quicksands Act_27_17 /${quicksands /strake sail ,
and so were driven .

sand Isa_48_19 /^{sand /and the offspring of
thy bowels like the gravel thereof; his name should not have
been cut off nor destroyed from before me.

sand Jud_07_12 /^{sand /by the sea side for
multitude .

sand Jer_05_22 /^{sand /for the bound of the
sea by a perpetual decree , that it cannot pass it: and though
the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they not prevail ;
though they roar , yet can they not pass over it?

sand Rom_09_27 /${sand /of the sea , a
remnant shall be saved :

sand Rev_13_01 /${sand /of the sea , and saw
a beast rise up out of the sea , having seven heads and ten
horns , and upon his horns ten crowns , and upon his heads the
name of blasphemy .

sand Gen_41_49 /^{sand /of the sea , very
much , until he left numbering ; for it was without number .

sand Hos_01_10 /^{sand /of the sea , which
cannot be measured nor numbered ; and it shall come to pass,
that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my
people , there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of
the living God .

sand Gen_32_12 /^{sand /of the sea , which
cannot be numbered for multitude .

sand Isa_10_22 /^{sand /of the sea , yet a
remnant of them shall return : the consumption decreed shall
overflow with righteousness .

sand Rev_20_08 /${sand /of the sea .

sand Psa_78_27 /^{sand /of the sea :

sand Job_06_03 /^{sand /of the sea :
therefore my words are swallowed up .

sand Jer_33_22 /^{sand /of the sea measured :
so will I multiply the seed of David my servant , and the
Levites that minister unto me.

sand Jer_15_08 /^{sand /of the seas : I have
brought upon them against the mother of the young men a spoiler
at noonday : I have caused him to fall upon it suddenly , and
terrors upon the city .

sand 2Sa_17_11 /^{sand /that is by the sea for
multitude ; and that thou go to battle in thine own person .

sand 1Ki_04_29 /^{sand /that is on the sea
shore .

sand Jos_11_04 /^{sand /that is upon the sea
shore in multitude , with horses and chariots very many .

sand Pro_27_03 /^{sand /weighty ; but a
fool's wrath is heavier than them both .

sand Psa_139_18 /^{sand /when I awake , I am
still with thee.

sand 1Ki_04_20 /^{sand /which is by the sea
in multitude , eating and drinking , and making merry .

sand Heb_11_12 /${sand /which is by the sea
shore innumerable .

sand 1Sa_13_05 /^{sand /which is on the sea
shore in multitude : and they came up , and pitched in Michmash ,
eastward from Bethaven .

sand Gen_22_17 /^{sand /which is upon the sea
shore ; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies ;

sandals Mar_06_09 /${sandals /and not put on two
coats .

sandals Act_12_08 /${sandals /And so he did .
And he saith unto him , Cast thy garment about thee , and follow
me .

thousand 1Ki_05_14 /^{thousand /a month by
courses : a month they were in Lebanon , and two months at home :
and Adoniram was over the levy .

thousand Num_26_62 /^{thousand /all males from a
month old and upward : for they were not numbered among the
children of Israel , because there was no inheritance given them
among the children of Israel .

thousand 2Ki_24_16 /^{thousand /all that were
strong and apt for war , even them the king of Babylon brought
captive to Babylon .

thousand 2Ch_14_08 /^{thousand /all these were
mighty men of valour .

thousand Neh_07_08 /^{thousand /an hundred
seventy and two .

thousand Ezr_02_03 /^{thousand /an hundred
seventy and two .

thousand Isa_60_22 /^{thousand /and a small one a
strong nation : I the LORD will hasten it in his time .

thousand Jud_20_10 /^{thousand /and a thousand
out of ten thousand , to fetch victual for the people , that
they may do , when they come to Gibeah of Benjamin , according
to all the folly that they have wrought in Israel .

thousand Num_26_51 /^{thousand /and a thousand
seven hundred and thirty .

thousand Num_02_24 /^{thousand /and an hundred ,
throughout their armies . And they shall go forward in the third
rank .

thousand Jud_20_35 /^{thousand /and an hundred
men : all these drew the sword .

thousand 1Ch_21_05 /^{thousand /and an hundred
thousand men that drew sword : and Judah was four hundred
threescore and ten thousand men that drew sword .

thousand Eze_47_04 /^{thousand /and brought me
through ; the waters were to the loins .

thousand Eze_47_04 /^{thousand /and brought me
through the waters ; the waters were to the knees . Again he
measured a thousand , and brought me through ; the waters were
to the loins .

thousand 2Ki_24_16 /^{thousand /and craftsmen and
smiths a thousand , all that were strong and apt for war , even
them the king of Babylon brought captive to Babylon .

thousand 1Ch_12_30 /^{thousand /and eight hundred
, mighty men of valour , famous throughout the house of their
fathers .

thousand 1Ch_12_24 /^{thousand /and eight hundred
, ready armed to the war .

thousand Neh_07_11 /^{thousand /and eight hundred
and eighteen .

thousand Num_02_24 /^{thousand /and eight
thousand and an hundred , throughout their armies . And they
shall go forward in the third rank .

thousand Num_02_16 /^{thousand /and fifty and one
thousand and four hundred and fifty , throughout their armies .
And they shall set forth in the second rank .

thousand Num_02_31 /^{thousand /and fifty and
seven thousand and six hundred . They shall go hindmost with
their standards .

thousand 1Ki_04_32 /^{thousand /and five .

thousand Eze_48_16 /^{thousand /and five hundred ,
and on the east side four thousand and five hundred , and the
west side four thousand and five hundred .

thousand Eze_48_16 /^{thousand /and five hundred ,
and the south side four thousand and five hundred , and on the
east side four thousand and five hundred , and the west side
four thousand and five hundred .

thousand Eze_48_16 /^{thousand /and five hundred ,
and the west side four thousand and five hundred .

thousand 2Ch_26_13 /^{thousand /and five hundred ,
that made war with mighty power , to help the king against the
enemy .

thousand Eze_48_34 /^{thousand /and five hundred ,
with their three gates ; one gate of Gad , one gate of Asher ,
one gate of Naphtali .

thousand Num_01_21 /^{thousand /and five hundred .

thousand Num_26_18 /^{thousand /and five hundred .

thousand Num_02_28 /^{thousand /and five hundred .

thousand Num_02_11 /^{thousand /and five hundred .

thousand Num_02_19 /^{thousand /and five hundred .

thousand Num_26_27 /^{thousand /and five hundred .

thousand Num_26_22 /^{thousand /and five hundred .

thousand Num_03_22 /^{thousand /and five hundred .

thousand Eze_48_16 /^{thousand /and five hundred .

thousand Num_01_33 /^{thousand /and five hundred .

thousand Num_01_41 /^{thousand /and five hundred .

thousand Num_26_37 /^{thousand /and five hundred .
These are the sons of Joseph after their families .

thousand Eze_48_32 /^{thousand /and five hundred :
and three gates ; and one gate of Joseph , one gate of Benjamin
, one gate of Dan .

thousand Num_31_39 /^{thousand /and five hundred ;
of which the LORD'S tribute was threescore and one .

thousand Num_01_46 /^{thousand /and five hundred
and fifty .

thousand Num_02_32 /^{thousand /and five hundred
and fifty .

thousand Exo_38_26 /^{thousand /and five hundred
and fifty men.

thousand Num_04_48 /^{thousand /and five hundred
and fourscore .

thousand Eze_48_30 /^{thousand /and five hundred
measures .

thousand Eze_48_33 /^{thousand /and five hundred
measures : and three gates ; one gate of Simeon , one gate of
Issachar , one gate of Zebulun .

thousand Num_31_36 /^{thousand /and five hundred
sheep :

thousand Num_31_32 /^{thousand /and five thousand
sheep ,

thousand Num_02_09 /^{thousand /and four hundred ,
throughout their armies . These shall first set forth .

thousand Num_01_43 /^{thousand /and four hundred .

thousand Num_26_50 /^{thousand /and four hundred .

thousand Num_01_29 /^{thousand /and four hundred .

thousand Num_02_06 /^{thousand /and four hundred .

thousand Num_26_47 /^{thousand /and four hundred .

thousand Num_02_23 /^{thousand /and four hundred .

thousand Num_02_08 /^{thousand /and four hundred .

thousand Num_01_37 /^{thousand /and four hundred .

thousand Num_01_31 /^{thousand /and four hundred .

thousand Num_26_43 /^{thousand /and four hundred .

thousand Num_02_30 /^{thousand /and four hundred .

thousand Ezr_01_11 /^{thousand /and four hundred .
All these did Sheshbazzar bring up with them of the captivity
that were brought up from Babylon unto Jerusalem .

thousand Num_02_16 /^{thousand /and four hundred
and fifty , throughout their armies . And they shall set forth
in the second rank .

thousand 2Ch_01_14 /^{thousand /and four hundred
chariots , and twelve thousand horsemen , which he placed in the
chariot cities , and with the king at Jerusalem .

thousand 1Ki_10_26 /^{thousand /and four hundred
chariots , and twelve thousand horsemen , whom he bestowed in
the cities for chariots , and with the king at Jerusalem .

thousand Exo_38_29 /^{thousand /and four hundred
shekels .

thousand Num_07_85 /^{thousand /and four hundred
shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary :

thousand Num_02_09 /^{thousand /and fourscore
thousand and six thousand and four hundred , throughout their
armies . These shall first set forth .

thousand Mar_08_09 /${thousand /and he sent them
away .

thousand 1Sa_18_13 /^{thousand /and he went out
and came in before the people .

thousand Mat_16_10 /${thousand /and how many
baskets ye took up ?

thousand Mat_16_09 /${thousand /and how many
baskets ye took up ?

thousand Rev_09_16 /${thousand /and I heard the
number of them .

thousand Eze_45_03 /^{thousand /and in it shall
be the sanctuary and the most holy place.

thousand Eze_47_05 /^{thousand /and it was a
river that I could not pass over : for the waters were risen ,
waters to swim in , a river that could not be passed over .

thousand 1Sa_17_18 /^{thousand /and look how thy
brethren fare , and take their pledge .

thousand 1Ch_05_21 /^{thousand /and of asses two
thousand , and of men an hundred thousand .

thousand 1Ch_05_21 /^{thousand /and of men an
hundred thousand .

thousand 1Ch_05_21 /^{thousand /and of sheep two
hundred and fifty thousand , and of asses two thousand , and of
men an hundred thousand .

thousand 1Ch_12_25 /^{thousand /and one hundred .

thousand 2Ch_14_08 /^{thousand /and out of
Benjamin , that bare shields and drew bows , two hundred and
fourscore thousand : all these were mighty men of valour .

thousand Num_31_36 /^{thousand /and seven and
thirty thousand and five hundred sheep :

thousand Num_16_49 /^{thousand /and seven hundred
, beside them that died about the matter of Korah .

thousand 1Ch_26_30 /^{thousand /and seven hundred
, were officers among them of Israel on this side Jordan
westward in all the business of the LORD , and in the service of
the king .

thousand Num_26_34 /^{thousand /and seven hundred

thousand Num_02_26 /^{thousand /and seven hundred

thousand Num_01_39 /^{thousand /and seven hundred

thousand 1Ch_12_27 /^{thousand /and seven hundred

thousand Num_26_07 /^{thousand /and seven hundred
and thirty .

thousand 1Ch_09_13 /^{thousand /and seven hundred
and threescore ; very able men for the work of the service of
the house of God .

thousand 1Ch_26_32 /^{thousand /and seven hundred
chief fathers , whom king David made rulers over the Reubenites ,
the Gadites , and the half tribe of Manasseh , for every matter
pertaining to God , and affairs of the king .

thousand 2Ch_17_11 /^{thousand /and seven hundred
he goats .

thousand 2Ch_17_11 /^{thousand /and seven hundred
rams , and seven thousand and seven hundred he goats .

thousand Jud_08_26 /^{thousand /and seven hundred
shekels of gold ; beside ornaments , and collars , and purple
raiment that was on the kings of Midian , and beside the chains
that were about their camels necks .

thousand 2Ch_26_13 /^{thousand /and seven thousand
and five hundred , that made war with mighty power , to help the
king against the enemy .

thousand Ezr_02_39 /^{thousand /and seventeen .

thousand Neh_07_42 /^{thousand /and seventeen .

thousand Num_31_32 /^{thousand /and seventy
thousand and five thousand sheep ,

thousand Num_03_28 /^{thousand /and six hundred ,
keeping the charge of the sanctuary .

thousand 2Ch_26_12 /^{thousand /and six hundred .

thousand 2Ch_02_17 /^{thousand /and six hundred .

thousand Num_02_04 /^{thousand /and six hundred .

thousand Num_01_27 /^{thousand /and six hundred .

thousand Num_26_41 /^{thousand /and six hundred .

thousand 1Ch_12_26 /^{thousand /and six hundred .

thousand 1Ch_12_35 /^{thousand /and six hundred .

thousand 1Ch_07_02 /^{thousand /and six hundred .

thousand Jer_52_30 /^{thousand /and six hundred .

thousand Num_02_31 /^{thousand /and six hundred .
They shall go hindmost with their standards .

thousand Num_02_15 /^{thousand /and six hundred
and fifty .

thousand Num_04_40 /^{thousand /and six hundred
and thirty .

thousand Ezr_02_35 /^{thousand /and six hundred
and thirty .

thousand Rev_14_20 /${thousand /and six hundred
furlongs .

thousand 2Ch_02_18 /^{thousand /and six hundred
overseers to set the people a work .

thousand 2Ch_35_08 /^{thousand /and six hundred
small cattle, and three hundred oxen .

thousand 2Ch_02_02 /^{thousand /and six hundred to
oversee them.

thousand Num_02_09 /^{thousand /and six thousand
and four hundred , throughout their armies . These shall first
set forth .

thousand Eze_45_03 /^{thousand /and the breadth
of ten thousand : and in it shall be the sanctuary and the most
holy place.

thousand Eze_48_13 /^{thousand /and the breadth
ten thousand .

thousand 1Sa_11_08 /^{thousand /and the men of
Judah thirty thousand .

thousand Rev_11_13 /${thousand /and the remnant
were affrighted , and gave glory to the God of heaven .

thousand Jud_07_03 /^{thousand /and there
remained ten thousand .

thousand 1Ch_07_07 /^{thousand /and thirty and
four .

thousand Son_08_12 /^{thousand /and those that
keep the fruit thereof two hundred .

thousand Rev_05_11 /${thousand /and thousands of
thousands ;

thousand 1Ki_05_16 /^{thousand /and three hundred
, which ruled over the people that wrought in the work .

thousand Num_26_25 /^{thousand /and three hundred

thousand Num_01_23 /^{thousand /and three hundred

thousand Num_02_13 /^{thousand /and three hundred

thousand 2Ch_14_09 /^{thousand /and three hundred
chariots ; and came unto Mareshah .

thousand Dan_08_14 /^{thousand /and three hundred
days ; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed .

thousand Num_02_32 /^{thousand /and three
thousand and five hundred and fifty .

thousand Num_01_46 /^{thousand /and three
thousand and five hundred and fifty .

thousand Exo_38_26 /^{thousand /and three
thousand and five hundred and fifty men.

thousand 2Ch_02_17 /^{thousand /and three thousand
and six hundred .

thousand 2Ch_35_07 /^{thousand /and three thousand
bullocks : these were of the king's substance .

thousand 1Sa_06_19 /^{thousand /and threescore
and ten men : and the people lamented , because the LORD had
smitten many of the people with a great slaughter .

thousand 2Ki_14_07 /^{thousand /and took Selah by
war , and called the name of it Joktheel unto this day .

thousand Num_04_44 /^{thousand /and two hundred .

thousand 1Ch_07_09 /^{thousand /and two hundred .

thousand Num_02_21 /^{thousand /and two hundred .

thousand Num_03_34 /^{thousand /and two hundred .

thousand Num_01_35 /^{thousand /and two hundred .

thousand Num_26_14 /^{thousand /and two hundred .

thousand Neh_07_71 /^{thousand /and two hundred
pound of silver .

thousand 1Ch_07_11 /^{thousand /and two hundred
soldiers, fit to go out for war and battle .

thousand Deu_32_30 /^{thousand /and two put ten
thousand to flight , except their Rock had sold them , and the
LORD had shut them up ?

thousand Mar_05_13 /${thousand /and were choked
in the sea .

thousand 2Ki_19_35 /^{thousand /and when they
arose early in the morning , behold, they were all dead corpses .

thousand Isa_37_36 /^{thousand /and when they
arose early in the morning , behold, they were all dead corpses .

thousand Num_31_05 /^{thousand /armed for war .

thousand Num_31_34 /^{thousand /asses ,

thousand Psa_91_07 /^{thousand /at thy right hand
; but it shall not come nigh thee.

thousand 2Ch_03_05 /^{thousand /baths .

thousand 1Ki_07_26 /^{thousand /baths .

thousand 2Ch_02_10 /^{thousand /baths of oil .

thousand 2Ch_02_10 /^{thousand /baths of wine ,
and twenty thousand baths of oil .

thousand Num_31_33 /^{thousand /beeves ,

thousand Eze_45_06 /^{thousand /broad , and five
and twenty thousand long , over against the oblation of the holy
portion: it shall be for the whole house of Israel .

thousand Son_04_04 /^{thousand /bucklers , all
shields of mighty men .

thousand 1Ch_29_21 /^{thousand /bullocks , a
thousand rams , and a thousand lambs , with their drink
offerings , and sacrifices in abundance for all Israel :

thousand 2Ch_35_07 /^{thousand /bullocks : these
were of the king's substance .

thousand 2Ch_30_24 /^{thousand /bullocks and seven
thousand sheep ; and the princes gave to the congregation a
thousand bullocks and ten thousand sheep : and a great number of
priests sanctified themselves.

thousand 2Ch_30_24 /^{thousand /bullocks and ten
thousand sheep : and a great number of priests sanctified

thousand 1Ki_03_04 /^{thousand /burnt offerings
did Solomon offer upon that altar .

thousand 2Ch_01_06 /^{thousand /burnt offerings
upon it.

thousand Est_09_16 /^{thousand /but they laid not
their hands on the prey ,

thousand Eze_48_20 /^{thousand /by five and
twenty thousand : ye shall offer the holy oblation foursquare ,
with the possession of the city .

thousand Job_42_12 /^{thousand /camels , and a
thousand yoke of oxen , and a thousand she asses .

thousand Job_01_03 /^{thousand /camels , and five
hundred yoke of oxen , and five hundred she asses , and a very
great household ; so that this man was the greatest of all the
men of the east .

thousand 1Ch_12_34 /^{thousand /captains , and
with them with shield and spear thirty and seven thousand .

thousand 2Ki_24_14 /^{thousand /captives , and all
the craftsmen and smiths : none remained , save the poorest sort
of the people of the land .

thousand Ezr_01_09 /^{thousand /chargers of
silver , nine and twenty knives ,

thousand 1Ch_18_04 /^{thousand /chariots , and
seven thousand horsemen , and twenty thousand footmen : David
also houghed all the chariot horses, but reserved of them an
hundred chariots .

thousand 1Sa_13_05 /^{thousand /chariots , and
six thousand horsemen , and people as the sand which is on the
sea shore in multitude : and they came up , and pitched in
Michmash , eastward from Bethaven .

thousand 1Ch_19_07 /^{thousand /chariots , and
the king of Maachah and his people ; who came and pitched before
Medeba . And the children of Ammon gathered themselves together
from their cities , and came to battle .

thousand 2Sa_08_04 /^{thousand /chariots, and
seven hundred horsemen , and twenty thousand footmen : and David
houghed all the chariot horses, but reserved of them for an
hundred chariots .

thousand 2Ch_25_05 /^{thousand /choice men, able
to go forth to war , that could handle spear and shield .

thousand 2Ch_13_03 /^{thousand /chosen men , being
mighty men of valour .

thousand 1Ki_12_21 /^{thousand /chosen men ,
which were warriors , to fight against the house of Israel , to
bring the kingdom again to Rehoboam the son of Solomon .

thousand 2Ch_13_17 /^{thousand /chosen men .

thousand 2Ch_13_03 /^{thousand /chosen men :
Jeroboam also set the battle in array against him with eight
hundred thousand chosen men , being mighty men of valour .

thousand 1Sa_26_02 /^{thousand /chosen men of
Israel with him, to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph .

thousand Jud_20_34 /^{thousand /chosen men out of
all Israel , and the battle was sore : but they knew not that
evil was near them.

thousand 1Sa_24_02 /^{thousand /chosen men out of
all Israel , and went to seek David and his men upon the rocks
of the wild goats .

thousand 2Ch_11_01 /^{thousand /chosen men, which
were warriors , to fight against Israel , that he might bring
the kingdom again to Rehoboam .

thousand Eze_47_03 /^{thousand /cubits , and he
brought me through the waters ; the waters were to the ankles .

thousand Num_35_05 /^{thousand /cubits , and on
the north side two thousand cubits ; and the city shall be in
the midst : this shall be to them the suburbs of the cities .

thousand Num_35_05 /^{thousand /cubits , and on
the south side two thousand cubits , and on the west side two
thousand cubits , and on the north side two thousand cubits ;
and the city shall be in the midst : this shall be to them the
suburbs of the cities .

thousand Num_35_05 /^{thousand /cubits , and on
the west side two thousand cubits , and on the north side two
thousand cubits ; and the city shall be in the midst : this
shall be to them the suburbs of the cities .

thousand Num_35_05 /^{thousand /cubits ; and the
city shall be in the midst : this shall be to them the suburbs
of the cities .

thousand Jos_03_04 /^{thousand /cubits by measure
: come not near unto it, that ye may know the way by which ye
must go : for ye have not passed this way heretofore .

thousand Neh_03_13 /^{thousand /cubits on the
wall unto the dung gate .

thousand Num_35_04 /^{thousand /cubits round
about .

thousand 1Ch_29_07 /^{thousand /drams , and of
silver ten thousand talents , and of brass eighteen thousand
talents , and one hundred thousand talents of iron .

thousand Ezr_08_27 /^{thousand /drams ; and two
vessels of fine copper , precious as gold .

thousand Ezr_02_69 /^{thousand /drams of gold ,
and five thousand pound of silver , and one hundred priests '
garments .

thousand Neh_07_71 /^{thousand /drams of gold ,
and two thousand and two hundred pound of silver .

thousand Neh_07_72 /^{thousand /drams of gold ,
and two thousand pound of silver , and threescore and seven
priests garments .

thousand Neh_07_70 /^{thousand /drams of gold ,
fifty basons , five hundred and thirty priests garments .

thousand Eze_48_18 /^{thousand /eastward , and
ten thousand westward : and it shall be over against the
oblation of the holy portion; and the increase thereof shall be
for food unto them that serve the city .

thousand Ezr_02_06 /^{thousand /eight hundred and
twelve .

thousand Jos_08_25 /^{thousand /even all the men
of Ai .

thousand Psa_68_17 /^{thousand /even thousands of
angels : the Lord is among them, as in Sinai , in the holy place.

thousand Ezr_02_14 /^{thousand /fifty and six .

thousand Ezr_02_37 /^{thousand /fifty and two .

thousand Neh_07_40 /^{thousand /fifty and two .

thousand 1Ch_19_18 /^{thousand /footmen , and
killed Shophach the captain of the host .

thousand 2Sa_10_06 /^{thousand /footmen , and of
king Maacah a thousand men , and of Ishtob twelve thousand men .

thousand 1Sa_15_04 /^{thousand /footmen , and ten
thousand men of Judah .

thousand 1Sa_04_10 /^{thousand /footmen .

thousand 2Sa_08_04 /^{thousand /footmen : and
David houghed all the chariot horses, but reserved of them for
an hundred chariots .

thousand 1Ch_18_04 /^{thousand /footmen : David
also houghed all the chariot horses, but reserved of them an
hundred chariots .

thousand Num_11_21 /^{thousand /footmen ; and
thou hast said , I will give them flesh , that they may eat a
whole month .

thousand 2Ki_13_07 /^{thousand /footmen ; for the
king of Syria had destroyed them, and had made them like the
dust by threshing .

thousand 1Ki_20_29 /^{thousand /footmen in one
day .

thousand Jud_20_02 /^{thousand /footmen that drew
sword .

thousand 1Ch_12_29 /^{thousand /for hitherto the
greatest part of them had kept the ward of the house of Saul .

thousand Jos_23_10 /^{thousand /for the LORD your
God , he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you.

thousand Rev_21_16 /${thousand /furlongs . The
length and the breadth and the height of it are equal .

thousand Psa_105_08 /^{thousand /generations .

thousand 1Ch_16_15 /^{thousand /generations ;

thousand Deu_07_09 /^{thousand /generations ;

thousand 1Sa_25_02 /^{thousand /goats : and he
was shearing his sheep in Carmel .

thousand Ecc_07_28 /^{thousand /have I found ;
but a woman among all those have I not found .

thousand Rev_14_01 /${thousand /having his
Father's name written in their foreheads .

thousand 1Ki_05_15 /^{thousand /hewers in the
mountains ;

thousand Psa_50_10 /^{thousand /hills .

thousand 1Sa_13_05 /^{thousand /horsemen , and
people as the sand which is on the sea shore in multitude : and
they came up , and pitched in Michmash , eastward from Bethaven .

thousand 2Sa_10_18 /^{thousand /horsemen , and
smote Shobach the captain of their host , who died there.

thousand 1Ch_18_04 /^{thousand /horsemen , and
twenty thousand footmen : David also houghed all the chariot
horses, but reserved of them an hundred chariots .

thousand 2Ch_01_14 /^{thousand /horsemen , which
he placed in the chariot cities , and with the king at Jerusalem

thousand 1Ki_10_26 /^{thousand /horsemen , whom
he bestowed in the cities for chariots , and with the king at
Jerusalem .

thousand 1Ki_04_26 /^{thousand /horsemen .

thousand 2Ch_12_03 /^{thousand /horsemen : and the
people were without number that came with him out of Egypt ; the
Lubims , the Sukkiims , and the Ethiopians .

thousand 2Ch_09_25 /^{thousand /horsemen ; whom he
bestowed in the chariot cities , and with the king at Jerusalem .

thousand 2Ki_18_23 /^{thousand /horses , if thou
be able on thy part to set riders upon them.

thousand Isa_36_08 /^{thousand /horses , if thou
be able on thy part to set riders upon them.

thousand Mar_08_20 /${thousand /how many baskets
full of fragments took ye up ? And they said , Seven .

thousand Mar_08_19 /${thousand /how many baskets
full of fragments took ye up ? They say unto him , Twelve .

thousand Psa_84_10 /^{thousand /I had rather be a
doorkeeper in the house of my God , than to dwell in the tents
of wickedness .

thousand Eze_48_10 /^{thousand /in breadth , and
toward the east ten thousand in breadth , and toward the south
five and twenty thousand in length : and the sanctuary of the
LORD shall be in the midst thereof.

thousand Eze_48_10 /^{thousand /in breadth , and
toward the south five and twenty thousand in length : and the
sanctuary of the LORD shall be in the midst thereof.

thousand Eze_48_09 /^{thousand /in breadth .

thousand Eze_48_13 /^{thousand /in breadth : all
the length shall be five and twenty thousand , and the breadth
ten thousand .

thousand 1Ki_19_18 /^{thousand /in Israel , all
the knees which have not bowed unto Baal , and every mouth which
hath not kissed him.

thousand Jud_05_08 /^{thousand /in Israel ?

thousand Eze_48_09 /^{thousand /in length , and
of ten thousand in breadth .

thousand Eze_48_13 /^{thousand /in length , and
ten thousand in breadth : all the length shall be five and
twenty thousand , and the breadth ten thousand .

thousand Eze_48_10 /^{thousand /in length : and
the sanctuary of the LORD shall be in the midst thereof.

thousand Eze_48_10 /^{thousand /in length, and
toward the west ten thousand in breadth , and toward the east
ten thousand in breadth , and toward the south five and twenty
thousand in length : and the sanctuary of the LORD shall be in
the midst thereof.

thousand 2Ch_28_06 /^{thousand /in one day , which
were all valiant men ; because they had forsaken the LORD God of
their fathers .

thousand 1Co_04_15 /${thousand /instructors in
Christ , yet have ye not many fathers : for in Christ Jesus I
have begotten you through the gospel .

thousand Jer_52_28 /^{thousand /Jews and three
and twenty :

thousand 2Ki_03_04 /^{thousand /lambs , and an
hundred thousand rams , with the wool .

thousand 1Ch_29_21 /^{thousand /lambs , with
their drink offerings , and sacrifices in abundance for all
Israel :

thousand 2Ch_25_12 /^{thousand /left alive did the
children of Judah carry away captive , and brought them unto the
top of the rock , and cast them down from the top of the rock ,
that they all were broken in pieces .

thousand Eze_45_06 /^{thousand /long , over
against the oblation of the holy portion: it shall be for the
whole house of Israel .

thousand 2Ch_02_10 /^{thousand /measures of barley
, and twenty thousand baths of wine , and twenty thousand baths
of oil .

thousand 2Ch_02_10 /^{thousand /measures of beaten
wheat , and twenty thousand measures of barley , and twenty
thousand baths of wine , and twenty thousand baths of oil .

thousand 2Ch_27_05 /^{thousand /measures of wheat ,
and ten thousand of barley . So much did the children of Ammon
pay unto him, both the second year , and the third .

thousand 1Ki_05_11 /^{thousand /measures of wheat
for food to his household , and twenty measures of pure oil :
thus gave Solomon to Hiram year by year .

thousand Eze_48_35 /^{thousand /measures: and the
name of the city from that day shall be, The LORD is there .

thousand Jud_03_29 /^{thousand /men , all lusty ,
and all men of valour ; and there escaped not a man .

thousand 2Sa_17_01 /^{thousand /men , and I will
arise and pursue after David this night :

thousand 2Sa_10_06 /^{thousand /men , and of
Ishtob twelve thousand men .

thousand Jos_08_12 /^{thousand /men , and set
them to lie in ambush between Bethel and Ai , on the west side
of the city .

thousand Mat_14_21 /${thousand /men , beside
women and children .

thousand Mat_15_38 /${thousand /men , beside
women and children .

thousand Rom_11_04 /${thousand /men , who have
not bowed the knee to the image of Baal .

thousand 1Ch_07_40 /^{thousand /men .

thousand 2Sa_10_06 /^{thousand /men .

thousand Jud_01_04 /^{thousand /men .

thousand 1Ki_05_13 /^{thousand /men .

thousand 1Sa_04_02 /^{thousand /men .

thousand 2Sa_08_05 /^{thousand /men .

thousand 2Sa_24_09 /^{thousand /men .

thousand Exo_32_28 /^{thousand /men .

thousand Mar_06_44 /${thousand /men .

thousand Jud_15_16 /^{thousand /men .

thousand 1Ch_21_14 /^{thousand /men .

thousand 1Ch_18_05 /^{thousand /men .

thousand 2Sa_24_15 /^{thousand /men .

thousand Jud_20_21 /^{thousand /men .

thousand Luk_09_14 /${thousand /men . And he said
to his disciples , Make them sit down by fifties in a company .

thousand Jos_07_04 /^{thousand /men : and they
fled before the men of Ai .

thousand Jud_20_25 /^{thousand /men ; all these
drew the sword .

thousand Jud_20_44 /^{thousand /men ; all these
were men of valour .

thousand Jud_20_45 /^{thousand /men ; and pursued
hard after them unto Gidom , and slew two thousand men of them.

thousand Jud_04_14 /^{thousand /men after him.

thousand Jud_16_27 /^{thousand /men and women ,
that beheld while Samson made sport .

thousand Jud_09_49 /^{thousand /men and women .

thousand Jud_04_10 /^{thousand /men at his feet :
and Deborah went up with him.

thousand Jos_07_03 /^{thousand /men go up and
smite Ai ; and make not all the people to labour thither; for
they are but few .

thousand 2Sa_19_17 /^{thousand /men of Benjamin
with him, and Ziba the servant of the house of Saul , and his
fifteen sons and his twenty servants with him; and they went
over Jordan before the king .

thousand 1Sa_13_02 /^{thousand /men of Israel ;
whereof two thousand were with Saul in Michmash and in mount
Bethel , and a thousand were with Jonathan in Gibeah of Benjamin
: and the rest of the people he sent every man to his tent .

thousand 1Sa_15_04 /^{thousand /men of Judah .

thousand Jud_15_11 /^{thousand /men of Judah went
to the top of the rock Etam , and said to Samson , Knowest thou
not that the Philistines are rulers over us? what is this that
thou hast done unto us? And he said unto them, As they did unto
me, so have I done unto them.

thousand Jud_04_06 /^{thousand /men of the
children of Naphtali and of the children of Zebulun ?

thousand Jud_21_10 /^{thousand /men of the
valiantest , and commanded them, saying , Go and smite the
inhabitants of Jabeshgilead with the edge of the sword , with
the women and the children .

thousand Jud_20_45 /^{thousand /men of them.

thousand Jud_20_15 /^{thousand /men that drew
sword , beside the inhabitants of Gibeah , which were numbered
seven hundred chosen men .

thousand 1Ch_21_05 /^{thousand /men that drew
sword .

thousand Jud_08_10 /^{thousand /men that drew
sword .

thousand Jud_20_17 /^{thousand /men that drew
sword : all these were men of war .

thousand 1Ch_21_05 /^{thousand /men that drew
sword : and Judah was four hundred threescore and ten thousand
men that drew sword .

thousand Jud_20_46 /^{thousand /men that drew the
sword ; all these were men of valour .

thousand Act_21_38 /${thousand /men that were
murderers ?

thousand Jud_15_15 /^{thousand /men therewith.

thousand 2Ch_02_02 /^{thousand /men to bear
burdens , and fourscore thousand to hew in the mountain , and
three thousand and six hundred to oversee them.

thousand 1Ch_19_18 /^{thousand /men which fought
in chariots , and forty thousand footmen , and killed Shophach
the captain of the host .

thousand Jud_08_10 /^{thousand /men, all that
were left of all the hosts of the children of the east : for
there fell an hundred and twenty thousand men that drew sword .

thousand 2Sa_08_13 /^{thousand /men.

thousand 2Sa_18_07 /^{thousand /men.

thousand 1Ch_07_04 /^{thousand /men: for they had
many wives and sons .

thousand Jos_08_03 /^{thousand /mighty men of
valour , and sent them away by night .

thousand 2Ch_17_16 /^{thousand /mighty men of
valour .

thousand 2Ch_25_06 /^{thousand /mighty men of
valour out of Israel for an hundred talents of silver .

thousand Neh_07_38 /^{thousand /nine hundred and
thirty .

thousand Psa_60_01 /^{thousand /O God , thou hast
cast us off , thou hast scattered us, thou hast been displeased ;
O turn thyself to us again .

thousand Rev_07_04 /${thousand /of all the tribes
of the children of Israel .

thousand 2Ch_27_05 /^{thousand /of barley . So
much did the children of Ammon pay unto him, both the second
year , and the third .

thousand Eze_45_05 /^{thousand /of breadth ,
shall also the Levites , the ministers of the house , have for
themselves, for a possession for twenty chambers .

thousand Num_31_06 /^{thousand /of every tribe ,
them and Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest , to the war ,
with the holy instruments , and the trumpets to blow in his hand

thousand Num_31_05 /^{thousand /of every tribe ,
twelve thousand armed for war .

thousand Dan_05_01 /^{thousand /of his lords ,
and drank wine before the thousand .

thousand Eze_45_05 /^{thousand /of length , and
the ten thousand of breadth , shall also the Levites , the
ministers of the house , have for themselves, for a possession
for twenty chambers .

thousand 1Ki_20_30 /^{thousand /of the men that
were left . And Benhadad fled , and came into the city , into an
inner chamber .

thousand Eze_48_21 /^{thousand /of the oblation
toward the east border , and westward over against the five and
twenty thousand toward the west border , over against the
portions for the prince : and it shall be the holy oblation ;
and the sanctuary of the house shall be in the midst thereof.

thousand Rev_07_08 /${thousand /Of the tribe of
Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand .

thousand Rev_07_05 /${thousand /Of the tribe of
Gad were sealed twelve thousand .

thousand Rev_07_07 /${thousand /Of the tribe of
Issachar were sealed twelve thousand .

thousand Rev_07_08 /${thousand /Of the tribe of
Joseph were sealed twelve thousand . Of the tribe of Benjamin
were sealed twelve thousand .

thousand Rev_07_07 /${thousand /Of the tribe of
Levi were sealed twelve thousand . Of the tribe of Issachar were
sealed twelve thousand .

thousand Rev_07_06 /${thousand /Of the tribe of
Manasses were sealed twelve thousand .

thousand Rev_07_06 /${thousand /Of the tribe of
Nepthalim were sealed twelve thousand . Of the tribe of Manasses
were sealed twelve thousand .

thousand Rev_07_05 /${thousand /Of the tribe of
Reuben were sealed twelve thousand . Of the tribe of Gad were
sealed twelve thousand .

thousand 2Ch_02_18 /^{thousand /of them to be
bearers of burdens , and fourscore thousand to be hewers in the
mountain , and three thousand and six hundred overseers to set
the people a work .

thousand 2Ch_25_13 /^{thousand /of them, and took
much spoil .

thousand 2Sa_18_03 /^{thousand /of us: therefore
now it is better that thou succour us out of the city .

thousand Num_31_40 /^{thousand /of which the
LORD'S tribute was thirty and two persons .

thousand Num_31_38 /^{thousand /of which the
LORD'S tribute was threescore and twelve .

thousand Exo_12_37 /^{thousand /on foot that were
men , beside children .

thousand Jud_20_10 /^{thousand /out of ten
thousand , to fetch victual for the people , that they may do ,
when they come to Gibeah of Benjamin , according to all the
folly that they have wrought in Israel .

thousand 1Ki_08_63 /^{thousand /oxen , and an
hundred and twenty thousand sheep . So the king and all the
children of Israel dedicated the house of the LORD .

thousand 2Ch_07_05 /^{thousand /oxen , and an
hundred and twenty thousand sheep : so the king and all the
people dedicated the house of God .

thousand Num_31_35 /^{thousand /persons in all ,
of women that had not known man by lying with him.

thousand Jon_04_11 /^{thousand /persons that
cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand ;
and also much cattle ?

thousand 2Ki_05_05 /^{thousand /pieces of gold ,
and ten changes of raiment .

thousand Son_08_11 /^{thousand /pieces of silver .

thousand Act_19_19 /${thousand /pieces of silver .

thousand Gen_20_16 /^{thousand /pieces of silver :
behold, he is to thee a covering of the eyes , unto all that
are with thee, and with all other: thus she was reproved .

thousand Ezr_02_69 /^{thousand /pound of silver ,
and one hundred priests ' garments .

thousand Neh_07_72 /^{thousand /pound of silver ,
and threescore and seven priests garments .

thousand 1Ch_23_05 /^{thousand /praised the LORD
with the instruments which I made , said David, to praise

thousand Jos_04_13 /^{thousand /prepared for war
passed over before the LORD unto battle , to the plains of
Jericho .

thousand 1Ki_04_32 /^{thousand /proverbs : and
his songs were a thousand and five .

thousand 1Ch_29_21 /^{thousand /rams , and a
thousand lambs , with their drink offerings , and sacrifices in
abundance for all Israel :

thousand 2Ki_03_04 /^{thousand /rams , with the
wool .

thousand 2Ch_17_18 /^{thousand /ready prepared for
the war .

thousand Eze_48_08 /^{thousand /reeds in breadth ,
and in length as one of the other parts , from the east side
unto the west side : and the sanctuary shall be in the midst of

thousand Eze_45_01 /^{thousand /reeds, and the
breadth shall be ten thousand . This shall be holy in all the
borders thereof round about .

thousand Num_04_36 /^{thousand /seven hundred and
fifty .

thousand Num_31_52 /^{thousand /seven hundred and
fifty shekels .

thousand Num_26_51 /^{thousand /seven hundred and
thirty .

thousand 1Ch_05_18 /^{thousand /seven hundred and
threescore , that went out to the war .

thousand Exo_38_25 /^{thousand /seven hundred and
threescore and fifteen shekels , after the shekel of the
sanctuary :

thousand Ezr_02_67 /^{thousand /seven hundred and
twenty .

thousand Neh_07_69 /^{thousand /seven hundred and
twenty asses .

thousand Exo_38_28 /^{thousand /seven hundred
seventy and five shekels he made hooks for the pillars , and
overlaid their chapiters , and filleted them.

thousand Eze_48_15 /^{thousand /shall be a
profane place for the city , for dwelling , and for suburbs :
and the city shall be in the midst thereof.

thousand Psa_91_07 /^{thousand /shall fall at thy
side , and ten thousand at thy right hand ; but it shall not
come nigh thee.

thousand Isa_30_17 /^{thousand /shall flee at the
rebuke of one ; at the rebuke of five shall ye flee : till ye be
left as a beacon upon the top of a mountain , and as an ensign
on an hill .

thousand Amo_05_03 /^{thousand /shall leave an
hundred , and that which went forth by an hundred shall leave
ten , to the house of Israel .

thousand Job_42_12 /^{thousand /she asses .

thousand Num_31_32 /^{thousand /sheep ,

thousand 1Sa_25_02 /^{thousand /sheep , and a
thousand goats : and he was shearing his sheep in Carmel .

thousand Job_42_12 /^{thousand /sheep , and six
thousand camels , and a thousand yoke of oxen , and a thousand
she asses .

thousand Job_01_03 /^{thousand /sheep , and three
thousand camels , and five hundred yoke of oxen , and five
hundred she asses , and a very great household ; so that this
man was the greatest of all the men of the east .

thousand 2Ch_15_11 /^{thousand /sheep .

thousand 2Ch_29_33 /^{thousand /sheep .

thousand 1Ki_08_63 /^{thousand /sheep . So the
king and all the children of Israel dedicated the house of the

thousand 2Ch_30_24 /^{thousand /sheep : and a
great number of priests sanctified themselves.

thousand 2Ch_07_05 /^{thousand /sheep : so the
king and all the people dedicated the house of God .

thousand 2Ch_30_24 /^{thousand /sheep ; and the
princes gave to the congregation a thousand bullocks and ten
thousand sheep : and a great number of priests sanctified

thousand 1Sa_17_05 /^{thousand /shekels of brass .

thousand 2Sa_18_12 /^{thousand /shekels of silver
in mine hand , yet would I not put forth mine hand against the
king's son : for in our hearing the king charged thee and
Abishai and Ittai , saying , Beware that none touch the young
man Absalom .

thousand Isa_07_23 /^{thousand /silverlings , it
shall even be for briers and thorns .

thousand Num_01_25 /^{thousand /six hundred and
fifty .

thousand 2Ch_35_09 /^{thousand /small cattle, and
five hundred oxen .

thousand Act_02_41 /${thousand /souls .

thousand 2Ch_09_25 /^{thousand /stalls for horses
and chariots , and twelve thousand horsemen ; whom he bestowed
in the chariot cities , and with the king at Jerusalem .

thousand 1Ki_04_26 /^{thousand /stalls of horses
for his chariots , and twelve thousand horsemen .

thousand Dan_07_10 /^{thousand /stood before him:
the judgment was set , and the books were opened .

thousand 1Ch_29_07 /^{thousand /talents , and of
brass eighteen thousand talents , and one hundred thousand
talents of iron .

thousand 1Ch_29_07 /^{thousand /talents , and one
hundred thousand talents of iron .

thousand Mat_18_24 /${thousand /talents .

thousand 1Ch_29_07 /^{thousand /talents and ten
thousand drams , and of silver ten thousand talents , and of
brass eighteen thousand talents , and one hundred thousand
talents of iron .

thousand 1Ch_22_14 /^{thousand /talents of gold ,
and a thousand thousand talents of silver ; and of brass and
iron without weight ; for it is in abundance : timber also and
stone have I prepared ; and thou mayest add thereto.

thousand 1Ch_29_04 /^{thousand /talents of gold ,
of the gold of Ophir , and seven thousand talents of refined
silver , to overlay the walls of the houses withal:

thousand 1Ch_29_07 /^{thousand /talents of iron .

thousand 1Ch_29_04 /^{thousand /talents of
refined silver , to overlay the walls of the houses withal:

thousand 2Ki_15_19 /^{thousand /talents of silver ,
that his hand might be with him to confirm the kingdom in his
hand .

thousand 1Ch_22_14 /^{thousand /talents of silver
; and of brass and iron without weight ; for it is in abundance :
timber also and stone have I prepared ; and thou mayest add

thousand 1Ch_19_06 /^{thousand /talents of silver
to hire them chariots and horsemen out of Mesopotamia , and out
of Syriamaachah , and out of Zobah .

thousand Est_03_09 /^{thousand /talents of silver
to the hands of those that have the charge of the business , to
bring it into the king's treasuries .

thousand Eze_48_15 /^{thousand /that are left in
the breadth over against the five and twenty thousand , shall be
a profane place for the city , for dwelling , and for suburbs :
and the city shall be in the midst thereof.

thousand 1Ki_05_15 /^{thousand /that bare burdens
, and fourscore thousand hewers in the mountains ;

thousand Eze_45_01 /^{thousand /This shall be
holy in all the borders thereof round about .

thousand 2Ch_14_09 /^{thousand /thousand , and
three hundred chariots ; and came unto Mareshah .

thousand Rev_09_16 /${thousand /thousand : and I
heard the number of them .

thousand 1Ch_21_05 /^{thousand /thousand and an
hundred thousand men that drew sword : and Judah was four
hundred threescore and ten thousand men that drew sword .

thousand 1Ch_22_14 /^{thousand /thousand talents
of silver ; and of brass and iron without weight ; for it is in
abundance : timber also and stone have I prepared ; and thou
mayest add thereto.

thousand Dan_07_10 /^{thousand /thousands
ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood
before him: the judgment was set , and the books were opened .

thousand Dan_12_12 /^{thousand /three hundred and
five and thirty days .

thousand Ezr_02_64 /^{thousand /three hundred and
threescore ,

thousand Neh_07_66 /^{thousand /three hundred and
threescore ,

thousand Num_03_50 /^{thousand /three hundred and
threescore and five shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary :

thousand Ezr_02_65 /^{thousand /three hundred
thirty and seven : and there were among them two hundred singing
men and singing women .

thousand Neh_07_67 /^{thousand /three hundred
thirty and seven : and they had two hundred forty and five
singing men and singing women .

thousand Neh_07_17 /^{thousand /three hundred
twenty and two .

thousand Neh_07_19 /^{thousand /threescore and
seven .

thousand Num_31_04 /^{thousand /throughout all
the tribes of Israel , shall ye send to the war .

thousand Rev_05_11 /${thousand /times ten
thousand , and thousands of thousands ;

thousand Dan_07_10 /^{thousand /times ten
thousand stood before him: the judgment was set , and the books
were opened .

thousand 2Ch_02_18 /^{thousand /to be hewers in
the mountain , and three thousand and six hundred overseers to
set the people a work .

thousand Jud_20_10 /^{thousand /to fetch victual
for the people , that they may do , when they come to Gibeah of
Benjamin , according to all the folly that they have wrought in
Israel .

thousand Deu_32_30 /^{thousand /to flight ,
except their Rock had sold them , and the LORD had shut them up ?

thousand Lev_26_08 /^{thousand /to flight : and
your enemies shall fall before you by the sword .

thousand 2Ch_02_02 /^{thousand /to hew in the
mountain , and three thousand and six hundred to oversee them.

thousand Luk_14_31 /${thousand /to meet him that
cometh against him with twenty thousand ?

thousand Job_33_23 /^{thousand /to shew unto man
his uprightness :

thousand Eze_48_21 /^{thousand /toward the west
border , over against the portions for the prince : and it shall
be the holy oblation ; and the sanctuary of the house shall be
in the midst thereof.

thousand Dan_12_11 /^{thousand /two hundred and
ninety days .

thousand Num_03_43 /^{thousand /two hundred and
threescore and thirteen .

thousand Rev_11_03 /${thousand /two hundred and
threescore days , clothed in sackcloth .

thousand Rev_12_06 /${thousand /two hundred and
threescore days .

thousand Ezr_02_07 /^{thousand /two hundred fifty
and four .

thousand Ezr_02_31 /^{thousand /two hundred fifty
and four .

thousand Neh_07_34 /^{thousand /two hundred fifty
and four .

thousand Neh_07_12 /^{thousand /two hundred fifty
and four .

thousand Neh_07_41 /^{thousand /two hundred forty
and seven .

thousand Ezr_02_38 /^{thousand /two hundred forty
and seven .

thousand Ezr_02_12 /^{thousand /two hundred
twenty and two .

thousand 2Sa_24_09 /^{thousand /valiant men that
drew the sword ; and the men of Judah were five hundred thousand
men .

thousand Isa_07_23 /^{thousand /vines at a
thousand silverlings , it shall even be for briers and thorns .

thousand 1Ch_23_04 /^{thousand /were officers and
judges :

thousand 1Ch_23_05 /^{thousand /were porters ;
and four thousand praised the LORD with the instruments which I
made , said David, to praise therewith.

thousand 1Ch_23_04 /^{thousand /were to set
forward the work of the house of the LORD ; and six thousand
were officers and judges :

thousand 1Sa_13_02 /^{thousand /were with
Jonathan in Gibeah of Benjamin : and the rest of the people he
sent every man to his tent .

thousand 1Sa_13_02 /^{thousand /were with Saul in
Michmash and in mount Bethel , and a thousand were with Jonathan
in Gibeah of Benjamin : and the rest of the people he sent every
man to his tent .

thousand Eze_48_18 /^{thousand /westward : and it
shall be over against the oblation of the holy portion; and the
increase thereof shall be for food unto them that serve the city

thousand 1Ch_12_33 /^{thousand /which could keep
rank : they were not of double heart .

thousand 1Ch_12_31 /^{thousand /which were
expressed by name , to come and make David king .

thousand Rev_14_03 /${thousand /which were
redeemed from the earth .

thousand 2Ch_28_08 /^{thousand /women , sons , and
daughters , and took also away much spoil from them, and brought
the spoil to Samaria .

thousand 1Co_14_19 /${thousand /words in an
unknown tongue .

thousand Eze_48_20 /^{thousand /ye shall offer
the holy oblation foursquare , with the possession of the city .

thousand Rev_20_02 /${thousand /years ,

thousand 2Pe_03_08 /${thousand /years , and a
thousand years as one day .

thousand Rev_20_06 /${thousand /years .

thousand Rev_20_04 /${thousand /years .

thousand Rev_20_07 /${thousand /years are expired
, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison ,

thousand 2Pe_03_08 /${thousand /years as one day .

thousand Psa_90_04 /^{thousand /years in thy
sight are but as yesterday when it is past , and as a watch in
the night .

thousand Rev_20_03 /${thousand /years should be
fulfilled : and after that he must be loosed a little season .

thousand Ecc_06_06 /^{thousand /years twice told,
yet hath he seen no good : do not all go to one place ?

thousand Rev_20_05 /${thousand /years were
finished . This is the first resurrection .

thousand Job_42_12 /^{thousand /yoke of oxen ,
and a thousand she asses .

thousands 2Ch_17_14 /^{thousands /Adnah the chief ,
and with him mighty men of valour three hundred thousand .

thousands Num_31_48 /^{thousands /and captains of
hundreds , came near unto Moses :

thousands 1Sa_22_07 /^{thousands /and captains of
hundreds ;

thousands 2Sa_18_01 /^{thousands /and captains of
hundreds over them.

thousands 1Sa_08_12 /^{thousands /and captains
over fifties ; and will set them to ear his ground , and to reap
his harvest , and to make his instruments of war , and
instruments of his chariots .

thousands 2Ch_25_05 /^{thousands /and captains over
hundreds , according to the houses of their fathers , throughout
all Judah and Benjamin : and he numbered them from twenty years
old and above , and found them three hundred thousand choice men,
able to go forth to war , that could handle spear and shield .

thousands Deu_01_15 /^{thousands /and captains
over hundreds , and captains over fifties , and captains over
tens , and officers among your tribes .

thousands Num_31_14 /^{thousands /and captains
over hundreds , which came from the battle .

thousands 1Ch_28_01 /^{thousands /and captains
over the hundreds , and the stewards over all the substance and
possession of the king , and of his sons , with the officers ,
and with the mighty men , and with all the valiant men , unto
Jerusalem .

thousands 1Sa_18_07 /^{thousands /and David his
ten thousands .

thousands 1Sa_21_11 /^{thousands /and David his
ten thousands ?

thousands 1Sa_29_05 /^{thousands /and David his
ten thousands ?

thousands 1Ch_26_26 /^{thousands /and hundreds ,
and the captains of the host , had dedicated .

thousands 1Ch_27_01 /^{thousands /and hundreds ,
and their officers that served the king in any matter of the
courses , which came in and went out month by month throughout
all the months of the year , of every course were twenty and
four thousand .

thousands 1Ch_13_01 /^{thousands /and hundreds ,
and with every leader .

thousands Num_31_54 /^{thousands /and of hundreds ,
and brought it into the tabernacle of the congregation , for a
memorial for the children of Israel before the LORD .

thousands 2Ch_01_02 /^{thousands /and of hundreds ,
and to the judges , and to every governor in all Israel , the
chief of the fathers .

thousands 1Ch_29_06 /^{thousands /and of hundreds ,
with the rulers of the king's work , offered willingly ,

thousands Num_31_52 /^{thousands /and of the
captains of hundreds , was sixteen thousand seven hundred and
fifty shekels .

thousands Jer_32_18 /^{thousands /and recompensest
the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children
after them: the Great , the Mighty God , the LORD of hosts , is
his name ,

thousands Exo_18_21 /^{thousands /and rulers of
hundreds , rulers of fifties , and rulers of tens :

thousands Psa_144_13 /^{thousands /and ten
thousands in our streets :

thousands 1Sa_18_08 /^{thousands /and to me they
have ascribed but thousands : and what can he have more but the
kingdom ?

thousands 1Sa_18_08 /^{thousands /and what can he
have more but the kingdom ?

thousands 1Sa_29_02 /^{thousands /but David and
his men passed on in the rereward with Achish .

thousands Dan_11_12 /^{thousands /but he shall not
be strengthened by it.

thousands Exo_34_07 /^{thousands /forgiving
iniquity and transgression and sin , and that will by no means
clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the
children , and upon the children's children, unto the third and
to the fourth generation.

thousands Num_01_16 /^{thousands /in Israel .

thousands Psa_144_13 /^{thousands /in our streets :

thousands Dan_07_10 /^{thousands /ministered unto
him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the
judgment was set , and the books were opened .

thousands Psa_68_17 /^{thousands /of angels : the
Lord is among them, as in Sinai , in the holy place.

thousands Deu_33_17 /^{thousands /of Ephraim , and
they are the thousands of Manasseh .

thousands Psa_119_007 /^{thousands /of gold and
silver .

thousands 001 014 Jud /${thousands /of his saints ,

thousands Jos_22_21 /^{thousands /of Israel ,

thousands Num_31_05 /^{thousands /of Israel , a
thousand of every tribe , twelve thousand armed for war .

thousands Num_10_04 /^{thousands /of Israel ,
shall gather themselves unto thee.

thousands Jos_22_14 /^{thousands /of Israel .

thousands Num_10_36 /^{thousands /of Israel .

thousands Jos_22_30 /^{thousands /of Israel which
were with him, heard the words that the children of Reuben and
the children of Gad and the children of Manasseh spake , it
pleased them.

thousands Act_21_20 /${thousands /of Jews there
are which believe ; and they are all zealous of the law :

thousands Mic_05_02 /^{thousands /of Judah , yet
out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in
Israel ; whose goings forth have been from of old , from
everlasting .

thousands 1Sa_23_23 /^{thousands /of Judah .

thousands Deu_33_17 /^{thousands /of Manasseh .

thousands Gen_24_60 /^{thousands /of millions ,
and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them.

thousands Psa_03_06 /^{thousands /of people , that
have set themselves against me round about .

thousands Mic_06_07 /^{thousands /of rams , or
with ten thousands of rivers of oil ? shall I give my firstborn
for my transgression , the fruit of my body for the sin of my
soul ?

thousands Mic_06_07 /^{thousands /of rivers of oil
? shall I give my firstborn for my transgression , the fruit of
my body for the sin of my soul ?

thousands Deu_33_02 /^{thousands /of saints : from
his right hand went a fiery law for them.

thousands Num_31_48 /^{thousands /of the host ,
the captains of thousands , and captains of hundreds , came near
unto Moses :

thousands Deu_05_10 /^{thousands /of them that
love me and keep my commandments .

thousands Exo_20_06 /^{thousands /of them that
love me, and keep my commandments .

thousands Rev_05_11 /${thousands /of thousands ;

thousands Exo_18_25 /^{thousands /rulers of
hundreds , rulers of fifties , and rulers of tens .

thousands 1Ch_12_20 /^{thousands /that were of
Manasseh .

thousands 1Ch_15_25 /^{thousands /went to bring up
the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the house of Obededom
with joy .
