upon the mouth
<06310 +peh > thereof .

wickedness MAL 001 004 Whereas <03588 +kiy > Edom <00123 +>Edom
> saith <00559 +>amar > , We are impoverished <07567 +rashash > ,
but we will return <07725 +shuwb > and build <01129 +banah >
the desolate <02723 +chorbah > places ; thus <03541 +koh > saith
<00559 +>amar > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635
+tsaba> > , They shall build <01129 +banah > , but I will throw
<02040 +harac > down <02040 +harac > ; and they shall call
<07121 +qara> > them , The border <01366 +g@buwl > of
{wickedness} <07564 +rish , and , The people <05971 +
against whom <00834 +>aher > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > hath
indignation <02194 +za for ever <05769 + .

wickedness MAL 003 015 And now <06258 + we call <00833
+>ashar > the proud <02086 +zed > happy <00833 +>ashar > ; yea
<01571 +gam > , they that work <06213 + {wickedness}
<07564 +rish are set <01129 +banah > up ; yea <01571 +gam >
, [ they that ] tempt <00974 +bachan > God <00430 +>elohiym >
are even delivered <04422 +malat > .

wickedness MAT 022 018 But Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> perceived
<1097 -ginosko -> their {wickedness} <4189 -poneria -> , and
said <2036 -epo -> , Why <5101 -tis -> tempt <3985 -peirazo ->
ye me , [ ye ] hypocrites <5273 -hupokrites -> ?

wickedness MAR 007 022 Thefts <2829 -klope -> , covetousness
<4124 -pleonexia -> , {wickedness} <4189 -poneria -> , deceit
<1388 -dolos -> , lasciviousness <0766 -aselgeia -> , an evil
<4190 -poneros -> eye <3788 -ophthalmos -> , blasphemy <0988 -
blasphemia -> , pride <5243 -huperephania -> , foolishness <0877
-aphrosune -> :

wickedness LUK 011 039 And the Lord 2962 -kurios - said 2036 -
epo - unto him , Now 3568 -nun - do ye Pharisees 5330 -
Pharisaios - make 2511 -katharizo - clean 2511 -katharizo - the
outside 1855 -exothen - of the cup 4221 -poterion - and the
platter 4094 -pinax - ; but your 5216 -humon - inward 2081 -
esothen - part is full 1073 -gemo - of ravening 0724 -harpage -
and {wickedness} 4189 -poneria - .

wickedness ACT 008 022 Repent <3340 -metanoeo -> therefore <3767
-oun -> of this <5026 -taute -> thy {wickedness} <2549 -kakia ->
, and pray <1189 -deomai -> God <2316 -theos -> , if <1487 -ei -
> perhaps <0686 -ara -> the thought <1963 -epinoia -> of thine
<4671 -soi -> heart <2588 -kardia -> may be forgiven <0863 -
aphiemi -> thee .

wickedness ACT 025 005 Let them therefore <3767 -oun -> , said
<5346 -phemi -> he , which among <1722 -en -> you are able <1415
-dunatos -> , go <4782 -sugkatabaino -> down <4782 -sugkatabaino
-> with [ me ] , and accuse <2723 -kategoreo -> this <0846 -
autos -> man <0435 -aner -> , if <1487 -ei -> there be any <1536
-ei tis -> {wickedness} <0824 -atopos -> in him .

wickedness ROM 001 029 Being filled <4137 -pleroo -> with all
<3956 -pas -> unrighteousness <0093 -adikia -> , fornication
<4202 -porneia -> , {wickedness} <4189 -poneria -> ,
covetousness <4124 -pleonexia -> , maliciousness <2549 -kakia ->
; full <3324 -mestos -> of envy <5355 -phthonos -> , murder
<5408 -phonos -> , debate <2054 -eris -> , deceit <1388 -dolos -
> , malignity <2550 -kakoetheia -> ; whisperers <5588 -
psithuristes -> ,

wickedness 1CO 005 008 Therefore <5620 -hoste -> let us keep
<1858 -heortazo -> the feast <1858 -heortazo -> , not with old
<3820 -palaios -> leaven <2219 -zume -> , neither <3366 -mede ->
with the leaven <2219 -zume -> of malice <2549 -kakia -> and
{wickedness} <4189 -poneria -> ; but with the unleavened <0106 -
azumos -> [ bread ] of sincerity <1505 -eilikrineia -> and truth
<0225 -aletheia -> .

wickedness EPH 006 012 For we wrestle <3823 -pale -> not against
<4314 -pros -> flesh <4561 -sarx -> and blood <0129 -haima -> ,
but against <4314 -pros -> principalities <0746 -arche -> ,
against <4314 -pros -> powers <1849 -exousia -> , against <4314 -
pros -> the rulers <2888 -kosmokrator -> of the darkness <4655 -
skotos -> of this <5127 -toutou -> world <0165 -aion -> ,
against <4314 -pros -> spiritual <4152 -pneumatikos ->
{wickedness} <4189 -poneria -> in high <2032 -epouranios -> [
places ] .

wickedness 1JO 005 019 [ And ] we know <1492 -eido -> that we
are of God <2316 -theos -> , and the whole <3650 -holos -> world
<2889 -kosmos -> lieth <2749 -keimai -> in {wickedness} <4190 -
poneros -> .


before thy wickedness was discovered

but if wickedness shall be found <1KI1 -:52 >

but jesus perceived their wickedness

but wickedness overthroweth

for their wickedness is come up before me

for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually -:19 >

for wickedness burneth as

he seeth wickedness also

his wickedness shall be showed before

let all their wickedness come before thee

let not wickedness dwell

lord shall return thy wickedness upon thine own head <1KI2 -:
44 >

man shall not be established by wickedness

neither shall wickedness deliver those

not thy wickedness great

shall do no more any such wickedness as this is among you

she hath changed my judgments into wickedness more than :6 >

so she casteth out her wickedness

sow wickedness

their own wickedness

their wickedness

their wickedness which they have committed

there be no wickedness among you

thine own wickedness shall correct thee

this thy wickedness

though wickedness be sweet

thy wickedness

thy wickedness

thy wickedness

turn from their wickedness

turneth away from his wickedness

wash thine heart from wickedness

what wickedness

wicked shall fall by his own wickedness

wicked turn from his wickedness

will utter my judgments against them touching all their

with thy wickedness

work wickedness <1KI21 -:25 >

work wickedness are set up

wickedness And God saw that the {wickedness} of man
[was] great in the earth, and [that] every imagination of the
thoughts of his heart [was] only evil continually.

wickedness There is] none greater in this house than
I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, because
thou [art] his wife: how then can I do this great {wickedness},
and sin against God?

wickedness Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a
woman and her daughter, neither shalt thou take her son's
daughter, or her daughter's daughter, to uncover her nakedness;
[for] they [are] her near kinswomen: it [is] {wickedness}.

wickedness Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause
her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land
become full of {wickedness}.

wickedness And if a man take a wife and her mother,
it [is] wickedness: they shall be burnt with fire, both he and
they; that there be no {wickedness} among you.

wickedness And if a man take a wife and her mother,
it [is] {wickedness}: they shall be burnt with fire, both he and
they; that there be no wickedness among you.

wickedness Speak not thou in thine heart, after that
the LORD thy God hath cast them out from before thee, saying,
For my righteousness the LORD hath brought me in to possess this
land: but for the {wickedness} of these nations the LORD doth dri

ve them out from before thee.

wickedness Not for thy righteousness, or for the
uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess their land:
but for the {wickedness} of these nations the LORD thy God doth
drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the
word wh

ich the LORD sware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

wickedness Remember thy servants, Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob; look not unto the stubbornness of this people, nor to
their {wickedness}, nor to their sin:

wickedness And all Israel shall hear, and fear, and
shall do no more any such {wickedness} as this is among you.

wickedness If there be found among you, within any of
thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that
hath wrought {wickedness} in the sight of the LORD thy God, in
transgressing his covenant,

wickedness The LORD shall send upon thee cursing,
vexation, and rebuke, in all that thou settest thine hand unto
for to do, until thou be destroyed, and until thou perish
quickly; because of the {wickedness} of thy doings, whereby thou
hast fo

rsaken me.

wickedness Thus God rendered the {wickedness} of
Abimelech, which he did unto his father, in slaying his seventy

wickedness (Now the children of Benjamin heard that
the children of Israel were gone up to Mizpeh.) Then said the
children of Israel, Tell [us], how was this {wickedness}?

wickedness And the tribes of Israel sent men through
all the tribe of Benjamin, saying, What {wickedness} [is] this
that is done among you?

wickedness <1SA12 -17> Is it] not wheat harvest to day? I will
call unto the LORD, and he shall send thunder and rain; that ye
may perceive and see that your {wickedness} [is] great, which ye
have done in the sight of the LORD, in asking you a king.

wickedness <1SA12 -20> And Samuel said unto the people, Fear not:
ye have done all this {wickedness}: yet turn not aside from
following the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart;

wickedness <1SA24 -13> As saith the proverb of the ancients,
{Wickedness} proceedeth from the wicked: but mine hand shall not
be upon thee.

wickedness <1SA25 -39> And when David heard that Nabal was dead,
he said, Blessed [be] the LORD, that hath pleaded the cause of
my reproach from the hand of Nabal, and hath kept his servant
from evil: for the LORD hath returned the {wickedness} of Nabal u

pon his own head. And David sent and communed with Abigail, to
take her to him to wife.

wickedness <2SA3 -39> And I [am] this day weak, though anointed
king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah [be] too hard for me:
the LORD shall reward the doer of evil according to his

wickedness <2SA7 -10> Moreover I will appoint a place for my
people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a
place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children
of {wickedness} afflict them any more, as beforetime,

wickedness <1KI1 -52> And Solomon said, If he will show himself
a worthy man, there shall not an hair of him fall to the earth:
but if {wickedness} shall be found in him, he shall die.

wickedness <1KI2 -44> The king said moreover to Shimei, Thou
knowest all the wickedness which thine heart is privy to, that
thou didst to David my father: therefore the LORD shall return
thy {wickedness} upon thine own head;

wickedness <1KI2 -44> The king said moreover to Shimei, Thou
knowest all the {wickedness} which thine heart is privy to, that
thou didst to David my father: therefore the LORD shall return
thy wickedness upon thine own head;

wickedness <1KI8 -47> Yet] if they shall bethink themselves in
the land whither they were carried captives, and repent, and
make supplication unto thee in the land of them that carried
them captives, saying, We have sinned, and have done perversely,
we ha

ve committed {wickedness};

wickedness <1KI21 -25> But there was none like unto Ahab, which
did sell himself to work {wickedness} in the sight of the LORD,
whom Jezebel his wife stirred up.

wickedness <2KI21 -6> And he made his son pass through the fire,
and observed times, and used enchantments, and dealt with
familiar spirits and wizards: he wrought much {wickedness} in
the sight of the LORD, to provoke [him] to anger.

wickedness <1CH17 -9> Also I will ordain a place for my people
Israel, and will plant them, and they shall dwell in their place,
and shall be moved no more; neither shall the children of
{wickedness} waste them any more, as at the beginning,

wickedness Even as I have seen, they that plow
iniquity, and sow {wickedness}, reap the same.

wickedness For he knoweth vain men: he seeth
{wickedness} also; will he not then consider [it]?

wickedness If iniquity [be] in thine hand, put it
far away, and let not {wickedness} dwell in thy tabernacles.

wickedness Though {wickedness} be sweet in his mouth,
[though] he hide it under his tongue;

wickedness Is] not thy {wickedness} great? and thine
iniquities infinite?

wickedness The womb shall forget him; the worm shall
feed sweetly on him; he shall be no more remembered; and
{wickedness} shall be broken as a tree.

wickedness My lips shall not speak {wickedness}, nor
my tongue utter deceit.

wickedness Therefore hearken unto me, ye men of
understanding: far be it from God, [that he should do]
{wickedness}; and [from] the Almighty, [that he should commit]

wickedness Thy {wickedness} [may hurt] a man as thou
[art]; and thy righteousness [may profit] the son of man.

wickedness For thou [art] not a God that hath pleasure
in {wickedness}: neither shall evil dwell with thee.

wickedness For [there is] no faithfulness in their
mouth; their inward part [is] very {wickedness}; their throat
[is] an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue.

wickedness Oh let the {wickedness} of the wicked come
to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth
the hearts and reins.

wickedness Break thou the arm of the wicked and the
evil [man]: seek out his {wickedness} [till] thou find none.

wickedness Give them according to their deeds, and
according to the {wickedness} of their endeavours: give them
after the work of their hands; render to them their desert.

wickedness Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest
{wickedness}: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with
the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

wickedness Lo, [this is] the man [that] made not God
his strength; but trusted in the abundance of his riches, [and]
strengthened himself in his {wickedness}.

wickedness {Wickedness} [is] in the midst thereof:
deceit and guile depart not from her streets.

wickedness Let death seize upon them, [and] let them
go down quick into hell: for {wickedness} [is] in their
dwellings, [and] among them.

wickedness Yea, in heart ye work {wickedness}; ye
weigh the violence of your hands in the earth.

wickedness For a day in thy courts [is] better than
a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God,
than to dwell in the tents of {wickedness}.

wickedness The enemy shall not exact upon him; nor
the son of {wickedness} afflict him.

wickedness And he shall bring upon them their own
iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own {wickedness};
[yea], the LORD our God shall cut them off.

wickedness A fruitful land into barrenness, for the
{wickedness} of them that dwell therein.

wickedness For they eat the bread of {wickedness},
and drink the wine of violence.

wickedness For my mouth shall speak truth; and
{wickedness} [is] an abomination to my lips.

wickedness Treasures of {wickedness} profit nothing:
but righteousness delivereth from death.

wickedness The righteousness of the perfect shall
direct his way: but the wicked shall fall by his own

wickedness A man shall not be established by
{wickedness}: but the root of the righteous shall not be moved.

wickedness Righteousness keepeth [him that is]
upright in the way: but {wickedness} overthroweth the sinner.

wickedness The wicked is driven away in his
{wickedness}: but the righteous hath hope in his death.

wickedness It is] an abomination to kings to commit
{wickedness}: for the throne is established by righteousness.

wickedness The righteous [man] wisely considereth
the house of the wicked: [but God] overthroweth the wicked for
[their] {wickedness}.

wickedness Whose] hatred is covered by deceit, his
{wickedness} shall be showed before the [whole] congregation.

wickedness Such [is] the way of an adulterous woman;
she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no

wickedness And moreover I saw under the sun the place
of judgment, [that] {wickedness} [was] there; and the place of
righteousness, [that] iniquity [was] there.

wickedness All [things] have I seen in the days of my
vanity: there is a just [man] that perisheth in his
righteousness, and there is a wicked [man] that prolongeth [his
life] in his {wickedness}.

wickedness I applied mine heart to know, and to
search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason [of things], and
to know the {wickedness} of folly, even of foolishness [and]

wickedness There is] no man that hath power over the
spirit to retain the spirit; neither [hath he] power in the day
of death: and [there is] no discharge in [that] war; neither
shall {wickedness} deliver those that are given to it.

wickedness For {wickedness} burneth as the fire: it
shall devour the briers and thorns, and shall kindle in the
thickets of the forest, and they shall mount up [like] the
lifting up of smoke.

wickedness For thou hast trusted in thy {wickedness}:
thou hast said, None seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it
hath perverted thee; and thou hast said in thine heart, I [am],
and none else beside me.

wickedness Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and
to smite with the fist of {wickedness}: ye shall not fast as [ye
do this] day, to make your voice to be heard on high.

wickedness Is] not this the fast that I have chosen?
to loose the bands of {wickedness}, to undo the heavy burdens,
and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?

wickedness And I will utter my judgments against them
touching all their {wickedness}, who have forsaken me, and have
burned incense unto other gods, and worshipped the works of
their own hands.

wickedness Thine own {wickedness} shall correct thee,
and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore and see
that [it is] an evil [thing] and bitter, that thou hast forsaken
the LORD thy God, and that my fear [is] not in thee, saith th

e Lord GOD of hosts.

wickedness Lift up thine eyes unto the high places,
and see where thou hast not been lien with. In the ways hast
thou sat for them, as the Arabian in the wilderness; and thou
hast polluted the land with thy whoredoms and with thy

wickedness O Jerusalem, wash thine heart from
{wickedness}, that thou mayest be saved. How long shall thy vain
thoughts lodge within thee?

wickedness Thy way and thy doings have procured these
[things] unto thee; this [is] thy {wickedness}, because it is
bitter, because it reacheth unto thine heart.

wickedness As a fountain casteth out her waters, so
she casteth out her {wickedness}: violence and spoil is heard in
her; before me continually [is] grief and wounds.

wickedness But go ye now unto my place which [was] in
Shiloh, where I set my name at the first, and see what I did to
it for the {wickedness} of my people Israel.

wickedness I hearkened and heard, [but] they spake not
aright: no man repented him of his {wickedness}, saying, What
have I done? every one turned to his course, as the horse
rusheth into the battle.

wickedness How long shall the land mourn, and the
herbs of every field wither, for the {wickedness} of them that
dwell therein? the beasts are consumed, and the birds; because
they said, He shall not see our last end.

wickedness And the people to whom they prophesy
shall be cast out in the streets of Jerusalem because of the
famine and the sword; and they shall have none to bury them,
them, their wives, nor their sons, nor their daughters: for I
will pour t

heir {wickedness} upon them.

wickedness We acknowledge, O LORD, our {wickedness},
[and] the iniquity of our fathers: for we have sinned against

wickedness The wind shall eat up all thy pastors,
and thy lovers shall go into captivity: surely then shalt thou
be ashamed and confounded for all thy {wickedness}.

wickedness For both prophet and priest are profane;
yea, in my house have I found their {wickedness}, saith the LORD.

wickedness I have seen also in the prophets of
Jerusalem an horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in
lies: they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none
doth return from his {wickedness}: they are all of them unto me
as Sodom

, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.

wickedness They come to fight with the Chaldeans, but
[it is] to fill them with the dead bodies of men, whom I have
slain in mine anger and in my fury, and for all whose
{wickedness} I have hid my face from this city.

wickedness Because of their {wickedness} which they
have committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn
incense, [and] to serve other gods, whom they knew not,
[neither] they, ye, nor your fathers.

wickedness But they hearkened not, nor inclined their
ear to turn from their {wickedness}, to burn no incense unto
other gods.

wickedness Have ye forgotten the wickedness of your
fathers, and the {wickedness} of the kings of Judah, and the
wickedness of their wives, and your own wickedness, and the
wickedness of your wives, which they have committed in the land
of Juda

h, and in the streets of Jerusalem?

wickedness Have ye forgotten the wickedness of your
fathers, and the wickedness of the kings of Judah, and the
{wickedness} of their wives, and your own wickedness, and the
wickedness of your wives, which they have committed in the land
of Juda

h, and in the streets of Jerusalem?

wickedness Have ye forgotten the {wickedness} of your
fathers, and the wickedness of the kings of Judah, and the
wickedness of their wives, and your own wickedness, and the
wickedness of your wives, which they have committed in the land
of Juda

h, and in the streets of Jerusalem?

wickedness Have ye forgotten the wickedness of your
fathers, and the wickedness of the kings of Judah, and the
wickedness of their wives, and your own {wickedness}, and the
wickedness of your wives, which they have committed in the land
of Juda

h, and in the streets of Jerusalem?

wickedness Have ye forgotten the wickedness of your
fathers, and the wickedness of the kings of Judah, and the
wickedness of their wives, and your own wickedness, and the
{wickedness} of your wives, which they have committed in the
land of Juda

h, and in the streets of Jerusalem?

wickedness Let all their {wickedness} come before
thee; and do unto them, as thou hast done unto me for all my
transgressions: for my sighs [are] many, and my heart [is] faint.

wickedness Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn
not from his {wickedness}, nor from his wicked way, he shall die
in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.

wickedness And she hath changed my judgments into
{wickedness} more than the nations, and my statutes more than
the countries that [are] round about her: for they have refused
my judgments and my statutes, they have not walked in them.

wickedness Violence is risen up into a rod of
{wickedness}: none of them [shall remain], nor of their
multitude, nor of any of theirs: neither [shall there be]
wailing for them.

wickedness And it came to pass after all thy
{wickedness}, (woe, woe unto thee! saith the Lord GOD;)

wickedness Before thy {wickedness} was discovered,
as at the time of [thy] reproach of the daughters of Syria, and
all [that are] round about her, the daughters of the Philistines,
which despise thee round about.

wickedness The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The
son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the
father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the
righteous shall be upon him, and the {wickedness} of the wicked

shall be upon him.

wickedness Again, when the wicked [man] turneth away
from his {wickedness} that he hath committed, and doeth that
which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive.

wickedness I have therefore delivered him into the
hand of the mighty one of the heathen; he shall surely deal with
him: I have driven him out for his {wickedness}.

wickedness Therefore, thou son of man, say unto the
children of thy people, The righteousness of the righteous shall
not deliver him in the day of his transgression: as for the
wickedness of the wicked, he shall not fall thereby in the day

t he turneth from his {wickedness}; neither shall the righteous
be able to live for his [righteousness] in the day that he

wickedness Therefore, thou son of man, say unto the
children of thy people, The righteousness of the righteous shall
not deliver him in the day of his transgression: as for the
{wickedness} of the wicked, he shall not fall thereby in the day

hat he turneth from his wickedness; neither shall the righteous
be able to live for his [righteousness] in the day that he

wickedness But if the wicked turn from his
{wickedness}, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall
live thereby.

wickedness When I would have healed Israel, then the
iniquity of Ephraim was discovered, and the {wickedness} of
Samaria: for they commit falsehood; and the thief cometh in,
[and] the troop of robbers spoileth without.

wickedness And they consider not in their hearts
[that] I remember all their {wickedness}: now their own doings
have beset them about; they are before my face.

wickedness They make the king glad with their
{wickedness}, and the princes with their lies.

wickedness All their wickedness [is] in Gilgal: for
there I hated them: for the {wickedness} of their doings I will
drive them out of mine house, I will love them no more: all
their princes [are] revolters.

wickedness All their {wickedness} [is] in Gilgal: for
there I hated them: for the wickedness of their doings I will
drive them out of mine house, I will love them no more: all
their princes [are] revolters.

wickedness Ye have plowed {wickedness}, ye have
reaped iniquity; ye have eaten the fruit of lies: because thou
didst trust in thy way, in the multitude of thy mighty men.

wickedness So shall Bethel do unto you because of
your great {wickedness}: in a morning shall the king of Israel
utterly be cut off.

wickedness Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is
ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the vats
overflow; for their {wickedness} [is] great.

wickedness Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and
cry against it; for their {wickedness} is come up before me.

wickedness Are there yet the treasures of
{wickedness} in the house of the wicked, and the scant measure
[that is] abominable?

wickedness There is] no healing of thy bruise; thy
wound is grievous: all that hear the bruit of thee shall clap
the hands over thee: for upon whom hath not thy {wickedness}
passed continually?

wickedness And he said, This [is] {wickedness}. And he
cast it into the midst of the ephah; and he cast the weight of
lead upon the mouth thereof.

wickedness Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished,
but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the
LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they
shall call them, The border of {wickedness}, and, The people ag

ainst whom the LORD hath indignation for ever.

wickedness And now we call the proud happy; yea, they
that work {wickedness} are set up; yea, [they that] tempt God
are even delivered.

wickedness But Jesus perceived their {wickedness},
and said, Why tempt ye me, [ye] hypocrites?

wickedness Thefts, covetousness, {wickedness}, deceit,
lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:

wickedness And the Lord said unto him, Now do ye
Pharisees make clean the outside of the cup and the platter; but
your inward part is full of ravening and {wickedness}.

wickedness Repent therefore of this thy {wickedness},
and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be
forgiven thee.

wickedness Let them therefore, said he, which among
you are able, go down with me], and accuse this man, if there be
any {wickedness} in him.

wickedness Being filled with all unrighteousness,
fornication, {wickedness}, covetousness, maliciousness; full of
envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

wickedness <1CO5 -8> Therefore let us keep the feast, not with
old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and {wickedness};
but with the unleavened bread] of sincerity and truth.

wickedness For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers
of the darkness of this world, against spiritual {wickedness} in
high places].

wickedness <1JO5 -19> And] we know that we are of God, and the
whole world lieth in {wickedness}.
