babylon for their transgression <1CH9 -:1 >

barnabas had no small dissension

because by this deed thou hast given great occasion <2SA12 -:
14 >

because he had compassion on his people <2CH36 -:15 >

because he maketh intercession for

blood is no remission

brought low through oppression

but behold oppression

but by occasion <2CO8 -:8 >

but give you occasion <2CO5 -:12 >

but rather division

but they could find none occasion nor fault

but unto us confusion

but ye are come unto mount sion

christ jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing 15 >

confusion is broken down

confusion they shall rejoice

confusion together

confusion together

derision daily

derision unto thee

division among

division among them

division between my people

division therefore again among

every vision faileth

find occasion against daniel concerning

for circumcision verily profiteth

for there shall be no more any vain vision nor flattering
divination within

for this cause god shall send them strong delusion <2TH2 -:11 >

for ye have compassion on me <1SA23 -:21 >

from which judas by transgression fell

gave them provision for

give them compassion before them who carried them captive <1KI8
-:50 >

give them provision for

good profession before many witnesses <1TI6 -:12 >

grievous vision is declared unto me

had compassion on them <2KI13 -:23 >

had no compassion upon young man or maiden <2CH36 -:17 >

hath had compassion on thee

have compassion on

have compassion on

have compassion on them

have compassion on us

have compassion upon thee

have compassion upon thee

have compassion upon thee

having compassion one <1PE3 -:8 >

he had compassion on her

he have cast them away for their transgression

he may seek occasion against us

he prepared great provision for them <2KI6 -:23 >

he sought an occasion against

he was moved with compassion on them

he will have compassion upon us

her occasion who can turn her away

her prophets also find no vision from

himself what this vision which he had seen should mean :17 >

jesus christ neither circumcision availeth any thing >

let them cover themselves with their own confusion 29 >

make confession unto him

make intercession for them

make not provision for

may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion <2CO11 -:
12 >

moses therefore gave unto you circumcision

mouth confession is made unto salvation

my vision by night

now therefore make confession unto

our confusion covereth us

our provision out

shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision -:26 >

shall not uncircumcision which is by nature

shall ye return every man unto his possession

she had compassion on him

she should not have compassion on

shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant

show my people their transgression

so jesus had compassion

so saul died for his transgression which he committed against
<1CH10 -:13 >

solomon's provision for one day was thirty measures <1KI4 -:22

some have compassion

speak this by permission <1CO7 -:6 >

speaking oppression

spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which
cannot be uttered

surely oppression maketh

take possession <1KI21 -:15 >

take possession <1KI21 -:16 >

take possession among us

taking occasion by

taking occasion by

thee have they dealt by oppression with

their derision

their perpetual possession

their possession <2CH11 -:14 >

their possession

their possession

their possession

their possession

their possession

their possession among

their possession by inheritance

their possession cities

their provision was dry

their transgression

there is none occasion <1JO2 -:10 >

they have wrought confusion

they may have compassion on them <1KI8 -:50 >

they shall be your possession

thine own confusion <1SA20 -:30 >

this jubilee ye shall return every man unto his possession

this land shall be your possession before

this persuasion

thou do as occasion serve thee <1SA10 -:7 >

thou shalt be far from oppression

thy circumcision is made uncircumcision

thy possession <2CH20 -:11 >

thy possession

turn from transgression

vision appeared

vision appeared unto me

vision at

vision by

vision evidently about

vision my sorrows are turned upon me

vision which

visit their transgression with

was moved with compassion toward them

was moved with compassion toward them

we made an invasion <1SA30 -:14 >

we shall not find any occasion against this daniel

which have appointed my land into their possession with -:5 >

which thou shalt have occasion

who also maketh intercession for us

who are called uncircumcision by

who can have compassion on

whole city was filled with confusion

wholly oppression

whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many
infallible proofs

why dost thou not pardon my transgression

will abundantly bless her provision

will have compassion

will have compassion on whom

without any intermission

ye shall return every man unto his possession

yet will he have compassion according

your possession ye shall grant
