adventure 019 031 Act /${adventure /himself into
the theatre .

adventure 028 056 Deu /^{adventure /to set the
sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness
, her eye shall be evil toward the husband of her bosom , and
toward her son , and toward her daughter ,

adventured 009 017 Jug /^{adventured /his life far ,
and delivered you out of the hand of Midian :

eleventh 021 020 Rev /${eleventh /a jacinth ; the
twelfth , an amethyst .

eleventh 027 014 ICh /^{eleventh /captain for the
eleventh month was Benaiah the Pirathonite , of the children of
Ephraim : and in his course were twenty and four thousand .

eleventh 007 072 Num /^{eleventh /day Pagiel the
son of Ocran , prince of the children of Asher , offered:

eleventh 020 009 Mat /${eleventh /hour , they
received every man a penny .

eleventh 020 006 Mat /${eleventh /hour he went
out , and found others standing idle , and saith unto them , Why
stand ye here all the day idle ?

eleventh 001 003 Deu /^{eleventh /month , on the
first day of the month , that Moses spake unto the children of
Israel , according unto all that the LORD had given him in
commandment unto them;

eleventh 001 007 Zec /^{eleventh /month , which
is the month Sebat , in the second year of Darius , came the
word of the LORD unto Zechariah , the son of Berechiah , the son
of Iddo the prophet , saying ,

eleventh 027 014 ICh /^{eleventh /month was
Benaiah the Pirathonite , of the children of Ephraim : and in
his course were twenty and four thousand .

eleventh 025 018 ICh /^{eleventh /to Azareel , he,
his sons , and his brethren , were twelve :

eleventh 024 012 ICh /^{eleventh /to Eliashib ,
the twelfth to Jakim ,

eleventh 026 001 Eze /^{eleventh /year , in the
first day of the month , that the word of the LORD came unto me,
saying ,

eleventh 030 020 Eze /^{eleventh /year , in the
first month, in the seventh day of the month , that the word of
the LORD came unto me, saying ,

eleventh 006 038 IKi /^{eleventh /year , in the
month Bul , which is the eighth month , was the house finished
throughout all the parts thereof, and according to all the
fashion of it. So was he seven years in building it.

eleventh 031 001 Eze /^{eleventh /year , in the
third month, in the first day of the month , that the word of
the LORD came unto me, saying ,

eleventh 009 029 IIKi /^{eleventh /year of Joram
the son of Ahab began Ahaziah to reign over Judah .

eleventh 052 005 Jer /^{eleventh /year of king
Zedekiah .

eleventh 025 002 IIKi /^{eleventh /year of king
Zedekiah .

eleventh 039 002 Jer /^{eleventh /year of
Zedekiah , in the fourth month , the ninth day of the month ,
the city was broken up .

eleventh 001 003 Jer /^{eleventh /year of
Zedekiah the son of Josiah king of Judah , unto the carrying
away of Jerusalem captive in the fifth month .

event 002 014 Ecc /^{event /happeneth to them

event 009 002 Ecc /^{event /to the righteous ,
and to the wicked ; to the good and to the clean , and to the
unclean ; to him that sacrificeth , and to him that sacrificeth
not: as is the good , so is the sinner ; and he that sweareth ,
as he that feareth an oath .

event 009 003 Ecc /^{event /unto all: yea,
also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil , and madness
is in their heart while they live , and after that they go to
the dead .

eventide 008 029 Jos /^{eventide /and as soon as
the sun was down , Joshua commanded that they should take his
carcase down from the tree , and cast it at the entering of the
gate of the city , and raise thereon a great heap of stones ,
that remaineth unto this day .

eventide 024 063 Gen /^{eventide /and he lifted
up his eyes , and saw , and, behold, the camels were coming .

eventide 007 006 Jos /^{eventide /he and the
elders of Israel , and put dust upon their heads .

eventide 011 011 Mar /${eventide /was come , he
went out unto Bethany with the twelve .

fervent 004 008 IPe /${fervent /charity among
yourselves : for charity shall cover the multitude of sins .

fervent 003 010 IIPe /${fervent /heat , the earth
also and the works that are therein shall be burned up .

fervent 003 012 IIPe /${fervent /heat ?

fervent 012 011 Rom /${fervent /in spirit ;
serving the Lord ;

fervent 018 025 Act /${fervent /in the spirit ,
he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord , knowing
only the baptism of John .

fervent 007 007 IICo /${fervent /mind toward me ;
so that I rejoiced the more .

fervent 005 016 Jam /${fervent /prayer of a
righteous man availeth much .

fervently 003 012 Col /${fervently /for you in
prayers , that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will
of God .

invent 006 005 Amo /^{invent /to themselves
instruments of musick , like David ;

invented 026 015 IICh /^{invented /by cunning men ,
to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks , to shoot arrows and
great stones withal. And his name spread far abroad ; for he was
marvellously helped , till he was strong .

inventions 106 029 Psa /^{inventions /and the
plague brake in upon them.

inventors 001 030 Rom /${inventors /of evil things
, disobedient to parents ,

peradventure 005 007 Rom /${peradventure /for a good
man some would even dare to die .

peradventure 050 015 Gen /^{peradventure /hate us ,
and will certainly requite us all the evil which we did unto him.

peradventure 009 006 ISa /^{peradventure /he can shew
us our way that we should go .

peradventure 038 011 Gen /^{peradventure /he die also,
as his brethren did. And Tamar went and dwelt in her father's
house .

peradventure 018 027 IKi /^{peradventure /he sleepeth
, and must be awaked .

peradventure 032 020 Gen /^{peradventure /he will
accept of me .

Peradventure 020 010 Jer /^{Peradventure /he will be
enticed , and we shall prevail against him, and we shall take
our revenge on him.

peradventure 006 005 ISa /^{peradventure /he will
lighten his hand from off you, and from off your gods , and from
off your land .

peradventure 020 031 IKi /^{peradventure /he will
save thy life .

peradventure 044 034 Gen /^{peradventure /I see the
evil that shall come on my father .

peradventure 022 011 Num /^{peradventure /I shall be
able to overcome them, and drive them out .

peradventure 032 030 Exo /^{peradventure /I shall
make an atonement for your sin .

peradventure 022 006 Num /^{peradventure /I shall
prevail , that we may smite them, and that I may drive them out
of the land : for I wot that he whom thou blessest is blessed ,
and he whom thou cursest is cursed .

peradventure 043 012 Gen /^{peradventure /it was an
oversight :

peradventure 023 027 Num /^{peradventure /it will
please God that thou mayest curse me them from thence.

peradventure 042 004 Gen /^{peradventure /mischief
befall him .

Peradventure 018 032 Gen /^{Peradventure /ten shall
be found there. And he said , I will not destroy it for ten's

peradventure 023 003 Num /^{peradventure /the LORD
will come to meet me: and whatsoever he sheweth me I will tell
thee. And he went to an high place .

peradventure 013 017 Exo /^{peradventure /the people
repent when they see war , and they return to Egypt :

peradventure 002 016 IIKi /^{peradventure /the Spirit
of the LORD hath taken him up , and cast him upon some mountain ,
or into some valley . And he said , Ye shall not send .

Peradventure 024 005 Gen /^{Peradventure /the woman
will not be willing to follow me unto this land : must I needs
bring thy son again unto the land from whence thou camest ?

Peradventure 024 039 Gen /^{Peradventure /the woman
will not follow me.

Peradventure 018 024 Gen /^{Peradventure /there be
fifty righteous within the city : wilt thou also destroy and not
spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein ?

Peradventure 018 029 Gen /^{Peradventure /there shall
be forty found there. And he said , I will not do it for forty's

Peradventure 018 031 Gen /^{Peradventure /there shall
be twenty found there. And he said , I will not destroy it for
twenty's sake.

Peradventure 018 028 Gen /^{Peradventure /there shall
lack five of the fifty righteous : wilt thou destroy all the
city for lack of five ? And he said , If I find there forty and
five , I will not destroy it.

Peradventure 018 030 Gen /^{Peradventure /there shall
thirty be found there. And he said , I will not do it, if I find
thirty there.

Peradventure 031 031 Gen /^{Peradventure /thou
wouldest take by force thy daughters from me.

peradventure 018 005 IKi /^{peradventure /we may find
grass to save the horses and mules alive , that we lose not all
the beasts .

peradventure 027 012 Gen /^{peradventure /will feel
me, and I shall seem to him as a deceiver ; and I shall bring a
curse upon me, and not a blessing .

peradventure 002 025 IITi /${peradventure /will give
them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth ;

Peradventure 009 007 Jos /^{Peradventure /ye dwell
among us; and how shall we make a league with you?

prevent 059 010 Psa /^{prevent /me: God shall
let me see my desire upon mine enemies .

prevent 003 012 Job /^{prevent /me? or why the
breasts that I should suck ?

prevent 119 014 Psa /^{prevent /the night
watches , that I might meditate in thy word .

prevent 088 013 Psa /^{prevent /thee.

prevent 004 015 ITh /${prevent /them which are
asleep .

prevent 009 010 Amo /^{prevent /us.

prevent 079 008 Psa /^{prevent /us: for we are
brought very low .

prevented 017 025 Mat /${prevented /him , saying ,
What thinkest thou , Simon ? of whom do the kings of the earth
take custom or tribute ? of their own children , or of strangers

prevented 018 018 Psa /^{prevented /me in the day
of my calamity : but the LORD was my stay .

prevented 022 019 IISa /^{prevented /me in the day
of my calamity : but the LORD was my stay .

prevented 041 011 Job /^{prevented /me, that I
should repay him? whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine.

prevented 018 005 Psa /^{prevented /me.

prevented 030 027 Job /^{prevented /me.

prevented 022 006 IISa /^{prevented /me;

prevented 119 014 Psa /^{prevented /the dawning of
the morning , and cried : I hoped in thy word .

prevented 021 014 Isa /^{prevented /with their
bread him that fled .

preventest 021 003 Psa /^{preventest /him with the
blessings of goodness : thou settest a crown of pure gold on his
head .

seventeen 008 014 Jug /^{seventeen /men .

seventeen 032 009 Jer /^{seventeen /shekels of
silver .

seventeen 007 011 ICh /^{seventeen /thousand and
two hundred soldiers, fit to go out for war and battle .

seventeen 013 001 IIKi /^{seventeen /years .

seventeen 047 028 Gen /^{seventeen /years : so the
whole age of Jacob was an hundred forty and seven years .

seventeen 014 021 IKi /^{seventeen /years in
Jerusalem , the city which the LORD did choose out of all the
tribes of Israel , to put his name there. And his mother's name
was Naamah an Ammonitess .

seventeen 012 013 IICh /^{seventeen /years in
Jerusalem , the city which the LORD had chosen out of all the
tribes of Israel , to put his name there. And his mother's name
was Naamah an Ammonitess .

seventeen 037 002 Gen /^{seventeen /years old ,
was feeding the flock with his brethren ; and the lad was with
the sons of Bilhah , and with the sons of Zilpah , his father's
wives : and Joseph brought unto his father their evil report .

seventeenth 007 011 Gen /^{seventeenth /day of the
month , the same day were all the fountains of the great deep
broken up , and the windows of heaven were opened .

seventeenth 008 004 Gen /^{seventeenth /day of the
month , upon the mountains of Ararat .

seventeenth 024 015 ICh /^{seventeenth /to Hezir ,
the eighteenth to Aphses ,

seventeenth 025 024 ICh /^{seventeenth /to
Joshbekashah , he, his sons , and his brethren , were twelve :

seventeenth 022 051 IKi /^{seventeenth /year of
Jehoshaphat king of Judah , and reigned two years over Israel .

seventeenth 016 001 IIKi /^{seventeenth /year of
Pekah the son of Remaliah Ahaz the son of Jotham king of Judah
began to reign .

seventh 008 019 Zec /^{seventh /and the fast of
the tenth , shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness ,
and cheerful feasts ; therefore love the truth and peace .

seventh 010 007 Rev /${seventh /angel , when he
shall begin to sound , the mystery of God should be finished ,
as he hath declared to his servants the prophets .

seventh 016 017 Rev /${seventh /angel poured out
his vial into the air ; and there came a great voice out of the
temple of heaven , from the throne , saying , It is done .

seventh 011 015 Rev /${seventh /angel sounded ;
and there were great voices in heaven , saying , The kingdoms of
this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord , and of his
Christ ; and he shall reign for ever and ever .

seventh 027 010 ICh /^{seventh /captain for the
seventh month was Helez the Pelonite , of the children of
Ephraim : and in his course were twenty and four thousand .

seventh 021 020 Rev /${seventh /chrysolite ; the
eighth , beryl ; the ninth , a topaz ; the tenth , a
chrysoprasus ; the eleventh , a jacinth ; the twelfth , an
amethyst .

seventh 002 003 Gen /^{seventh /day , and
sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his
work which God created and made .

seventh 014 039 Lev /^{seventh /day , and shall
look : and, behold, if the plague be spread in the walls of the
house ;

seventh 031 024 Num /^{seventh /day , and ye
shall be clean , and afterward ye shall come into the camp .

seventh 014 009 Lev /^{seventh /day , that he
shall shave all his hair off his head and his beard and his
eyebrows , even all his hair he shall shave off: and he shall
wash his clothes , also he shall wash his flesh in water , and
he shall be clean .

seventh 014 017 Jug /^{seventh /day , that he
told her, because she lay sore upon him: and she told the riddle
to the children of her people .

seventh 012 015 Exo /^{seventh /day , that soul
shall be cut off from Israel .

seventh 012 018 IISa /^{seventh /day , that the
child died . And the servants of David feared to tell him that
the child was dead : for they said , Behold, while the child was
yet alive , we spake unto him, and he would not hearken unto our
voice : how will he then vex himself , if we tell him that the
child is dead ?

seventh 006 015 Jos /^{seventh /day , that they
rose early about the dawning of the day , and compassed the city
after the same manner seven times : only on that day they
compassed the city seven times .

seventh 014 015 Jug /^{seventh /day , that they
said unto Samson's wife , Entice thy husband , that he may
declare unto us the riddle , lest we burn thee and thy father's
house with fire : have ye called us to take that we have ? is it
not so?

seventh 001 010 Est /^{seventh /day , when the
heart of the king was merry with wine , he commanded Mehuman ,
Biztha , Harbona , Bigtha , and Abagtha , Zethar , and Carcas ,
the seven chamberlains that served in the presence of Ahasuerus
the king ,

seventh 016 026 Exo /^{seventh /day , which is
the sabbath , in it there shall be none.

seventh 016 029 Exo /^{seventh /day .

seventh 016 030 Exo /^{seventh /day .

seventh 031 019 Num /^{seventh /day .

seventh 013 027 Lev /^{seventh /day : and if it
be spread much abroad in the skin , then the priest shall
pronounce him unclean : it is the plague of leprosy .

seventh 019 019 Num /^{seventh /day : and on the
seventh day he shall purify himself, and wash his clothes , and
bathe himself in water , and shall be clean at even .

seventh 013 006 Lev /^{seventh /day : and,
behold, if the plague be somewhat dark , and the plague spread
not in the skin , the priest shall pronounce him clean : it is
but a scab : and he shall wash his clothes , and be clean .

seventh 013 005 Lev /^{seventh /day : and,
behold, if the plague in his sight be at a stay , and the plague
spread not in the skin ; then the priest shall shut him up seven
days more :

seventh 013 051 Lev /^{seventh /day : if the
plague be spread in the garment , either in the warp , or in the
woof , or in a skin , or in any work that is made of skin ; the
plague is a fretting leprosy ; it is unclean .

seventh 020 011 Exo /^{seventh /day : wherefore
the LORD blessed the sabbath day , and hallowed it.

seventh 014 018 Jug /^{seventh /day before the
sun went down , What is sweeter than honey ? and what is
stronger than a lion ? And he said unto them, If ye had not
plowed with my heifer , ye had not found out my riddle .

seventh 007 048 Num /^{seventh /day Elishama the
son of Ammihud , prince of the children of Ephraim , offered:

seventh 016 027 Exo /^{seventh /day for to
gather , and they found none.

seventh 002 002 Gen /^{seventh /day from all his
work which he had made .

seventh 004 004 Heb /${seventh /day from all his
works .

seventh 002 002 Gen /^{seventh /day God ended
his work which he had made ; and he rested on the seventh day
from all his work which he had made .

seventh 024 016 Exo /^{seventh /day he called
unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud .

seventh 031 017 Exo /^{seventh /day he rested ,
and was refreshed .

seventh 019 012 Num /^{seventh /day he shall be
clean : but if he purify not himself the third day , then the
seventh day he shall not be clean .

seventh 019 012 Num /^{seventh /day he shall not
be clean .

seventh 019 019 Num /^{seventh /day he shall
purify himself, and wash his clothes , and bathe himself in
water , and shall be clean at even .

seventh 023 008 Lev /^{seventh /day is an holy
convocation : ye shall do no servile work therein.

seventh 023 003 Lev /^{seventh /day is the
sabbath of rest , an holy convocation ; ye shall do no work
therein: it is the sabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings .

seventh 005 014 Deu /^{seventh /day is the
sabbath of the LORD thy God : in it thou shalt not do any work ,
thou, nor thy son , nor thy daughter , nor thy manservant , nor
thy maidservant , nor thine ox , nor thine ass , nor any of thy
cattle , nor thy stranger that is within thy gates ; that thy
manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou.

seventh 020 010 Exo /^{seventh /day is the
sabbath of the LORD thy God : in it thou shalt not do any work ,
thou, nor thy son , nor thy daughter , thy manservant , nor thy
maidservant , nor thy cattle , nor thy stranger that is within
thy gates :

seventh 030 020 Eze /^{seventh /day of the month
, that the word of the LORD came unto me, saying ,

seventh 025 008 IIKi /^{seventh /day of the month
, which is the nineteenth year of king Nebuchadnezzar king of
Babylon , came Nebuzaradan , captain of the guard , a servant of
the king of Babylon , unto Jerusalem :

seventh 045 020 Eze /^{seventh /day of the month
for every one that erreth , and for him that is simple : so
shall ye reconcile the house .

seventh 004 004 Heb /${seventh /day on this wise
, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works .

seventh 029 032 Num /^{seventh /day seven
bullocks , two rams , and fourteen lambs of the first year
without blemish :

seventh 013 006 Exo /^{seventh /day shall be a
feast to the LORD .

seventh 016 008 Deu /^{seventh /day shall be a
solemn assembly to the LORD thy God : thou shalt do no work

seventh 006 009 Num /^{seventh /day shall he
shave it.

seventh 020 029 IKi /^{seventh /day the battle
was joined : and the children of Israel slew of the Syrians an
hundred thousand footmen in one day .

seventh 013 032 Lev /^{seventh /day the priest
shall look on the plague : and, behold, if the scall spread not,
and there be in it no yellow hair , and the scall be not in
sight deeper than the skin ;

seventh 013 034 Lev /^{seventh /day the priest
shall look on the scall : and, behold, if the scall be not
spread in the skin , nor be in sight deeper than the skin ; then
the priest shall pronounce him clean : and he shall wash his
clothes , and be clean .

seventh 012 016 Exo /^{seventh /day there shall
be an holy convocation to you; no manner of work shall be done
in them, save that which every man must eat , that only may be
done of you.

seventh 035 002 Exo /^{seventh /day there shall
be to you an holy day , a sabbath of rest to the LORD :
whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death .

seventh 034 021 Exo /^{seventh /day thou shalt
rest : in earing time and in harvest thou shalt rest .

seventh 023 012 Exo /^{seventh /day thou shalt
rest : that thine ox and thine ass may rest , and the son of thy
handmaid , and the stranger , may be refreshed .

seventh 006 004 Jos /^{seventh /day ye shall
compass the city seven times , and the priests shall blow with
the trumpets .

seventh 028 025 Num /^{seventh /day ye shall
have an holy convocation ; ye shall do no servile work .

seventh 001 014 Jud /${seventh /from Adam ,
prophesied of these , saying , Behold , the Lord cometh with ten
thousands of his saints ,

seventh 021 002 Exo /^{seventh /he shall go out
free for nothing .

seventh 004 052 Joh /${seventh /hour the fever
left him .

seventh 031 015 Exo /^{seventh /is the sabbath
of rest , holy to the LORD : whosoever doeth any work in the
sabbath day , he shall surely be put to death .

seventh 019 040 Jos /^{seventh /lot came out for
the tribe of the children of Dan according to their families .

seventh 025 009 Lev /^{seventh /month , in the
day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all
your land .

seventh 023 024 Lev /^{seventh /month , in the
first day of the month , shall ye have a sabbath , a memorial of
blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation .

seventh 029 001 Num /^{seventh /month , on the
first day of the month , ye shall have an holy convocation ; ye
shall do no servile work : it is a day of blowing the trumpets
unto you.

seventh 008 004 Gen /^{seventh /month , on the
seventeenth day of the month , upon the mountains of Ararat .

seventh 016 029 Lev /^{seventh /month , on the
tenth day of the month , ye shall afflict your souls , and do no
work at all, whether it be one of your own country , or a
stranger that sojourneth among you:

seventh 025 025 IIKi /^{seventh /month , that
Ishmael the son of Nethaniah , the son of Elishama , of the seed
royal , came , and ten men with him, and smote Gedaliah , that
he died , and the Jews and the Chaldees that were with him at
Mizpah .

seventh 041 001 Jer /^{seventh /month , that
Ishmael the son of Nethaniah the son of Elishama , of the seed
royal , and the princes of the king , even ten men with him,
came unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam to Mizpah ; and there they
did eat bread together in Mizpah .

seventh 023 039 Lev /^{seventh /month , when ye
have gathered in the fruit of the land , ye shall keep a feast
unto the LORD seven days : on the first day shall be a sabbath ,
and on the eighth day shall be a sabbath .

seventh 008 002 Neh /^{seventh /month .

seventh 023 041 Lev /^{seventh /month .

seventh 031 007 IICh /^{seventh /month .

seventh 008 002 IKi /^{seventh /month .

seventh 028 017 Jer /^{seventh /month .

seventh 005 003 IICh /^{seventh /month .

seventh 008 014 Neh /^{seventh /month :

seventh 029 007 Num /^{seventh /month an holy
convocation ; and ye shall afflict your souls : ye shall not do
any work therein:

seventh 003 006 Ezr /^{seventh /month began they
to offer burnt offerings unto the LORD . But the foundation of
the temple of the LORD was not yet laid .

seventh 007 073 Neh /^{seventh /month came , the
children of Israel were in their cities .

seventh 007 010 IICh /^{seventh /month he sent
the people away into their tents , glad and merry in heart for
the goodness that the LORD had shewed unto David , and to
Solomon , and to Israel his people .

seventh 023 034 Lev /^{seventh /month shall be
the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto the LORD .

seventh 023 027 Lev /^{seventh /month there
shall be a day of atonement : it shall be an holy convocation
unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls , and offer an
offering made by fire unto the LORD .

seventh 003 001 Ezr /^{seventh /month was come ,
and the children of Israel were in the cities , the people
gathered themselves together as one man to Jerusalem .

seventh 027 010 ICh /^{seventh /month was Helez
the Pelonite , of the children of Ephraim : and in his course
were twenty and four thousand .

seventh 029 012 Num /^{seventh /month ye shall
have an holy convocation ; ye shall do no servile work , and ye
shall keep a feast unto the LORD seven days :

seventh 007 005 Zec /^{seventh /month, even
those seventy years , did ye at all fast unto me, even to me?

seventh 045 025 Eze /^{seventh /month, in the
fifteenth day of the month , shall he do the like in the feast
of the seven days , according to the sin offering , according to
the burnt offering , and according to the meat offering , and
according to the oil .

seventh 002 001 Hag /^{seventh /month, in the
one and twentieth day of the month , came the word of the LORD
by the prophet Haggai , saying ,

seventh 026 005 ICh /^{seventh /Peulthai the
eighth : for God blessed him.

seventh 023 016 Lev /^{seventh /sabbath shall ye
number fifty days ; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto
the LORD .

seventh 008 001 Rev /${seventh /seal , there was
silence in heaven about the space of half an hour .

seventh 018 044 IKi /^{seventh /time , that he
said , Behold, there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea ,
like a man's hand . And he said , Go up , say unto Ahab ,
Prepare thy chariot, and get thee down , that the rain stop thee

seventh 006 016 Jos /^{seventh /time , when the
priests blew with the trumpets , Joshua said unto the people ,
Shout ; for the LORD hath given you the city .

seventh 024 010 ICh /^{seventh /to Hakkoz , the
eighth to Abijah ,

seventh 025 014 ICh /^{seventh /to Jesharelah ,
he, his sons , and his brethren , were twelve :

seventh 010 031 Neh /^{seventh /year , and the
exaction of every debt .

seventh 020 001 Eze /^{seventh /year , in the
fifth month, the tenth day of the month , that certain of the
elders of Israel came to enquire of the LORD , and sat before me.

seventh 015 009 Deu /^{seventh /year , the year
of release , is at hand ; and thine eye be evil against thy poor
brother , and thou givest him nought; and he cry unto the LORD
against thee, and it be sin unto thee.

seventh 025 020 Lev /^{seventh /year ? behold,
we shall not sow , nor gather in our increase :

seventh 011 004 IIKi /^{seventh /year Jehoiada
sent and fetched the rulers over hundreds , with the captains
and the guard , and brought them to him into the house of the
LORD , and made a covenant with them, and took an oath of them
in the house of the LORD , and shewed them the king's son .

seventh 023 001 IICh /^{seventh /year Jehoiada
strengthened himself, and took the captains of hundreds ,
Azariah the son of Jeroham , and Ishmael the son of Jehohanan ,
and Azariah the son of Obed , and Maaseiah the son of Adaiah ,
and Elishaphat the son of Zichri , into covenant with him.

seventh 007 007 Ezr /^{seventh /year of
Artaxerxes the king .

seventh 016 010 IKi /^{seventh /year of Asa king
of Judah , and reigned in his stead.

seventh 016 015 IKi /^{seventh /year of Asa king
of Judah did Zimri reign seven days in Tirzah . And the people
were encamped against Gibbethon , which belonged to the
Philistines .

seventh 002 016 Est /^{seventh /year of his
reign .

seventh 018 009 IIKi /^{seventh /year of Hoshea
son of Elah king of Israel , that Shalmaneser king of Assyria
came up against Samaria , and besieged it.

seventh 012 001 IIKi /^{seventh /year of Jehu
Jehoash began to reign ; and forty years reigned he in Jerusalem
. And his mother's name was Zibiah of Beersheba .

seventh 015 001 IIKi /^{seventh /year of Jeroboam
king of Israel began Azariah son of Amaziah king of Judah to
reign .

seventh 013 010 IIKi /^{seventh /year of Joash
king of Judah began Jehoash the son of Jehoahaz to reign over
Israel in Samaria , and reigned sixteen years .

seventh 007 008 Ezr /^{seventh /year of the king

seventh 025 004 Lev /^{seventh /year shall be a
sabbath of rest unto the land , a sabbath for the LORD : thou
shalt neither sow thy field , nor prune thy vineyard .

seventh 015 012 Deu /^{seventh /year thou shalt
let him go free from thee.

seventh 023 011 Exo /^{seventh /year thou shalt
let it rest and lie still; that the poor of thy people may eat :
and what they leave the beasts of the field shall eat . In like
manner thou shalt deal with thy vineyard , and with thy
oliveyard .

seventh 052 028 Jer /^{seventh /year three
thousand Jews and three and twenty :

seventy 007 085 Num /^{seventy /all the silver
vessels weighed two thousand and four hundred shekels, after the
shekel of the sanctuary :

seventy 010 001 Luk /${seventy /also , and sent
them two and two before his face into every city and place ,
whither he himself would come .

seventy 002 005 Ezr /^{seventy /and five .

seventy 038 028 Exo /^{seventy /and five shekels
he made hooks for the pillars , and overlaid their chapiters ,
and filleted them.

seventy 009 016 Est /^{seventy /and five
thousand , but they laid not their hands on the prey ,

seventy 012 004 Gen /^{seventy /and five years
old when he departed out of Haran .

seventy 007 043 Neh /^{seventy /and four .

seventy 002 040 Ezr /^{seventy /and four .

seventy 008 035 Ezr /^{seventy /and seven lambs ,
twelve he goats for a sin offering : all this was a burnt
offering unto the LORD .

seventy 005 031 Gen /^{seventy /and seven years :
and he died .

seventy 004 024 Gen /^{seventy /and sevenfold .

seventy 002 036 Ezr /^{seventy /and three .

seventy 007 039 Neh /^{seventy /and three .

seventy 007 009 Neh /^{seventy /and two .

seventy 011 019 Neh /^{seventy /and two .

seventy 002 004 Ezr /^{seventy /and two .

seventy 007 008 Neh /^{seventy /and two .

seventy 002 003 Ezr /^{seventy /and two .

seventy 009 056 Jug /^{seventy /brethren :

seventy 041 012 Eze /^{seventy /cubits broad ;
and the wall of the building was five cubits thick round about ,
and the length thereof ninety cubits .

seventy 011 025 Num /^{seventy /elders : and it
came to pass, that, when the spirit rested upon them, they
prophesied , and did not cease .

seventy 008 007 Ezr /^{seventy /males .

seventy 008 014 Ezr /^{seventy /males .

seventy 008 011 Eze /^{seventy /men of the
ancients of the house of Israel , and in the midst of them stood
Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan , with every man his censer in his
hand ; and a thick cloud of incense went up .

seventy 011 016 Num /^{seventy /men of the
elders of Israel , whom thou knowest to be the elders of the
people , and officers over them; and bring them unto the
tabernacle of the congregation , that they may stand there with

seventy 011 024 Num /^{seventy /men of the
elders of the people , and set them round about the tabernacle .

seventy 024 009 Exo /^{seventy /of the elders of
Israel :

seventy 024 001 Exo /^{seventy /of the elders of
Israel ; and worship ye afar off .

seventy 010 007 IIKi /^{seventy /persons , and
put their heads in baskets , and sent him them to Jezreel .

seventy 010 006 IIKi /^{seventy /persons , were
with the great men of the city , which brought them up .

seventy 010 017 Luk /${seventy /returned again
with joy , saying , Lord , even the devils are subject unto us
through thy name .

seventy 007 019 Num /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy 007 067 Num /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy 007 079 Num /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy 007 049 Num /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy 007 043 Num /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy 007 037 Num /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy 007 061 Num /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy 007 073 Num /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy 007 025 Num /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy 007 055 Num /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy 007 031 Num /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them full of fine flour
mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy 007 013 Num /^{seventy /shekels , after
the shekel of the sanctuary ; both of them were full of fine
flour mingled with oil for a meat offering :

seventy 010 001 IIKi /^{seventy /sons in Samaria .
And Jehu wrote letters , and sent to Samaria , unto the rulers
of Jezreel , to the elders , and to them that brought up Ahab's
children, saying ,

seventy 001 005 Exo /^{seventy /souls : for
Joseph was in Egypt already.

seventy 038 029 Exo /^{seventy /talents , and
two thousand and four hundred shekels .

seventy 031 032 Num /^{seventy /thousand and
five thousand sheep ,

seventy 024 015 IISa /^{seventy /thousand men .

seventy 021 014 ICh /^{seventy /thousand men .

seventy 018 022 Mat /${seventy /times seven .

Seventy 009 024 Dan /^{Seventy /weeks are
determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city , to finish
the transgression , and to make an end of sins , and to make
reconciliation for iniquity , and to bring in everlasting
righteousness , and to seal up the vision and prophecy , and to
anoint the most Holy .

seventy 023 015 Isa /^{seventy /years ,
according to the days of one king : after the end of seventy
years shall Tyre sing as an harlot .

seventy 011 026 Gen /^{seventy /years , and
begat Abram , Nahor , and Haran .

seventy 005 012 Gen /^{seventy /years , and
begat Mahalaleel :

seventy 007 005 Zec /^{seventy /years , did ye
at all fast unto me, even to me?

seventy 023 017 Isa /^{seventy /years , that the
LORD will visit Tyre , and she shall turn to her hire , and
shall commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world upon
the face of the earth .

seventy 025 011 Jer /^{seventy /years .

seventy 025 012 Jer /^{seventy /years are
accomplished , that I will punish the king of Babylon , and that
nation , saith the LORD , for their iniquity , and the land of
the Chaldeans , and will make it perpetual desolations .

seventy 029 010 Jer /^{seventy /years be
accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good
word toward you, in causing you to return to this place .

seventy 009 002 Dan /^{seventy /years in the
desolations of Jerusalem .

seventy 023 015 Isa /^{seventy /years shall Tyre
sing as an harlot .

vent 032 019 Job /^{vent /it is ready to
burst like new bottles .

venture 018 033 IICh /^{venture /and smote the
king of Israel between the joints of the harness : therefore he
said to his chariot man , Turn thine hand , that thou mayest
carry me out of the host ; for I am wounded .

venture 022 034 IKi /^{venture /and smote the
king of Israel between the joints of the harness : wherefore he
said unto the driver of his chariot , Turn thine hand , and
carry me out of the host ; for I am wounded .
