rushed , AC , 19:29

rushed , JG , 9:44 , JG , 20:37

offscouring 4067 # peripsoma {per-ip'-so-mah}; from a
comparative of 4012 and psao (to rub); something brushed all
around, i.e. off-scrapings (figuratively, scum): --


rushed Interlinear Index Study

rushed JUDG 009 044 And Abimelech <40> , and the company <07218
+ro>sh > that [ was ] with him , {rushed} <06584 +pashat >
forward <06584 +pashat > , and stood <05975 + in the
entering <06607 +pethach > of the gate <08179 +sha of the
city <05892 + : and the two <08147 +sh@nayim > [ other ]
companies <07218 +ro>sh > ran <06584 +pashat > upon all <03605
+kol > [ the people ] that [ were ] in the fields <07704 +sadeh
> , and slew <05221 +nakah > them .

rushed JUDG 020 037 And the liers in wait <00693 +>arab > hasted
<02363 +chuwsh > , and {rushed} <06584 +pashat > upon Gibeah
<01390 +Gib ; and the liers in wait <00693 +>arab > drew
<04900 +mashak > [ themselves ] along , and smote <05221 +nakah
> all <03605 +kol > the city <05892 + with the edge <06310
+peh > of the sword <02719 +chereb > .

rushed ACT 019 029 And the whole <3650 -holos -> city <4172 -
polis -> was filled <4130 -pletho -> with confusion <4799 -
sugchusis -> : and having caught <4884 -sunarpazo -> Gaius <1050
-Gaios -> and Aristarchus <0708 -Aristarchos -> , men of
Macedonia <3110 -Makedon -> , Paul s <3972 -Paulos -> companions
<4898 -sunekdemos -> in travel <4898 -sunekdemos -> , they
{rushed} <3729 -hormao -> with one <3661 -homothumadon -> accord
<3661 -homothumadon -> into <1519 -eis -> the theatre <2302 -
theatron -> .


are crushed before

crushed alway

crushed balaam's foot against

he hath crushed me

rushed forward

rushed upon gibeah

they are crushed

they rushed with one accord into

which is crushed breaketh out into

- crushed , 1792 , 2000 , 2116 , 3807 , 3905 , 7533 ,

* rushed , 3729 ,

- rushed , 6584 ,

crushed LEV 022 024 Ye shall not offer <07126 +qarab > unto
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > that which is bruised <04600 +ma > , or {crushed} <03807 +kathath > , or broken <05423
+nathaq > , or cut <03772 +karath > ; neither <03808 +lo> >
shall ye make <06213 + [ any offering thereof ] in
your land <00776 +>erets > .

crushed NUM 022 025 And when the ass <00860 +>athown > saw
<07200 +ra>ah > the angel <04397 +mal>ak > of the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > , she thrust <03905 +lachats > herself unto the
wall <07023 +qiyr > , and {crushed} <03905 +lachats > Balaam
s <01109 +Bil foot <07272 +regel > against <00413 +>el >
the wall <07023 +qiyr > : and he smote <05221 +nakah > her
again <03254 +yacaph > .

crushed DEU 028 033 The fruit <06529 +p@riy > of thy land
<00127 +>adamah > , and all <03605 +kol > thy labours <03018
+y@giya< > , shall a nation <05971 + which <00834 +>aher
> thou knowest <03045 +yada< > not eat <00398 +>akal > up ;
and thou shalt be only <00389 +>ak > oppressed <06231 + > and {crushed} <07533 +ratsats > alway :

* rushed , 3729 hormao ,


rushed -3729 ran, {rushed},


crushed -1792 beat , break , broken , bruise , bruised ,
contrite , crush , {crushed} , destroy , destroyed , humbled ,
oppress , smitten ,

crushed -2000 break , consume , {crushed} , destroy ,
discomfited , troubled , vex ,

crushed -2116 {crushed} ,

crushed -3807 beat , beaten , brake , broken , {crushed} ,
destroyed , discomfited , smite , smitten , stamped ,

crushed -3905 afflict , affliction , {crushed} , forced , hold ,
oppress , oppressed , oppresseth , oppressors , thrust ,

crushed -7533 brake , brakest , break , broken , bruised , crush
, {crushed} , discouraged , oppressed , struggled ,

rushed -6584 abroad , fell , flay , flayed , forward , invaded ,
invasion , pull , put , ran , road , {rushed} , set , spoil ,
spoileth , spread , strip , stripped , stript ,


crushed 2116 -- zuwreh -- that which is {crushed}.

crushed 3807 -- kathath -- beat (down, to pieces), break in
pieces, {crushed},destroy, discomfit, smite, stamp.


rushed ......... they rushed 3729 -hormao->



crushed 2116 ## zuwreh {zoo-reh'}; from 2115; trodden on: --
that which is {crushed}. [ql

crushed 3807 ## kathath {kaw-thath'}; a primitive root; to
bruise or violently strike: -- beat (down, to pieces), break in
pieces, {crushed}, destroy, discomfit, smite, stamp. [ql


crushed 028 033 Deu /^{crushed /alway :

crushed 022 025 Num /^{crushed /Balaam's foot
against the wall : and he smote her again .

crushed 004 019 Job /^{crushed /before the moth ?

crushed 059 005 Isa /^{crushed /breaketh out
into a viper .

crushed 005 004 Job /^{crushed /in the gate ,
neither is there any to deliver them.

crushed 051 034 Jer /^{crushed /me, he hath made
me an empty vessel , he hath swallowed me up like a dragon , he
hath filled his belly with my delicates , he hath cast me out .

crushed 022 024 Lev /^{crushed /or broken , or
cut ; neither shall ye make any offering thereof in your land .

rushed 009 044 Jug /^{rushed /forward , and
stood in the entering of the gate of the city : and the two
other companies ran upon all the people that were in the fields ,
and slew them.

rushed 020 037 Jug /^{rushed /upon Gibeah ; and
the liers in wait drew themselves along , and smote all the city
with the edge of the sword .

rushed 019 029 Act /${rushed /with one accord
into the theatre .


rushed 3 -


rushed And Abimelech, and the company that [was] with

him, {rushed} forward, and stood in the entering of the gate of

city: and the two [other] companies ran upon all [the people]

[were] in the fields, and slew them.

rushed And the liers in wait hasted, and {rushed}

Gibeah; and the liers in wait drew [themselves] along, and smote

the city with the edge of the sword.

rushed And the whole city was filled with confusion:

having caught Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, Paul's

companions in travel, they {rushed} with one accord into the

