Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
while ......... a while 3397 -mikron->

while ......... a while 3641 -oligos->

while ......... a while 5099 -tino->

while ......... And so it was , that , while they were there 1563 -ekei->

while ......... And while 3739 -hos->

while ......... and while 5613 -hos->

while ......... And while 5613 -hos->

while ......... And while he yet 2089 -eti->

while ......... And while they abode 0390 -anastrepho->

while ......... And while they went 0565 -aperchomai->

while ......... And while they yet 2089 -eti->

while ......... But while 3588 -ho->

while ......... but while 3739 -hos->

while ......... But while he thought 1760 -enthumeomai->

while ......... but while they made 3903 -paraskeuazo->

while ......... But while they wondered 2296 -thaumazo->

while ......... even while I prayed 4336 -proseuchomai->

while ......... for a while 2540 -kairos->

while ......... for a while 4340 -proskairos->

while ......... For while 3752 -hotan->

while ......... he had been any while 3819 -palai->

while ......... him away while we slept 2837 -koimao->

while ......... how that a good while 2250 -hemera->

while ......... in me , while I stood 2476 -histemi->

while ......... me , while 2193 -heos->

while ......... not for a while 5550 -chronos->

while ......... things , while they beheld 0991 -blepo->

while ......... to pass , that , while 3588 -ho->

while ......... to pass , that while 3588 -ho->

while ......... to pass , while 3588 -ho->

while ......... unto you , while I was yet 2089 -eti->

while ......... us , in that , while we were yet 2089 -eti->

while ......... us , while 5613 -hos->

while ......... while , and saw 2334 -theoreo->

while ......... while , and the world 2889 -kosmos->

while ......... while , and ye shall not see 2334 -theoreo->

while ......... while , and ye shall see 3700 -optanomai->

while ......... while , even till 0891 -achri->

while ......... while 2193 -heos->

While ......... While 2193 -heos->

while ......... while 2250 -hemera->

While ......... While 3153 -mataiotes->

while ......... while 3397 -mikron->

While ......... While 3588 -ho->

while ......... while 3739 -hos->

while ......... while 3753 -hote->

while ......... while 5550 -chronos->

while ......... while 5613 -hos->

while ......... while ? we cannot 1492 -eido->

while ......... while accusing 2723 -kategoreo->

while ......... while ago 3819 -palai->

while ......... while another 2087 -heteros->

while ......... while as the first 4413 -protos->

while ......... while before 1773 -ennuchon->

While ......... While he answered 0626 -apologeomai->

While ......... While he spake 2980 -laleo->

while ......... while he taught 1321 -didasko->

While ......... While he thus 5023 -tauta->

while ......... while he was yet 2089 -eti->

While ......... While he yet 2089 -eti->

while ......... while he yet 2089 -eti->

while ......... while her husband 0435 -aner->

while ......... while his disciples 3101 -mathetes->

while ......... while I am 1510 -eimi->

while ......... while Paul 3972 -Paulos->

While ......... While Peter 4074 -Petros->

while ......... while she liveth 2198 -zao->

while ......... while she was with them .

while ......... while some 5100 -tis->

while ......... while the ark 2787 -kibotos->

While ......... While the bridegroom 3566 -numphios->

while ......... while the other 0846 -autos->

While ......... While the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->

while ......... while the world 0165 -aion->

While ......... While they behold 2029 -epopteuo->

while ......... while they feast 4910 -suneuocheo->

While ......... While they promise 1861 -epaggello->

While ......... While we look 4648 -skopeo->

while ......... while we seek 2212 -zeteo->

while ......... while ye gather 4816 -sullego->

whiles ......... whiles 3755 -hotou->

Whiles ......... Whiles by the experiment 1382 -dokime->

Whiles ......... Whiles it remained 3306 -meno->