about forty thousand prepared for war passed over before -:13 >

ammon made war against israel

ammon made war against israel

array as men for war against thee

babylon maketh war against us

but war

but will make war against thee

by war

for by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war

for hadarezer had war with tou <1CH18 -:10 >

made war with bera king

made war with mighty power <2CH26 -:13 >

make war against another king

make war against him

make war with

make war with

make war with him

make war with thee

maketh war with thee

making war against it

neither shall they learn war any more

neither shall they learn war any more

now there was long war between <2SA3 -:1 >

pass by securely as men averse from war

prepare ye war against her

same horn made war with

saul they made war with <1CH5 -:10 >

soldiers for war <1CH7 -:4 >

strength for war

teach them war

there arose war at gezer with <1CH20 -:4 >

there was sore war against <1SA14 -:52 >

there was war

there was war again <1SA19 -:8 >

there was war again with <1CH20 -:5 >

there was war between abijah <2CH13 -:2 >

there was war between abijam <1KI15 -:7 >

there was war between asa <1KI15 -:16 >

there was war between asa <1KI15 -:32 >

there was war between rehoboam <1KI14 -:30 >

there was war between rehoboam <1KI15 -:6 >

these shall make war with

they continued three years without war between syria <1KI22 -:
1 >

they even prepare war against him

they made no war against jehoshaphat <2CH17 -:10 >

they made war with <1CH5 -:19 >

thou by them mightest war <1TI1 -:17 >

though war should rise against me

took selah by war <2KI14 -:7 >

twelve thousand armed for war

war against hazael king <2CH22 -:5 >

war against hazael king <2KI8 -:28 >

war against it

war against me

war against thee shall be as nothing

war against their enemies by <2CH6 -:34 >

war against them

war against thine enemies

war against thy walls

war are affrighted

war by bands <2CH26 -:11 >

war deso

war draw near

war fled

war for <1CH12 -:37 >

war from

war from his youth <1SA17 -:33 >

war had caught

war had taken spoil

war over <2CH32 -:6 >

war perished <2SA1 -:27 >

war prospered <2SA11 -:7 >

war set him at nought

war shall be cut off

war shall be cut off

war twenty <1CH12 -:35 >

war unto <2CH15 -:19 >

war unto <2SA11 -:19 >

war upon them

war were consumed

war were wasted out from among

war which

war which went

war which went out

war which went with him

war with amalek from generation

war with him

war with him

war with thee

we do not war after <2CO10 -:3 >

when there falleth out any war

where we shall see no war

which war against <1PE2 -:11 >

while there was war between <2SA3 -:6 >

with good advice make war

yet again there was war at gath <1CH20 -:6 >
