taches 035 011 Exo /^{taches /and his boards ,
his bars , his pillars , and his sockets ,

taches 026 006 Exo /^{taches /and it shall be
one tabernacle .

taches 039 033 Exo /^{taches /his boards , his
bars , and his pillars , and his sockets ,

taches 026 011 Exo /^{taches /into the loops ,
and couple the tent together, that it may be one .

taches 026 011 Exo /^{taches /of brass , and
put the taches into the loops , and couple the tent together,
that it may be one .

taches 036 018 Exo /^{taches /of brass to
couple the tent together , that it might be one .

taches 026 006 Exo /^{taches /of gold , and
couple the curtains together with the taches : and it shall be
one tabernacle .

taches 036 013 Exo /^{taches /of gold , and
coupled the curtains one unto another with the taches : so it
became one tabernacle .

taches 036 013 Exo /^{taches /so it became one
tabernacle .

taches 026 033 Exo /^{taches /that thou mayest
bring in thither within the vail the ark of the testimony : and
the vail shall divide unto you between the holy place and the
most holy .
