Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0449 + with unwashen +/ . aniptos {an'-ip-tos}; from 0001 + Alpha (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 3538 + wash + I wash + to wash + and wash + they wash + and washed + have washed + and I washed + he had washed + for they wash + dost thou wash + she have washed +/ ; without ablution: --unwashen .

0628 + away + he sent + and wash + I have sent + of you but ye are washed +/ . apolouo {ap-ol-oo'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 3068 + washed + and washed + us and washed + that was washed + to him He that is washed + whom when they had washed +/ ; to wash fully, i .e . (figuratively) have remitted (reflexively): --wash (away) .

0633 + and washed +/ . aponipto {ap-on-ip'-to}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 3538 + wash + I wash + to wash + and wash + they wash + and washed + have washed + and I washed + he had washed + for they wash + dost thou wash + she have washed +/ ; to wash off (reflexively, one's own hands symbolically): --wash .

0637 + out of them and were washing +/ . apopluno {ap-op-loo'-no}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 4150 + and have washed +/ ; to rinse off: --wash .

0907 + washed + baptize + baptized + baptizeth + I baptize + baptizest + they wash + baptizing + I baptized + the Baptist + did baptize + and baptized + have baptized + was baptizing + were baptized + me to baptize + being baptized + And I baptized + to be baptized + and he baptized + and is baptized + that I baptized + and be baptized + and was baptized + were ye baptized + he shall baptize + she was baptized + and were baptized + And were baptized + me not to baptize + me to be baptized + being not baptized + of and be baptized + they were baptized + which are baptized + that I am baptized + that I had baptized + also being baptized + them to be baptized + when he was baptized + but he shall baptize + is he which baptizeth + of and to be baptized + of us as were baptized + with them and baptized + should not be baptized + are they then baptized + this they were baptized + but ye shall be baptized + and when he was baptized + withal shall ye be baptized + of you as have been baptized +/ . baptizo {bap-tid'-zo}; from a derivative of 0911 + dipped + that he may dip + when I have dipped +/ ; to immerse, submerge; to make overwhelmed (i .e . fully wet); used only (in the N .T .) of ceremonial ablution, especially (technically) of the ordinance of Christian baptism: --Baptist, baptize, wash .

0908 + baptism + a baptism + the baptism + The baptism + even baptism + to his baptism + from the baptism + with the baptism + with him in baptism + with him by baptism + of ; and with the baptism +/ . baptisma {bap'-tis-mah}; from 0907 + washed + baptize + baptized + baptizeth + I baptize + baptizest + they wash + baptizing + I baptized + the Baptist + did baptize + and baptized + have baptized + was baptizing + were baptized + me to baptize + being baptized + And I baptized + to be baptized + and he baptized + and is baptized + that I baptized + and be baptized + and was baptized + were ye baptized + he shall baptize + she was baptized + and were baptized + And were baptized + me not to baptize + me to be baptized + being not baptized + of and be baptized + they were baptized + which are baptized + that I am baptized + that I had baptized + also being baptized + them to be baptized + when he was baptized + but he shall baptize + is he which baptizeth + of and to be baptized + of us as were baptized + with them and baptized + should not be baptized + are they then baptized + this they were baptized + but ye shall be baptized + and when he was baptized + withal shall ye be baptized + of you as have been baptized +/ ; immersion, baptism (technically or figuratively): --baptism .

0909 + washings + of baptisms + as the washing +/ . baptismos {bap-tis-mos'}; from 0907 + washed + baptize + baptized + baptizeth + I baptize + baptizest + they wash + baptizing + I baptized + the Baptist + did baptize + and baptized + have baptized + was baptizing + were baptized + me to baptize + being baptized + And I baptized + to be baptized + and he baptized + and is baptized + that I baptized + and be baptized + and was baptized + were ye baptized + he shall baptize + she was baptized + and were baptized + And were baptized + me not to baptize + me to be baptized + being not baptized + of and be baptized + they were baptized + which are baptized + that I am baptized + that I had baptized + also being baptized + them to be baptized + when he was baptized + but he shall baptize + is he which baptizeth + of and to be baptized + of us as were baptized + with them and baptized + should not be baptized + are they then baptized + this they were baptized + but ye shall be baptized + and when he was baptized + withal shall ye be baptized + of you as have been baptized +/ ; ablution (ceremonial or Christian): --baptism, washing .

0910 + Baptist + Baptist s + the Baptist +/ . Baptistes {bap-tis-tace'}; from 0907 + washed + baptize + baptized + baptizeth + I baptize + baptizest + they wash + baptizing + I baptized + the Baptist + did baptize + and baptized + have baptized + was baptizing + were baptized + me to baptize + being baptized + And I baptized + to be baptized + and he baptized + and is baptized + that I baptized + and be baptized + and was baptized + were ye baptized + he shall baptize + she was baptized + and were baptized + And were baptized + me not to baptize + me to be baptized + being not baptized + of and be baptized + they were baptized + which are baptized + that I am baptized + that I had baptized + also being baptized + them to be baptized + when he was baptized + but he shall baptize + is he which baptizeth + of and to be baptized + of us as were baptized + with them and baptized + should not be baptized + are they then baptized + this they were baptized + but ye shall be baptized + and when he was baptized + withal shall ye be baptized + of you as have been baptized +/ ; a baptizer, as an epithet of Christ's forerunner: --Baptist .

1026 + rain + to wash + it rained + and sendeth + and it rained + but she hath washed + that it might not rain +/ . brecho {brekh'-o}; a primary verb; to moisten (especially by a shower): --(send) rain, wash .

1028 + And the rain +/ . broche {brokh-ay'}; from 1026 + rain + to wash + it rained + and sendeth + and it rained + but she hath washed + that it might not rain +/ ; rain: --rain .

3068 + washed + and washed + us and washed + that was washed + to him He that is washed + whom when they had washed +/ . louo {loo'-o}; a primary verb; to bathe (the whole person; whereas 3538 + wash + I wash + to wash + and wash + they wash + and washed + have washed + and I washed + he had washed + for they wash + dost thou wash + she have washed +/ means to wet a part only, and 4150 + and have washed +/ to wash, cleanse garments exclusively): --wash .

3537 + a bason +/ . nipter {nip-tare'}; from 3538 + wash + I wash + to wash + and wash + they wash + and washed + have washed + and I washed + he had washed + for they wash + dost thou wash + she have washed +/ ; a ewer: --bason .

3538 + wash + I wash + to wash + and wash + they wash + and washed + have washed + and I washed + he had washed + for they wash + dost thou wash + she have washed +/ . nipto {nip'-to}; to cleanse (especially the hands or the feet or the face); ceremonially, to perform ablution: --wash . Compare 3068 + washed + and washed + us and washed + that was washed + to him He that is washed + whom when they had washed +/ .