which -0227 beginning , even , hitherto , now , old , once ,
since , then , time , {which} , yet ,

which -0428 one , other , others , same , so , some , such ,
these , this , those , thus , {which} , who , whom ,

which -0589 mine , myself , {which} , who ,

which -0595 {which} ,

which -0834 according , after , against , alike , among , and ,
because , besought , cause , god , how , if , judah , much , of ,
so , soever , soon , storehouses , such , the , though , what ,
whatsoever , when , where , whereabout , whereas , whereby ,
wherein , whereof , whereon , wheresoever , whereto , whereunto ,
wherewith , {which} , while , whilst , whither , whithersoever ,
who , whom , whomsoever , whose , whoso , whosoever , yea ,

which -0835 blessed , come , happy , {which} ,

which -1768 because , now , seeing , than , those , what , when ,
where , whereas , {which} , who , whom , whose ,

which -1836 another , matter , one , such , these , this , thus ,
{which} ,

which -1931 beginning , himself , much , same , such , these ,
this , those , {which} , who ,

which -1958 {which} , woe ,

which -1961 abode , accomplished , am , became , becamest ,
become , been , being , brake , brought , came , cause , caused ,
come , cometh , committed , continue , continued , count , did ,
done , endure , endured , enjoy , fainted , fell , follow , go ,
gone , had , happened , hast , hath , have , keep , lasted ,
made , pertained , pertaineth , quit , reach , received , remain
, remained , required , take , wast , wear , went , when ,
{which} ,

which -1992 same , so , such , theirs , themselves , these ,
this , those , whence , {which} , who , whom , withal ,

which -2088 another , hence , here , itself , like , now , one ,
other , same , such , these , this , those , thus , very , way ,
{which} ,

which -2098 this , wherein , {which} , whom ,

which -3426 had , hast , hath , have , substance , {which} ,
wouldest ,

which -3588 although , assuredly , because , certainly ,
doubtless , either , else , even , except , forasmuch , how , if
, inasmuch , nevertheless , now , rightly , seeing , since , so ,
surely , than , then , therefore , though , thus , truly , when
, whereas , whether , {which} , while , whom , whose , yea , yet

which -3651 according , also , aright , cause , even , howbeit ,
like , likewise , manner , more , not , right , so , state ,
straightway , such , surely , therefore , thing , this , thus ,
true , well , wherefore , {which} ,

which -4100 how , what , whatsoever , whereby , wherefore ,
wherein , whereto , wherewith , whether , {which} , why ,

which -4310 any , what , {which} , who , whom , whose , whoso ,
whosoever ,

which -4480 above , after , among , at , because , more ,
neither , no , out , over , reason , since , than , the ,
through , whether , {which} ,
