Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0050 + Know + As unknown + not knowing + ye ignorantly + man be ignorant + And was unknown + on the ignorant + have you ignorant + because they knew + let him be ignorant + I did it ignorantly + But they understood + not have you ignorant + For they being ignorant + that ye should be ignorant + not have you to be ignorant + of us for we are not ignorant + not that ye should be ignorant + of the things that they understand +/ . agnoeo {ag-no-eh'-o}; from 0001 + Alpha (as a negative particle) and 3539 + think + perceive + Consider + understand + we understand + being understood + let him understand + Do ye not perceive + is it that ye do not understand +/ ; not to know (through lack of information or intelligence); by implication, to ignore (through disinclination): --(be) ignorant(-ly), not know, not understand, unknown .

0051 + and for the errors +/ . agnoema {ag-no'-ay-mah}; from 0050 + Know + As unknown + not knowing + ye ignorantly + man be ignorant + And was unknown + on the ignorant + have you ignorant + because they knew + let him be ignorant + I did it ignorantly + But they understood + not have you ignorant + For they being ignorant + that ye should be ignorant + not have you to be ignorant + of us for we are not ignorant + not that ye should be ignorant + of the things that they understand +/ ; a thing ignored, i .e . shortcoming: --error .

0052 + ignorance + the ignorance +/ . agnoia {ag'-noy-ah}; from 0050 + Know + As unknown + not knowing + ye ignorantly + man be ignorant + And was unknown + on the ignorant + have you ignorant + because they knew + let him be ignorant + I did it ignorantly + But they understood + not have you ignorant + For they being ignorant + that ye should be ignorant + not have you to be ignorant + of us for we are not ignorant + not that ye should be ignorant + of the things that they understand +/ ; ignorance (properly, the quality): --ignorance .

0261 + they that are unlearned +/ . amathes {am-ath-ace'}; from 0001 + Alpha (as a negative particle) and 3129 + learn + I learn + learned + learning + may learn + they learn + yet learned + ye and learn + let them learn + ye have learned + and hath learned + thou hast learned + for I have learned + upon you and learn + him having understood + sakes ; that ye might learn +/ ; ignorant: --unlearned .

0314 + read + ye read + readest + is read + be read + him read + are read + had read + and read + and to read + when ye read + thou readest + whoso readeth + which he read + up for to read + him being read + that it be read + Have ye not read + have ye not read + is he that readeth + And have ye not read + Which when they had read + unto them Have ye not read + not ( let him that readeth +/ . anaginosko {an-ag-in-oce'-ko}; from 0303 + each + every + apiece + through +/ and 1097 + knew + know + Know + Canst + known + I know + ye can + I knew + knoweth + knowing + knowest + we know + it knew + so know + Knowing + to know + I allow + ye know + he knew + he know + and know + But know + may know + And knew + be known + is known + not know + men know + man knew + perceive + and knew + hand know + was known + are known + thou know + perceived + understood + shall know + But I know + thou speak + hath known + and I know + be ye sure + have known + we do know + and to know + they that have known 1097- for he knew + And to know + For ye know + not knoweth + and knoweth + things know + But ye know + For he knew + For we know + when I know + they that have known 1097- and knowest + And knowest + should know + to pass know + thou knewest + shall I know + Let him know + that we know + him and know + and are sure + thou knowest + ye had known + he was known + shall ye know + had knowledge + for they knew + Understandest + he shall know + ye have known + and will know + we would know + I am resolved + ye shall know + we have known + they perceived + have not known + unto them Know + when they knew + hath not known + they have known + he that knoweth + That I may know + man should know + I had not known + They understood + for us who knew + that we may know + that ye may know + And when he knew + thou hadst known + would have known + But he that knew + thing he knoweth + unto you to know + And ye shall know + me for I perceive + that I might know + And we have known + then will ye know + to them that know + up ; and she felt + shall it be known + things understood + for they perceived + that he might know + and hast not known + for had they known + And when they knew + that ye shall know + they have not known + but thou shalt know + that when they knew + them and have known + have they not known + when he is not aware + that they might know + that he is not aware + do ye not understand + my sheep and am known + thee but I have known + things ; thou knowest + Yet ye have not known + is there that knoweth + but that ye might know + me ye should have known + to you that ye may know + and they have not known + that shall not be known + and thou shalt not know + after that ye have known + purpose that he might know + purpose that ye might know + because he would have known + And when I would have known + unto them but they understood + thee that thou shouldest know + But I would ye should understand + unto them It is not for you to know + Because that thou mayest understand + with you and yet hast thou not known +/ ; to know again, i .e . (by extension) to read: --read .

0453 + foolish + O foolish + and to the unwise + unto them O fools +/ . anoetos {an-o'-ay-tos}; from 0001 + Alpha (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3539 + think + perceive + Consider + understand + we understand + being understood + let him understand + Do ye not perceive + is it that ye do not understand +/ ; unintelligent; by implication, sensual: --fool(-ish), unwise .

1097 + knew + know + Know + Canst + known + I know + ye can + I knew + knoweth + knowing + knowest + we know + it knew + so know + Knowing + to know + I allow + ye know + he knew + he know + and know + But know + may know + And knew + be known + is known + not know + men know + man knew + perceive + and knew + hand know + was known + are known + thou know + perceived + understood + shall know + But I know + thou speak + hath known + and I know + be ye sure + have known + we do know + and to know + they that have known 1097- for he knew + And to know + For ye know + not knoweth + and knoweth + things know + But ye know + For he knew + For we know + when I know + they that have known 1097- and knowest + And knowest + should know + to pass know + thou knewest + shall I know + Let him know + that we know + him and know + and are sure + thou knowest + ye had known + he was known + shall ye know + had knowledge + for they knew + Understandest + he shall know + ye have known + and will know + we would know + I am resolved + ye shall know + we have known + they perceived + have not known + unto them Know + when they knew + hath not known + they have known + he that knoweth + That I may know + man should know + I had not known + They understood + for us who knew + that we may know + that ye may know + And when he knew + thou hadst known + would have known + But he that knew + thing he knoweth + unto you to know + And ye shall know + me for I perceive + that I might know + And we have known + then will ye know + to them that know + up ; and she felt + shall it be known + things understood + for they perceived + that he might know + and hast not known + for had they known + And when they knew + that ye shall know + they have not known + but thou shalt know + that when they knew + them and have known + have they not known + when he is not aware + that they might know + that he is not aware + do ye not understand + my sheep and am known + thee but I have known + things ; thou knowest + Yet ye have not known + is there that knoweth + but that ye might know + me ye should have known + to you that ye may know + and they have not known + that shall not be known + and thou shalt not know + after that ye have known + purpose that he might know + purpose that ye might know + because he would have known + And when I would have known + unto them but they understood + thee that thou shouldest know + But I would ye should understand + unto them It is not for you to know + Because that thou mayest understand + with you and yet hast thou not known +/ . ginosko {ghin-oce'-ko}; a prolonged form of a primary verb; to "know" (absolutely) in a great variety of applications and with many implications (as follow, with others not thus clearly expressed): --allow, be aware (of), feel, (have) know(-ledge), perceived, be resolved, can speak, be sure, understand .

1106 + mind + his will + thy mind + judgment + my advice + he purposed + my judgment +/ . gnome {gno'-may}; from 1097 + knew + know + Know + Canst + known + I know + ye can + I knew + knoweth + knowing + knowest + we know + it knew + so know + Knowing + to know + I allow + ye know + he knew + he know + and know + But know + may know + And knew + be known + is known + not know + men know + man knew + perceive + and knew + hand know + was known + are known + thou know + perceived + understood + shall know + But I know + thou speak + hath known + and I know + be ye sure + have known + we do know + and to know + they that have known 1097- for he knew + And to know + For ye know + not knoweth + and knoweth + things know + But ye know + For he knew + For we know + when I know + they that have known 1097- and knowest + And knowest + should know + to pass know + thou knewest + shall I know + Let him know + that we know + him and know + and are sure + thou knowest + ye had known + he was known + shall ye know + had knowledge + for they knew + Understandest + he shall know + ye have known + and will know + we would know + I am resolved + ye shall know + we have known + they perceived + have not known + unto them Know + when they knew + hath not known + they have known + he that knoweth + That I may know + man should know + I had not known + They understood + for us who knew + that we may know + that ye may know + And when he knew + thou hadst known + would have known + But he that knew + thing he knoweth + unto you to know + And ye shall know + me for I perceive + that I might know + And we have known + then will ye know + to them that know + up ; and she felt + shall it be known + things understood + for they perceived + that he might know + and hast not known + for had they known + And when they knew + that ye shall know + they have not known + but thou shalt know + that when they knew + them and have known + have they not known + when he is not aware + that they might know + that he is not aware + do ye not understand + my sheep and am known + thee but I have known + things ; thou knowest + Yet ye have not known + is there that knoweth + but that ye might know + me ye should have known + to you that ye may know + and they have not known + that shall not be known + and thou shalt not know + after that ye have known + purpose that he might know + purpose that ye might know + because he would have known + And when I would have known + unto them but they understood + thee that thou shouldest know + But I would ye should understand + unto them It is not for you to know + Because that thou mayest understand + with you and yet hast thou not known +/ ; cognition, i .e . (subjectively) opinion, or (objectively) resolve (counsel, consent, etc .): --advice, + agree, judgment, mind, purpose, will .

1107 + make + made + I wot + we do + known + declare + he made + be made + to make + hath made + I declare + shall make + you to wit + I have made + and to make + Having made + when we made + was not made + But I certify + Thou hast made + and will declare + And I have declared + places might be known + And that he might make + I give you to understand + is one of you . They shall make +/ . gnorizo {gno-rid'-zo}; from a derivative of 1097 + knew + know + Know + Canst + known + I know + ye can + I knew + knoweth + knowing + knowest + we know + it knew + so know + Knowing + to know + I allow + ye know + he knew + he know + and know + But know + may know + And knew + be known + is known + not know + men know + man knew + perceive + and knew + hand know + was known + are known + thou know + perceived + understood + shall know + But I know + thou speak + hath known + and I know + be ye sure + have known + we do know + and to know + they that have known 1097- for he knew + And to know + For ye know + not knoweth + and knoweth + things know + But ye know + For he knew + For we know + when I know + they that have known 1097- and knowest + And knowest + should know + to pass know + thou knewest + shall I know + Let him know + that we know + him and know + and are sure + thou knowest + ye had known + he was known + shall ye know + had knowledge + for they knew + Understandest + he shall know + ye have known + and will know + we would know + I am resolved + ye shall know + we have known + they perceived + have not known + unto them Know + when they knew + hath not known + they have known + he that knoweth + That I may know + man should know + I had not known + They understood + for us who knew + that we may know + that ye may know + And when he knew + thou hadst known + would have known + But he that knew + thing he knoweth + unto you to know + And ye shall know + me for I perceive + that I might know + And we have known + then will ye know + to them that know + up ; and she felt + shall it be known + things understood + for they perceived + that he might know + and hast not known + for had they known + And when they knew + that ye shall know + they have not known + but thou shalt know + that when they knew + them and have known + have they not known + when he is not aware + that they might know + that he is not aware + do ye not understand + my sheep and am known + thee but I have known + things ; thou knowest + Yet ye have not known + is there that knoweth + but that ye might know + me ye should have known + to you that ye may know + and they have not known + that shall not be known + and thou shalt not know + after that ye have known + purpose that he might know + purpose that ye might know + because he would have known + And when I would have known + unto them but they understood + thee that thou shouldest know + But I would ye should understand + unto them It is not for you to know + Because that thou mayest understand + with you and yet hast thou not known +/ ; to make known; subjectively, to know: --certify, declare, make known, give to understand, do to wit, wot .

1108 + knowledge + Knowledge + of science + by knowledge + to knowledge + of knowledge + and knowledge + thy knowledge + the knowledge + that knowledge + not in knowledge + of his knowledge + And to knowledge + of the knowledge + there be knowledge + and in the knowledge +/ . gnosis {gno'-sis}; from 1097 + knew + know + Know + Canst + known + I know + ye can + I knew + knoweth + knowing + knowest + we know + it knew + so know + Knowing + to know + I allow + ye know + he knew + he know + and know + But know + may know + And knew + be known + is known + not know + men know + man knew + perceive + and knew + hand know + was known + are known + thou know + perceived + understood + shall know + But I know + thou speak + hath known + and I know + be ye sure + have known + we do know + and to know + they that have known 1097- for he knew + And to know + For ye know + not knoweth + and knoweth + things know + But ye know + For he knew + For we know + when I know + they that have known 1097- and knowest + And knowest + should know + to pass know + thou knewest + shall I know + Let him know + that we know + him and know + and are sure + thou knowest + ye had known + he was known + shall ye know + had knowledge + for they knew + Understandest + he shall know + ye have known + and will know + we would know + I am resolved + ye shall know + we have known + they perceived + have not known + unto them Know + when they knew + hath not known + they have known + he that knoweth + That I may know + man should know + I had not known + They understood + for us who knew + that we may know + that ye may know + And when he knew + thou hadst known + would have known + But he that knew + thing he knoweth + unto you to know + And ye shall know + me for I perceive + that I might know + And we have known + then will ye know + to them that know + up ; and she felt + shall it be known + things understood + for they perceived + that he might know + and hast not known + for had they known + And when they knew + that ye shall know + they have not known + but thou shalt know + that when they knew + them and have known + have they not known + when he is not aware + that they might know + that he is not aware + do ye not understand + my sheep and am known + thee but I have known + things ; thou knowest + Yet ye have not known + is there that knoweth + but that ye might know + me ye should have known + to you that ye may know + and they have not known + that shall not be known + and thou shalt not know + after that ye have known + purpose that he might know + purpose that ye might know + because he would have known + And when I would have known + unto them but they understood + thee that thou shouldest know + But I would ye should understand + unto them It is not for you to know + Because that thou mayest understand + with you and yet hast thou not known +/ ; knowing (the act), i .e . (by implication) knowledge: --knowledge, science .

1109 + because I know thee to be expert +/ . gnostes {gnoce'-tace}; from 1097 + knew + know + Know + Canst + known + I know + ye can + I knew + knoweth + knowing + knowest + we know + it knew + so know + Knowing + to know + I allow + ye know + he knew + he know + and know + But know + may know + And knew + be known + is known + not know + men know + man knew + perceive + and knew + hand know + was known + are known + thou know + perceived + understood + shall know + But I know + thou speak + hath known + and I know + be ye sure + have known + we do know + and to know + they that have known 1097- for he knew + And to know + For ye know + not knoweth + and knoweth + things know + But ye know + For he knew + For we know + when I know + they that have known 1097- and knowest + And knowest + should know + to pass know + thou knewest + shall I know + Let him know + that we know + him and know + and are sure + thou knowest + ye had known + he was known + shall ye know + had knowledge + for they knew + Understandest + he shall know + ye have known + and will know + we would know + I am resolved + ye shall know + we have known + they perceived + have not known + unto them Know + when they knew + hath not known + they have known + he that knoweth + That I may know + man should know + I had not known + They understood + for us who knew + that we may know + that ye may know + And when he knew + thou hadst known + would have known + But he that knew + thing he knoweth + unto you to know + And ye shall know + me for I perceive + that I might know + And we have known + then will ye know + to them that know + up ; and she felt + shall it be known + things understood + for they perceived + that he might know + and hast not known + for had they known + And when they knew + that ye shall know + they have not known + but thou shalt know + that when they knew + them and have known + have they not known + when he is not aware + that they might know + that he is not aware + do ye not understand + my sheep and am known + thee but I have known + things ; thou knowest + Yet ye have not known + is there that knoweth + but that ye might know + me ye should have known + to you that ye may know + and they have not known + that shall not be known + and thou shalt not know + after that ye have known + purpose that he might know + purpose that ye might know + because he would have known + And when I would have known + unto them but they understood + thee that thou shouldest know + But I would ye should understand + unto them It is not for you to know + Because that thou mayest understand + with you and yet hast thou not known +/ ; a knower: --expert .

1110 + Known + known + we know + a notable + was known + Be it known + And it was known + his acquaintance + and acquaintance + that which may be known +/ . gnostos {gnoce-tos'}; from 1097 + knew + know + Know + Canst + known + I know + ye can + I knew + knoweth + knowing + knowest + we know + it knew + so know + Knowing + to know + I allow + ye know + he knew + he know + and know + But know + may know + And knew + be known + is known + not know + men know + man knew + perceive + and knew + hand know + was known + are known + thou know + perceived + understood + shall know + But I know + thou speak + hath known + and I know + be ye sure + have known + we do know + and to know + they that have known 1097- for he knew + And to know + For ye know + not knoweth + and knoweth + things know + But ye know + For he knew + For we know + when I know + they that have known 1097- and knowest + And knowest + should know + to pass know + thou knewest + shall I know + Let him know + that we know + him and know + and are sure + thou knowest + ye had known + he was known + shall ye know + had knowledge + for they knew + Understandest + he shall know + ye have known + and will know + we would know + I am resolved + ye shall know + we have known + they perceived + have not known + unto them Know + when they knew + hath not known + they have known + he that knoweth + That I may know + man should know + I had not known + They understood + for us who knew + that we may know + that ye may know + And when he knew + thou hadst known + would have known + But he that knew + thing he knoweth + unto you to know + And ye shall know + me for I perceive + that I might know + And we have known + then will ye know + to them that know + up ; and she felt + shall it be known + things understood + for they perceived + that he might know + and hast not known + for had they known + And when they knew + that ye shall know + they have not known + but thou shalt know + that when they knew + them and have known + have they not known + when he is not aware + that they might know + that he is not aware + do ye not understand + my sheep and am known + thee but I have known + things ; thou knowest + Yet ye have not known + is there that knoweth + but that ye might know + me ye should have known + to you that ye may know + and they have not known + that shall not be known + and thou shalt not know + after that ye have known + purpose that he might know + purpose that ye might know + because he would have known + And when I would have known + unto them but they understood + thee that thou shouldest know + But I would ye should understand + unto them It is not for you to know + Because that thou mayest understand + with you and yet hast thou not known +/ ; well-known: --acquaintance, (which may be) known, notable .

1231 + enquire + I will know +/ . diaginosko {dee-ag-in-o'-sko}; from 1223 + after + in at + cause + though + because + through + Through + Because + to avoid + ye in at + by reason + throughout + is through + we through + up because + me through + in because + and within + you through + of me among + and because + not because + And because + him because + and through + not because + him because + man because + one because + day through + For through + but through + but because + men through + And through + for because + that through + them because + away because + who by reason + but by reason + For I through + And by reason + might through + season because + that by reason + for us through + not in because + him in because + but by occasion + that we through + unto him through + And that because + with him through + unto them Because + unto them because + him ; but because + of them who through + For of him and through + that is in them because + up after that he through +/ and 1097 + knew + know + Know + Canst + known + I know + ye can + I knew + knoweth + knowing + knowest + we know + it knew + so know + Knowing + to know + I allow + ye know + he knew + he know + and know + But know + may know + And knew + be known + is known + not know + men know + man knew + perceive + and knew + hand know + was known + are known + thou know + perceived + understood + shall know + But I know + thou speak + hath known + and I know + be ye sure + have known + we do know + and to know + they that have known 1097- for he knew + And to know + For ye know + not knoweth + and knoweth + things know + But ye know + For he knew + For we know + when I know + they that have known 1097- and knowest + And knowest + should know + to pass know + thou knewest + shall I know + Let him know + that we know + him and know + and are sure + thou knowest + ye had known + he was known + shall ye know + had knowledge + for they knew + Understandest + he shall know + ye have known + and will know + we would know + I am resolved + ye shall know + we have known + they perceived + have not known + unto them Know + when they knew + hath not known + they have known + he that knoweth + That I may know + man should know + I had not known + They understood + for us who knew + that we may know + that ye may know + And when he knew + thou hadst known + would have known + But he that knew + thing he knoweth + unto you to know + And ye shall know + me for I perceive + that I might know + And we have known + then will ye know + to them that know + up ; and she felt + shall it be known + things understood + for they perceived + that he might know + and hast not known + for had they known + And when they knew + that ye shall know + they have not known + but thou shalt know + that when they knew + them and have known + have they not known + when he is not aware + that they might know + that he is not aware + do ye not understand + my sheep and am known + thee but I have known + things ; thou knowest + Yet ye have not known + is there that knoweth + but that ye might know + me ye should have known + to you that ye may know + and they have not known + that shall not be known + and thou shalt not know + after that ye have known + purpose that he might know + purpose that ye might know + because he would have known + And when I would have known + unto them but they understood + thee that thou shouldest know + But I would ye should understand + unto them It is not for you to know + Because that thou mayest understand + with you and yet hast thou not known +/ ; to know thoroughly, i .e . ascertain exactly: --(would) enquire, know the uttermost .

1270 + their thoughts +/ . dianoema {dee-an-o'-ay-mah}; from a compound of 1223 + after + in at + cause + though + because + through + Through + Because + to avoid + ye in at + by reason + throughout + is through + we through + up because + me through + in because + and within + you through + of me among + and because + not because + And because + him because + and through + not because + him because + man because + one because + day through + For through + but through + but because + men through + And through + for because + that through + them because + away because + who by reason + but by reason + For I through + And by reason + might through + season because + that by reason + for us through + not in because + him in because + but by occasion + that we through + unto him through + And that because + with him through + unto them Because + unto them because + him ; but because + of them who through + For of him and through + that is in them because + up after that he through +/ and 3539 + think + perceive + Consider + understand + we understand + being understood + let him understand + Do ye not perceive + is it that ye do not understand +/ ; something thought through, i .e . a sentiment: --thought .

1425 + things hard + to be understood +/ . dusnoetos {doos-no'-ay-tos}; from 1418 + grievous + to be borne + and grievous +/ and a derivative of 3539 + think + perceive + Consider + understand + we understand + being understood + let him understand + Do ye not perceive + is it that ye do not understand +/ ; difficult of perception: --hard to be understood .

1921 + knew + Know + known + knowest + knowing + knoweth + and know + they knew + knowledge + perceived + I am known + acknowledge + and yet well + shall I know + ye shall know + Ye shall know + when she knew + after he knew + and they took + and they knew + And they knew + had knowledge + of it and knew + And when she knew + that he might know + But when they knew + let him acknowledge + ye shall acknowledge + after they have known + mayest take knowledge + And as soon as he knew + That thou mightest know + that they should not know + for them not to have known + unto them and they perceived +/ . epiginosko {ep-ig-in-oce'-ko}; from 1909 + at + on + into + over + over + above + be on + ye at + Above + under + being + among + us on + up on + it on + about + after + are at + behalf + not on + before + are on + beside + was at + toward + and at + him on + old on + but on + And on + and on + They on + that on + down at + down on + them on + foot on + thee on + even at + against + as long + is over + because + up into + through + and over + are over + the time + him over + is above + touching + us and on + the space + And above + for under + for under + is against + but toward + but before + up against + And beside + to believe + he were on + throughout + them as on + to pass on + in the days + in the time + And through + as touching + by the space + unto thee on + of it and on + things before + I made before + for the space + out as against + was throughout + unto them over + and not before + out as against + that was about + had the charge + and that before + divided against + that were under + and he anointed + me is with me on + not on things on + in and out among + And when he was at + Let him which is on + to pass in the days + that were with him at + And let him that is on +/ and 1097 + knew + know + Know + Canst + known + I know + ye can + I knew + knoweth + knowing + knowest + we know + it knew + so know + Knowing + to know + I allow + ye know + he knew + he know + and know + But know + may know + And knew + be known + is known + not know + men know + man knew + perceive + and knew + hand know + was known + are known + thou know + perceived + understood + shall know + But I know + thou speak + hath known + and I know + be ye sure + have known + we do know + and to know + they that have known 1097- for he knew + And to know + For ye know + not knoweth + and knoweth + things know + But ye know + For he knew + For we know + when I know + they that have known 1097- and knowest + And knowest + should know + to pass know + thou knewest + shall I know + Let him know + that we know + him and know + and are sure + thou knowest + ye had known + he was known + shall ye know + had knowledge + for they knew + Understandest + he shall know + ye have known + and will know + we would know + I am resolved + ye shall know + we have known + they perceived + have not known + unto them Know + when they knew + hath not known + they have known + he that knoweth + That I may know + man should know + I had not known + They understood + for us who knew + that we may know + that ye may know + And when he knew + thou hadst known + would have known + But he that knew + thing he knoweth + unto you to know + And ye shall know + me for I perceive + that I might know + And we have known + then will ye know + to them that know + up ; and she felt + shall it be known + things understood + for they perceived + that he might know + and hast not known + for had they known + And when they knew + that ye shall know + they have not known + but thou shalt know + that when they knew + them and have known + have they not known + when he is not aware + that they might know + that he is not aware + do ye not understand + my sheep and am known + thee but I have known + things ; thou knowest + Yet ye have not known + is there that knoweth + but that ye might know + me ye should have known + to you that ye may know + and they have not known + that shall not be known + and thou shalt not know + after that ye have known + purpose that he might know + purpose that ye might know + because he would have known + And when I would have known + unto them but they understood + thee that thou shouldest know + But I would ye should understand + unto them It is not for you to know + Because that thou mayest understand + with you and yet hast thou not known +/ ; to know upon some mark, i .e . recognize; by implication, to become fully acquainted with, to acknowledge: --(ac-, have, take)know(-ledge, well), perceive .

2154 + easy + to be understood +/ . eusemos {yoo'-say-mos}; from 2095 + well + ye well + them good + unto him Well + That it may be well +/ and the base of 4591 + signs + in signs + and signs + the signs + signifying + with signs + and signified + he signifying + and that signs + And there shall be signs + and not withal to signify +/ ; well indicated, i .e . (figuratively) significant: --easy to be understood .

2589 + the hearts + which knoweth + which knowest +/ . kardiognostes {kar-dee-og-noce'-tace}; from 2588 + heart + hearts + in heart + of heart + an heart + his heart + our heart + thy heart + own heart + the heart + our hearts + my heart s + the hearts + and hearts + their heart + in my heart + in the heart + of the heart + did my heart + of his heart + not in heart + in her heart + in his heart + to the heart + their hearts + of the hearts + for thy heart + in our hearts + For the heart + in their heart + from the heart + than our heart + of their heart + but their heart + of their hearts + for their heart + in their hearts + out of the heart + and in thy heart + and not in heart + with their heart + them in her heart + That their hearts + were of one heart + Did not our heart + the brokenhearted + having our hearts + For with the heart + unto you our heart + is upon their heart + out of their hearts + of their own hearts + them in their hearts + For out of the heart + thing that the heart + is that of the heart + them up in their hearts + that ye are in our hearts + him from them and in their hearts +/ and 1097 + knew + know + Know + Canst + known + I know + ye can + I knew + knoweth + knowing + knowest + we know + it knew + so know + Knowing + to know + I allow + ye know + he knew + he know + and know + But know + may know + And knew + be known + is known + not know + men know + man knew + perceive + and knew + hand know + was known + are known + thou know + perceived + understood + shall know + But I know + thou speak + hath known + and I know + be ye sure + have known + we do know + and to know + they that have known 1097- for he knew + And to know + For ye know + not knoweth + and knoweth + things know + But ye know + For he knew + For we know + when I know + they that have known 1097- and knowest + And knowest + should know + to pass know + thou knewest + shall I know + Let him know + that we know + him and know + and are sure + thou knowest + ye had known + he was known + shall ye know + had knowledge + for they knew + Understandest + he shall know + ye have known + and will know + we would know + I am resolved + ye shall know + we have known + they perceived + have not known + unto them Know + when they knew + hath not known + they have known + he that knoweth + That I may know + man should know + I had not known + They understood + for us who knew + that we may know + that ye may know + And when he knew + thou hadst known + would have known + But he that knew + thing he knoweth + unto you to know + And ye shall know + me for I perceive + that I might know + And we have known + then will ye know + to them that know + up ; and she felt + shall it be known + things understood + for they perceived + that he might know + and hast not known + for had they known + And when they knew + that ye shall know + they have not known + but thou shalt know + that when they knew + them and have known + have they not known + when he is not aware + that they might know + that he is not aware + do ye not understand + my sheep and am known + thee but I have known + things ; thou knowest + Yet ye have not known + is there that knoweth + but that ye might know + me ye should have known + to you that ye may know + and they have not known + that shall not be known + and thou shalt not know + after that ye have known + purpose that he might know + purpose that ye might know + because he would have known + And when I would have known + unto them but they understood + thee that thou shouldest know + But I would ye should understand + unto them It is not for you to know + Because that thou mayest understand + with you and yet hast thou not known +/ ; a heart-knower: --which knowest the hearts .

2607 + condemn + he was to be blamed +/ . kataginosko {kat-ag-in-o'-sko}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and 1097 + knew + know + Know + Canst + known + I know + ye can + I knew + knoweth + knowing + knowest + we know + it knew + so know + Knowing + to know + I allow + ye know + he knew + he know + and know + But know + may know + And knew + be known + is known + not know + men know + man knew + perceive + and knew + hand know + was known + are known + thou know + perceived + understood + shall know + But I know + thou speak + hath known + and I know + be ye sure + have known + we do know + and to know + they that have known 1097- for he knew + And to know + For ye know + not knoweth + and knoweth + things know + But ye know + For he knew + For we know + when I know + they that have known 1097- and knowest + And knowest + should know + to pass know + thou knewest + shall I know + Let him know + that we know + him and know + and are sure + thou knowest + ye had known + he was known + shall ye know + had knowledge + for they knew + Understandest + he shall know + ye have known + and will know + we would know + I am resolved + ye shall know + we have known + they perceived + have not known + unto them Know + when they knew + hath not known + they have known + he that knoweth + That I may know + man should know + I had not known + They understood + for us who knew + that we may know + that ye may know + And when he knew + thou hadst known + would have known + But he that knew + thing he knoweth + unto you to know + And ye shall know + me for I perceive + that I might know + And we have known + then will ye know + to them that know + up ; and she felt + shall it be known + things understood + for they perceived + that he might know + and hast not known + for had they known + And when they knew + that ye shall know + they have not known + but thou shalt know + that when they knew + them and have known + have they not known + when he is not aware + that they might know + that he is not aware + do ye not understand + my sheep and am known + thee but I have known + things ; thou knowest + Yet ye have not known + is there that knoweth + but that ye might know + me ye should have known + to you that ye may know + and they have not known + that shall not be known + and thou shalt not know + after that ye have known + purpose that he might know + purpose that ye might know + because he would have known + And when I would have known + unto them but they understood + thee that thou shouldest know + But I would ye should understand + unto them It is not for you to know + Because that thou mayest understand + with you and yet hast thou not known +/ ; to note against, i .e . find fault with: --blame, condemn .

2648 + Consider +/ . katamanthano {kat-am-an-than'-o}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and 3129 + learn + I learn + learned + learning + may learn + they learn + yet learned + ye and learn + let them learn + ye have learned + and hath learned + thou hast learned + for I have learned + upon you and learn + him having understood + sakes ; that ye might learn +/ ; to learn thoroughly, i .e . (by implication) to note carefully: --consider .

2657 + consider + Consider + to behold + beholding + not behold + he considered + but perceivest + but considerest + For he beholdeth + But he perceived + And let us consider + but they discovered + mine eyes I considered +/ . katanoeo {kat-an-o-eh'-o}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and 3539 + think + perceive + Consider + understand + we understand + being understood + let him understand + Do ye not perceive + is it that ye do not understand +/ ; to observe fully: --behold, consider, discover, perceive .

2706 + despise + despising + despisest + and despise + that ye despise + let them not despise +/ . kataphroneo {kat-af-ron-eh'-o}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and 5426 + Set + mind + care + Mind + minded + do mind + careful + to think + regardeth + let us mind + but to think + I understood + thou thinkest + for me to think + He that regardeth + he doth not regard + for thou savourest + in us not to think + and he that regardeth + that ye be likeminded + unto me for thou savourest +/ ; to think against, i .e . disesteem: --despise .

3101 + disciple + disciples + a disciple + the disciple + his disciple + The disciple + thy disciples + his disciples + His disciples + the disciples + that disciple + be my disciple + is the disciple + to his disciples + do thy disciples + to the disciples + do the disciples + of his disciples + to thy disciples + and the disciple + for the disciple + ye His disciples + be his disciples + he his disciples + of the disciples + on his disciples + and his disciples + For his disciples + not thy disciples + not his disciples + and the disciples + with my disciples + but the disciples + And the disciples + And his disciples + but thy disciples + were the disciples + unto his disciples + unto the disciples + with the disciples + with his disciples + that thy disciples + that that disciple + he to the disciple + that his disciples + When his disciples + when the disciples + while his disciples + spent his disciples + it to the disciples + he to his disciples + bread the disciples + to him the disciples + him to thy disciples + and to his disciples + one of his disciples + some of his disciples + them to his disciples + not but his disciples + he unto his disciples + he unto the disciples + out and his disciples + not with his disciples + unto him his disciples + But when his disciples + them and his disciples + And when the disciples + him unto his disciples + unto him the disciples + but that his disciples + And when his disciples + day ; and his disciples + things to his disciples + that ye are my disciples + certain of the disciples + Howbeit as the disciples + then are ye my disciples + shall ye be my disciples + himself to his disciples + himself to the disciples + not that he was a disciple + himself with his disciples + with him and his disciples + fields ; and his disciples + them but when his disciples + thy house with my disciples + unto him with his disciples + out unto him their disciples + him and so did his disciples + when the number of the disciples +/ . mathetes {math-ay-tes'}; from 3129 + learn + I learn + learned + learning + may learn + they learn + yet learned + ye and learn + let them learn + ye have learned + and hath learned + thou hast learned + for I have learned + upon you and learn + him having understood + sakes ; that ye might learn +/ ; a learner, i .e . pupil: --disciple .

3129 + learn + I learn + learned + learning + may learn + they learn + yet learned + ye and learn + let them learn + ye have learned + and hath learned + thou hast learned + for I have learned + upon you and learn + him having understood + sakes ; that ye might learn +/ . manthano {man-than'-o}; prolongation from a primary verb, another form of which, matheo, is used as an alternate in certain tenses; to learn (in any way): --learn, understand .

3340 + Repent + repent + repented + I repent + he repent + to repent + ye repent + and repent + thou repent + they repent + yet repented + and repented + they repented + that repenteth + fast and repent + unto them Repent + they will repent + and she repented + and they repented + it for they repented + and have not repented + that men should repent + that they should repent + they would have repented +/ . metanoeo {met-an-o-eh'-o}; from 3326 + on + when + among + after + After + again + between + against + But after + and after + one after + And after + not among + but after + was since + that after + and against + and setting + he and after + them without + that followed + with him after + with them after + him which after + to us for after + to pass that after +/ and 3539 + think + perceive + Consider + understand + we understand + being understood + let him understand + Do ye not perceive + is it that ye do not understand +/ ; to think differently or afterwards, i .e . reconsider (morally, feel compunction): --repent .

3539 + think + perceive + Consider + understand + we understand + being understood + let him understand + Do ye not perceive + is it that ye do not understand +/ . noieo {noy-eh'-o}; from 3563 + mind + minds + in mind + the mind + of my mind + their mind + is the mind + understanding + of their mind + with the mind + but my understanding + with my understanding + he their understanding + with the understanding + up by his fleshly mind +/ ; to exercise the mind (observe), i .e . (figuratively) to comprehend, heed: --consider, perceive, think, understand .

3540 + minds + thought + and minds + the minds + of his devices + But their minds +/ . noema {no'-ay-mah}; from 3539 + think + perceive + Consider + understand + we understand + being understood + let him understand + Do ye not perceive + is it that ye do not understand +/ ; a perception, i .e . purpose, or (by implication) the intellect, disposition, itself: --device, mind, thought .

3563 + mind + minds + in mind + the mind + of my mind + their mind + is the mind + understanding + of their mind + with the mind + but my understanding + with my understanding + he their understanding + with the understanding + up by his fleshly mind +/ . nous {nooce}; probably from the base of 1097 + knew + know + Know + Canst + known + I know + ye can + I knew + knoweth + knowing + knowest + we know + it knew + so know + Knowing + to know + I allow + ye know + he knew + he know + and know + But know + may know + And knew + be known + is known + not know + men know + man knew + perceive + and knew + hand know + was known + are known + thou know + perceived + understood + shall know + But I know + thou speak + hath known + and I know + be ye sure + have known + we do know + and to know + they that have known 1097- for he knew + And to know + For ye know + not knoweth + and knoweth + things know + But ye know + For he knew + For we know + when I know + they that have known 1097- and knowest + And knowest + should know + to pass know + thou knewest + shall I know + Let him know + that we know + him and know + and are sure + thou knowest + ye had known + he was known + shall ye know + had knowledge + for they knew + Understandest + he shall know + ye have known + and will know + we would know + I am resolved + ye shall know + we have known + they perceived + have not known + unto them Know + when they knew + hath not known + they have known + he that knoweth + That I may know + man should know + I had not known + They understood + for us who knew + that we may know + that ye may know + And when he knew + thou hadst known + would have known + But he that knew + thing he knoweth + unto you to know + And ye shall know + me for I perceive + that I might know + And we have known + then will ye know + to them that know + up ; and she felt + shall it be known + things understood + for they perceived + that he might know + and hast not known + for had they known + And when they knew + that ye shall know + they have not known + but thou shalt know + that when they knew + them and have known + have they not known + when he is not aware + that they might know + that he is not aware + do ye not understand + my sheep and am known + thee but I have known + things ; thou knowest + Yet ye have not known + is there that knoweth + but that ye might know + me ye should have known + to you that ye may know + and they have not known + that shall not be known + and thou shalt not know + after that ye have known + purpose that he might know + purpose that ye might know + because he would have known + And when I would have known + unto them but they understood + thee that thou shouldest know + But I would ye should understand + unto them It is not for you to know + Because that thou mayest understand + with you and yet hast thou not known +/ ; the intellect, i .e . mind (divine or human; in thought, feeling, or will); by implication meaning: --mind, understanding . Compare 5590 + life + Soul + soul + mind + minds + souls + lives + a soul + my life + my soul + My soul + The life + thy soul + and soul + the soul + his life + our lives + I my life + the souls + and souls + is my soul + to my soul + man s life + their lives + as thy soul + their minds + us to doubt + it heartily + of the soul + for his soul + upon my soul + thy own soul + his own soul + of our lives + down my life + of your souls + down his life + down thy life + that thy soul + that his soul + from the heart + Is not the life + asunder of soul + not their lives + have for my life + unto them My soul + he unto them My soul + the keeping of their souls + not yourselves ; for his life + unto them and I saw the souls +/ .

3686 + name + name + named + names + a name + called + by name + My name + my name + own name + thy name + his name + His name + the name + of names + his name + the names + and names + man named + in my name + In my name + was a name + him a name + whose name + to his name + in thy name + he surnamed + in his name + is his name + by the name + on the name + of his name + on thy name + in the name + In the name + is thy name + to the name + be thy name + And the name + and his name + fast my name + out his name + and the name + For the name + for his name + for the name + and her name + And his name + That the name + upon the name + that the name + unto thy name + for my name s + of them named + for one called + unto one named + and he surnamed + which was named + and in thy name + And in his name + thing in my name + them in the name + that by the name + them in thy name + thee in the name + men for my name s + upon him the name + and for my name s + I thee In the name + unto them thy name + shame for his name + that for his name s + and in them the names + unto you for my name s + one of you in the name + of him ; ( for his name + in thee and that my name +/ . onoma {on'-om-ah}; from a presumed derivative of the base of 1097 + knew + know + Know + Canst + known + I know + ye can + I knew + knoweth + knowing + knowest + we know + it knew + so know + Knowing + to know + I allow + ye know + he knew + he know + and know + But know + may know + And knew + be known + is known + not know + men know + man knew + perceive + and knew + hand know + was known + are known + thou know + perceived + understood + shall know + But I know + thou speak + hath known + and I know + be ye sure + have known + we do know + and to know + they that have known 1097- for he knew + And to know + For ye know + not knoweth + and knoweth + things know + But ye know + For he knew + For we know + when I know + they that have known 1097- and knowest + And knowest + should know + to pass know + thou knewest + shall I know + Let him know + that we know + him and know + and are sure + thou knowest + ye had known + he was known + shall ye know + had knowledge + for they knew + Understandest + he shall know + ye have known + and will know + we would know + I am resolved + ye shall know + we have known + they perceived + have not known + unto them Know + when they knew + hath not known + they have known + he that knoweth + That I may know + man should know + I had not known + They understood + for us who knew + that we may know + that ye may know + And when he knew + thou hadst known + would have known + But he that knew + thing he knoweth + unto you to know + And ye shall know + me for I perceive + that I might know + And we have known + then will ye know + to them that know + up ; and she felt + shall it be known + things understood + for they perceived + that he might know + and hast not known + for had they known + And when they knew + that ye shall know + they have not known + but thou shalt know + that when they knew + them and have known + have they not known + when he is not aware + that they might know + that he is not aware + do ye not understand + my sheep and am known + thee but I have known + things ; thou knowest + Yet ye have not known + is there that knoweth + but that ye might know + me ye should have known + to you that ye may know + and they have not known + that shall not be known + and thou shalt not know + after that ye have known + purpose that he might know + purpose that ye might know + because he would have known + And when I would have known + unto them but they understood + thee that thou shouldest know + But I would ye should understand + unto them It is not for you to know + Because that thou mayest understand + with you and yet hast thou not known +/ (compare 3685 + let me have joy +/ ); a "name" (literally or figuratively) [authority, character]: --called, (+ sur-)name(-d) .

3912 + as a fool +/ . paraphroneo {par-af-ron-eh'-o}; from 3844 + at + more + nigh + side + than + above + among + it at + before + down at + against + contrary + them before + that she had + them down at + stripes save + in the sight + unto you than + of himself more + when she was past + And when his friends + that which is against + unto him and he was nigh + such things as they give +/ and 5426 + Set + mind + care + Mind + minded + do mind + careful + to think + regardeth + let us mind + but to think + I understood + thou thinkest + for me to think + He that regardeth + he doth not regard + for thou savourest + in us not to think + and he that regardeth + that ye be likeminded + unto me for thou savourest +/ ; to misthink, i .e . be insane (silly): --as a fool .

4065 + despise +/ . periphroneo {per-ee-fron-eh'-o}; from 4012 + at + on + how + over + above + About + about + state + estate + behalf + Against + against + company + affairs + touching + out about + And about + man about + concerning + Concerning + As touching + our affairs + as touching + thee touching + them Touching + As concerning + of such manner + him concerning + and they about + And as touching + But as touching + them concerning + and his company + For as touching + thing concerning + for as concerning + things concerning + and also concerning + unto you concerning + unto him Concerning + unto them and about + things which concern + they that were about + that were hired about + the things concerning + for himself concerning + of the things pertaining + it not to you concerning + for the things concerning + When they which were about + of the things which concern +/ and 5426 + Set + mind + care + Mind + minded + do mind + careful + to think + regardeth + let us mind + but to think + I understood + thou thinkest + for me to think + He that regardeth + he doth not regard + for thou savourest + in us not to think + and he that regardeth + that ye be likeminded + unto me for thou savourest +/ ; to think beyond, i .e . depreciate (contemn): --despise .

4267 + Which knew + he foreknew + seeing ye know + he did foreknow + was foreordained + these things before +/ . proginosko {prog-in-oce'-ko}; from 4253 + ago + ever + above + before + us before + And above + of before + But above + me before + you before + was before + But before + For before + were before + which before + him and we or + him for before + unto him Before + with you before + And he is before + us in him before + with thee before + that were before +/ and 1097 + knew + know + Know + Canst + known + I know + ye can + I knew + knoweth + knowing + knowest + we know + it knew + so know + Knowing + to know + I allow + ye know + he knew + he know + and know + But know + may know + And knew + be known + is known + not know + men know + man knew + perceive + and knew + hand know + was known + are known + thou know + perceived + understood + shall know + But I know + thou speak + hath known + and I know + be ye sure + have known + we do know + and to know + they that have known 1097- for he knew + And to know + For ye know + not knoweth + and knoweth + things know + But ye know + For he knew + For we know + when I know + they that have known 1097- and knowest + And knowest + should know + to pass know + thou knewest + shall I know + Let him know + that we know + him and know + and are sure + thou knowest + ye had known + he was known + shall ye know + had knowledge + for they knew + Understandest + he shall know + ye have known + and will know + we would know + I am resolved + ye shall know + we have known + they perceived + have not known + unto them Know + when they knew + hath not known + they have known + he that knoweth + That I may know + man should know + I had not known + They understood + for us who knew + that we may know + that ye may know + And when he knew + thou hadst known + would have known + But he that knew + thing he knoweth + unto you to know + And ye shall know + me for I perceive + that I might know + And we have known + then will ye know + to them that know + up ; and she felt + shall it be known + things understood + for they perceived + that he might know + and hast not known + for had they known + And when they knew + that ye shall know + they have not known + but thou shalt know + that when they knew + them and have known + have they not known + when he is not aware + that they might know + that he is not aware + do ye not understand + my sheep and am known + thee but I have known + things ; thou knowest + Yet ye have not known + is there that knoweth + but that ye might know + me ye should have known + to you that ye may know + and they have not known + that shall not be known + and thou shalt not know + after that ye have known + purpose that he might know + purpose that ye might know + because he would have known + And when I would have known + unto them but they understood + thee that thou shouldest know + But I would ye should understand + unto them It is not for you to know + Because that thou mayest understand + with you and yet hast thou not known +/ ; to know beforehand, i .e . foresee: --foreknow (ordain), know (before) .

4306 + Provide + provide + Providing +/ . pronoeo {pron-o-eh'-o}; from 4253 + ago + ever + above + before + us before + And above + of before + But above + me before + you before + was before + But before + For before + were before + which before + him and we or + him for before + unto him Before + with you before + And he is before + us in him before + with thee before + that were before +/ and 3539 + think + perceive + Consider + understand + we understand + being understood + let him understand + Do ye not perceive + is it that ye do not understand +/ ; to consider in advance, i .e . look out for beforehand (actively, by way of maintenance for others; middle voice by way of circumspection for oneself): --provide (for) .

4441 + enquire + enquired + for I ask + and asked + they asked + he demanded + by he asked + and demanded + to him that he should ask + he was . And when he understood +/ . punthanomai {poon-than'-om-ahee}; middle voice prolonged from a primary putho (which occurs only as an alternate in certain tenses); to question, i .e . ascertain by inquiry (as a matter of information merely; and thus differing from 2065 + I beseech 2065- I beseech 2065- ask + pray + asked + prayed + I pray + to ask + asking + man ask + desired + will ask + he asked + besought + and asked + to desire + it I pray + beseeching + we beseech + and prayed + and desired + them I pray + and besought + ye shall ask + and desireth + And I intreat + of you asketh + man should ask + And we beseech + And they asked + day ) besought + for them I pray + And I will pray + and she besought + When they desired + and they besought + that he shall pray + them out and desired + unto him and besought + unto him they besought + me unto him and prayed + not unto you that I will pray +/ , which properly means a request as a favor; and from 0154 + ask + Ask + Ye ask + ye ask + to ask + askest + we ask + he ask + require + desired + I desire + shall ask + he called + to desire + ye desire + and asked + requiring + and craved + and begged + me desiring + that we ask + And desired + let him ask + shall I ask + and desired + they desired + he shall ask + ye shall ask + And he asked + unto you Ask + she would ask + thou wilt ask + have ye asked + thou shalt ask + man that asketh + that we desired + But let him ask + one that asketh + we shall desire + to them that ask + him and desiring + they had desired + to him that asketh + in him yet desired + in you ye shall ask + that they should ask + of him they will ask + for you and to desire + things to them that ask + thou wouldest have asked + thing that they shall ask +/ , which is strictly a demand for something due; as well as from 2212 + go + seek + goeth + about + I seek + sought + seeketh + ye seek + seekest + Ye seek + to seek + seeking + men seek + And seek + and seek + required + ye about + But seek + desiring + do I seek + and going + they seek + he sought + him sought + you ; seek + were about + And I seek + and sought + gifts seek + shall seek + and seeketh + and enquire + they sought + but ye seek + let him seek + that ye seek + them seeking + it and sought + And he sought + Ye shall seek + while we seek + and they seek + we endeavoured + it is required + And they sought + and they sought + have been sought + And as they went + with him seeking + unto you Ye seek + and I have sought + to you for I seek + things not seeking + unto you will seek + for him and seeking + and he that seeketh + but he that seeketh + of them that sought + is it that ye sought + But when they sought + things And he desired + That they should seek + unto them Do ye enquire + itself unseemly seeketh + with you . Ye shall seek + my way and ye shall seek + there is one that seeketh +/ , which implies a search for something hidden; and from 1189 + pray + Pray + I pray + Making + praying + Praying + request + besought + and pray + I beseech + and prayed + and besought + But I beseech + and I beseech + And I besought + But I have prayed + And when they had prayed +/ , which involves the idea of urgent need); by implication, to learn (by casual intelligence): --ask, demand, enquire, understand .

4774 + by permission +/ . suggnome {soong-gno'-may}; from a compound of 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 1097 + knew + know + Know + Canst + known + I know + ye can + I knew + knoweth + knowing + knowest + we know + it knew + so know + Knowing + to know + I allow + ye know + he knew + he know + and know + But know + may know + And knew + be known + is known + not know + men know + man knew + perceive + and knew + hand know + was known + are known + thou know + perceived + understood + shall know + But I know + thou speak + hath known + and I know + be ye sure + have known + we do know + and to know + they that have known 1097- for he knew + And to know + For ye know + not knoweth + and knoweth + things know + But ye know + For he knew + For we know + when I know + they that have known 1097- and knowest + And knowest + should know + to pass know + thou knewest + shall I know + Let him know + that we know + him and know + and are sure + thou knowest + ye had known + he was known + shall ye know + had knowledge + for they knew + Understandest + he shall know + ye have known + and will know + we would know + I am resolved + ye shall know + we have known + they perceived + have not known + unto them Know + when they knew + hath not known + they have known + he that knoweth + That I may know + man should know + I had not known + They understood + for us who knew + that we may know + that ye may know + And when he knew + thou hadst known + would have known + But he that knew + thing he knoweth + unto you to know + And ye shall know + me for I perceive + that I might know + And we have known + then will ye know + to them that know + up ; and she felt + shall it be known + things understood + for they perceived + that he might know + and hast not known + for had they known + And when they knew + that ye shall know + they have not known + but thou shalt know + that when they knew + them and have known + have they not known + when he is not aware + that they might know + that he is not aware + do ye not understand + my sheep and am known + thee but I have known + things ; thou knowest + Yet ye have not known + is there that knoweth + but that ye might know + me ye should have known + to you that ye may know + and they have not known + that shall not be known + and thou shalt not know + after that ye have known + purpose that he might know + purpose that ye might know + because he would have known + And when I would have known + unto them but they understood + thee that thou shouldest know + But I would ye should understand + unto them It is not for you to know + Because that thou mayest understand + with you and yet hast thou not known +/ ; fellow knowledge, i .e . concession: --permission .

4827 + unto his fellowdisciples +/ . summathetes {soom-math-ay-tace'}; from a compound of 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 3129 + learn + I learn + learned + learning + may learn + they learn + yet learned + ye and learn + let them learn + ye have learned + and hath learned + thou hast learned + for I have learned + upon you and learn + him having understood + sakes ; that ye might learn +/ ; a co-learner (of Christianity): --fellow disciple .

4907 + my knowledge + understanding + of understanding + the understanding + his understanding + thee understanding +/ . sunesis {soon'-es-is}; from 4920 + understand + understood + are not wise + understanding + and understand + shall understand + and understandeth + but understanding + and not understand + do they understand + that understandeth + And they understood + For they considered + and should understand + would have understood + them but they understood + and shall not understand + one of you and understand + they might not understand + that they might understand + unto them Have ye understood + is it that ye do not understand +/ ; a mental putting together, i .e . intelligence or (concretely) the intellect: --knowledge, understanding .

4908 + a prudent + and prudent + of the prudent +/ . sunetos {soon-et'-os}; from 4920 + understand + understood + are not wise + understanding + and understand + shall understand + and understandeth + but understanding + and not understand + do they understand + that understandeth + And they understood + For they considered + and should understand + would have understood + them but they understood + and shall not understand + one of you and understand + they might not understand + that they might understand + unto them Have ye understood + is it that ye do not understand +/ ; mentally put (or putting) together, i .e . sagacious: --prudent . Compare 5429 + wise + wiser + and wise + as to wise + But the wise + unto the wise + him unto a wise + ye should be wise + of them were wise + sake but ye are wise + estate . Be not wise + seeing ye yourselves are wise +/ .

4920 + understand + understood + are not wise + understanding + and understand + shall understand + and understandeth + but understanding + and not understand + do they understand + that understandeth + And they understood + For they considered + and should understand + would have understood + them but they understood + and shall not understand + one of you and understand + they might not understand + that they might understand + unto them Have ye understood + is it that ye do not understand +/ . suniemi {soon-ee'-ay-mee}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and hiemi (to send); to put together, i .e . (mentally) to comprehend; by implication, to act piously: --consider, understand, be wise .

5252 + highly +/ . huperphroneo {hoop-er-fron-eh'-o}; from 5228 + on + more + than + over + above + stead + behalf + is above + us is on + the very + exceeding + them very + I am more + but above + our behalf + concerning + of me above + mind toward + is not above + of men above + in the behalf + yea and beyond + with me that in thy stead +/ and 5426 + Set + mind + care + Mind + minded + do mind + careful + to think + regardeth + let us mind + but to think + I understood + thou thinkest + for me to think + He that regardeth + he doth not regard + for thou savourest + in us not to think + and he that regardeth + that ye be likeminded + unto me for thou savourest +/ ; to esteem oneself overmuch, i .e . be vain or arrogant: --think more highly .

5282 + think + deemed + of such things as I supposed +/ . huponoeo {hoop-on-o-eh'-o}; from 5259 + into + under + among + as under + is under + it under + but under + are under + were under + to be under + But is under + as are under + things under + which is under + ye are not under + we are not under + them that are under + them that were under + to them that are under + out of the one part under + unto the other part under + over you for ye are not under +/ and 3539 + think + perceive + Consider + understand + we understand + being understood + let him understand + Do ye not perceive + is it that ye do not understand +/ ; to think under (privately), i .e . to surmise or conjecture: --think, suppose, deem .

5426 + Set + mind + care + Mind + minded + do mind + careful + to think + regardeth + let us mind + but to think + I understood + thou thinkest + for me to think + He that regardeth + he doth not regard + for thou savourest + in us not to think + and he that regardeth + that ye be likeminded + unto me for thou savourest +/ . phroneo {fron-eh'-o}; from 5424 + in understanding + but in understanding +/ ; to exercise the mind, i .e . entertain or have a sentiment or opinion; by implication, to be (mentally) disposed (more or less earnestly in a certain direction); intensively, to interest oneself in (with concern or obedience): --set the affection on, (be) care(-ful), (be like-, + be of one, + be of the same, + let this) mind(-ed), regard, savour, think .

5427 + mind + minded + is the mind +/ . phronema {fron'-ay-mah}; from 5426 + Set + mind + care + Mind + minded + do mind + careful + to think + regardeth + let us mind + but to think + I understood + thou thinkest + for me to think + He that regardeth + he doth not regard + for thou savourest + in us not to think + and he that regardeth + that ye be likeminded + unto me for thou savourest +/ ; (mental) inclination or purpose: --(be, + be carnally, + be spiritually) mind(-ed) .

5428 + and prudence + to the wisdom +/ . phronesis {fron'-ay-sis}; from 5426 + Set + mind + care + Mind + minded + do mind + careful + to think + regardeth + let us mind + but to think + I understood + thou thinkest + for me to think + He that regardeth + he doth not regard + for thou savourest + in us not to think + and he that regardeth + that ye be likeminded + unto me for thou savourest +/ ; mental action or activity, i .e . intellectual or moral insight: --prudence, wisdom .