English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number.

English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number
since - 0575 ago, among, at, because, before, escape, forsake, off, on, {since}, space,

since - 1537 among, at, because, betwixt, off, on, over, reason, {since}, through,

since - 1893 because, else, forasmuch, otherwise, seeing, {since},

since - 1894 after, because, forasmuch, seeing, {since},

since - 3326 after, against, among, between, followed, setting, {since}, when, without,

since - 3739 another, because, one, other, others, {since}, this, what, whatsoever, when, whence, where, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereinto, whereof, whereon, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, which, while, whither, who, whom, whose, whosoever,

since - 5613 about, according, after, even, how, like, {since}, so, when, while, wit,

sincere - 0097 {sincere},

sincere - 1506 pure, {sincere},

sincerely - 0055 {sincerely},

sincerity - 0861 immortality, incorruption, {sincerity},

sincerity - 1103 naturally, own, {sincerity}, true,

sincerity - 1505 {sincerity},