Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
who ......... and they who are sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->

who ......... And to you who are troubled 2346 -thlibo->

who ......... And who 5101 -tis->

who ......... and who 5101 -tis->

who ......... And you hath he quickened , who were dead 3498 -nekros->

who ......... as he did unto us , who believed 4100 -pisteuo->

who ......... as he who hath builded 2680 -kataskeuazo->

who ......... away : and who 5101 -tis->

who ......... be for us , who 5101 -tis->

who ......... be they who separate 0592 -apodiorizo->

who ......... But he who was of the bondwoman 3814 -paidiske->

who ......... But let us , who 3588 -ho->

who ......... But of these who seemed 1380 -dokeo->

who ......... But we are not of them who draw 5289 -hupostole->

who ......... but who 3588 -ho->

who ......... but who 5101 -tis->

who ......... but who was also 2532 -kai->

who ......... came , who 3588 -ho->

who ......... diligently , who 3588 -ho->

who ......... even to him who is raised 1453 -egeiro->

who ......... even to us , who 3748 -hostis->

who ......... for them who shall be heirs 2816 -kleronomeo->

who ......... for they who seemed 1380 -dokeo->

who ......... for us , who knew 1097 -ginosko->

who ......... For who 5101 -tis->

who ......... for you , who 3748 -hostis->

who ......... from them who live 0390 -anastrepho->

who ......... ground ; who 3739 -hos->

who ......... hand , who 3588 -ho->

who ......... He it is , who 3588 -ho->

who ......... he who now 0737 -arti->

Who ......... him , Who 5101 -tis->

who ......... him : who 3739 -hos->

who ......... him who hath chosen 4758 -stratologeo->

who ......... him who is invisible 0517 -aoratos->

who ......... him with them , who 3588 -ho->

who ......... in , who 3748 -hostis->

who ......... in us , who walk 4043 -peripateo->

who ......... man , who 3739 -hos->

who ......... not , and who 5101 -tis->

who ......... not who 5101 -tis->

who ......... not who refused 3868 -paraiteomai->

who ......... of Abraham 11> ; who 3739 -hos->

who ......... of him who hath called 2564 -kaleo->

who ......... of him who hath subjected 5293 -hupotasso->

who ......... of him who worketh 1754 -energeo->

who ......... of them who through 1223 -dia->

who ......... over you , who 3748 -hostis->

who ......... that I am ! who 5101 -tis->

who ......... thee , who 3588 -ho->

who ......... thee who 5101 -tis->

who ......... them who 3745 -hosos->

who ......... themselves : who 3739 -hos->

who ......... there , who had made 4160 -poieo->

Who ......... they unto him , Who 5101 -tis->

who ......... they who labour 2872 -kopiao->

who ......... things ? and who 5101 -tis->

Who ......... thou , Who 5101 -tis->

who ......... to them who 3588 -ho->

who ......... to them who are the called 2822 -kletos->

who ......... to them who are under 1722 -en->

who ......... To them who by patient 5281 -hupomone->

who ......... Unto me , who am less 1647 -elachistoteros->

who ......... unto thee , who hath 2192 -echo->

Who ......... unto thee ? Who 3588 -ho->

who ......... unto them who are of the household 3609 -oikeios->

who ......... unto you , who is a beloved 0027 -agapetos->

who ......... up ? who 5101 -tis->

who ......... us , who is holy 3741 -hosios->

who ......... we from him , That he who loveth 0025 -agapao->

who ......... We who are Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->

Who ......... Who , being 5225 -huparcho->

who ......... who 0841 -autarkeia->

who ......... who 0846 -autos->

who ......... who 2532 -kai->

Who ......... Who 3588 -ho->

who ......... who 3588 -ho->

who ......... who 3588->

who ......... who 3588->

Who ......... Who 3739 -hos->

who ......... who 3739 -hos->

Who ......... Who 3748 -hostis->

who ......... who 3748 -hostis->

who ......... who 3778 -houtos->

Who ......... Who 5100 -tis->

who ......... who 5100 -tis->

Who ......... Who 5101 -tis->

who ......... who 5101 -tis->

who ......... who also 2532 -kai->

Who ......... Who also 2532 -kai->

who ......... who are circumcised 4059 -peritemno->

who ......... who are least 1848 -exoutheneo->

who ......... who are taken 2221 -zogreo->

who ......... who at sundry 4181 -polumeros->

Who ......... Who being the brightness 0541 -apaugasma->

who ......... who by reason 1223 -dia->

who ......... who called 2564 -kaleo->

Who ......... Who can 1410 -dunamai->

who ......... who created 2936 -ktizo->

Who ......... Who delivered 4506 -rhoumai->

Who ......... Who for a certain 5100 -tis->

who ......... who had promised 1861 -epaggello->

who ......... who hath abolished 2673 -katargeo->

who ......... who himself 0846 -autos->

who ......... who is consecrated 5048 -teleioo->

who ......... who is our life 2222 -zoe->

who ......... who is rich 4145 -plousios->

who ......... who is the faithful 4103 -pistos->

who ......... who left 0863 -aphiemi->

Who ......... Who now 3568 -nun->

who ......... who passed 3855 -parago->

Who ......... Who shall change 3345 -metaschematizo->

who ......... who should walk 4198 -poreuomai->

Who ......... Who verily 3303 -men->

who ......... who walk 4043 -peripateo->

Who ......... Who was faithful 4103 -pistos->

who ......... who was of that wicked 4190 -poneros->

who ......... who were covetous 5366 -philarguros->

who ......... who were once 0530 -hapax->

who ......... with her , who 3588 -ho->

who ......... with him , who 3748 -hostis->

who ......... ye who 3739 -hos->

who ......... you , who 3739 -hos->

who ......... you , who 3748 -hostis->

whole ......... and be whole 5199 -hugies->

whole ......... and his whole 3650 -holos->

whole ......... and not that thy whole 3650 -holos->

whole ......... and of the whole 3650 -holos->

whole ......... and that the whole 3650 -holos->

whole ......... And the whole 0537 -hapas->

whole ......... and the whole 3650 -holos->

whole ......... And the whole 3650 -holos->

whole ......... And the whole 3956 -pas->

whole ......... and the whole 3956 -pas->

whole ......... for the sins of the whole 3650 -holos->

whole ......... him whole 5199 -hugies->

whole ......... I shall be whole 4982 -sozo->

whole ......... in the whole 3650 -holos->

whole ......... me whole 5199 -hugies->

whole ......... of the whole 3956 -pas->

whole ......... that the whole 3956 -pas->

whole ......... that whole 3650 -holos->

whole ......... the whole 0537 -hapas->

whole ......... the whole 3650 -holos->

whole ......... the whole 3956 -pas->

whole ......... the whole armour 3833 -panoplia->

whole ......... thee whole 2390 -iaomai->

whole ......... thee whole 4982 -sozo->

whole ......... their whole 3650 -holos->

whole ......... thy whole 3650 -holos->

whole ......... to be whole 5199 -hugies->

whole ......... to pass , that a whole 3650 -holos->

whole ......... unto him the whole 3650 -holos->

whole ......... unto them , They that are whole 2480 -ischuo->

whole ......... unto them , They that are whole 5198 -hugiaino->

whole ......... unto them , They that be whole 2480 -ischuo->

whole ......... unto you the whole armour 3833 -panoplia->

whole ......... whole 1295 -diasozo->

whole ......... whole 3390 -metropolis->

whole ......... whole 3646 -holokautoma->

whole ......... whole 3648 -holokleros->

whole ......... whole 3650 -holos->

whole ......... whole 4982 -sozo->

whole ......... whole 5198 -hugiaino->

whole ......... whole 5199 -hugies->

whole ......... with the whole 3650 -holos->

whole ......... you whole 5199 -hugies->

wholesome ......... not to wholesome 5198 -hugiaino->

wholly ......... thyself wholly 1722 -en->

wholly ......... wholly given to idolatry 2712 -kateidolos->

wholly ......... you wholly 3651 -holoteles->

whom ......... and he to whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... and he whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... and of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... and they to whom it was first 4386 -proteron->

whom ......... and to whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... and to whom 5101 -tis->

whom ......... And to whom 5101 -tis->

whom ......... and whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... But he , whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... but it shall be given to them for whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... but to whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... but whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... But with whom 5101 -tis->

whom ......... by , whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... by whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... By whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... by whom 5101 -tis->

whom ......... For he of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... For he whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... for of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... for them by whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... for whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... For whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... from me ; of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... from them of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... From whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... from whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... have mercy , and whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... he , whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... He it is , to whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... he receiveth them , of whom it is witnessed 3140 -martureo->

whom ......... he whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... him , for whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... him , of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... him in whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... him whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... in him of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... in whom , though now 0737 -arti->

whom ......... in whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... In whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... in whom 3939 -paroikeo->

whom ......... in you : for whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... is he , of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... is he of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... is he whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... is there of you , whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... it should be of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... man was , unto whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... me ; of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... of Abraham 11 , whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... of him with whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... of them whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... Of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... of whom 5101 -tis->

whom ......... on whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... One ; of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... out of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... sake , whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... that he , to whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... thee , of whom 5101 -tis->

whom ......... they to whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... thing , to whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... things , and by whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... things , by whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... things : to whom 0846 -autos->

whom ......... thou ? whom 5101 -tis->

whom ......... to them of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... to whom 3588 -ho->

whom ......... to whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... To whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... to whom 5101 -tis->

whom ......... unto ; whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... unto him , to whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... unto him whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... unto me , Upon whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... unto them , But whom 5101 -tis->

Whom ......... unto them , Whom 5101 -tis->

whom ......... unto whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... Unto whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... upon whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... us , whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... was he of whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... whom 0846 -autos->

whom ......... whom 3739 -hos->

Whom ......... Whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... whom 3739->

whom ......... whom 3739->

whom ......... whom 5101 -tis->

Whom ......... Whom 5101 -tis->

whom ......... whom he also 2532 -kai->

whom ......... whom when they had washed 3068 -louo->

whom ......... With whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... with whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... ye are to whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... ye not , that to whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... ye of him , whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... you , whom 3739 -hos->

whom ......... you to whom 5101 -tis->

whom ......... you whom 5101 -tis->

whomsoever ......... and he to whomsoever 1437 -ean->

whomsoever ......... For unto whomsoever 3739 -hos->

whomsoever ......... unto me ; and to whomsoever 1437 -ean->

whomsoever ......... whomsoever 0302 -an->

Whomsoever ......... Whomsoever 0302 -an->

whomsoever ......... whomsoever 1437 -ean->

whomsoever ......... whomsoever 3746 -hosper->

whomsoever ......... whomsoever 5100 -tis->

whore ......... the whore 4204 -porne->

whore ......... whore 4204 -porne->

whoremonger ......... whoremonger 4205 -pornos->

whoremongers ......... and whoremongers 4205 -pornos->

whoremongers ......... but whoremongers 4205 -pornos->

whoremongers ......... For whoremongers 4205 -pornos->

whose ......... and whose 3588 -ho->

whose ......... and whose 3739 -hos->

whose ......... are they whose 3739 -hos->

whose ......... But he whose descent 1075 -genealogeo->

whose ......... by whose 3739 -hos->

whose ......... Even him , whose 3739 -hos->

whose ......... for it , whose 5101 -tis->

whose ......... him , whose 3739 -hos->

whose ......... it , from whose 3739 -hos->

whose ......... me , whose 3739 -hos->

whose ......... merchandise of you : whose 3739 -hos->

whose ......... of them , whose 3739 -hos->

whose ......... of whose 3739 -hos->

whose ......... pit , whose 0846 -autos->

whose ......... pit , whose 0846 -autos->

whose ......... than I , whose 3739 -hos->

Whose ......... unto them , Whose 5101 -tis->

whose ......... unto them ; and whose 5100 -tis->

whose ......... us : whose 3739 -hos->

whose ......... whose 0846 -autos->

whose ......... whose 3588 -ho->

whose ......... whose 3739 -hos->

Whose ......... Whose 3739 -hos->

whose ......... whose 5100 -tis->

Whose ......... Whose 5100 -tis->

whose ......... whose 5101 -tis->

whose ......... whose fruit 5352 -phthinoporinos->

whose ......... whose name 2564 -kaleo->

whose ......... whose name 3686 -onoma->

whose ......... whose sign 3902 -parasemos->

Whoso ......... and , Whoso 3588 -ho->

whoso ......... And whoso 0302 -an->

whoso ......... and whoso 3588 -ho->

whoso ......... And whoso 3588 -ho->

whoso ......... But whoso 0302 -an->

whoso ......... But whoso 3588 -ho->

Whoso ......... Whoso 3588 -ho->

whoso ......... whoso readeth 0314 -anaginosko->

Whosoever ......... And , Whosoever 1437 -ean->

whosoever ......... And blessed is he , whosoever 1437 -ean->

whosoever ......... And whosoever 0302 -an->

whosoever ......... and whosoever 0302 -an->

whosoever ......... And whosoever 1437 -ean->

whosoever ......... and whosoever 1437 -ean->

whosoever ......... and whosoever 3156 -Matthaios->

whosoever ......... And whosoever 3156 -Matthaios->

whosoever ......... And whosoever 3588 -ho->

whosoever ......... and whosoever 3588 -ho->

whosoever ......... And whosoever 3739 -hos->

whosoever ......... And whosoever 3748 -hostis->

whosoever ......... But whosoever 0302 -an->

whosoever ......... but whosoever 0302 -an->

whosoever ......... but whosoever 3748 -hostis->

whosoever ......... For whosoever 0302 -an->

whosoever ......... for whosoever 0302 -an->

whosoever ......... For whosoever 3588 -ho->

whosoever ......... For whosoever 3748 -hostis->

whosoever ......... him : but whosoever 0302 -an->

whosoever ......... is he , whosoever 1437 -ean->

whosoever ......... it : and whosoever 0302 -an->

whosoever ......... it : but whosoever 0302 -an->

whosoever ......... it ; and whosoever 1437 -ean->

whosoever ......... it ; but whosoever 0302 -an->

whosoever ......... me : and whosoever 1437 -ean->

whosoever ......... not : whosoever 3588 -ho->

whosoever ......... of Abraham 11> , and whosoever 3588 -ho->

whosoever ......... That whosoever 3588 -ho->

whosoever ......... that whosoever 3588 -ho->

whosoever ......... to pass , that whosoever 3739 -hos->

Whosoever ......... unto her , Whosoever 3588 -ho->

Whosoever ......... unto them , Whosoever 1437 -ean->

Whosoever ......... unto them , Whosoever 3748 -hostis->

whosoever ......... unto you , That whosoever 0302 -an->

whosoever ......... unto you , That whosoever 3588 -ho->

Whosoever ......... unto you , Whosoever 0302 -an->

Whosoever ......... unto you , Whosoever 1437 -ean->

Whosoever ......... unto you , Whosoever 3588 -ho->

whosoever ......... unto you , whosoever 3748 -hostis->

whosoever ......... whosoever 0302 -an->

Whosoever ......... Whosoever 0302 -an->

Whosoever ......... Whosoever 1437 -ean->

whosoever ......... whosoever 3588 -ho->

Whosoever ......... Whosoever 3588 -ho->

whosoever ......... whosoever 3748 -hostis->

Whosoever ......... Whosoever 3748 -hostis->

whosoever ......... whosoever 3956 -pas->

whosoever ......... you : but whosoever 1437 -ean->