Shallum Ezr_10_42 /^{Shallum /Amariah , and
Joseph .

Shallum 1Ch_09_17 /^{Shallum /and Akkub , and
Talmon , and Ahiman , and their brethren : Shallum was the chief

Shallum 2Ch_28_12 /^{Shallum /and Amasa the son
of Hadlai , stood up against them that came from the war ,

Shallum 2Ki_15_15 /^{Shallum /and his conspiracy
which he made , behold, they are written in the book of the
chronicles of the kings of Israel .

Shallum Ezr_10_24 /^{Shallum /and Telem , and
Uri .

Shallum 1Ch_06_13 /^{Shallum /begat Hilkiah ,
and Hilkiah begat Azariah ,

Shallum 1Ch_02_41 /^{Shallum /begat Jekamiah ,
and Jekamiah begat Elishama .

Shallum 1Ch_04_25 /^{Shallum /his son , Mibsam
his son , Mishma his son .

Shallum Neh_07_45 /^{Shallum /the children of
Ater , the children of Talmon , the children of Akkub , the
children of Hatita , the children of Shobai , an hundred thirty
and eight .

Shallum Ezr_02_42 /^{Shallum /the children of
Ater , the children of Talmon , the children of Akkub , the
children of Hatita , the children of Shobai , in all an hundred
thirty and nine .

Shallum Jer_35_04 /^{Shallum /the keeper of the
door :

Shallum 1Ch_09_31 /^{Shallum /the Korahite , had
the set office over the things that were made in the pans .

Shallum Neh_03_12 /^{Shallum /the son of
Halohesh , the ruler of the half part of Jerusalem , he and his
daughters .

Shallum 2Ki_15_13 /^{Shallum /the son of Jabesh
began to reign in the nine and thirtieth year of Uzziah king of
Judah ; and he reigned a full month in Samaria .

Shallum 2Ki_15_10 /^{Shallum /the son of Jabesh
conspired against him, and smote him before the people , and
slew him, and reigned in his stead.

Shallum 2Ki_15_14 /^{Shallum /the son of Jabesh
in Samaria , and slew him, and reigned in his stead.

Shallum Jer_22_11 /^{Shallum /the son of Josiah
king of Judah , which reigned instead of Josiah his father ,
which went forth out of this place ; He shall not return thither
any more:

Shallum 1Ch_09_19 /^{Shallum /the son of Kore ,
the son of Ebiasaph , the son of Korah , and his brethren , of
the house of his father , the Korahites , were over the work of
the service , keepers of the gates of the tabernacle : and their
fathers , being over the host of the LORD , were keepers of the
entry .

Shallum 2Ki_22_14 /^{Shallum /the son of Tikvah ,
the son of Harhas , keeper of the wardrobe ; in Jerusalem in the
college ; and they communed with her.

Shallum 2Ch_34_22 /^{Shallum /the son of Tikvath ,
the son of Hasrah , keeper of the wardrobe ; in Jerusalem in
the college : and they spake to her to that effect.

Shallum Ezr_07_02 /^{Shallum /the son of Zadok ,
the son of Ahitub ,

Shallum 1Ch_07_13 /^{Shallum /the sons of Bilhah

Shallum Jer_32_07 /^{Shallum /thine uncle shall
come unto thee, saying , Buy thee my field that is in Anathoth :
for the right of redemption is thine to buy it.

Shallum 1Ch_09_17 /^{Shallum /was the chief ;
