Star Interlinear Index Study

Star NUM 024 017 I shall see <07200 +ra>ah > him , but not now
<06258 + : I shall behold <07789 +shuwr > him , but not
nigh <07126 +qarab > : there shall come <01869 +darak > a {Star}
<03556 +kowkab > out of Jacob <03290 +Ya , and a Sceptre
<07626 +shebet > shall rise <06965 +quwm > out of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > , and shall smite <04272 +machats > the corners
<06285 +pe>ah > of Moab <04124 +Mow>ab > , and destroy <06979
+quwr > all <03605 +kol > the children <01121 +ben > of Sheth
<08352 +Sheth > .

star AMO 005 026 But ye have borne <05375 +nasa> > the
tabernacle <05522 +cikkuwth > of your Moloch <04432 +Molek > and
Chiun <03594 +Kiyuwn > your images <06754 +tselem > , the {star}
<03556 +kowkab > of your god <00430 +>elohiym > , which <00834
+>aher > ye made <06213 + to yourselves .

star MAT 002 002 Saying <3004 -lego -> , Where <4226 -pou -> is
he that is born <5088 -tikto -> King <0935 -basileus -> of the
Jews <2453 -Ioudaios -> ? for we have seen <1492 -eido -> his
{star} <0792 -aster -> in the east <0395 -anatole -> , and are
come <2064 -erchomai -> to worship <4352 -proskuneo -> him .

star MAT 002 007 Then <5119 -tote -> Herod <2264 -Herodes -> ,
when he had privily <2977 -lathra -> called <2564 -kaleo -> the
wise <3097 -magos -> men , enquired <0198 -akriboo -> of them
diligently what <3588 -ho -> time <5550 -chronos -> the {star}
<0792 -aster -> appeared <5316 -phaino -> .

star MAT 002 009 . When they had heard <0191 -akouo -> the king
<0935 -basileus -> , they departed <4198 -poreuomai -> ; and ,
lo <2400 -idou -> , the {star} <0792 -aster -> , which <3739 -
hos -> they saw <1492 -eido -> in the east <0395 -anatole -> ,
went <4254 -proago -> before <4254 -proago -> them , till <2193 -
heos -> it came <2064 -erchomai -> and stood <2476 -histemi ->
over <1883 -epano -> where <3757 -hou -> the young <3813 -
paidion -> child <3813 -paidion -> was .

star MAT 002 010 When they saw <1492 -eido -> the {star} <0792 -
aster -> , they rejoiced <5463 -chairo -> with exceeding <4970 -
sphodra -> great <3173 -megas -> joy <5479 -chara -> .

star ACT 007 043 Yea <2532 -kai -> , ye took <0353 -analambano -
> up the tabernacle <4633 -skene -> of Moloch <3434 -Moloch -> ,
and the {star} <0798 -astron -> of your <5216 -humon -> god
<2316 -theos -> Remphan <4481 -Rhemphan -> , figures <5179 -
tupos -> which <3739 -hos -> ye made <4160 -poieo -> to worship
<4352 -proskuneo -> them : and I will carry <3351 -metoikizo ->
you away <3351 -metoikizo -> beyond <1900 -epekeina -> Babylon
<0897 -Babulon -> .

star 1CO 015 041 [ There is ] one <0243 -allos -> glory <1391 -
doxa -> of the sun <2246 -helios -> , and another <0243 -allos -
> glory <1391 -doxa -> of the moon <4582 -selene -> , and
another <0243 -allos -> glory <1391 -doxa -> of the stars <0792 -
aster -> : for [ one ] star <0792 -aster -> differeth <1308 -
diaphero -> from [ another ] {star} <0792 -aster -> in glory
<1391 -doxa -> .

star 1CO 015 041 [ There is ] one <0243 -allos -> glory <1391 -
doxa -> of the sun <2246 -helios -> , and another <0243 -allos -
> glory <1391 -doxa -> of the moon <4582 -selene -> , and
another <0243 -allos -> glory <1391 -doxa -> of the stars <0792 -
aster -> : for [ one ] {star} <0792 -aster -> differeth <1308 -
diaphero -> from [ another ] star <0792 -aster -> in glory <1391
-doxa -> .

star 2PE 001 019 . We have <2192 -echo -> also <2532 -kai -> a
more sure <0949 -bebaios -> word <3056 -logos -> of prophecy
<4397 -prophetikos -> ; whereunto <3739 -hos -> ye do <4160 -
poieo -> well <2573 -kalos -> that ye take heed <0433 -aneko -> ,
as unto a light <3088 -luchnos -> that shineth <5316 -phaino ->
in a dark <0850 -auchmeros -> place <5117 -topos -> , until
<2193 -heos -> the day <2250 -hemera -> dawn <1306 -diaugazo -> ,
and the day <5459 -phosphoros -> {star} <5459 -phosphoros ->
arise <0393 -anatello -> in your <5216 -humon -> hearts <2588 -
kardia -> :

star REV 002 028 And I will give <1325 -didomi -> him the
morning <4407 -proinos -> {star} <0792 -aster -> .

star REV 008 010 And the third <5154 -tritos -> angel <0032 -
aggelos -> sounded <4537 -salpizo -> , and there fell <4098 -
pipto -> a great <3173 -megas -> {star} <0792 -aster -> from
heaven <3772 -ouranos -> , burning <2545 -kaio -> as it were a
lamp <2985 -lampas -> , and it fell <4098 -pipto -> upon the
third <5154 -tritos -> part of the rivers <4215 -potamos -> ,
and upon the fountains <4077 -pege -> of waters <5204 -hudor -> ;

star REV 008 011 And the name <3686 -onoma -> of the {star}
<0792 -aster -> is called <3004 -lego -> Wormwood <0894 -
apsinthos -> : and the third <5154 -tritos -> part of the waters
<5204 -hudor -> became <1519 -eis -> wormwood <0894 -apsinthos -
> ; and many <4183 -polus -> men <0444 -anthropos -> died <0599 -
apothnesko -> of the waters <5204 -hudor -> , because <3754 -
hoti -> they were made <4087 -pikraino -> bitter <4087 -pikraino
-> .

star REV 009 001 . And the fifth <3991 -pemptos -> angel <0032 -
aggelos -> sounded <4537 -salpizo -> , and I saw <1492 -eido ->
a {star} <0792 -aster -> fall <4098 -pipto -> from heaven <3772 -
ouranos -> unto the earth <1093 -ge -> : and to him was given
<1325 -didomi -> the key <2807 -kleis -> of the bottomless <0012
-abussos -> pit <5421 -phrear -> .

star REV 022 016 I Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> have sent <3992 -pempo
-> mine <3450 -mou -> angel <0032 -aggelos -> to testify <3140 -
martureo -> unto you these <5023 -tauta -> things in the
churches <1577 -ekklesia -> . I am <1510 -eimi -> the root <4491
-rhiza -> and the offspring <1085 -genos -> of David <1138 -
Dabid -> , [ and ] the bright <2986 -lampros -> and morning
<3720 -orthrinos -> {star} <0792 -aster -> .
