English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

unwashen 0449 ** aniptos ** {unwashen}.

wash 0628 ** apolouo ** {wash} (away).

wash 0633 ** aponipto ** {wash}.

wash 0637 ** apopluno ** {wash}.

wash 0907 ** baptizo ** Baptist, baptize, {wash}.

wash 1026 ** brecho ** (send) rain, {wash}.

wash 1740 -- duwach -- cast out, purge, {wash}.

wash 3068 ** louo ** {wash}.

wash 3526 -- kabac -- fuller, {wash}(-ing).

wash 3538 ** nipto ** {wash}.

wash 4150 ** pluno ** {wash}.

wash 7364 rachats -- -- bathe (self), {wash} (self).

wash 7366 rachats -- -- {wash}[-pot].

wash 7857 shataph -- -- drown, (over-)flow(-whelm, rinse, run, rush, (throughly){wash} (away).

washing 0909 ** baptismos ** baptism, {washing}.

washing 3067 ** loutron ** {washing}.

washing 7367 rachtsah -- -- {washing}.

washpot 5518 -- ciyr -- caldron, fishhook, pan, ([{wash-])pot}, thorn.