vulture , DE , 14:13

vulture , LE , 11:14

vulture's , JOB , 28:7

vultures , ISA , 34:15



vulture Interlinear Index Study

vulture LEV 011 014 And the {vulture} <01676 +da>ah > , and the
kite <00344 +>ayah > after his kind <04327 +miyn > ;

vulture DEU 014 013 And the glede <07201 +ra>ah > , and the kite
<00344 +>ayah > , and the {vulture} <01772 +dayah > after his
kind <04327 +miyn > ,

vulture JOB 028 007 [ There is ] a path <05410 +nathiyb > which
no <03808 +lo> > fowl <05861 + knoweth <03045 +yada< > ,
and which the {vulture} s <00344 +>ayah > eye <05869 +
hath not seen <07805 +shazaph > :

vultures ISA 034 015 There <08033 +sham > shall the great <07091
+qippowz > owl <07091 +qippowz > make her nest <07077 +qanan > ,
and lay <04422 +malat > , and hatch <01234 +baqa< > , and gather
<01716 +dagar > under her shadow <06738 +tsel > : there <08033
+sham > shall the {vultures} <01772 +dayah > also <00389 +>ak >
be gathered <06908 +qabats > , every <00802 +>ishshah > one with
her mate <07468 +r@ .


vulture after his kind

- vulture , 0344 , 1676 , 1772 ,

vulture LEV 011 014 And the {vulture} <01676 +da>ah > , and
the kite <00344 +>ayah > after his kind <04327 +miyn > ;

vulture DEU 014 013 And the glede <07201 +ra>ah > , and the
kite <00344 +>ayah > , and the {vulture} <01772 +dayah >
after his kind <04327 +miyn > ,



vulture -0344 kite , {vulture} ,

vulture -1676 {vulture} ,

vulture -1772 {vulture} , vultures ,

vultures -1772 vulture , {vultures} ,


vulture 0344 -- /ayah -- kite, {vulture}.

vulture 1676 -- da/ah -- {vulture}.

vulture 1772 -- dayah -- {vulture}.




vulture 0344 ## >ayah {ah-yaw'}; perhaps from 337; the screamer,
i.e. a hawk: -- kite, {vulture}. [ql

vulture 1676 ## da>ah {daw-aw'}; from 1675; the kite (from its
rapid flight): -- {vulture}. See 7201. [ql

vulture 1772 ## dayah {dah-yaw'}; intensive from 1675; a falcon
(from its rapid flight): -- {vulture}. [ql


vulture 014 013 Deu /^{vulture /after his kind ,

vulture 011 014 Lev /^{vulture /and the kite
after his kind ;

vulture's 028 007 Job /^{vulture's /eye hath not
seen :

vultures 034 015 Isa /^{vultures /also be
gathered , every one with her mate .


vulture 2 *

vultures 1 -


vulture And the {vulture}, and the kite after his

vulture And the glede, and the kite, and the

after his kind,
