watched , AC , 9:24

watched , DA , 9:14

watched , JER , 20:10 , JER , 31:28

watched , LA , 4:17

watched , LU , 6:7 , LU , 12:39 , LU , 14:1 , LU , 20:20

watched , MR , 3:2

watched , MT , 24:43 , MT , 27:36

watched , PS , 59:1



watched Interlinear Index Study

watched PSA 059 001 . To the chief Musician <05329 +natsach > ,
Altaschith <00408 +>al > <07843 +shachath > , Michtam <04387
+miktam > of David <01732 +David > ; when Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl >
sent <07971 +shalach > , and they {watched} <08104 +shamar > the
house <01004 +bayith > to kill him <04191 +muwth > . Deliver
<05337 +natsal > me from mine enemies <00341 +>oyeb > , O my God
<00430 +>elohiym > : defend <07682 +sagab > me from them that
rise <06965 +quwm > up against me .

watched JER 020 010 For I heard <08085 +shama< > the defaming
<01681 +dibbah > of many <07227 +rab > , fear <04032 +magowr >
on every <05437 +cabab > side <05439 +cabiyb > . Report <05046
+nagad > , [ say they ] , and we will report <05046 +nagad > it .
All <03605 +kol > my familiars <07965 +shalowm > {watched}
<08104 +shamar > for my halting <06761 +tsela< > , [ saying ] ,
Peradventure <00194 +>uwlay > he will be enticed <06601 +pathah
> , and we shall prevail <03201 +yakol > against him , and we
shall take <03947 +laqach > our revenge <05360 +n@qamah > on him

watched JER 031 028 And it shall come <01961 +hayah > to pass ,
[ that ] like as I have {watched} <08245 +shaqad > over <05921
+ them , to pluck <05428 +nathash > up , and to break
<05422 +nathats > down <05422 +nathats > , and to throw <02040
+harac > down <02040 +harac > , and to destroy <6> , and to
afflict <07489 +ra ; so <03651 +ken > will I watch <08245
+shaqad > over <05921 + them , to build <01129 +banah > ,
and to plant <05193 +nata< > , saith <05002 +n@>um > the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > .

watched LAM 004 017 As for us , our eyes <05869 + as yet
<05750 + failed <03615 +kalah > for our vain <01892 +hebel
> help <05833 + : in our watching <06822 +tsaphah > we
have {watched} <06822 +tsaphah > for a nation <01471 +gowy > [
that ] could not save <03467 +yasha< > [ us ] .

watched DAN 009 014 Therefore hath the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
{watched} <08245 +shaqad > upon the evil <07451 +ra< > , and
brought <00935 +bow> > it upon us : for the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah
> our God <00430 +>elohiym > [ is ] righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq >
in all <03605 +kol > his works <04639 +ma which <00834
+>aher > he doeth <06213 + : for we obeyed <08085 +shama<
> not his voice <06963 +qowl > .

watched MAT 024 043 But know <1097 -ginosko -> this <1565 -
ekeinos -> , that if <1487 -ei -> the goodman <3617 -
oikodespotes -> of the house <3617 -oikodespotes -> had known
<1492 -eido -> in what <4169 -poios -> watch <5438 -phulake ->
the thief <2812 -kleptes -> would come <2064 -erchomai -> , he
would have {watched} <1127 -gregoreuo -> , and would not have
suffered <1439 -eao -> his house <3614 -oikia -> to be broken
<1358 -diorusso -> up .

watched MAT 027 036 And sitting <2521 -kathemai -> down <2521 -
kathemai -> they {watched} <5083 -tereo -> him there <1563 -ekei
-> ;

watched MAR 003 002 And they {watched} <3906 -paratereo -> him ,
whether <1487 -ei -> he would heal <2323 -therapeuo -> him on
the sabbath <4521 -sabbaton -> day ; that they might accuse
<2723 -kategoreo -> him .

watched LUK 006 007 And the scribes 1122 -grammateus - and
Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios - {watched} 3906 -paratereo - him ,
whether 1487 -ei - he would heal 2323 -therapeuo - on 1722 -en -
the sabbath 4521 -sabbaton - day ; that they might find 2147 -
heurisko - an accusation 2724 -kategoria - against him .

watched LUK 012 039 And this 5124 -touto - know 1097 -ginosko - ,
that if 1487 -ei - the goodman 3617 -oikodespotes - of the
house 3617 -oikodespotes - had known 1492 -eido - what 4169 -
poios - hour 5610 -hora - the thief 2812 -kleptes - would come
2064 -erchomai - , he would have {watched} 1127 -gregoreuo - ,
and not have suffered LUK 0863 -aphiemi - his house 3624 -oikos -
to be broken 1358 -diorusso - through 1358 -diorusso - .

watched LUK 014 001 . And it came 1096 -ginomai - to pass , as
he went 2064 -erchomai - into 1519 -eis - the house 3624 -oikos -
of one 5100 -tis - of the chief LUK 0758 -archon - Pharisees
5330 -Pharisaios - to eat 5315 -phago - bread LUK 0740 -artos -
on the sabbath 4521 -sabbaton - day , that they {watched} 3906 -
paratereo - him .

watched LUK 020 020 . And they {watched} 3906 -paratereo - [ him
] , and sent 0649 -apostello - forth LUK 0649 -apostello - spies
1455 -egkathetos - , which should feign 5271 -hupokrinomai -
themselves 1438 -heautou - just 1342 -dikaios - men , that they
might take 1949 -epilambanomai - hold 1949 -epilambanomai - of
his words 3056 -logos - , that so 1519 -eis - they might deliver
3860 -paradidomi - him unto the power 0746 -arche - and
authority 1849 -exousia - of the governor 2230 -hegemoneuo - .

watched ACT 009 024 But their laying <1917 -epiboule -> await
<1917 -epiboule -> was known <1097 -ginosko -> of Saul <4569 -
Saulos -> . And they {watched} <3906 -paratereo -> the gates
<4439 -pule -> day <2250 -hemera -> and night <3571 -nux -> to
kill <0337 -anaireo -> him .


all my familiars watched for my halting

have watched over them

lord watched upon

our watching we have watched for

pharisees watched him

sitting down they watched him there

they watched

they watched

they watched him

they watched him

* watched , 1127 , 3906 , 5083 ,

- watched , 6822 , 8104 , 8245 ,

* watched , 1127 gregoreuo , 3906 paratereo , 5083 tereo ,


watched -1127 vigilant, wake, watch, {watched}, watcheth,

watched -3906 observe, {watched},

watched -5083 hold, keep, keepers, keepeth, kept, observe,
preserved, reserve, reserved, {watched}, watching,


watched -6822 behold , beholding , espy , look , looketh ,
waited , watch , {watched} , watcheth , watching , watchman ,
watchmen , well ,

watched -8104 beware , circumspect , heed , keep , keeper ,
keepers , keepest , keepeth , keeping , kept , lookest , mark ,
marked , markest , marketh , narrowly , observe , observed ,
observest , observeth , preserve , preserved , preserveth ,
regard , regardeth , reserveth , save , saved , spies , sure ,
takest , wait , waited , waiteth , waiting , watch , {watched} ,
watchman , watchmen ,

watched -8245 hasten , remain , waketh , watch , {watched} ,
watching ,



watched ......... And they watched 3906 -paratereo->

watched ......... day , that they watched 3906 -paratereo->

watched ......... he would have watched 1127 -gregoreuo->

watched ......... they watched 5083 -tereo->

watched ......... watched 3906 -paratereo->




watched 012 039 Luk /${watched /and not have
suffered his house to be broken through .

watched 024 043 Mat /${watched /and would not
have suffered his house to be broken up .

watched 004 017 Lam /^{watched /for a nation
that could not save us.

watched 020 010 Jer /^{watched /for my halting ,
saying, Peradventure he will be enticed , and we shall prevail
against him, and we shall take our revenge on him.

watched 003 002 Mar /${watched /him , whether he
would heal him on the sabbath day ; that they might accuse him .

watched 006 007 Luk /${watched /him , whether he
would heal on the sabbath day ; that they might find an
accusation against him .

watched 014 001 Luk /${watched /him .

watched 027 036 Mat /${watched /him there ;

watched 020 020 Luk /${watched /him, and sent
forth spies , which should feign themselves just men , that they
might take hold of his words , that so they might deliver him
unto the power and authority of the governor .

watched 031 028 Jer /^{watched /over them, to
pluck up , and to break down , and to throw down , and to
destroy , and to afflict ; so will I watch over them, to build ,
and to plant , saith the LORD .

watched 009 024 Act /${watched /the gates day
and night to kill him .

watched 059 001 Psa /^{watched /the house to
kill him .>> Deliver me from mine enemies , O my God : defend me
from them that rise up against me.

watched 009 014 Dan /^{watched /upon the evil ,
and brought it upon us: for the LORD our God is righteous in all
his works which he doeth : for we obeyed not his voice .


watched 13 -


watched To the chief Musician, Altaschith, Michtam
of David; when Saul sent, and they {watched} the house to kill
him. Deliver me from mine enemies, O my God: defend me from them
that rise up against me.

watched For I heard the defaming of many, fear on
every side. Report, [say they], and we will report it. All my
familiars {watched} for my halting, [saying], Peradventure he
will be enticed, and we shall prevail against him, and we shall

our revenge on him.

watched And it shall come to pass, [that] like as I
have {watched} over them, to pluck up, and to break down, and to
throw down, and to destroy, and to afflict; so will I watch over
them, to build, and to plant, saith the LORD.

watched As for us, our eyes as yet failed for our
vain help: in our watching we have {watched} for a nation [that]
could not save [us].

watched Therefore hath the LORD {watched} upon the
evil, and brought it upon us: for the LORD our God [is]
righteous in all his works which he doeth: for we obeyed not his

watched But know this, that if the goodman of the
house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would
have {watched}, and would not have suffered his house to be
broken up.

watched And sitting down they {watched} him there;

watched And they {watched} him, whether he would heal
him on the sabbath day; that they might accuse him.

watched And the scribes and Pharisees {watched} him,
whether he would heal on the sabbath day; that they might find
an accusation against him.

watched And this know, that if the goodman of the
house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have
{watched}, and not have suffered his house to be broken through.

watched And it came to pass, as he went into the
house of one of the chief Pharisees to eat bread on the sabbath
day, that they {watched} him.

watched And they {watched} him], and sent forth
spies, which should feign themselves just men, that they might
take hold of his words, that so they might deliver him unto the
power and authority of the governor.

watched But their laying await was known of Saul. And
they {watched} the gates day and night to kill him.
