Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

accuseth 43_JOH_05_45 Do not think (1380 -dokeo -) that I will accuse (2723 -kategoreo -) you to the Father (3962 -pater -):there is [ one ] that {accuseth} (2723 -kategoreo -) you , [ even ] Moses (3475 -Moseus -) , in whom (3739 -hos -) ye trust (1679 -elpizo -) .

causeth 47_2CO_02_14 Now (1161 -de -) thanks (5485 -charis -) [ be ] unto God (2316 -theos -) , which always (3842 -pantote -) {causeth} (2358 -thriambeuo -) us to triumph (2358 -thriambeuo -) in Christ (5547 -Christos -) , and maketh (5319 -phaneroo -) manifest (5319 -phaneroo -) the savour (3744 -osme -) of his knowledge (1108 -gnosis -) by us in every (3956 -pas -) place (5117 -topos -) .

causeth 47_2CO_09_11 Being enriched (4148 -ploutizo -) in every (3956 -pas -) thing to all (3956 -pas -) bountifulness (0572 -haplotes -) , which (3748 -hostis -) {causeth} (2716 -katergazomai -) through (1223 -dia -) us thanksgiving (2169 -eucharistia -) to God (2316 -theos -) .

causeth 26_EZE_26_03 Therefore (03651 +ken ) thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) ; Behold (02005 +hen ) , I [ am ] against (05921 +(al ) thee , O Tyrus (06865 +Tsor ) , and will cause many (07227 +rab ) nations (01471 +gowy ) to come (05927 +(alah ) up against (05921 +(al ) thee , as the sea (03220 +yam ) {causeth} his waves (01530 +gal ) to come (05927 +(alah ) up .

causeth 26_EZE_44_18 They shall have (01961 +hayah ) linen (06593 +pishteh ) bonnets (06287 +p@)er ) upon their heads (07218 +ro)sh ) , and shall have (01961 +hayah ) linen (06593 +pishteh ) breeches (04370 +miknac ) upon their loins (04975 +mothen ) ; they shall not gird (02296 +chagar ) [ themselves ] with any thing that {causeth} sweat (03154 +yeza( ) .

causeth 23_ISA_61_11 For as the earth (00776 +)erets ) bringeth (03318 +yatsa) ) forth (03318 +yatsa) ) her bud (06779 +tsamach ) , and as the garden (01593 +gannah ) {causeth} the things that are sown (02221 +zeruwa( ) in it to spring (06779 +tsamach ) forth ; so (03651 +ken ) the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) will cause righteousness (06666 +ts@daqah ) and praise (08416 +t@hillah ) to spring (06779 +tsamach ) forth before (05048 +neged ) all (03605 +kol ) the nations (01471 +gowy ) .

causeth 23_ISA_64_02 As [ when ] the melting (02003 +hamac ) fire (00784 +)esh ) burneth (06919 +qadach ) , the fire (00784 +)esh ) {causeth} the waters (04325 +mayim ) to boil (01158 +ba(ah ) , to make thy name (08034 +shem ) known (03045 +yada( ) to thine adversaries (06862 +tsar ) , [ that ] the nations (01471 +gowy ) may tremble (07264 +ragaz ) at thy presence (06440 +paniym ) !

causeth 24_JER_10_13 When he uttereth (05414 +nathan ) his voice (06963 +qowl ) , [ there is ] a multitude (01995 +hamown ) of waters (04325 +mayim ) in the heavens (08064 +shamayim ) , and he {causeth} the vapours (05387 +nasiy) ) to ascend (05927 +(alah ) from the ends (07097 +qatseh ) of the earth (00776 +)erets ) ; he maketh (06213 +(asah ) lightnings (01300 +baraq ) with rain (04306 +matar ) , and bringeth (03318 +yatsa) ) forth (03318 +yatsa) ) the wind (07307 +ruwach ) out of his treasures (00214 +)owtsar ) .

causeth 24_JER_51_16 When he uttereth (05414 +nathan ) [ his ] voice (06963 +qowl ) , [ there is ] a multitude (00527 +)amown ) of waters (04325 +mayim ) in the heavens (08064 +shamayim ) ; and he {causeth} the vapours (05387 +nasiy) ) to ascend (05927 +(alah ) from the ends (07097 +qatseh ) of the earth (00776 +)erets ):he maketh (06213 +(asah ) lightnings (01300 +baraq ) with rain (04306 +matar ) , and bringeth (03318 +yatsa) ) forth (03318 +yatsa) ) the wind (07307 +ruwach ) out of his treasures (00214 +)owtsar ) .

causeth 18_JOB_12_24 He taketh (05493 +cuwr ) away (05493 +cuwr ) the heart (03820 +leb ) of the chief (07218 +ro)sh ) of the people (05971 +(am ) of the earth (00776 +)erets ) , and {causeth} them to wander (08582 +ta(ah ) in a wilderness (08414 +tohuw ) [ where there is ] no (03808 +lo) ) way (01870 +derek ) .

causeth 18_JOB_20_03 I have heard (08085 +shama( ) the check (04148 +muwcar ) of my reproach (03639 +k@limmah ) , and the spirit (07307 +ruwach ) of my understanding (00998 +biynah ) {causeth} me to answer (06030 +(anah ) .

causeth 18_JOB_37_13 He {causeth} it to come (04672 +matsa) ) , whether (00518 +)im ) for correction (07626 +shebet ) , or for his land (00776 +)erets ) , or for mercy (02617 +checed ) .

causeth 40_MAT_05_32 But I say (3004 -lego -) unto you , That whosoever (0302 -an -) shall put (0630 -apoluo -) away (0630 -apoluo -) his wife (1135 -gune -) , saving (3924 -parektos -) for the cause (3056 -logos -) of fornication (4202 -porneia -) , {causeth} (4160 -poieo -) her to commit (3429 -moichao -) adultery (3429 -moichao -):and whosoever (1437 -ean -) shall marry (1060 -gameo -) her that is divorced (0630 -apoluo -) committeth (3429 -moichao -) adultery (3429 -moichao -) .

causeth 04_NUM_05_18 And the priest (03548 +kohen ) shall set (05975 +(amad ) the woman (00802 +)ishshah ) before (06440 +paniym ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , and uncover (06544 +para( ) the woman s (00802 +)ishshah ) head (07218 +ro)sh ) , and put (05414 +nathan ) the offering (04503 +minchah ) of memorial (02146 +zikrown ) in her hands (03709 +kaph ) , which (01958 +hiy ) [ is ] the jealousy (07068 +qin)ah ) offering (04503 +minchah ):and the priest (03548 +kohen ) shall have (01961 +hayah ) in his hand (03027 +yad ) the bitter (04751 +mar ) water (04325 +mayim ) that {causeth} the curse (00779 +)arar ) :

causeth 04_NUM_05_19 And the priest (03548 +kohen ) shall charge (07650 +shaba( ) her by an oath (07650 +shaba( ) , and say (00559 +)amar ) unto the woman (00802 +)ishshah ) , If (00518 +)im ) no (03808 +lo) ) man (00376 +)iysh ) have lain (07901 +shakab ) with thee , and if (00518 +)im ) thou hast not gone (07847 +satah ) aside (07847 +satah ) to uncleanness (02932 +tum)ah ) [ with another ] instead (08478 +tachath ) of thy husband (00376 +)iysh ) , be thou free (05352 +naqah ) from this bitter (04751 +mar ) water (04325 +mayim ) that {causeth} the curse (00779 +)arar ) :

causeth 04_NUM_05_22 And this water (04325 +mayim ) that {causeth} the curse (00779 +)arar ) shall go (00935 +bow) ) into (00413 +)el ) thy bowels (04578 +me(ah ) , to make [ thy ] belly (00990 +beten ) to swell (06638 +tsabah ) , and [ thy ] thigh (03409 +yarek ) to rot (05307 +naphal ):And the woman (00802 +)ishshah ) shall say (00559 +)amar ) , Amen (00543 +)amen ) , amen (00543 +)amen ) .

causeth 04_NUM_05_24 And he shall cause the woman (00802 +)ishshah ) to drink (08248 +shaqah ) the bitter (04751 +mar ) water (04325 +mayim ) that causeth the curse (00779 +)arar ):and the water (04325 +mayim ) that {causeth} the curse (00779 +)arar ) shall enter (00935 +bow) ) into (00413 +)el ) her , [ and become ] bitter (04751 +mar ) .

causeth 04_NUM_05_24 And he shall cause the woman (00802 +)ishshah ) to drink (08248 +shaqah ) the bitter (04751 +mar ) water (04325 +mayim ) that {causeth} the curse (00779 +)arar ):and the water (04325 +mayim ) that causeth the curse (00779 +)arar ) shall enter (00935 +bow) ) into (00413 +)el ) her , [ and become ] bitter (04751 +mar ) .

causeth 04_NUM_05_27 And when he hath made her to drink (08248 +shaqah ) the water (04325 +mayim ) , then it shall come (01961 +hayah ) to pass , [ that ] , if (00518 +)im ) she be defiled (02930 +tame) ) , and have done trespass (04604 +ma(al ) against her husband (00376 +)iysh ) , that the water (04325 +mayim ) that {causeth} the curse (00779 +)arar ) shall enter (00935 +bow) ) into her , [ and become ] bitter (04751 +mar ) , and her belly (00990 +beten ) shall swell (06638 +tsabah ) , and her thigh (03409 +yarek ) shall rot (05307 +naphal ):and the woman (00802 +)ishshah ) shall be a curse (00423 +)alah ) among (07130 +qereb ) her people (05971 +(am ) .

causeth 20_PRO_10_05 . He that gathereth (00103 +)agar ) in summer (07019 +qayits ) [ is ] a wise (07919 +sakal ) son (01121 +ben ):[ but ] he that sleepeth (07290 +radam ) in harvest (07105 +qatsiyr ) [ is ] a son (01121 +ben ) that {causeth} shame (00954 +buwsh ) .

causeth 20_PRO_10_10 . He that winketh (07169 +qarats ) with the eye (05869 +(ayin ) {causeth} (05414 +nathan ) sorrow (06094 +(atstsebeth ):but a prating (08193 +saphah ) fool (00191 +)eviyl ) shall fall (03832 +labat ) .

causeth 20_PRO_14_35 . The king s (04428 +melek ) favour (07522 +ratsown ) [ is ] toward a wise (07919 +sakal ) servant (05650 +(ebed ):but his wrath (05678 +(ebrah ) is [ against ] him that {causeth} shame (00954 +buwsh ) .

causeth 20_PRO_17_02 . A wise (07919 +sakal ) servant (05650 +(ebed ) shall have rule (04910 +mashal ) over a son (01121 +ben ) that {causeth} shame (00954 +buwsh ) , and shall have part (02505 +chalaq ) of the inheritance (05159 +nachalah ) among (08432 +tavek ) the brethren (00251 +)ach ) .

causeth 20_PRO_18_18 . The lot (01486 +gowral ) {causeth} contentions (04079 +midyan ) to cease (07673 +shabath ) , and parteth (06504 +parad ) between (00996 +beyn ) the mighty (06099 +(atsuwm ) .

causeth 20_PRO_19_26 . He that wasteth (07703 +shadad ) [ his ] father (1) , [ and ] chaseth (01272 +barach ) away [ his ] mother (00517 +)em ) , [ is ] a son (01121 +ben ) that {causeth} shame (00954 +buwsh ) , and bringeth (02659 +chapher ) reproach (02659 +chapher ) .

causeth 20_PRO_19_27 . Cease (02308 +chadal ) , my son (01121 +ben ) , to hear (08085 +shama( ) the instruction (04148 +muwcar ) [ that {causeth} ] to err (07686 +shagah ) from the words (00561 +)emer ) of knowledge (01847 +da(ath ) .

causeth 20_PRO_28_10 . Whoso {causeth} the righteous (03477 +yashar ) to go (07686 +shagah ) astray (07686 +shagah ) in an evil (07451 +ra( ) way (01870 +derek ) , he shall fall (05307 +naphal ) himself (01931 +huw) ) into his own pit (07816 +sh@chuwth ):but the upright (08549 +tamiym ) shall have good (02896 +towb ) [ things ] in possession (05157 +nachal ) .

causeth 19_PSA_104_14 He {causeth} the grass (02682 +chatsiyr ) to grow (06779 +tsamach ) for the cattle (00929 +b@hemah ) , and herb (06212 +(eseb ) for the service (05656 +(abodah ) of man (00120 +)adam ):that he may bring (03318 +yatsa) ) forth (03318 +yatsa) ) food (03899 +lechem ) out of the earth (00776 +)erets ) ;

causeth 19_PSA_107_40 He poureth (08210 +shaphak ) contempt (00937 +buwz ) upon princes (05081 +nadiyb ) , and {causeth} them to wander (08582 +ta(ah ) in the wilderness (08414 +tohuw ) , [ where there is ] no (03808 +lo) ) way (01870 +derek ) .

causeth 19_PSA_135_07 He {causeth} the vapours (05387 +nasiy) ) to ascend (05927 +(alah ) from the ends (07097 +qatseh ) of the earth (00776 +)erets ) ; he maketh (06213 +(asah ) lightnings (01300 +baraq ) for the rain (04306 +matar ) ; he bringeth (03318 +yatsa) ) the wind (07307 +ruwach ) out of his treasuries (00214 +)owtsar ) .

causeth 19_PSA_147_18 He sendeth (07971 +shalach ) out his word (01697 +dabar ) , and melteth (04549 +macac ) them:he {causeth} his wind (07307 +ruwach ) to blow (05380 +nashab ) , [ and ] the waters (04325 +mayim ) flow (05140 +nazal ) .

causeth 66_REV_13_12 And he exerciseth (4160 -poieo -) all (3956 -pas -) the power (1849 -exousia -) of the first (4413 -protos -) beast (2342 -therion -) before (1799 -enopion -) him , and {causeth} (4160 -poieo -) the earth (1093 -ge -) and them which dwell (2730 -katoikeo -) therein (0846 -autos -) to worship (4352 -proskuneo -) the first (4413 -protos -) beast (2342 -therion -) , whose (3739 -hos -) deadly (2288 -thanatos -) wound (4127 -plege -) was healed (2323 -therapeuo -) .

causeth 66_REV_13_16 And he {causeth} (4160 -poieo -) all (3956 -pas -) , both small (3398 -mikros -) and great (3173 -megas -) , rich (4145 -plousios -) and poor (4434 -ptochos -) , free (1658 -eleutheros -) and bond (1401 -doulos -) , to receive (1325 -didomi -) a mark (5480 -charagma -) in their right (1188 -dexios -) hand (5495 -cheir -) , or (2228 -e -) in their foreheads (3359 -metopon -) :

refuseth 05_DEU_25_07 And if (00518 +)im ) the man (00376 +)iysh ) like (02654 +chaphets ) not to take (03947 +laqach ) his brother s (02994 +Y@bemeth ) wife (02994 +Y@bemeth ) , then let his brother s (02994 +Y@bemeth ) wife (02994 +Y@bemeth ) go (05927 +(alah ) up to the gate (08179 +sha(ar ) unto the elders (02205 +zaqen ) , and say (00559 +)amar ) , My husband s (02993 +yabam ) brother (02993 +yabam ) {refuseth} (03985 +ma)en ) to raise (06965 +quwm ) up unto his brother (00251 +)ach ) a name (08034 +shem ) in Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , he will (14) not perform the duty of my husband s (02992 +yabam ) brother (02992 +yabam ) .

refuseth 02_EXO_07_14 . And the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto Moses (04872 +Mosheh ) , Pharaoh s (06547 +Par(oh ) heart (03820 +leb ) [ is ] hardened (03515 +kabed ) , he {refuseth} (03985 +ma)en ) to let the people (05971 +(am ) go (07971 +shalach ) .

refuseth 23_ISA_08_06 Forasmuch as this (02088 +zeh ) people (05971 +(am ) {refuseth} (03988 +ma)ac ) the waters (04325 +mayim ) of Shiloah (07975 +Shiloach ) that go (01980 +halak ) softly (00328 +)at ) , and rejoice (04885 +masows ) in Rezin (07526 +R@tsiyn ) and Remaliah s (07425 +R@malyahuw ) son (01121 +ben ) ;

refuseth 24_JER_15_18 Why (04100 +mah ) is my pain (03511 +k@)eb ) perpetual (05331 +netsach ) , and my wound (04347 +makkah ) incurable (00605 +)anash ) , [ which ] {refuseth} (03985 +ma)en ) to be healed (07495 +rapha) ) ? wilt thou be altogether unto me as a liar (00391 +)akzab ) , [ and as ] waters (04325 +mayim ) [ that ] fail (00539 +)aman ) ?

refuseth 04_NUM_22_13 And Balaam (01109 +Bil(am ) rose (06965 +quwm ) up in the morning (01242 +boqer ) , and said (00559 +)amar ) unto the princes (08269 +sar ) of Balak (01111 +Balaq ) , Get (03212 +yalak ) you into (00413 +)el ) your land (00776 +)erets ):for the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) {refuseth} (03985 +ma)en ) to give (05414 +nathan ) me leave (05414 +nathan ) to go (01980 +halak ) with you .

refuseth 04_NUM_22_14 And the princes (08269 +sar ) of Moab (04124 +Mow)ab ) rose (06965 +quwm ) up , and they went (00935 +bow) ) unto Balak (01111 +Balaq ) , and said (00559 +)amar ) , Balaam (01109 +Bil(am ) {refuseth} (03985 +ma)en ) to come (01980 +halak ) with us .

refuseth 20_PRO_10_17 . He [ is in ] the way (00734 +)orach ) of life (02416 +chay ) that keepeth (08104 +shamar ) instruction (04148 +muwcar ):but he that {refuseth} (05800 +(azab ) reproof (08433 +towkechah ) erreth (08582 +ta(ah ) .

refuseth 20_PRO_13_18 . Poverty (07389 +reysh ) and shame (07036 +qalown ) [ shall be to ] him that {refuseth} (06544 +para( ) instruction (04148 +muwcar ):but he that regardeth (08104 +shamar ) reproof (08433 +towkechah ) shall be honoured (03513 +kabad ) .

refuseth 20_PRO_15_32 . He that {refuseth} (06544 +para( ) instruction (04148 +muwcar ) despiseth (03988 +ma)ac ) his own soul (05315 +nephesh ):but he that heareth (08085 +shama( ) reproof (08433 +towkechah ) getteth (07069 +qanah ) understanding (03820 +leb ) .

useth 05_DEU_18_10 There shall not be found (04672 +matsa) ) among you [ any one ] that maketh his son (01121 +ben ) or his daughter (01323 +bath ) to pass (05674 +(abar ) through the fire (00784 +)esh ) , [ or ] that {useth} divination (07081 +qecem ) , [ or ] an observer (06049 +(anan ) of times , or an enchanter (05172 +nachash ) , or a witch (03784 +kashaph ) ,

useth 17_EST_06_08 Let the royal (04438 +malkuwth ) apparel (03830 +l@buwsh ) be brought (00935 +bow) ) which (00834 +)aher ) the king (04428 +melek ) [ {useth} ] to wear (03847 +labash ) , and the horse (05483 +cuwc ) that the king (04428 +melek ) rideth (07392 +rakab ) upon , and the crown (03804 +kether ) royal (04438 +malkuwth ) which (00834 +)aher ) is set (05414 +nathan ) upon his head (07218 +ro)sh ) :

useth 26_EZE_16_44 . Behold (02009 +hinneh ) , every (03605 +kol ) one that {useth} proverbs (04911 +mashal ) shall use (04911 +mashal ) [ this ] proverb (04911 +mashal ) against (05921 +(al ) thee , saying (00559 +)amar ) , As [ is ] the mother (00517 +)em ) , [ so is ] her daughter (01323 +bath ) .

useth 58_HEB_05_13 For every (3956 -pas -) one that {useth} (3348 -metecho -) milk (1051 -gala -) [ is ] unskilful (0552 -apeiros -) in the word (3056 -logos -) of righteousness (1343 -dikaiosune -):for he is a babe (3516 -nepios -) .

useth 24_JER_22_13 Woe (01945 +howy ) unto him that buildeth (01129 +banah ) his house (01004 +bayith ) by unrighteousness , and his chambers (05944 +(aliyah ) by wrong ; [ that ] {useth} his neighbour s (07453 +rea( ) service (05647 +(abad ) without (02600 +chinnam ) wages (02600 +chinnam ) , and giveth (05414 +nathan ) him not for his work (06467 +po(al ) ;

useth 20_PRO_15_02 . The tongue (03956 +lashown ) of the wise (02450 +chakam ) {useth} knowledge (01847 +da(ath ) aright (03190 +yatab ):but the mouth (06310 +peh ) of fools (03684 +k@ciyl ) poureth (05042 +naba( ) out foolishness (00200 +)ivveleth ) .

useth 20_PRO_18_23 . The poor (07326 +ruwsh ) {useth} (01696 +dabar ) intreaties (08469 +tachanuwn ) ; but the rich (06223 +(ashiyr ) answereth (06030 +(anah ) roughly (05794 +(az ) .

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